International Association for Cryptologic Research

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21 March 2024

Rome, Italy, 25 September - 27 September 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 25 September to 27 September 2024
Submission deadline: 22 April 2024
Notification: 9 July 2024

19 March 2024

Cambridge, United Kingdom, 24 September - 27 September 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 24 September to 27 September 2024
Submission deadline: 14 April 2024
Notification: 17 June 2024
Nokia Bell Labs; Antwerp, Belgium
Job Posting Job Posting
We have several open PhD internship positions in Bell Labs (Belgium) for PhD students or Postdocs.

At Bell Labs, the research arm of Nokia, we are currently designing and building systems that offer (1) computational integrity, (2) confidentiality, and (3) low-latency operations.

Internship Details:

As an intern in our lab, you'll have the opportunity to contribute to applied research in one of these areas, including:

Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Dive into topics like SNARKs, STARKs, and MPC-in-the-Head to enhance computational integrity. Computing on Encrypted Data: Explore homomorphic encryption (FHE) and secure multiparty computation (MPC) to address confidentiality challenges.
Acceleration: Investigate optimized implementations, software architecture, novel ZKP/FHE/MPC circuits, systems and friendly primitives.

Any other relevant subjects in this area are also welcome, such as zkML, FHE+ML, verifiable FHE, applications of MPC, and beyond.

Candidate Profile:

  • You are currently doing a PhD or PostDoc
  • Some familiarity with one of the areas: FHE, MPC or ZKP
  • Both applied and theoretical researchers are welcome
What we offer:

  • Fully funded internship with benefits (based on Belgian income standards)
  • Internship any time from now until the end of 2024
  • Possibility to visit local university crypto groups (e.g. COSIC KU Leuven)
  • A wonderful desk with a view of the Zoo of Antwerp (elephants and bisons visible)
  • Having access to the best beers and chocolates in the world

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Emad Heydari Beni (

Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Job Posting Job Posting

At the Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity (SSC) at Monash, we have several openings for PhD positions. The topics of interest are post-quantum cryptography (based on lattices and/or hash), their applications, and their secure and efficient software and hardware implementations.

  • Amongst the benefits:
    • We provide highly competitive scholarships opportunities to collaborate with leading academic and industry experts in the above-mentioned areas.
    • There will be opportunities to participate in (inter)nationally funded projects.
    • We have a highly collaborative and friendly research environment.
    • You will have an opportunity to live/study in one of the most liveable and safest cities in the world.

The positions will be filled as soon as suitable candidates are found.

  • Entry requirements include:
    • Some mathematical and cryptography backgrounds.
    • Some knowledge/experience in coding (for example, Python, C/C++, and/or SageMath) is a plus.
    • Must have completed (or be about to complete within the next 6 months) a significant research component either as part of their undergraduate (honours) degree or masters degree.
    • Should have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.

How to apply. Please fill out the following form (also clickable from the advertisement title):

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Amin Sakzad (

More information:


18 March 2024

Connor Bell, Saba Eskandarian
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Private messaging platforms provide strong protection against platform eavesdropping, but malicious users can use privacy as cover for spreading abuse and misinformation. In an attempt to identify the sources of misinformation on private platforms, researchers have proposed mechanisms to trace back the source of a user-reported message (CCS '19,'21). Unfortunately, the threat model considered by initial proposals allowed a single user to compromise the privacy of another user whose legitimate content the reporting user did not like. More recent work has attempted to mitigate this side effect by requiring a threshold number of users to report a message before its origins can be identified (NDSS '22). However, the state of the art scheme requires the introduction of new probabilistic data structures and only achieves a "fuzzy" threshold guarantee. Moreover, false positives, where the source of an unreported message is identified, are possible.

This paper introduces a new threshold source tracking technique that allows a private messaging platform, with the cooperation of a third-party moderator, to operate a threshold reporting scheme with exact thresholds and no false positives. Unlike prior work, our techniques require no modification of the message delivery process for a standard source tracking scheme, affecting only the abuse reporting procedure, and do not require tuning of probabilistic data structures.
Zhengjun Cao, Zhenfu Cao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Quantum Fourier Transformation (QFT) needs to construct the rotation gates with extremely tiny angles. Since it is impossible to physically manipulate such tiny angles (corresponding to extremely weak energies), those gates should be replaced by some scaled and controllable gates. The version of QFT is called banded QFT (BQFT), and can be mathematically specified by Kronecker product and binary fraction. But the systemic errors of BQFT has never been heuristically estimated. In this paper, we generate the programming code for BQFT and argue that its systemic errors are not negligible, which means the physical implementation of QFT with a huge transform size is still a challenge. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time to obtain the result.
Stanislav Kruglik, Son Hoang Dau, Han Mao Kiah, Huaxiong Wang, Liang Feng Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A function secret sharing (FSS) (Boyle et al., Eurocrypt 2015) is a cryptographic primitive that enables additive secret sharing of functions from a given function family $\mathcal{F}$. FSS supports a wide range of cryptographic applications, including private information retrieval (PIR), anonymous messaging systems, private set intersection and more. Formally, given positive integers $r \geq 2$ and $t < r$, and a class $\mathcal{F}$ of functions $f: [n] \to \mathbb{G}$ for an Abelian group $\mathbb{G}$, an $r$-party $t$-private FSS scheme for $\mathcal{F}$ allows a dealer to split each $f \in \mathcal{F}$ into $r$ function shares $f_1, \ldots, f_r$ among $r$ servers. Shares have the property that $f = f_1 + \cdots + f_r$ and functions are indistinguishable for any coalition of up to $t$ servers. FSS for point function $f_{\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_l,\beta_1,\ldots,\beta_l}$ for different $\alpha$ and $l
Most existing FSS schemes are based on the existence of one-way functions or pseudo-random generators, and as a result, hiding of function $f$ holds only against computationally bounded adversaries. Protocols employing them as building blocks are computationally secure. Several exceptions mostly focus on DPF for four, eight or $d(t+1)$ servers for positive integer $d$, and none of them provide verifiability.

In this paper, we propose DPF for $d(t+l-1)+1$ servers, where $d$ is a positive integer, offering a better key size compared to the previously proposed DPF for $d(t+1)$ servers and DCF for $dt+1$ servers, also for positive integer $d$. We introduce their verifiable extension in which any set of servers holding $t$ keys cannot persuade us to accept the wrong value of the function. This verifiability notion differs from existing verifiable FSS schemes in the sense that we verify not only the belonging of the function to class $\mathcal{F}$ but also the correctness of computation results. Our schemes provide a secret key size $O(n^{1/d}\cdot s\log(p))$ for DPF and $O(n^{1/d}\cdot s\log(p))$ for DCF, where $p^s$ is the size of group $\mathbb{G}$.
Hans Schmiedel, Runchao Han, Qiang Tang, Ron Steinfeld, Jiangshan Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Targeted Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks have been a practical concern for permissionless blockchains. Potential solutions, such as random sampling, are adopted by blockchains. However, the associated security guarantees have only been informally discussed in prior work. This is due to the fact that existing adversary models are either not fully capturing this attack or giving up certain design choices (as in the sleepy model or asynchronous network model), or too strong to be practical (as in the mobile Byzantine adversary model).

This paper provides theoretical foundations and desired properties for consensus protocols that resist against targeted DoS attacks. In particular, we define the Mobile Crash Adaptive Byzantine (MCAB) model to capture such an attack. In addition, we identify and formalize two properties for consensus protocols under the MCAB model, and analyze their trade-offs. As case studies, we prove that Ouroboros Praos and Algorand are secure in our MCAB model, giving the first formal proofs supporting their security guarantee against targeted DoS attacks, which were previously only informally discussed. We also illustrate an application of our properties to secure a streamlined BFT protocol, chained Hotstuff, against targeted DoS attacks.
Louis Tremblay Thibault, Michael Walter
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work we demonstrate for the first time that a full FHE bootstrapping operation can be proven using a SNARK in practice. We do so by designing an arithmetic circuit for the bootstrapping operation and prove it using plonky2. We are able to prove the circuit on an AWS C6i.metal instance in about 20 minutes. Proof size is about 200kB and verification takes less than 10ms. As the basis of our bootstrapping operation we use TFHE's programmable bootstrapping and modify it in a few places to more efficiently represent it as an arithmetic circuit (while maintaining full functionality and security). In order to achieve our results in a memory-efficient way, we take advantage of the structure of the computation and plonky2's ability to efficiently prove its own verification circuit to implement a recursion-based IVC scheme.
Ward Beullens, Lucas Dodgson, Sebastian Faller, Julia Hesse
ePrint Report ePrint Report
An Oblivious Pseudo-Random Function (OPRF) is a two-party protocol for jointly evaluating a Pseudo-Random Function (PRF), where a user has an input x and a server has an input k. At the end of the protocol, the user learns the evaluation of the PRF using key k at the value x, while the server learns nothing about the user's input or output.

OPRFs are a prime tool for building secure authentication and key exchange from passwords, private set intersection, private information retrieval, and many other privacy-preserving systems. While classical OPRFs run as fast as a TLS Handshake, current *quantum-safe* OPRF candidates are still practically inefficient.

In this paper, we propose a framework for constructing OPRFs from post-quantum multi-party computation. The framework captures a family of so-called "2Hash PRFs", which sandwich a function evaluation in between two hashes. The core of our framework is a compiler that yields an OPRF from a secure evaluation of any function that is key-collision resistant and one-more unpredictable. We instantiate this compiler by providing such functions built from Legendre symbols, and from AES encryption. We then give a case-tailored protocol for securely evaluating our Legendre-based function, built from oblivious transfer (OT) and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP). Instantiated with lattice-based OT and ZKPs, we obtain a quantum-safe OPRF that completes in 0.57 seconds, with less than 1MB of communication.
Nabil Alkeilani Alkadri, Nico Döttling, Sihang Pu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
$n$-out-of-$n$ distributed signatures are a special type of threshold $t$-out-of-$n$ signatures. They are created by a group of $n$ signers, each holding a share of the secret key, in a collaborative way. This kind of signatures has been studied intensively in recent years, motivated by different applications such as reducing the risk of compromising secret keys in cryptocurrencies. Towards maintaining security in the presence of quantum adversaries, Damgård et al. (J Cryptol 35(2), 2022) proposed lattice-based constructions of $n$-out-of-$n$ distributed signatures and multi-signatures following the Fiat-Shamir with aborts paradigm (ASIACRYPT 2009). Due to the inherent issue of aborts, the protocols either require to increase their parameters by a factor of $n$, or they suffer from a large number of restarts that grows with $n$. This has a significant impact on their efficiency, even if $n$ is small. Moreover, the protocols use trapdoor homomorphic commitments as a further cryptographic building block, making their deployment in practice not as easy as standard lattice-based Fiat-Shamir signatures. In this work, we present a new construction of $n$-out-of-$n$ distributed signatures. It is designed specifically for applications with small number of signers. Our construction follows the Fiat-Shamir with aborts paradigm, but solves the problem of large number of restarts without increasing the parameters by a factor of $n$ and utilizing any further cryptographic primitive. To demonstrate the practicality of our protocol, we provide a software implementation and concrete parameters aiming at 128 bits of security. Furthermore, we select concrete parameters for the construction by Damgård et al. and for the most recent lattice-based multi-signature scheme by Chen (CRYPTO 2023), and show that our approach provides a significant improvement in terms of all efficiency metrics. Our results also show that the multi-signature schemes by Damgård et al. and Chen as well as a multi-signature variant of our protocol produce signatures that are not smaller than a naive multi-signature derived from the concatenation of multiple standard signatures.
Manjeet Kaur, Tarun Yadav, Manoj Kumar, Dhananjoy Dey
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this study, we investigate the newly developed low energy lightweight block cipher (LELBC), specifically designed for resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices in smart agriculture. The designers conducted a preliminary differential cryptanalysis of LELBC through mixed-integer linear programming (MILP). This paper further delves into LELBC’s differential characteristics in both single and related-key frameworks using MILP, identifying a nine-round differential characteristic with a probability of $2^{-60}$ in a single-key framework and a 12-round differential characteristic with a probability of $2^{-60}$ in a related-key framework.

17 March 2024

CEA-LIST France & University of Paris-Saclay, France
Job Posting Job Posting
The Fully Homomorphic Encryption research group at CEA-LIST, a French public government funded research organisation, is one of the largest research groups that dedicatedly works on homomorphic encryption. Potential use cases include Privacy preserving Machine learning and Deep learning, to name a few. However, different schemes are suited for different use-cases, and thus there is a greater need of efficient switching between schemes.

Thus we are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate with a string background in applied cryptography including FHE/MPC.

The candidate must meet the following requirements

  • Education: Hold an M.Sc. degree (or equivalent) with excellent grades in Information security or Computer science.
  • Experience and Knowledge: Strong background in (applied) cryptography with a particular focus on cryptographic protocols/FHE/MPC. Good software development/programming skills.
  • Personality and Working Practice: Self-motivated and enthusiastic, independent, reliable, creative, and able to work in an international team with diverse background.
  • Language Fluent English, knowledge of French not required The successful candidate will:
  • become a part of the team of 10 full time researchers (one of largest teams in the world dedicated to FHE) and advance research on FHE.
  • develop new protocols and techniques in FHE,
  • publish and present your results in top-tier journals and conferences.

    The position is based at the CEA-LIST Nano-Innov campus in Palaiseau, France (30 mins from central Paris), fully funded for three years, no teaching duties, annual leaves, and the usual benefits.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Olive Chakraborty ( )

    Contact us with your CV and Cover letter for more details on the subject.

  • Expand

    15 March 2024

    Jamshedpur, India, 20 November - 21 November 2024
    Event Calendar Event Calendar
    Event date: 20 November to 21 November 2024
    Submission deadline: 20 June 2024
    Notification: 10 September 2024
    Denarau Island, Viti, 2 December - 7 December 2024
    Event Calendar Event Calendar
    Event date: 2 December to 7 December 2024
    Jens Ernstberger, Jan Lauinger, Yinnan Wu, Arthur Gervais, Sebastian Steinhorst
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Transport Layer Security ( TLS ) is foundational for safeguarding client-server communication. However, it does not extend integrity guarantees to third-party verification of data authenticity. If a client wants to present data obtained from a server, it cannot convince any other party that the data has not been tampered with.

    TLS oracles ensure data authenticity beyond the client-server TLS connection, such that clients can obtain data from a server and ensure provenance to any third party, without server-side modifications. Generally, a TLS oracle involves a third party, the verifier, in a TLS session to verify that the data obtained by the client is accurate. Existing protocols for TLS oracles are communication-heavy, as they rely on interactive protocols. We present ORIGO, a TLS oracle with constant communication. Similar to prior work, ORIGO introduces a third party in a TLS session, and provides a protocol to ensure the authenticity of data transmitted in a TLS session, without forfeiting its confidentiality. Compared to prior work, we rely on intricate details specific to TLS 1.3, which allow us to prove correct key derivation, authentication and encryption within a Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP). This, combined with optimizations for TLS 1.3, leads to an efficient protocol with constant communication in the online phase. Our work reduces online communication by $375 \times$ and online runtime by up to $4.6 \times$, compared to prior work.
    Ahmed Bendary, Wendson A. S. Barbosa, Andrew Pomerance, C. Emre Koksal
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    With the ongoing advances in machine learning (ML), cybersecurity solutions and security primitives are becoming increasingly vulnerable to successful attacks. Strong physically unclonable functions (PUFs) are a potential solution for providing high resistance to such attacks. In this paper, we propose a generalized attack model that leverages multiple chips jointly to minimize the cloning error. Our analysis shows that the entropy rate over different chips is a relevant measure to the new attack model as well as the multi-bit strong PUF classes. We explain the sources of randomness that affect unpredictability and its possible measures using models of state-of-the-art strong PUFs. Moreover, we utilize min-max entropy estimators to measure the unpredictability of multi-bit strong PUF classes for the first time in the PUF community. Finally, we provide experimental results for a multi-bit strong PUF class, the hybrid Boolean network PUF, showing its high unpredictability and resistance to ML attacks.
    Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, Sayantan Mukherjee, Mahdi Sedaghat, Daniel Slamanig, Jenit Tomy
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Structure-preserving signatures (SPS) have emerged as an important cryptographic building block, as their compatibility with the Groth-Sahai (GS) NIZK framework allows to construct protocols under standard assumptions with reasonable efficiency. Over the last years there has been a significant interest in the design of threshold signature schemes. However, only very recently Crites et al. (ASIACRYPT 2023) have introduced threshold SPS (TSPS) along with a fully non-interactive construction. While this is an important step, their work comes with several limitations. With respect to the construction, they require the use of random oracles, interactive complexity assumptions and are restricted to so called indexed Diffie-Hellman message spaces. Latter limits the use of their construction as a drop-in replacement for SPS. When it comes to security, they only support static corruptions and do not allow partial signature queries for the forgery. In this paper, we ask whether it is possible to construct TSPS without such restrictions. We start from an SPS from Kiltz, Pan and Wee (CRYPTO 2015) which has an interesting structure, but thresholdizing it requires some modifications. Interestingly, we can prove it secure in the strongest model (TS-UF-1) for fully non-interactive threshold signatures (Bellare et al., CRYPTO 2022) and even under fully adaptive corruptions. Surprisingly, we can show the latter under a standard assumption without requiring any idealized model. All known constructions of efficient threshold signatures in the discrete logarithm setting require interactive assumptions and idealized models. Concretely, our scheme in type III bilinear groups under the SXDH assumption has signatures consisting of 7 group elements. Compared to the TSPS from Crites et al. (2 group elements), this comes at the cost of efficiency. However, our scheme is secure under standard assumptions, achieves strong and adaptive security guarantees and supports general message spaces, i.e., represents a drop-in replacement for many SPS applications. Given these features, the increase in the size of the signature seems acceptable even for practical applications.
    Mario Yaksetig
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    We introduce a private cryptocurrency design based on the original e-cash protocol. Our proposal allows for private payments on existing blockchain systems. In our design, the issuance of the private cash is transparent and is associated with a blockchain transfer to provide stronger security.
    Niklas Nolte, Mohamed Malhou, Emily Wenger, Samuel Stevens, Cathy Yuanchen Li, Francois Charton, Kristin Lauter
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Sparse binary LWE secrets are under consideration for standardization for Homomorphic Encryption and its applications to private computation. Known attacks on sparse binary LWE secrets include the sparse dual attack and the hybrid sparse dual-meet in the middle attack, which requires significant memory. In this paper, we provide a new statistical attack with low memory requirement. The attack relies on some initial parallelized lattice reduction. The key observation is that, after lattice reduction is applied to the rows of a q-ary-like embedded random matrix A, the entries with high variance are concentrated in the early columns of the extracted matrix. This allows us to separate out the “hard part” of the LWE secret. We can first solve the sub-problem of finding the “cruel” bits of the secret in the early columns, and then find the remaining “cool” bits in linear time. We use statistical techniques to distinguish distributions to identify both the cruel and the cool bits of the secret. We provide concrete attack timings for recovering secrets in dimensions n = 256, 512, and 768. For the lattice reduction stage, we leverage recent improvements in lattice reduction (flatter) applied in parallel. We also apply our new attack in the RLWE setting for 2-power cyclotomic rings, showing that these RLWE instances are much more vulnerable to this attack than LWE.
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