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18 December 2024
Shantanu Sharma, Yin Li, Sharad Mehrotra, Nisha Panwar, Komal Kumari, Swagnik Roychoudhury
ePrint ReportWe propose SeaSearch, an information-theoretically secure approach that uses both additive and multiplicative secret-sharing, to efficiently support a large class of selection queries involving conjunctive, disjunctive, and range conditions. Two major contributions of SeaSearch are: (i) a new search algorithm using additive shares based on fingerprints, which were developed for string-matching over cleartext; and (ii) two row retrieval algorithms: one is based on multiplicative shares and another is based on additive shares. SeaSearch does not require communication among servers storing shares and does not reveal any information to an adversary based on access-patterns and volume.
Markus de Medeiros, Muhammad Naveed, Tancrède Lepoint, Temesghen Kahsai, Tristan Ravitch, Stefan Zetzsche, Anjali Joshi, Joseph Tassarotti, Aws Albarghouthi, Jean-Baptiste Tristan
ePrint ReportIn this paper, we present SampCert, the first comprehensive, mechanized foundation for differential privacy. SampCert is written in Lean with over 12,000 lines of proof. It offers a generic and extensible notion of DP, a framework for constructing and composing DP mechanisms, and formally verified implementations of Laplace and Gaussian sampling algorithms. SampCert provides (1) a mechanized foundation for developing the next generation of differentially private algorithms, and (2) mechanically verified primitives that can be deployed in production systems. Indeed, SampCert’s verified algorithms power the DP offerings of Amazon Web Services (AWS), demonstrating its real-world impact.
SampCert’s key innovations include: (1) A generic DP foundation that can be instantiated for various DP definitions (e.g., pure, concentrated, Rényi DP); (2) formally verified discrete Laplace and Gaussian sampling algorithms that avoid the pitfalls of floating-point implementations; and (3) a simple probability monad and novel proof techniques that streamline the formalization. To enable proving complex correctness properties of DP and random number generation, SampCert makes heavy use of Lean’s extensive Mathlib library, leveraging theorems in Fourier analysis, measure and probability theory, number theory, and topology.
Li Yu, Je Sen Teh
ePrint ReportThomas Attema, Michael Klooß, Russell W. F. Lai, Pavlo Yatsyna
ePrint ReportRecently, works by Bünz–Fisch (TCC’23) and Aardal et al. (CRYPTO’24) provide new frameworks, called almost special soundness and predicate special soundness, respectively. To handle insufficiencies of special soundness, they deviate from its spirit and augment it in different ways. The necessity for their changes is that special soundness does not allow the challenges for useful sets of transcripts to depend on the transcripts themselves, but only on the challenges in the transcripts. As a consequence, (generalised) special soundness cannot express extraction strategies which reduce a computational problem to finding “inconsistent” accepting transcripts, for example in PCP/IOP-based or lattice-based proof systems, and thus provide (very) sub-optimal extractors. In this work, we introduce adaptive special soundness which captures extraction strategies exploiting inconsistencies between transcripts, e.g. transcripts containing different openings of the same commitment. Unlike (generalised) special soundness (Attema, Fehr, and Resch (TCC’23)), which specifies a target transcript structure, our framework allows specifying an extraction strategy which guides the extractor to sample challenges adaptively based on the history of prior transcripts. We extend the recent (almost optional) extractor of Attema, Fehr, Klooß and Resch (EPRINT 2023/1945) to our notion, and argue that it encompasses almost special soundness and predicate special soundness in many cases of interest.
As a challenging application, we modularise and generalise the lattice Bulletproofs analysis by Bünz–Fisch (TCC’23) using the adaptive special soundness framework. Moreover, we extend their analysis to the ring setting for a slightly wider selection of rings than rational integers.
Enrico Bottazzi, Chan Nam Ngo, Masato Tsutsumi
ePrint ReportIttai Abraham, Gilad Asharov, Anirudh Chandramouli
ePrint ReportOur main contribution is a simple analysis of a new variant of COOL based on elementary counting arguments. Our main consistency proof takes less than two pages (instead of over 20 pages), making the COOL protocol much more accessible. In addition, the simple analysis allows us to improve the protocol by reducing one round of communication and reducing the communication complexity by 40%.
In addition, we suggest a new way of extracting the core properties of COOL as a new primitive, which we call Graded Dispersal. We show how Graded Dispersal can then be used to obtain efficient solutions for Byzantine Agreement, Verifiable Information Dispersal, Gradecast, and Reliable Broadcast (in both Synchrony and Asynchrony, where appropriate). Our improvement of COOL directly applies here, and we improve the state-of-the-art in all those primitives by reducing at least one round and 40% communication.
Ping Wang
ePrint Report17 December 2024
The Jacobi Factoring Circuit: Quantum Factoring with Near-Linear Gates and Sublinear Space and Depth
Gregory D. Kahanamoku-Meyer, Seyoon Ragavan, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Katherine Van Kirk
ePrint ReportThe technical core of our contribution is a new space-efficient quantum algorithm to compute the Jacobi symbol of $A$ mod $B$, in the regime where $B$ is classical and much larger than $A$. Crucially, our circuit reads the bits of the classical value $B$ in a streaming fashion, never storing more than $\widetilde{O}(\log A)$ qubits of quantum information at one time. In the context of the larger Jacobi algorithm for factoring $N = P^2Q$, this reduces the overall qubit count to be roughly proportional to the length of $Q$, rather than the length of $N$. Our circuit for computing the Jacobi symbol is also highly gate-efficient and parallelizable, achieving gate count $\widetilde{O}(\log B)$ and depth at most $\widetilde{O}(\log A + \log B/\log A)$. Finally, we note that our circuit for computing the Jacobi symbol generalizes to related problems, such as computing the greatest common divisor, and thus could be of independent interest.
Antonio Flórez-Gutiérrez, Lorenzo Grassi, Gregor Leander, Ferdinand Sibleyras, Yosuke Todo
ePrint ReportSeonhong Min, Yongsoo Song
ePrint ReportIn this paper, we design a novel bootstrapping method called slot blind rotation. The key idea of our approach is to utilize the automorphism group instead of monomials. More specifically, the look-up table is encoded into a single polynomial using SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) packing and is rotated via a series of homomorphic multiplications and automorphisms. This method achieves two significant advantages: 1. the entire input plaintext space can be bootstrapped, 2. a more broad output plaintext space, such as complex numbers or finite field/rings can be supported.
Finally, we present a new HE scheme leveraging the slot blind rotation technique and provide a proof-of-concept implementation. We also demonstrate the the benchmark results and provide recommended parameter sets.
Jezabel Molina-Gil, Cándido Caballero-Gil, Judit Gutiérrez-de-Armas, Moti Yung
ePrint ReportHelsinki, Suomi, 7 July - 12 July 2025
Event CalendarSubmission deadline: 24 February 2024
Notification: 6 May 2025
Helsinki, Finland, 7 July - 12 July 2025
Event CalendarSubmission deadline: 24 February 2025
Notification: 6 May 2025
Osaka, Japan, 26 May - 28 May 2025
Event CalendarSubmission deadline: 26 January 2025
Notification: 24 February 2025
31 March - 2 April 2025
Event CalendarSubmission deadline: 30 November 2024
Notification: 20 January 2025
Freie Universität Berlin
Job PostingClosing date for applications:
Contact: Please send your application until 31.12.2024 with relevant documents in PDF format (preferably as a single file) electronically by email, including the reference number, to g.wunder@fu-berlin.de (cc: stefanie.bahe@fu-berlin.de).
More information: https://www.fu-berlin.de/universitaet/beruf-karriere/jobs/wiss/19_fb-mathematik-und-informatik/MI-WiMi-EASEPROFIT.html
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Job PostingFor more information and to apply, please visit https://werkenbij.uva.nl/en/vacancies/phd-position-in-secure-multi-party-computation-netherlands-13605. The closing date for the applications is 15 April 2025 (for full consideration, you are encouraged to apply on or before 15 March 2025).
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Divya Ravi (d.ravi@uva.nl)
More information: https://werkenbij.uva.nl/en/vacancies/phd-position-in-secure-multi-party-computation-netherlands-13605
University of South Florida, College of AI, Cybersecurity, and Computing
Job PostingClosing date for applications:
Contact: See the advertisement for the details.
More information: https://www.usf.edu/work-at-usf/careers/
UC Santa Cruz (UCSC)
Job PostingMy group’s focus is on bridging the security/efficiency gap between cryptography/security and real-world systems/databases. We conduct our research and publish our findings in top-tier venues in security (e.g., USENIX Security, IEEE Security & Privacy, CCS, NDSS), cryptography (e.g., CRYPTO, Eurocrypt), and systems/databases (e.g., SIGMOD, VLDB, SOSP). Our research mission is to develop cryptographic solutions and real systems that are simultaneously practical, efficient, and provably secure. You can review my recent publications on my website: https://idemertzis.com .
- (1) PhD applicants should hold a BS/MS in computer science, electrical and computer engineering, information security, mathematics, or a related field, with strong analytical, mathematical, coding, and software engineering skills. Interested candidates should email me their CV, a brief summary of research experience and interests, and a personal website link (if available).
Please submit your application here: https://grad.soe.ucsc.edu/admissions (Computer Science & Engineering→ Apply to PhD) and mention my name in your application.
- (2) Post-doctoral applicants please email me your CV and your research statement (if available).
Closing Date for Application: December 20, 2024
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Ioannis Demertzis (idemertz@ucsc.edu)
University of New South Wales, Canberra
Job PostingClosing date for applications:
Contact: The role of RA is to report to Prof. Jiankun Hu and have Prof. Jiankun Hu direct reports. Please contact Prof. Hu at jiankun.hu@unsw.edu.au for details.