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09 January 2025

Aydin Abadi, Yvo Desmedt
ePrint Report ePrint Report
It is imperative to modernize traditional core cryptographic primitives, such as Oblivious Transfer (OT), to address the demands of the new digital era, where privacy-preserving computations are executed on low-power devices. This modernization is not merely an enhancement but a necessity to ensure security, efficiency, and continued relevance in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

This work introduces two scalable OT schemes: (1) Helix OT, a $1$-out-of-$n$ OT, and (2) Priority OT, a $t$-out-of-$n$ OT. Both schemes provide unconditional security, ensuring resilience against quantum adversaries. Helix OT achieves a receiver-side download complexity of $O(1)$. In big data scenarios, where certain data may be more urgent or valuable, we propose Priority OT. With a receiver-side download complexity of $O(t)$, this scheme allows data to be received based on specified priorities. By prioritizing data transmission, Priority OT ensures that the most important data is received first, optimizing bandwidth, storage, and processing resources. Performance evaluations indicate that Helix OT completes the transfer of 1 out of $n=$ 16,777,216 messages in 9 seconds, and Priority OT handles $t=$ 1,048,576 out of $n$ selections in 30 seconds. Both outperform existing $t$-out-of-$n$ OTs (when $t\geq 1$), underscoring their suitability for large-scale applications. To the best of our knowledge, Helix OT and Priority OT introduce unique advancements that distinguish them from previous schemes.
Sebastian Faust, Maximilian Orlt, Kathrin Wirschem, Liang Zhao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Unprotected cryptographic implementations are vulnerable to implementation attacks, such as passive side-channel attacks and active fault injection attacks. Recently, countermeasures like polynomial masking and duplicated masking have been introduced to protect implementations against combined attacks that exploit leakage and faults simultaneously. While duplicated masking requires $O(t * e)$ shares to resist an adversary capable of probing $t$ values and faulting $e$ values, polynomial masking requires only $O(t + e)$ shares, which is particularly beneficial for affine computation. At CHES'$24$, Arnold et al. showed how to further improve the efficiency of polynomial masking in the presence of combined attacks by embedding two secrets into one polynomial sharing. This essentially reduces the complexity of previous constructions by half. The authors also observed that using techniques from packed secret sharing (Grosso et al., CHES'$13$) cannot easily achieve combined resilience to encode an arbitrary number of secrets in one polynomial encoding. In this work, we resolve these challenges and show that it is possible to embed an arbitrary number of secrets in one encoding and propose gadgets that are secure against combined attacks. We present two constructions that are generic and significantly improve the computational and randomness complexity of existing compilers, such as the laOla compiler presented by Berndt et al. at CRYPTO'$23$ and its improvement by Arnold et al. For example, for an AES evaluation that protects against $t$ probes and $e$ faults, we improve the randomness complexity of the state-of-the-art construction when $t+e>3$, leading to an improvement of up to a factor of $2.41$.
Alex Evans, Nicolas Mohnblatt, Guillermo Angeris
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce ZODA, short for 'zero-overhead data availability,' which is a protocol for proving that symbols received from an encoding (for tensor codes) were correctly constructed. ZODA has optimal overhead for both the encoder and the samplers. Concretely, the ZODA scheme incurs essentially no incremental costs (in either computation or size) beyond those of the tensor encoding itself. In particular, we show that a slight modification to the encoding scheme for tensor codes allows sampled rows and columns of this modified encoding to become proofs of their own correctness. When used as part of a data availability sampling protocol, both encoders (who encode some data using a tensor code with some slight modifications) and samplers (who sample symbols from the purported encoding and verify that these samples are correctly encoded) incur no incremental communication costs and only small additional computational costs over having done the original tensor encoding. ZODA additionally requires no trusted setup and is plausibly post-quantum secure.
Laia Amorós, James Clements, Chloe Martindale
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Suppose you have a supersingular $\ell$-isogeny graph with vertices given by $j$-invariants defined over $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$, where $p = 4 \cdot f \cdot \ell^e - 1$ and $\ell \equiv 3 \pmod{4}$. We give an explicit parametrization of the maximal orders in $B_{p,\infty}$ appearing as endomorphism rings of the elliptic curves in this graph that are $\leq e$ steps away from a root vertex with $j$-invariant 1728. This is the first explicit parametrization of this kind and we believe it will be an aid in better understanding the structure of supersingular $\ell$-isogeny graphs that are widely used in cryptography. Our method makes use of the inherent directions in the supersingular isogeny graph induced via Bruhat-Tits trees, as studied in [1]. We also discuss how in future work other interesting use cases, such as $\ell=2$, could benefit from the same methodology.
Alessandra Scafuro, Tanner Verber
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The server-aided model for multiparty computation (MPC) was introduced to capture a real-world scenario where clients wish to off-load the heavy computation of MPC protocols to dedicated servers. A rich body of work has studied various trade-offs between security guarantees (e.g., semi-honest vs malicious), trust assumptions (e.g., the threshold on corrupted servers), and efficiency.

However, all existing works make the assumption that all clients must agree on employing the same servers, and accept the same corruption threshold. In this paper, we challenge this assumption and introduce a new paradigm for server-aided MPC, where each client can choose their own set of servers and their own threshold of corrupted servers. In this new model, the privacy of each client is guaranteed as long as their own threshold is satisfied, regardless of the other servers/clients. We call this paradigm per-party private server-aided MPC to highlight both a security and efficiency guarantee: (1) per-party privacy, which means that each party gets their own privacy guarantees that depend on their own choice of the servers; (2) per-party complexity, which means that each party only needs to communicate with their chosen servers. Our primary contribution is a new theoretical framework for server-aided MPC. We provide two protocols to show feasibility, but leave it as a future work to investigate protocols that focus on concrete efficiency.
Varun Madathil, Alessandra Scafuro, Tanner Verber
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A central question in the theory of cryptography is whether we can build protocols that achieve stronger security guarantees, e.g., security against malicious adversaries, by combining building blocks that achieve much weaker security guarantees, e.g., security only against semi-honest adversaries; and with the minimal number of rounds. An additional focus is whether these building blocks can be used only as a black-box. Since Oblivious Transfer (OT) is the necessary and sufficient building block to securely realize any two-party (and multi-party) functionality, theoreticians often focus on proving whether maliciously secure OT can be built from a weaker notion of OT.

There is a rich body of literature that provides (black-box) compilers that build malicious OT from OTs that achieve weaker security such as semi-malicious OT and defensibly secure OT, within the minimal number of rounds. However, no round-optimal compiler exists that builds malicious OT from the weakest notion of semi-honest OT, in the plain model.

Correlation intractable hash (CIH) functions are special hash functions whose properties allow instantiating the celebrated Fiat-Shamir transform, and hence reduce the round complexity of public-coin proof systems.

In this work, we devise the first round-optimal compiler from semi-honest OT to malicious OT, by a novel application of CIH for collapsing rounds in the plain model. We provide the following contributions. First, we provide a new CIH-based round-collapsing construction for general cut-and-choose. This gadget can be used generally to prove the correctness of the evaluation of a function. Then, we use our gadget to build the first round-optimal compiler from semi-honest OT to malicious OT.

Our compiler uses the semi-honest OT protocol and the other building blocks in a black-box manner. However, for technical reasons, the underlying CIH construction requires the upper bound of the circuit size of the semi-honest OT protocol used. The need for this upper-bound makes our protocol not fully black-box, hence is incomparable with existing, fully black-box, compilers.
Jingwei Hu, Zhiqi Liu, Cong Zuo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we address the problem of Delegated PSI (D-PSI), where a cloud server is introduced to handle most computational and communication tasks. D-PSI enables users to securely delegate their private sets to the cloud, ensuring the privacy of their data while allowing efficient computation of the intersection. The cloud operates under strict security requirements, learning nothing about the individual sets or the intersection result. Moreover, D-PSI minimizes user-to-user communication and supports "silent" processing, where the cloud can perform computations independently without user interaction, apart from set delegation and result retrieval.

We formally define the D-PSI problem and propose a novel construction that extends beyond two-party scenarios to support multi-party settings. Our construction adheres to the D-PSI requirements, including security against semi-honest adversaries, and achieves computational and communication complexities close to the ideal "perfect" D-PSI protocol. Additionally, we demonstrate the practicality of our approach through a baseline implementation and an optimized version that further reduces computational overhead. Our results establish a strong foundation for secure and efficient PSI in real-world cloud computing scenarios.
Dongyu Wu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent development of secure multi-party computation (MPC), pseudorandom correlations of subfield vector oblivious linear evaluation (sVOLE) type become popular due to their amazing applicability in multi-dimensional MPC protocols such as privacy-preserving biometric identification and privacy-preserving machine learning protocols. In this paper, we introduce a novel way of VOLE distribution in three-party and four-party honest majority settings with the aid of a trusted server. This new method significantly decreases the communication cost and the memory storage of random sVOLE instances. On the other hand, it also enables a streamline distribution process that can generate a sVOLE instance of an arbitrary length, which results in 100 percent of utility rate of random sVOLE in multi-dimensional MPC protocols while preserving complete precomputability.
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