Here you can see all recent updates to the IACR webpage. These updates are also available:
27 September 2024
Copenhagen, Denmark, 26 December - 27 December 2024
Event CalendarSubmission deadline: 27 September 2024
Notification: 27 October 2024
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Job PostingClosing date for applications:
Contact: MAS_Search@ntu.edu.sg
University of South Florida
Job Posting- Cryptology
- Coding Theory
- Quantum Computing
- Postdoctoral: a PhD in mathematics, computer science, or a related field.
- Graduate students: a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, or evidence of completion of coursework in algebra, analysis and topology.
Our program is supported by an NSF Research Training Group (RTG) grant. More information about our RTG program is available at:
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. We encourage all potential applicants to visit our applications page which includes a simplified procedure through an interest form:
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Jean-François Biasse (biasse@usf.edu)
More information: https://www.usf-crypto.org/rtg-application/
Eindhoven University of Technology
Job PostingThe project focuses on the use of PUFs as a physical authentication credential, and in particular Quantum Readout of PUFs, which enables remote authentication of physical credentials without the need to trust remote devices.
One of the goals is to achieve Quantum Readout through a long optical fiber, with random challenges in the time-frequency domain (instead of the easier to achieve transverse modes domain).
You will be involved in the system modeling, the design of protocols, and the security analysis.
A broader topic of interest is the use of PUFs in (quantum) security schemes in general.
We are looking for a researcher with strong analytical skills, with a master's degree in theoretical physics, cryptography, or a related field.
The research is done at the Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information (EIPSI), in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science. There is a strong collaboration with the TU/e's fiber optics experts at the department of Electrical Engineering, and with physicists at Twente University.
This position is part of the Dutch Zwaartekracht program "Challenges in Cyber Security", which aims to address fundamental open problems in digital security.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Boris Skoric
24 September 2024
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
ePrint ReportDakshita Khurana, Kabir Tomer
ePrint ReportNishanth Chandran, Juan Garay, Ankit Kumar Misra, Rafail Ostrovsky, Vassilis Zikas
ePrint Report– First, we prove a strong impossibility result for a broad class of RMT protocols, termed here store-and-forward protocols, which includes all known communication protocols for CL MPC from standard cryptographic assumptions. Concretely, we show that no such protocol with a certain expansion rate can tolerate a constant fraction of parties being corrupted.
– Next, under the assumption of only a PKI, we show that assuming secure erasures, we can obtain an RMT protocol between all pairs of parties with polylogarithmic locality (even without assuming multisend) for the honest majority setting. We complement this result by showing a negative result for the setting of dishonest majority.
– Finally, and somewhat surprisingly, under stronger assumptions (i.e., trapdoor permutations with a reverse domain sampler, and compact and malicious circuit-private FHE), we construct a polylogarithmic-locality all-to-one RMT protocol, which is adaptively secure and tolerates any constant fraction of corruptions, without assuming either secure erasures or multisend. This last result uses a novel combination of adaptively secure (e.g., non-committing) encryption and (static) FHE to bypass the impossibility of compact adaptively secure FHE by Katz et al. [PKC’13], which we believe may be of independent interest. Intriguingly, even such assumptions do not allow reducing all-to-all RMT to all-to-one RMT (a reduction which is trivial in the non-CL setting). Still, we can implement what we call sublinear output-set RMT (SOS-RMT for short). We show how SOS-RMT can be used for SOS-MPC under the known bounds for feasibility of MPC in the standard (i.e., non-CL) setting assuming, in addition to SOS-RMT, an anonymous PKI.
Gennaro Avitabile, Vincenzo Botta, Daniele Friolo, Daniele Venturi, Ivan Visconti
ePrint ReportIn this paper we propose a technique to compose a large class of $\Sigma$-protocols for atomic statements into $\Sigma$-protocols for PPK over formulae in conjunctive normal form (CNF) that overlap, in the sense that there is a common subset of literals among all clauses of the formula. In such formulae, the statement is expressed as a conjunction of $m$ clauses, each of which consists of a disjunction of $k$ literals (i.e., each literal is an atomic statement) and $k$ literals are shared among clauses. The prover, for a threshold parameter $\tau \le k$, proves knowledge of at least $\tau$ witnesses for $\tau$ distinct literals in each clause. At the core of our protocol, there is a new technique to compose $\Sigma$-protocols for regular CNF relations (i.e., when $ \tau=1$) that exploits the overlap among clauses and that we then generalize to formulae where $\tau>1$ providing improvements over state-of-the-art constructions.
Stefan-Lukas Gazdag, Sophia Grundner-Culemann
ePrint ReportOnce upon a time, science discovered a great threat to Cryptography World: The scalable quantum computer! Nobody had ever seen one, but everyone understood it would break the mechanisms used to secure Internet communication since times of yore (or the late 20th century, anyway). The greatest minds from all corners of the land were gathered to invent, implement, and test newer, stronger tools. They worked day and night, but alas, when smaller quantum computers already started to emerge, no end to their research was in sight. How could that be?
This paper provides a collection of carefully wrought, more or less cre- ative and more or less consistent metaphors to explain to audiences at all expertise levels the manifold challenges researchers and practitioners face in the ongoing quest for post-quantum migration.
Brent Waters, Daniel Wichs
ePrint ReportMahdi Rahimi
ePrint ReportClaude Carlet, Irene Villa
ePrint ReportDebrup Chakraborty, Avishek Majumder, Subhabrata Samajder
ePrint ReportKatharina Boudgoust, Mark Simkin
ePrint ReportOur main technical tool, which we believe to be of independent interest, is a new cryptographic primitive called non-adaptively programmable functions (NAPs). Those functions can be seen as pseudorandom functions which allow for re-programming the output at an input point, which must be fixed during key generation. Even when given the re-programmed key, it remains infeasible to find out where re-programming happened. Finally, as an additional technical tool, we also build explainable samplers for any distribution that can be sampled efficiently via rejection sampling and use them to construct NAPs for various output distributions.
Goichiro Hanaoka, Shuichi Katsumata, Kei Kimura, Kaoru Takemure, Shota Yamada
ePrint ReportIn this paper, we revisit this two decade old problem and analyze proofs based on the partitioning technique through a new lens. For instance, the Waters IBE can now be proven secure with $(\epsilon_{\sf proof}, {\sf T}_{\sf proof}) = (O(\epsilon^{3/2}/Q), {\sf T} + O(Q))$, breaking the quadratic dependence on $\epsilon$. At the core of our improvement is a finer estimation of the failing probability of the reduction in Waters' original proof relying on artificial abort. We use Bonferroni's inequality, a tunable inequality obtained by cutting off higher order terms from the equality derived by the inclusion-exclusion principle.
Our analysis not only improves the reduction of known constructions but also opens the door for new constructions. While a similar improvement to Waters IBE is possible for the lattice-based IBE by Agrawal, Boneh, and Boyen (Eurocrypt 2010), we can slightly tweak the so-called partitioning function in their construction, achieving $(\epsilon_{\sf proof}, {\sf T}_{\sf proof}) = (O(\epsilon/Q), {\sf T} + O(Q))$. This is a much better reduction than the previously known $ (O(\epsilon^3/Q^2), {\sf T} + O(Q))$. We also propose the first VRF with proof and verification key sizes sublinear in the security parameter under the standard $d$-LIN assumption, while simultaneously improving the reduction cost compared to all prior constructions.
Vasyl Ustimenko
ePrint ReportAmit Agarwal, Alexander Bienstock, Ivan Damgård, Daniel Escudero
ePrint ReportWe address this state of affairs by presenting a novel honest majority GOD protocol that maintains O(depth(C)) rounds, even under attack, while improving over the communication of the most efficient protocol in this setting by Choudhury and Patra. More precisely, our protocol has point-to-point (P2P) online communication of O(n|C|), accompanied by O(n|C|) broadcasted (BC) elements, while the offline has O(n^3|C|) P2P communication with O(n^3|C|) BC. This improves over the previous best result, and reduces the tension between communication and round complexity. Our protocol is achieved via a careful use of packed secret-sharing in order to improve the communication of existing verifiable secret-sharing approaches, although at the expense of weakening their robust guarantees: reconstruction of shared values may fail, but only if the adversary gives away the identities of many corrupt parties. We show that this less powerful notion is still useful for MPC, and we use this as a core building block in our construction. Using this weaker VSS, we adapt the recent secure-with-abort Turbopack protocol (Escudero et al. CCS'22) to the GOD setting without significantly sacrificing in efficiency.
University of South Florida
Job PostingThe required expertise includes:
- Master’s in Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering
- Solid background in digital design, VLSI, computer arithmetic, and ASIC/FPGA
- Solid HDL expertise
- Outstanding English (if English tests are taken) to be eligible for department funding
- Motivation to work beyond the expectations from an average Ph.D. student and publish in top tier venues
Please closely observe the admission requirement details before emailing. We are looking for motivated, talented, and hardworking applicants who have background and are interested in working on different aspects of Cryptographic Engineering with emphasis on Side-channel attacks, particularly fault and power analysis attacks. Please send me your updated CV (including list of publications, language test marks, and references), transcripts for B.Sc. (and/or M.Sc.), and a statement of interest to: mehran2 (at) usf.edu as soon as possible.
NOTE: At this time, I consider only the applicants who have already taken TOEFL/IELTS exams with excellent marks. The successful candidate will be asked to apply formally very soon to the department, so all the material has to be ready. We do not require GRE.
Research Webpage: https://cse.usf.edu/~mehran2/
CSE Admissions: https://www.usf.edu/engineering/cse/graduate/prospective-students.aspx
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Mehran Mozaffari Kermani Email: mehran2 (at) usf.edu