International Association for Cryptologic Research

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22 May 2024

Kohei Nakagawa, Hiroshi Onuki
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Isogeny-based cryptography is cryptographic schemes whose security is based on the hardness of a mathematical problem called the isogeny problem, and is attracting attention as one of the candidates for post-quantum cryptography. A representative isogeny-based cryptography is the signature scheme called SQIsign, which was submitted to the NIST PQC standardization competition. SQIsign has attracted much attention because of its very short signature and key size among the candidates for the NIST PQC standardization. Recently, a lot of new schemes have been proposed that use high-dimensional isogenies. Among them, the signature scheme called SQIsignHD has an even shorter signature size than SQIsign. However, it requires 4-dimensional isogeny computations for the signature verification.

In this paper, we propose a new signature scheme, SQIsign2D-East, which requires only two-dimensional isogeny computations for verification, thus reducing the computational cost of verification. First, we generalized an algorithm called RandIsogImg, which computes a random isogeny of non-smooth degree. Then, by using this generalized RandIsogImg, we construct a new signature scheme SQIsign2D-East.
Andreea B. Alexandru, Julian Loss, Charalampos Papamanthou, Giorgos Tsimos, Benedikt Wagner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Byzantine broadcast is one of the fundamental problems in distributed computing. Many of its practical applications, from multiparty computation to consensus mechanisms for blockchains, require increasingly weaker trust assumptions, as well as scalability for an ever-growing number of users $n$. This rules out existing solutions which run in a linear number of rounds in $n$ or rely on trusted setup requirements. In this paper, we propose the first sublinear-round and trustless Byzantine broadcast protocol for the dishonest majority setting. Unlike previous sublinear-round protocols, our protocol assumes neither the existence of a trusted dealer who honestly issues keys and correlated random strings to the parties nor random oracles. Instead, we present a solution whose setup is limited to an unstructured uniform reference string and a plain public key infrastructure (a.k.a. bulletin-board PKI). Our broadcast protocol builds on top of a moderated gradecast protocol which parties can use to reach weak agreement on shared random strings. Using these strings, we can then run in an unbiased fashion a committee-based Byzantine protocol, similar to that of Chan et al. (PKC 2020), which terminates in a sublinear number of rounds. To this end, we propose a novel construction for committee election, which does not rely either on random oracles or on a trusted setup, and uses NIZKs and time-lock puzzles. Our protocol is resilient against an adaptive adversary who corrupts any constant fraction of parties.
Damiano Abram, Lawrence Roy, Mark Simkin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The assumption that certain computations inherently require some sequential time has established itself as a powerful tool for cryptography. It allows for security and liveness guarantees in distributed protocols that are impossible to achieve with classical hardness assumptions. Unfortunately, many constructions from the realm of time-based cryptography are based on new and poorly understood hardness assumptions, which tend not to stand the test of time (cf. Leurent et al. 2023, Peikert & Tang 2023). In this work, we make progress on several fronts. We formally define the concept of a delay function and present a construction thereof from minimal assumptions. We show that these functions, in combination with classical cryptographic objects that satisfy certain efficiency criteria, would allow for constructing delay encryption, which is otherwise only known to exist based on a new hardness assumption about isogenies. We formally define randomness beacons as they are used in the context of blockchains, and we show that (linearly homomorphic) time-lock puzzles allow for efficiently constructing them. Finally, we resolve an open question of Malavolta and Thyagarajan by constructing fully homomorphic time- lock puzzles from linearly homomorphic time-lock puzzles and multi-key fully homomorphic encryption, whereas their previous construction required indistinguishability obfuscation. Our work puts time-based cryptography on a firmer theoretical footing, provides new constructions from simpler assumptions, and opens new avenues for constructing delay encryption.
Denis Firsov, Benjamin Livshits
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Verifying the verifier in the context of zero-knowledge proof is an essential part of ensuring the long-term integrity of the zero-knowledge ecosystem. This is vital for both zero-knowledge rollups and also other industrial applications of ZK. In addition to further minimizing the required trust and reducing the trusted computing base (TCB), having a verified verifier opens the door to decentralized proof generation by potentially untrusted parties. We outline a research program and justify the need for more work at the intersection of ZK and formal verification research.

21 May 2024

Announcement Announcement
We are proud to announce the winners of the 2024 IACR Test-of-Time Award for Eurocrypt. The IACR Test-of-Time Award honors papers published at the 3 IACR flagship conferences 15 years ago which have had a lasting impact on the field. We are announcing the winners for each conference separately.

The Test-of-Time award for Eurocrypt 2009 is awarded to the following paper:

A Unified Framework for the Analysis of Side-Channel Key Recovery Attacks, by François-Xavier Standaert, Tal G. Malkin and Moti Yung.
For introducing a structured approach for evaluation of side-channel attacks and countermeasures and for inspiring further connections between the theory of leakage-resilient cryptography and the practice of defending implementations against side-channels attacks.

For more information, see

Congratulations to the winners!
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Job Posting Job Posting
Are you committed to research-based education? Do you want to teach the next generation of security and network engineers, and perform cutting-edge research in IT security and/or computer networks? The Multiscale Networked Systems (MNS) and Complex Cyber Infrastructure (CCI) research groups of the University of Amsterdam are looking for an Assistant Professor in distributed systems and software engineering, with a strong profile in research and teaching, and a strong commitment to academic education. See link for full description

Closing date for applications:

Contact: dr. Zhiming Zhao

More information:

University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Job Posting Job Posting

The School of Computer Science is looking to strengthen the existing Security and Privacy Research group. The available positions are linked to the chair in Applied Cryptography (held by Elisabeth Oswald): were are thus looking for applicants with a specific interest in applied cryptography in the context of hardware and embedded systems security (e.g. pre-silicon leakage and fault analysis, secure embedded software development, statistical side channel and fault evaluation techniques, machine and deep learning for side channels).

Further information about the duties that come with the role, as well as salary information, and information about the School, are available via the link provided. For further questions please contact Prof. Elisabeth Oswald in the first instance. The closing date for applications is June 16th 2024.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Elisabeth Oswald

More information:

Job Posting Job Posting
The Key Management team at Copper is tasked with developing the core components of Copper’s custodial solution. This entails the constructions of tools and services essential for secure storage and transfer of digital assets. A focal point of the team’s responsibilities includes developing and integrating MPC-based cryptographic signature algorithms.

Key Responsibilities of the role

  • You will conduct cryptography literature review, select relevant papers, and produce a specification and pseudocode from the paper(s). If situation demands it, you will produce original peer-reviewed research in close collaboration with academia.
  • You will implement cryptography specifications into secure, production-level code.
  • You will integrate cryptography primitives into Copper’s internal MPC framework.
  • You will participate in the design and implementation of Copper’s next generation MPC framework.
  • You will interact with auditors and academia, as well as cryptographers on the client side.
  • You will provide cryptography support for other Copper development teams.

    Your experience, skills and knowledge

    This role is right for you if:

  • You have a strong foundation in modern/provable cryptography.
  • You consider yourself an applied cryptographer who doesn’t shy away from implementing your constructions.
  • You are interested in a unique intersection between academia and industry wherein you will be working with both theory and real-world implementations.


  • Research experience in modern cryptography -preferably in MPC, Threshold Cryptography, [Zero-Knowledge] proof systems etc- and its tools e.g. Proving your constructions secure in UC paradigm.
  • Engineering experience in implementation of modern cryptography primitives.
  • Fluency in a systems language like C, C++, Rust, or Go.
  • Familiarity with algorithms and aptitude in cryptographic system design.


  • PhD in Cryptography with research track record.
  • Familiarity/Experience with distributed systems.
  • Prior knowledge/experience with MPC or crypto custody.

    Closing date for applications:


    Clara Luna

    More information:

  • Expand

    20 May 2024

    Youngjin Bae, Jung Hee Cheon, Jaehyung Kim, Damien Stehlé
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    The Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) fully homomorphic encryption scheme is designed to efficiently perform computations on real numbers in an encrypted state. Recently, Drucker et al. [J. Cryptol.] proposed an efficient strategy to use CKKS in a black-box manner to perform computations on binary data.

    In this work, we introduce several CKKS bootstrapping algorithms designed specifically for ciphertexts encoding binary data. Crucially, the new CKKS bootstrapping algorithms enable to bootstrap ciphertexts containing the binary data in the most significant bits. First, this allows to decrease the moduli used in bootstrapping, saving a larger share of the modulus budget for non-bootstrapping operations.

    In particular, we obtain full-slot bootstrapping in ring degree $2^{14}$ for the first time. Second, the ciphertext format is compatible with the one used in the DM/CGGI fully homomorphic encryption schemes. Interestingly, we may combine our CKKS bootstrapping algorithms for bits with the fast ring packing technique from Bae et al. [CRYPTO'23]. This leads to a new bootstrapping algorithm for DM/CGGI that outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches when the number of bootstraps to be performed simultaneously is in the low hundreds.
    Ziyi Guan, Artur Riazanov, Weiqiang Yuan
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    A verifiable delay function (VDF) is a cryptographic primitive that takes a long time to compute, but produces a unique output that is efficiently and publicly verifiable.

    Mahmoody, Smith and Wu (ICALP 2020) prove that VDFs satisfying both perfect completeness and adaptive perfect uniqueness do not exist in the random oracle model. Moreover, Ephraim, Freitag, Komargodski, and Pass (EUROCRYPT 2020) construct a VDF with perfect completeness and computational uniqueness, a much weaker guarantee compare to perfect uniqueness, in the random oracle model under the repeated squaring assumption.

    In this work, we close the gap between existing constructions and known lower bounds by showing that VDFs with imperfect completeness and non-adaptive computational uniqueness cannot be constructed in the pure random oracle model (without additional computational assumptions).
    Ashrujit Ghoshal, Baitian Li, Yaohua Ma, Chenxin Dai, Elaine Shi
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    We propose a new unified framework to construct multi-server, information-theoretic Private Information Retrieval (PIR) schemes that leverage global preprocesing to achieve sublinear computation per query. Despite a couple earlier attempts, our understanding of PIR schemes in the global preprocessing model remains limited, and so far, we only know a few sparse points in the broad design space. With our new unified framework, we can generalize the results of Beimel, Ishai, and Malkin to broader parameter regimes, thus enabling a tradeoff between bandwidth and computation. Specifically, for any constant $S > 1$, we can get an $S$-server scheme whose bandwidth consumption is as small as $n^{1/(S+1) + \epsilon}$ while achieving computation in the $n^\delta$ regime for some constant $\delta \in (0, 1)$. Moreover, we can get a scheme with polylogarithmic bandwidth and computation, requiring only polylogarithmic number of servers.
    Ky Nguyen, David Pointcheval, Robert Schädlich
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Decentralized Multi-Client Functional Encryption (DMCFE) extends the basic functional encryption to multiple clients that do not trust each other. They can independently encrypt the multiple plaintext-inputs to be given for evaluation to the function embedded in the functional decryption key, defined by multiple parameter-inputs. And they keep control on these functions as they all have to contribute to the generation of the functional decryption keys. Tags can be used in the ciphertexts and the keys to specify which inputs can be combined together. As any encryption scheme, DMCFE provides privacy of the plaintexts. But the functions associated to the functional decryption keys might be sensitive too (e.g. a model in machine learning). The function-hiding property has thus been introduced to additionally protect the function evaluated during the decryption process.

    In this paper, we provide new proof techniques to analyze a new concrete construction of function-hiding DMCFE for inner products, with strong security guarantees in the random oracle model: the adversary can adaptively query multiple challenge ciphertexts and multiple challenge keys, with unbounded repetitions of the same message tags in the ciphertext-queries and a fixed polynomially-large number of repetitions of the same key tags in the key-queries, allowing static corruption of the secret encryption keys. Previous constructions were proven secure in the selective setting only.
    Yu Morishima, Masahiro Kaminaga
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Provable security based on a robust mathematical framework is the gold standard for security evaluation in cryptography. Several provable secure cryptosystems have been studied for public key cryptography. However, provably secure symmetric-key cryptography has received little attention. Although there are known provably secure symmetric-key cryptosystems based on the hardness of factorization and discrete logarithm problems, they are not only slower than conventional block ciphers but can also be broken by quantum computers. Our study aims to tackle this latter problem by proposing a new provably secure Feistel cipher using collision resistant hash functions based on a Short Integer Solution problem (SIS). Even if cipher primitives are resistant to quantum algorithms, it is crucial to determine whether the cipher is resilient to differential cryptanalysis, a fundamental and powerful attack against symmetric-key cryptosystems. In this paper, we demonstrate that the proposed cipher family is secure against differential cryptanalysis by deriving an upper bound on the maximum differential probability. In addition, we demonstrate the potential success of differential cryptanalysis for short block sizes and statistically evaluate the average resistance of cipher instances based on differential characteristic probabilities. This method approximates the S-box output using a folded two-dimensional normal distribution and employs a generalized extreme value distribution. This evaluation method is first introduced in this paper and serves as the basis for studying the differential characteristics of lattice matrices and the number of secure rounds. This study is foundational research on differential cryptanalysis against block ciphers using a lattice matrix based on SIS.
    Sora Suegami
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Witness encryption (WE) allows a ciphertext to be encrypted under an NP problem such that anyone holding a valid witness for that problem can decrypt it (flexible decryptors), without interaction with others (non-interaction). However, existing schemes are either impractical or achieve only a part of these WE features. We propose a novel WE scheme that 1) is based on bilinear maps such as pairings, 2) achieves the property of flexible decryptors, and 3) still requires the decryptor's communication with a trusted signer, who only performs a fixed amount of computation and communication at regular intervals, regardless of the number of ciphertexts. It provides extractable security and can be extended to a threshold multiple signers setting, avoiding reliance on a single signer. As a significant application of our WE scheme, we build a novel one-time program (OTP) scheme in which the signers' computational and communication costs remain constant, independent of the number of OTPs to be evaluated simultaneously. This feature ensures scalable OTP evaluations without risking decreased signer participation or compromised decentralization due to increased operational costs for the signers.
    Yibo Cao, Shiyuan Xu, Xiu-Bo Chen, Gang Xu, Siu-Ming Yiu
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    The extensive use of cloud storage has created an urgent need to search and share data. Public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS) allows for the retrieval from encrypted data, while resisting the insider keyword guessing attacks (IKGAs). Most PAEKS schemes only work with single-receiver model, exhibiting very limited applicability. To address this concern, there have been researches on broadcast authenticated encryption with keyword search (BAEKS) to achieve multi-receiver ciphertext search. But to our best knowledge, existing BAEKS schemes are susceptible to quantum computing attacks. In this paper, we propose lattice-based BAEKS, the first post-quantum broadcast authenticated encryption with keyword search, providing robust quantum-safety in multi-receiver model. Specifically, we leverage several lattice sampling algorithms and rejection sampling technique to construct our BAEKS scheme. Furthermore, we incorporate minimal cover set technique and lattice basis extension algorithm to construct an enhanced version, namely FS-BAEKS. Moreover, we give a rigorous security analysis of our scheme. Ultimately, the best computational overhead of BAEKS and Test algorithms in our BAEKS scheme delivers up to approximately 12-x and 402-x faster over prior arts when the number of receivers is six, respectively, which is practical for cloud storage systems.
    Andrea Basso, Luca De Feo, Pierrick Dartois, Antonin Leroux, Luciano Maino, Giacomo Pope, Damien Robert, Benjamin Wesolowski
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    We introduce SQIsign2D-West, a variant of SQIsign using two-dimensional isogeny representations. SQIsignHD was the first variant of SQIsign to use higher dimensional isogeny representations. Its eight-dimensional variant is geared towards provable security but is deemed unpractical. Its four-dimensional variant is geared towards efficiency and has significantly faster signing times than SQIsign, but slower verification owing to the complexity of the four-dimensional representation. Its authors commented on the apparent difficulty of getting any improvement over SQIsign by using two-dimensional representations. In this work, we introduce new algorithmic tools that make two-dimensional representations a viable alternative. These lead to a signature scheme with sizes comparable to SQIsignHD, slightly slower signing than SQIsignHD but still much faster than SQIsign, and the fastest verification of any known variant of SQIsign. We achieve this without compromising on the security proof: the assumptions behind SQIsign2D-West are similar to those of the eight-dimensional variant of SQIsignHD. Additionally, like SQIsignHD, SQIsign2D-West favourably scales to high levels of security Concretely, for NIST level I we achieve signing times of 80 ms and verifying times of 4.5 ms, using optimised arithmetic based on intrinsics available to the Ice Lake architecture. For NIST level V, we achieve 470 ms for signing and 31 ms for verifying.
    Aloni Cohen, Alexander Hoover, Gabe Schoenbach
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    A zero-bit watermarked language model produces text that is indistinguishable from that of the underlying model, but which can be detected as machine-generated using a secret key. Unfortunately, merely detecting AI-generated spam, say, as watermarked may not prevent future abuses. If we could additionally trace the text to a spammer's API token or account, we could then cut off their access or pursue legal action.

    We introduce multi-user watermarks, which allow tracing model-generated text to individual users or to groups of colluding users. We construct multi-user watermarking schemes from undetectable zero-bit watermarking schemes. Importantly, our schemes provide both zero-bit and multi-user assurances at the same time: detecting shorter snippets just as well as the original scheme, and tracing longer excerpts to individuals. Along the way, we give a generic construction of a watermarking scheme that embeds long messages into generated text.

    Ours are the first black-box reductions between watermarking schemes for language models. A major challenge for black-box reductions is the lack of a unified abstraction for robustness — that marked text is detectable even after edits. Existing works give incomparable robustness guarantees, based on bespoke requirements on the language model's outputs and the users' edits. We introduce a new abstraction to overcome this challenge, called AEB-robustness. AEB-robustness provides that the watermark is detectable whenever the edited text "approximates enough blocks" of model-generated output. Specifying the robustness condition amounts to defining approximates, enough, and blocks. Using our new abstraction, we relate the robustness properties of our message-embedding and multi-user schemes to that of the underlying zero-bit scheme, in a black-box way. Whereas prior works only guarantee robustness for a single text generated in response to a single prompt, our schemes are robust against adaptive prompting, a stronger and more natural adversarial model.
    John Baena, Daniel Cabarcas, Sharwan K. Tiwari, Javier Verbel, Luis Villota
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Multivariate public key cryptography (MPKC) is one of the most promising alternatives to build quantum-resistant signature schemes, as evidenced in NIST's call for additional post-quantum signature schemes. The main assumption in MPKC is the hardness of the Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) problem, which seeks for a common root to a system of quadratic polynomials over a finite field. Although the Crossbred algorithm is among the most efficient algorithm to solve MQ over small fields, its complexity analysis stands on shaky ground. In particular, it is not clear for what parameters it works and under what assumptions. In this work, we provide a rigorous analysis of the Crossbred algorithm over any finite field. We provide a complete explanation of the series of admissible parameters proposed in previous literature and explicitly state the regularity assumptions required for its validity. Moreover, we show that the series does not tell the whole story, hence we propose an additional condition for Crossbred to work. Additionally, we define and characterize a notion of regularity for systems over a small field, which is one of the main building blocks in the series of admissible parameters.
    Sonia Belaid, Jakob Feldtkeller, Tim Güneysu, Anna Guinet, Jan Richter-Brockmann, Matthieu Rivain, Pascal Sasdrich, Abdul Rahman Taleb
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    In our highly digitalized world, an adversary is not constrained to purely digital attacks but can monitor or influence the physical execution environment of a target computing device. Such side-channel or fault-injection analysis poses a significant threat to otherwise secure cryptographic implementations. Hence, it is important to consider additional adversarial capabilities when analyzing the security of cryptographic implementations besides the default black-box model. For side-channel analysis, this is done by providing the adversary with knowledge of some internal values, while for fault-injection analysis the capabilities of the adversaries include manipulation of some internal values.

    In this work, we extend probabilistic security models for physical attacks, by introducing a general random probing model and a general random fault model to capture arbitrary leakage and fault distributions, as well as the combination of these models. Our aim is to enable a more accurate modeling of low-level physical effects. We then analyze important properties, such as the impact of adversarial knowledge on faults and compositions, and provide tool-based formal verification methods that allow the security assessment of design components. These methods are introduced as extension of previous tools VERICA and IronMask which are implemented, evaluated and compared.
    Dennis Dayanikli, Anja Lehmann
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Asymmetric Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (aPAKE) protocols, particularly Strong aPAKE (saPAKE) have enjoyed significant attention, both from academia and industry, with the well-known OPAQUE protocol currently undergoing standardization. In (s)aPAKE, a client and a server collaboratively establish a high-entropy key, relying on a previously exchanged password for authentication. A main feature is its resilience against offline and precomputation (for saPAKE) attacks. OPAQUE, as well as most other aPAKE protocols, have been designed and analyzed in a single-user setting, i.e., modelling that only a single user interacts with the server. By the composition framework of UC, security for the actual multi-user setting is then conjectured. As any real-world (s)aPAKE instantiation will need to cater multiple users, this introduces a dangerous gap in which developers are tasked to extend the single-user protocol securely and in a UC-compliant manner. In this work, we extend the (s)aPAKE definition to directly model the multi-user setting, and explicitly capture the impact that a server compromise has across user accounts. We show that the currently standardized multi-user version of OPAQUE might not provide the expected security, as it is insecure against offline attacks as soon as the file for one user in the system is compromised. This is due to using shared state among different users, which violates the UC composition framework. However, we show that another change introduced in the standardization draft which also involves a shared state does not compromise security. When extending the aPAKE security in the multi-client setting, we notice that the widely used security definition captures significantly weaker security guarantees than what is offered by many protocols. Essentially, the aPAKE definition assumes that the server stores unsalted password-hashes, whereas several protocols explicitly use a salt to protect against precomputation attacks. We therefore propose a definitional framework that captures different salting approaches -- thus showing that the security gap between aPAKE and saPAKE can be smaller than expected.
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