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15 October 2024

Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
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14 October 2024

Tohru Khorita, Patrick Towa, Zachary J. Williamson
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Proving non-native operations is still a bottleneck in existing incrementally verifiable computations. Prior attempts to solve this issue either simply improve the efficiency of proofs of non-native operations or require folding instances in each curve of a cycle. This paper shows how to avoid altogether in-circuit proofs of non-native operations in the incre- mental steps, and only record them in some auxiliary proof information. These operations are proved natively at the end of the computation, at the cost of only a small constant number (four or five) of non-native field multiplications to go from a non-native operation record to a native one. To formalise the security guarantees of the scheme, the paper introduces the concept of incrementally verifiable computation with auxiliary proof information, a relaxation of the standard notion of incrementally veri- fiable computation. The knowledge-soundness now guarantees the cor- rectness of a computation only if the piece of information attached to a proof is valid. This new primitive is thus only to be used if there is an efficient mechanism to verify the validity of that information. This relaxation is exactly what enables a construction which does not require in-circuit proofs of non-native operations during the incremental part of the computation. Instantiated in the Plonk arithmetisation, the construction leads to savings in circuit-gate count (compared to standard folding-based constructions) of at least one order of magnitude, and that can go up to a factor of 50.
Xinle Cao, Weiqi Feng, Jian Liu, Jinjin Zhou, Wenjing Fang, Lei Wang, Quanqing Xu, Chuanhui Yang, Kui Ren
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Oblivious map (OMAP) is an important component in encrypted databases, utilized to safeguard against the server inferring sensitive information about client's encrypted key-value stores based on \emph{access patterns}. Despite its widespread usage and importance, existing OMAP solutions face practical challenges, including the need for a large number of interaction rounds between the client and server, as well as the substantial communication bandwidth requirements. For example, the state-of-the-art protocol named OMIX++ in VLDB 2024 still requires $O(\log{n})$ interaction rounds and $O(\log^2{n})$ communication bandwidth per access, where $n$ denote the total number of key-value pairs stored.

In this work, we introduce more practical and efficient OMAP constructions. Consistent with all prior OMAPs, our proposed constructions also adapt only the \emph{tree-based Oblivious RAM} (ORAM) to achieve OMAP for enhanced practicality. In terms of complexity, our approach needs only $O(\log{n}/\log{\log{n}})$ interaction rounds and $O(\log^2{n}/\log{\log{n}})$ communication bandwidth per data access, achieving the lowest communication volume to the best our of knowledge. This improvement results from our two main contributions. First, unlike prior works that rely solely on search trees, we design a novel framework for OMAP that combines hash table with search trees. Second, we propose a more efficient tree-based ORAM named DAORAM, which is of significant independent interest. This newly developed ORAM noticeably accelerates our constructions. We implement both our proposed constructions and prior methods to experimentally demonstrate that our constructions substantially outperform prior methods in terms of efficiency.
Vincent Hwang, YoungBeom Kim, Seog Chung Seo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We improve the performance of lattice-based cryptosystems Dilithium on Cortex-M3 with expensive multiplications. Our contribution is two-fold: (i) We generalize Barrett multiplication and show that the resulting shape-independent modular multiplication performs comparably to long multiplication on some platforms without special hardware when precomputation is free. We call a modular multiplication “shape-independent” if its correctness and efficiency depend only on the magnitude of moduli and not the shapes of the moduli. This was unknown in the literature even though modular multiplication has been studied for more than 40 years. In the literature, shape-independent modular multiplications often perform several times slower than long multiplications even if we ignore the cost of the precomputation. (ii) We show that polynomial multiplications based on Nussbaumer fast Fourier transform and Toom–Cook over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ perform the best when modular multiplications are expensive and $k$ is not very close to the arithmetic precision.

For practical evaluation, we implement assembly programs for the polynomial arithmetic used in the digital signature Dilithium on Cortex-M3. For the modular multiplications in Dilithium, our generalized Barrett multiplications are 1.92 times faster than the state-of-the-art assembly-optimized Montgomery multiplications, leading to 1.38−1.51 times faster Dilithium NTT/iNTT. Along with the improvement in accumulating products, the core polynomial arithmetic matrix-vector multiplications are 1.71−1.77 times faster. We further apply the FFT-based polynomial multiplications over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ to the challenge polynomial multiplication $c t_0$, leading to 1.31 times faster computation for $c t_0$.

We additionally apply the ideas to Saber on Cortex-M3 and demonstrate their improvement to Dilithium and Saber on our 8-bit AVR environment. For Saber on Cortex-M3, we show that matrix-vector multiplications with FFT-based polynomial multiplications over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ are 1.42−1.46 faster than the ones with NTT-based polynomial multiplications over NTT-friendly coefficient rings. When moving to a platform with smaller arithmetic precision, such as 8-bit AVR, we improve the matrix-vector multiplication of Dilithium with our Barrett-based NTT/iNTT by a factor of 1.87−1.89. As for Saber on our 8-bit AVR environment, we show that matrix-vector multiplications with NTT-based polynomial multiplications over NTT-friendly coefficient rings are faster than polynomial multiplications over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ due to the large $k$ in Saber.
Zijing Li, Hongbo Li, Zhengyang Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This article discusses fully homomorphic encryption and homomorphic sorting. Homomorphic encryption is a special encryption technique that allows all kinds of operations to be performed on ciphertext, and the result is still decryptable, such that when decrypted, the result is the same as that obtained by performing the same operation on the plaintext. Homomorphic sorting is an important problem in homomorphic encryption. Currently, there has been a volume of work on homomorphic sorting. In these works, each integer in a sequence is encrypted in a separate ciphertext, there is a lack of research on sorting sequences of integers encrypted in a single ciphertext. This paper addresses the sorting problem by utilizing Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) technology to provide new algorithms to improve computational efficiency. The content includes the following aspects. For plaintexts encrypted word-wise, this paper studies sorting an integer sequence stored in one or multiple ciphertexts, and proposes a new SIMD-style homomorphic sorting algorithm. On theoretical complexity, compared with three existing sorting algorithms, namely, homomorphic sorting by polynomial computation over a finite field, by TFHE bootstrapping, or by Liu-Wang parallel bootstrapping, the new algorithm achieves a speedup of $O((\log n)^2)$, $O(n(\log n)^3)$, and $O((\log n)^4)$, respectively, for sorting a plaintext integer sequence of length $n$. By experimental results, the new algorithm is 1.7-9.2 times faster than the three sorting algorithms. The third situation involves sorting multiple shorter sequences simultaneously, all of which can be stored in a single ciphertext. For this situation, this paper proposes a method for calculating the ord function, and uses this method to provide a new sorting algorithm. On theoretical complexity, if the total number of numbers to be sorted is $n$ and there are $n^r$ numbers in each sequence, the new algorithm is faster than three existing sorting algorithms, with speed-ups of $O(n^{1-r}(\log n)^2)$, $O(n^{2-r}(\log n)^3)$, and $O(n^{1-r}(\log n)^4)$, respectively. By experimental results, the new algorithm is 2.1-6.4 times faster than existing sorting algorithms.
Matteo Campanelli, Mathias Hall-Andersen, Simon Holmgaard Kamp
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Zero-knowledge for set membership is a building block at the core of several privacy-aware applications, such as anonymous payments, credentials and whitelists. We propose a new efficient construction for the batching variant of the problem, where a user intends to show knowledge of several elements (a batch) in a set without any leakage on the elements. Our construction is transparent—it does not requires a trusted setup—and based on Curve Trees by Campanelli, Hall-Andersen and Kamp (USENIX 2023). Our first technical contribution consists in techniques to amortize Curve Trees costs in the batching setting for which we crucially exploit its algebraic properties. Even for small batches we obtain $\approx 2\times$ speedups for proving, $\approx3\times$ speedups for verification and $\approx 60\%$ reduction in proof size. Our second contribution is a modifications of a key technical requirement in Curve Trees (related to so called "permissible points") which arguably simplifies its design and obtains a stronger security property. In particular, our construction is secure even for the case where the commitment to the set is provided by the adversary (in contrast to the honest one required by the original Curve Trees).
Abdoulaye Ndiaye
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This paper studies transaction execution mechanisms (TEMs) for blockchains, as the efficient resource allocation across multiple parallel executions queues or "local fee markets." We present a model considering capacity constraints, user valuations, and delay costs in a multi-queue system with an aggregate capacity constraint due to global consensus. We show that revenue maximization tends to allocate capacity to the highest-paying queue, while welfare maximization generally serves all queues. Optimal relative pricing of different queues depends on factors such as market size, demand elasticity, and the balance between local and global congestion. Our results have implications for evolving blockchain architectures, including parallel execution, DAG-based systems, and multiple concurrent proposers, and can help design more efficient TEMs.
Matteo Campanelli, Agni Datta
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This paper investigates the open problem of how to construct non-interactive rational proofs. Rational proofs, introduced by Azar and Micali (STOC 2012), are a model of interactive proofs where a computationally powerful server can be rewarded by a weaker client for running an expensive computation $f(x)$. The honest strategy is enforced by design when the server is rational: any adversary claiming a false output $y \neq f(x)$ will lose money on expectation. Rational proof constructions have appealing properties: they are simple, feature an extremely efficient verifier—reading only a sublinear number of bits of the input $x$—and do not require any collateral from the prover. Currently, all non-trivial constructions of rational proofs are interactive. Developing non-interactive rational protocols would be a game-changer, making them practical for use in smart contracts, one of their most natural applications. Our investigation revolves around the Fiat-Shamir transform, a common approach to compiling interactive proofs into their non-interactive counterparts. We are the first to tackle the question: "Can Fiat-Shamir be successfully applied to rational protocols?" We find negative evidence by showing that, after applying Fiat-Shamir in the random oracle model to two representative protocols in literature (AM13 and CG15) these lose their security guarantees. Our findings point to more general impossibility theorems, which we leave as future work. To achieve our results we first need to address a fundamental technical challenge: the standard Fiat-Shamir transform does not apply to protocols where the verifier has only oracle access to its input $x$ (a core feature of the rational setting). We propose two versions of Fiat-Shamir for this setting, a "vanilla" variant and a "stronger" variant (where the verifier has access to an honestly computed digest of its input). We show that neither variant is sufficient to ensure that AM13 or CG15 are secure in the non-interactive setting. Finally, as an additional contribution, we provide a novel, and arguably simpler, definition for the soundness property of rational proofs (interactive or non-interactive) of independent interest.
Jeremiah Blocki, Seunghoon Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A trapdoor Memory-Hard Function is a function that is memory-hard to evaluate for any party who does not have a trapdoor, but is substantially less expensive to evaluate with the trapdoor. Biryukov and Perin (ASIACRYPT 2017) introduced the first candidate trapdoor Memory-Hard Function called \textsc{Diodon} which modifies a Memory-Hard Function called \textsc{Scrypt} by replacing a hash chain with repeated squaring modulo a composite number $N=pq$. The trapdoor, which consists of the prime factors $p$ and $q$, allows one to compute the function with significantly reduced cumulative memory cost (CMC) $O( n \log n \log^2 N )$ where $n$ denotes the running time parameter, e.g., the length of the hash chain or repeated squaring chain. By contrast, the best-known algorithm to compute \textsc{Diodon} without the trapdoor has the CMC $O(n^2\log N)$. Auerbach et al. (EUROCRYPT 2024) provided the first provable lower bound on the CMC of \textsc{TdScrypt} --- a specific instantiation of \textsc{Diodon}. In particular, in idealized models, they proved that the CMC of \textsc{TdScrypt} is $\Omega(\frac{n^2}{\log n}\log N)$ which almost matches the upper bound $O(n^2\log N)$ but is off by a multiplicative $\log n$ factor. In this work, we show how to tighten the analysis of Auerbach et al. (EUROCRYPT 2024) and eliminate the gap. In particular, our results imply that \textsc{TdScrypt} has the CMC at least $\Omega(n^2\log N)$.
Maozhou Huang, Xiangyu Su, Mario Larangeira, Keisuke Tanaka
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Blockchain-based auction markets offer stronger fairness and transparency compared to their centralized counterparts. Deposits and sealed bid formats are usually applied to enhance security and privacy. However, to our best knowledge, the formal treatment of deposit-enabled sealed-bid auctions remains lacking in the cryptographic literature. To address this gap, we first propose a decentralized anonymous deposited-bidding (DADB) scheme, providing formal syntax and security definitions. Unlike existing approaches that rely on smart contracts, our construction utilizes a mainchain-sidechain structure that is also compatible with the extended UTXO model. This design further allows us to develop a consensus mechanism on the sidechain dedicated to securely recording bids for allocation. Specifically, we build atop an Algorand-style protocol and integrate a novel block qualification mechanism into the block selection. Consequently, we prove, from a game-theoretical perspective, that our design optimizes liveness latency for rational users who want to join the auction, even without explicit incentives (e.g., fees) for including bids. Finally, our implementation results demonstrate the potential performance degradation without the block qualification mechanism.
David Richardson, Mike Rosulek, Jiayu Xu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In private set intersection (PSI), two parties who each hold sets of items can learn their intersection without revealing anything about their other items. Fuzzy PSI corresponds to a relaxed variant that reveals pairs of items which are ``close enough,'' with respect to some distance metric. In this paper we propose a new protocol framework for fuzzy PSI, compatible with arbitrary distance metrics. We then show how to efficiently instantiate our framework for $\ell_1$, $\ell_2$, and $\ell_\infty$ metrics, in a way that uses exclusively cheap symmetric-key operations. One notable feature of our protocol is that it has only logarithmic dependency on the distance threshold, whereas most other protocols have linear (or higher) dependency. For many reasonable combinations of parameters, our protocol has the lowest communication cost of existing fuzzy PSI protocols.
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Key agreement and public key encryption are two elementary cryptographic primitives, suitable for different scenarios. But their differences are still not familiar to some researchers. In this note, we show that the Safkhani et al.'s key agreement scheme [Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 15(3), 1595-1616, 2022] is a public key encryption in disguise. We stress that the ultimate use of key agreement is to establish a shared key for some symmetric key encryption. We also present a simplification of the scheme by removing some repetitive computations. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time to clarify the fundamental differences between the two primitives. The techniques developed in this note will be helpful for the future works on designing such schemes.
Yuting Xiao, Rui Zhang, Hong-Sheng Zhou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
For Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE), an idealized setup such as random oracle (RO) or a trusted setup such as common reference string (CRS) is a must in the universal composability (UC) framework (Canetti, FOCS 2001). Given the potential failure of a CRS or RO setup, it is natural to consider distributing trust among the two setups, resulting a CRS-or-RO-setup (i.e., CoR-setup).

However, the infeasibility highlighted by Katz et al. (PODC 2014) suggested that it is impossible to construct UC-secure PAKE protocols with a straightforward CoR-setup (i.e., either the CRS is functional but the RO is compromised, or the RO is functional but the CRS is compromised). To circumvent this impossibility result, we investigate how to design UC-secure PAKE protocols with a fine-grained CoR-setup, where either the CRS is functional but the RO is non-functional, or vice versa. Different from the straightforward CoR-setup, a fine-grained non-functional setup is not necessarily completely compromised and fully controlled by the adversary; Instead, we consider this non-functional setup may still offer certain security properties. Certainly, the non-functional setup alone should be useless for achieving UC-security.

We present a UC-secure PAKE protocol under two conditions: either the CRS is functional while the RO is non-functional (falling back to a collision-resistant hash function), or the RO is functional while the CRS is non-functional (falling back to a global CRS). Before presenting our construction, we first prove that a global CRS setup alone is insufficient for achieving UC-secure PAKE. This impossibility result highlights the non-triviality of our approach.

To obtain our construction, we introduce several techniques as follows:

(1) We propose a new variant of Non-Interactive Key Exchange (NIKE), called homomorphic NIKE with associated functions, which captures key properties of existing RO-based PAKE protocols. This new primitive serves as an important component in our construction.

(2) We develop a ``Brute Force'' extraction strategy which allows us to provide security analysis for our UC-secure PAKE with a fine-grained CoR-setup for polynomial-sized password spaces.

(3) We introduce a novel password space extension technique that enables the expansion of PAKE protocols from polynomial-sized to arbitrary-sized password spaces.

(4) Finally, to ensure provable security for our password space extension in UC-secure PAKEs, we modify existing PAKE functionalities to prevent responses that reveal the correctness of password guesses. This is a reasonable adjustment, as our protocol provides only implicit authentication.

We further present a PAKE protocol in the BPR framework (Bellare, Pointcheval, Rogaway, EuroCrypt 2000), assuming either the CRS is functional while the RO falls back to a collision-resistant hash function, or the RO is functional but the CRS trapdoor is allowed to be learned by the adversary.
John Bostanci, Jonas Haferkamp, Dominik Hangleiter, Alexander Poremba
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Quantum pseudorandomness has found applications in many areas of quantum information, ranging from entanglement theory, to models of scrambling phenomena in chaotic quantum systems, and, more recently, in the foundations of quantum cryptography. Kretschmer (TQC '21) showed that both pseudorandom states and pseudorandom unitaries exist even in a world without classical one-way functions. To this day, however, all known constructions require classical cryptographic building blocks which are themselves synonymous with the existence of one-way functions, and which are also challenging to realize on realistic quantum hardware.

In this work, we seek to make progress on both of these fronts simultaneously---by decoupling quantum pseudorandomness from classical cryptography altogether. We introduce a quantum hardness assumption called the \emph{Hamiltonian Phase State} ($\mathsf{HPS}$) problem, which is the task of decoding output states of a random instantaneous quantum polynomial-time (IQP) circuit. Hamiltonian phase states can be generated very efficiently using only Hadamard gates, single-qubit $Z$ rotations and CNOT circuits. We show that the hardness of our problem reduces to a worst-case version of the problem, and we provide evidence that our assumption is plausibly fully quantum; meaning, it cannot be used to construct one-way functions. We also show information-theoretic hardness when only few copies of $\mathsf{HPS}$ are available by proving an approximate $t$-design property of our ensemble. Finally, we show that our $\mathsf{HPS}$ assumption and its variants allow us to efficiently construct many pseudorandom quantum primitives, ranging from pseudorandom states, to quantum pseudoentanglement, to pseudorandom unitaries, and even primitives such as public-key encryption with quantum keys. Along the way, we analyze a natural iterative construction of pseudorandom unitaries which resembles a candidate of Ji, Liu, and Song (CRYPTO'18).
Jaehyung Kim, Taeyeong Noh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) scheme is renowned for its efficiency in encrypted computing over real numbers. However, it lacks an important functionality that most exact schemes have, an efficient modular reduction. This derives from the fundamental difference in encoding structure. The CKKS scheme encodes messages to the least significant bits, while the other schemes encode to the most significant bits (or in an equivalent manner). As a result, CKKS could enjoy an efficient rescaling but lost the ability to modular reduce inherently.

Our key observation is that at the very bottom modulus, plaintexts encoded in the least significant bits can still enjoy the inherent modular reduction of RLWE. We suggest incorporating modular reduction as a primary operation for CKKS and exploring its impact on efficiency. We constructed a novel homomorphic modular reduction algorithm using the discrete bootstrapping from Bae et al. [Asiacrypt'24] and a new discretization algorithm from modulus switching. One of the key advantages of our modular reduction is that its computational complexity grows sublinearly ($O(\log k)$) as we increase the input range $[0,k)$, which is asymptotically better than the state-of-the-art with $\geq O(k)$.

We checked our algorithms with concrete experiments. Notably, our modulo 1 function for input range $[0, 2^{20})$ takes only 44.9 seconds with 13.3 bits of (mean) precision, in a single-threaded CPU. Recall that modular reduction over such a large range was almost infeasible in the previous works, as they need to evaluate a polynomial of degree $> 2^{20}$ (or equivalent). As an application of our method, we compared a bit decomposition based on our framework with the state-of-the-art method from Drucker et al. [J.Cryptol'24]. Our method is $7.1 \times$ faster while reducing the failure probability by more than two orders of magnitude.
Youngjin Bae, Jaehyung Kim, Damien Stehlé, Elias Suvanto
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The native plaintexts of the Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) fully homomorphic encryption scheme are vectors of approximations to complex numbers. Drucker et al. [J. Cryptol.'24] have showed how to use CKKS to efficiently perform computations on bits and small bit-length integers, by relying on their canonical embeddings into the complex plane. For small bit-length integers, Chung et al. [IACR eprint'24] recently suggested to rather rely on an embedding into complex roots of unity, to gain numerical stability and efficiency. Both works use CKKS in a black-box manner.

Inspired by the design by Bae et al. [Eurocrypt'24] of a dedicated bootstrapping algorithm for ciphertexts encoding bits, we propose a CKKS bootstrapping algorithm, $\mathsf{SI\mbox{-}BTS}$ (small-integer bootstrapping), for ciphertexts encoding small bit-length integers. For this purpose, we build upon the DM/CGGI-to-CKKS conversion algorithm from Boura et al. [J. Math. Cryptol.'20], to bootstrap canonically embedded integers to integers embedded as roots of unity. $\mathsf{SI\mbox{-}BTS}$ allows functional bootstrapping: it can evaluate an arbitrary function of its input while bootstrapping. It may also be used to batch-(functional-)bootstrap multiple DM/CGGI ciphertexts. For example, its amortized cost for evaluating an 8-bit look-up table on $2^{12}$ DM/CGGI ciphertexts is 3.75ms (single-thread CPU, 128-bit security).

We adapt $\mathsf{SI\mbox{-}BTS}$ to simultaneously bootstrap multiple CKKS ciphertexts for bits. The resulting $\mathsf{BB\mbox{-}BTS}$ algorithm (batch-bits bootstrapping) allows to decrease the amortized cost of a binary gate evaluation. Compared to Bae et al., it gives a 2.4x speed-up.
Saachi Mutreja, Mark Zhandry
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Cryptographic group actions are a leading contender for post-quantum cryptography, and have also been used in the development of quantum cryptographic protocols. In this work, we explore quantum group actions, which consist of a group acting on a set of quantum states. We show the following results: 1. In certain settings, statistical (even query bounded) security is impossible, analogously to post-quantum classical group actions. 2. We construct quantum state group actions and prove that many computational problems that have been proposed by cryptographers hold it. Depending on the construction, our proofs are either unconditional, rely on LWE, or rely on the quantum random oracle model. While our analysis does not directly apply to classical group actions, we argue it gives at least a sanity check that there are no obvious flaws in the post-quantum assumptions made by cryptographers. 3. Our quantum state group action allows for unifying two existing quantum money schemes: those based on group actions, and those based on non-collapsing hashes. We also explain how they can unify classical and quantum key distribution.
Tomer Ashur, Sundas Tariq
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We present two new arithmetization oriented hash functions based on RPO [Ashur, kindi, Meier, Szepieniec, Threadbare; ePrint 2022/1577] and XHash-12 [Ashur, Bhati, Kindi, Mahzoun, Perrin; ePrint 2023/1045] adapted for $p=2^{31}-1$ and ready to use in Circle STARKs [Habock, Levit, Papini; ePrint 2024/278].
Chun Guo, Meiqin Wang, Weijia Wang
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An involution is a permutation that is the inverse of itself. Involutions have attracted plenty attentions in cryptographic community due to their advantage regarding hardware implementations. In this paper, we reconsider constructing {\it pseudorandom involutions}. We demonstrate two constructions.

First, the 4-round Feistel network {\it using the same random function (Feistel-SF) in every round} is a pseudorandom involution. This shows the Feistel-SF construction still provides non-trivial cryptographic strength. To complement, we also show insecurity of 3-round Feistel-SF by exhibiting an attack.

Second, a ``mirrored'' variant of the Naor-Reingold construction with component reusing yields a pseudorandom involution.
Aein Rezaei Shahmirzadi, Michael Hutter
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Masking schemes are key in thwarting side-channel attacks due to their robust theoretical foundation. Transitioning from Boolean to arithmetic (B2A) masking is a necessary step in various cryptography schemes, including hash functions, ARX-based ciphers, and lattice-based cryptography. While there exists a significant body of research focusing on B2A software implementations, studies pertaining to hardware implementations are quite limited, with the majority dedicated solely to creating efficient Boolean masked adders. In this paper, we present first- and second-order secure hardware implementations to perform B2A mask conversion efficiently without using masked adder structures. We first introduce a first-order secure low-latency gadget that executes a B2A2k in a single cycle. Furthermore, we propose a second-order secure B2A2k gadget that has a latency of only 4 clock cycles. Both gadgets are independent of the input word size k. We then show how these new primitives lead to improved B2Aq hardware implementations that perform a B2A mask conversion of integers modulo an arbitrary number. Our results show that our new gadgets outperform comparable solutions by more than a magnitude in terms of resource requirements and are at least 3 times faster in terms of latency and throughput. All gadgets have been formally verified and proven secure in the glitch-robust PINI security model. We additionally confirm the security of our gadgets on an FPGA platform using practical TVLA tests.
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