25 February 2025
Rishiraj Bhattacharyya, Jan Bormet, Sebastian Faust, Pratyay Mukherjee, Hussien Othman
A recent work by Boneh, Partap, and Rotem [Crypto'24] introduced the concept of traceable threshold encryption, in that if $t$ or more parties collude to construct a decryption box, which performs decryptions, then at least one party's identity can be traced by making a few black-box queries to the box. This has important applications, e.g., in blockchain mempool privacy, where collusion yields high financial gain through MEVs without any consequence - the possibility of tracing discourages collusion.
Nevertheless, their definitions leave room for exploitation as they only achieve CPA security and do not consider inconsistency in decryption via different participating sets.
This paper proposes stronger definitions of traceable threshold encryption, which supports CCA-security and consistency. Our main approach considers identity-based variants of traceable encryption (which we also define). It converts that to a CCA-secure construction, adapting two generic transformations, first using a one-time signature and then a fingerprinting code. We put forward two efficient instantiations of our identity-based scheme with different merits: our first construction is based on Boneh-Franklin IBE [Crypto'01] and has constant size ciphertexts but quadratic size public keys - this is proven secure based on XDH and BDDH. Our second construction is based on Boneh-Boyen IBE [Eurocrypt'04]. It supports both constant-size ciphertexts and constant-size public keys - this is proven secure based on a variant of the uber assumption over bilinear pairings. Our concrete analysis shows that the first construction's ciphertext is much (~6x) smaller than the second construction. Finally, we extend the definitions to support consistency and achieve it by adjoining an efficient, non-interactive proof of correct encryption.
This paper proposes stronger definitions of traceable threshold encryption, which supports CCA-security and consistency. Our main approach considers identity-based variants of traceable encryption (which we also define). It converts that to a CCA-secure construction, adapting two generic transformations, first using a one-time signature and then a fingerprinting code. We put forward two efficient instantiations of our identity-based scheme with different merits: our first construction is based on Boneh-Franklin IBE [Crypto'01] and has constant size ciphertexts but quadratic size public keys - this is proven secure based on XDH and BDDH. Our second construction is based on Boneh-Boyen IBE [Eurocrypt'04]. It supports both constant-size ciphertexts and constant-size public keys - this is proven secure based on a variant of the uber assumption over bilinear pairings. Our concrete analysis shows that the first construction's ciphertext is much (~6x) smaller than the second construction. Finally, we extend the definitions to support consistency and achieve it by adjoining an efficient, non-interactive proof of correct encryption.
Martin R. Albrecht, Benjamin Benčina, Russell W. F. Lai
Updatable public-key encryption (UPKE) allows anyone to update a public key while simultaneously producing an update token, given which the secret key holder could consistently update the secret key. Furthermore, ciphertexts encrypted under the old public key remain secure even if the updated secret key is leaked -- a property much desired in secure messaging. All existing lattice-based constructions of UPKE update keys by a noisy linear shift. As the noise accumulates, these schemes either require super-polynomial-size moduli or an a priori bounded number of updates to maintain decryption correctness.
Inspired by recent works on cryptography based on the lattice isomorphism problem, we propose an alternative way to update keys in lattice-based UPKE. Instead of shifting, we rotate them. As rotations do not induce norm growth, our construction supports an unbounded number of updates with a polynomial-size modulus. The security of our scheme is based on the LWE assumption over hollow matrices -- matrices which generate linear codes with non-trivial hull -- and the hardness of permutation code equivalence. Along the way, we also show that LWE over hollow matrices is as hard as LWE over uniform matrices, and that a leftover hash lemma holds for hollow matrices.
Inspired by recent works on cryptography based on the lattice isomorphism problem, we propose an alternative way to update keys in lattice-based UPKE. Instead of shifting, we rotate them. As rotations do not induce norm growth, our construction supports an unbounded number of updates with a polynomial-size modulus. The security of our scheme is based on the LWE assumption over hollow matrices -- matrices which generate linear codes with non-trivial hull -- and the hardness of permutation code equivalence. Along the way, we also show that LWE over hollow matrices is as hard as LWE over uniform matrices, and that a leftover hash lemma holds for hollow matrices.
Damiano Abram, Giulio Malavolta, Lawrence Roy
We propose a new method to construct a public-key encryption scheme, where one can homomorphically transform a ciphertext encrypted under a key $\mathbf{x}$ into a ciphertext under $(P, P(\mathbf{x}))$, for any polynomial-time RAM program $P: \mathbf{x} \mapsto \mathbf{y}$ with runtime $T$ and memory $L$. Combined with other lattice techniques, this allows us to construct:
1) Succinct-randomised encodings from RAM programs with encoder complexity $(|\mathbf{x}| + |\mathbf{y}|)\cdot \text{poly}(\log T, \log L)$ and rate-1 encodings.
2) Laconic function evaluation for RAM programs, with encoder runtime bounded by $(|\mathbf{x}| + |\mathbf{y}|)\cdot\text{poly}(\log T, \log L)$ and rate-1 encodings.
3) Key-policy attribute-based encryption for RAM programs, with ciphertexts of size $O(T)$. The same scheme can be converted to the register setting, obtaining linear CRS size in the number of parties.
All of our schemes rely on the hardness of the \emph{decomposed learning with errors} (LWE) problem, along with other standard computational assumptions on lattices. The decomposed LWE problem can be interpreted as postulating the circular-security of a natural lattice-based public-key encryption scheme. To gain confidence in the assumption, we show that it is implied by the hardness of the succinct LWE problem of Wee (CRYPTO'24).
All of our schemes rely on the hardness of the \emph{decomposed learning with errors} (LWE) problem, along with other standard computational assumptions on lattices. The decomposed LWE problem can be interpreted as postulating the circular-security of a natural lattice-based public-key encryption scheme. To gain confidence in the assumption, we show that it is implied by the hardness of the succinct LWE problem of Wee (CRYPTO'24).
Zhiyuan Zhang, Gilles Barthe
Constant-time (CT) is a popular programming discipline to protect
cryptographic libraries against micro-architectural timing attacks.
One appeal of the CT discipline lies in its conceptual simplicity: a
program is CT iff it has no secret-dependent data-flow,
control-flow or variable-timing operation. Thanks to its simplicity,
the CT discipline is supported by dozens of analysis tools. However, a
recent user study demonstrates that these tools are seldom used due to
poor usability and maintainability (Jancar et al. IEEE SP 2022).
In this paper, we introduce CT-LLVM, a CT analysis tool designed for usability, maintainability and automatic large-scale analysis. Concretely, CT-LLVM is packaged as a LLVM plugin and is built as a thin layer on top of two standard LLVM analysis: def-use and alias analysis. Besides confirming known CT violations, we demonstrate the usability and scalability of CT-LLVM by automatically analyzing nine cryptographic libraries. On average, CT-LLVM can automatically and soundly analyze 36% of the functions in these libraries, proving that 61% of them are CT. In addition, the large-scale automatic analysis also reveals new vulnerabilities in these libraries. In the end, we demonstrate that CT-LLVM helps systematically mitigate compiler-introduced CT violations, which has been a long-standing issue in CT analysis.
In this paper, we introduce CT-LLVM, a CT analysis tool designed for usability, maintainability and automatic large-scale analysis. Concretely, CT-LLVM is packaged as a LLVM plugin and is built as a thin layer on top of two standard LLVM analysis: def-use and alias analysis. Besides confirming known CT violations, we demonstrate the usability and scalability of CT-LLVM by automatically analyzing nine cryptographic libraries. On average, CT-LLVM can automatically and soundly analyze 36% of the functions in these libraries, proving that 61% of them are CT. In addition, the large-scale automatic analysis also reveals new vulnerabilities in these libraries. In the end, we demonstrate that CT-LLVM helps systematically mitigate compiler-introduced CT violations, which has been a long-standing issue in CT analysis.
Sebastian Faust, Loïc Masure, Elena Micheli, Hai Hoang Nguyen, Maximilian Orlt, François-Xavier Standaert
Leakage-resilient secret sharing schemes are a fundamental building block for secure computation in the presence of leakage. As a result, there is a strong interest in building secret sharing schemes that combine resilience in practical leakage scenarios with potential for efficient computation. In this work, we revisit the inner-product framework, where a secret $y$ is encoded by two vectors $(\omega, y)$, such that their inner product is equal to $y$. So far, the most efficient inner-product masking schemes (in which $\omega$ is public but random) are provably secure with the same security notions (e.g., in the abstract probing model) as additive, Boolean masking, yet at the cost of a slightly more expensive implementation. Hence, their advantage in terms of theoretical security guarantees remains unclear, also raising doubts about their practical relevance. We address this question by showing the leakage resilience of inner-product masking schemes, in the bounded leakage threat model. It depicts well implementation contexts where the physical noise is negligible. In this threat model, we show that if $m$ bits are leaked from the $d$ shares $y$ of the encoding over an $n$-bit field, then with probability at least $1−2^{-\lambda}$ over the choice of $\omega$, the scheme is $O(\sqrt{ 2^{−(d−1)·n+m+2\lambda}})$-leakage resilient. Furthermore, this result holds without assuming independent leakage from the shares, which may be challenging to enforce in practice. We additionally show that in large Mersenne-prime fields, a wise choice of the public coefficients $\omega$ can yield leakage resilience up to $O(n · 2^{−d·n+n+d})$, in the case where one physical bit from each share is revealed to the adversary. The exponential rate of the leakage resilience we put forward significantly improves upon previous bounds in additive masking, where the past literature exhibited a constant exponential rate only.
Damiano Abram, Giulio Malavolta, Lawrence Roy
We propose the notion of succinct oblivious tensor evaluation (OTE), where two parties compute an additive secret sharing of a tensor product of two vectors $\mathbf{x} \otimes \mathbf{y}$, exchanging two simultaneous messages. Crucially, the size of both messages and of the CRS is independent of the dimension of $\mathbf{x}$.
We present a construction of OTE with optimal complexity from the standard learning with errors (LWE) problem. Then we show how this new technical tool enables a host of cryptographic primitives, all with security reducible to LWE, such as:
1)Adaptively secure laconic function evaluation for depth-$D$ functions $f:\{0, 1\}^m\rightarrow\{0, 1\}^\ell$ with communication $m+\ell+D\cdot \mathsf{poly}(\lambda)$.
2) A trapdoor hash function for all functions.
3) An (optimally) succinct homomorphic secret sharing for all functions.
4) A rate-$1/2$ laconic oblivious transfer for batch messages, which is best possible.
In particular, we obtain the first laconic function evaluation scheme that is adaptively secure from the standard LWE assumption, improving upon Quach, Wee, and Wichs (FOCS 2018). As a key technical ingredient, we introduce a new notion of adaptive lattice encodings, which may be of independent interest.
Calvin Abou Haidar, Dipayan Das, Anja Lehmann, Cavit Özbay, Octavio Perez Kempner
Multi-signatures allow a set of parties to produce a single signature for a common message by combining their individual signatures. The result can be verified using the aggregated public key that represents the group of signers. Very recent work by Lehmann and Özbay (PKC '24) studied the use of multi-signatures for ad-hoc privacy-preserving group signing, formalizing the notion of multi-signatures with probabilistic yet verifiable key aggregation. Moreover, they proposed new BLS-type multi-signatures, allowing users holding a long-term key pair to engage with different groups, without the aggregated key leaking anything about the corresponding group. This enables key-reuse across different groups in a privacy-preserving way. Unfortunately, their technique cannot be applied to Schnorr-type multi-signatures, preventing state-of-the-art multi-signatures to benefit from those privacy features.
In this work, we revisit the privacy framework from Lehmann and Özbay. Our first contribution is a generic lift that adds privacy to any multi-signature with deterministic key aggregation. As our second contribution, we study two concrete multi-signatures, and give dedicated transforms that take advantage of the underlying structures for improved efficiency. The first one is a slight modification of the popular MuSig2 scheme, achieving the strongest privacy property for free compared to the original scheme. The second is a variant of the lattice-based multi-signature scheme DualMS, making our construction the first post-quantum secure multi-signature for ad-hoc privacy-preserving group signing. The light overhead incurred by the modifications in our DualMS variant still allow us to benefit from the competitiveness of the original scheme.
In this work, we revisit the privacy framework from Lehmann and Özbay. Our first contribution is a generic lift that adds privacy to any multi-signature with deterministic key aggregation. As our second contribution, we study two concrete multi-signatures, and give dedicated transforms that take advantage of the underlying structures for improved efficiency. The first one is a slight modification of the popular MuSig2 scheme, achieving the strongest privacy property for free compared to the original scheme. The second is a variant of the lattice-based multi-signature scheme DualMS, making our construction the first post-quantum secure multi-signature for ad-hoc privacy-preserving group signing. The light overhead incurred by the modifications in our DualMS variant still allow us to benefit from the competitiveness of the original scheme.
Benny Applebaum, Eliran Kachlon
In Crypto'19, Goyal, Jain, and Sahai (GJS) introduced the elegant notion of *secret-sharing of an NP statement* (NPSS). Roughly speaking, a $t$-out-of-$n$ secret sharing of an NP statement is a reduction that maps an instance-witness pair to $n$ instance-witness pairs such that any subset of $(t-1)$ reveals no information about the original witness, while any subset of $t$ allows full recovery of the original witness. Although the notion was formulated for general $t \leq n$, the only existing construction (due to GJS) applies solely to the case where $t = n$ and provides only computational privacy. In this paper, we further explore NPSS and present the following contributions.
1. **Definition.** We introduce a refined definition of information-theoretically secure NPSS. This notion can be seen as a cryptographic variant of standard NP-reductions and can be compiled into the GJS definition using any one-way function.
2. **Construction.** We construct information-theoretic $t$-out-of-$n$ NPSS for any values of $t\leq n$ with complexity polynomial in $n$. Along the way, we present a new notion of secure multiparty computation that may be of independent interest.
3. **Applications.** Our NPSS framework enables the *non-interactive combination* of $n$ instances of zero-knowledge proofs, where only $t_s$ of them are sound and only $t_z$ are zero-knowledge, provided that $t_s + t_z > n$. Our combiner preserves various desirable properties, such as the succinctness of the proof. Building on this, we establish the following results under the minimal assumption of one-way functions: (i) *Standard NIZK implies NIZK in the Multi-String Model* (Groth and Ostrovsky, J. Cryptology, 2014), where security holds as long as a majority of the $n$ common reference strings were honestly generated. Previously, such a transformation was only known in the common random string model, where the reference string is uniformly distributed. (ii) A *Designated-Prover NIZK in the Multi-String Model*, achieving a strong form of two-round Multi-Verifier Zero-Knowledge in the honest-majority setting. (iii) A *three-round secure multiparty computation protocol* for general functions in the honest-majority setting. The round complexity of this protocol is optimal, resolving a line of research that previously relied on stronger assumptions (Aharonov et al., Eurocrypt'12; Gordon et al., Crypto'15; Ananth et al., Crypto'18; Badrinarayanan et al., Asiacrypt'20; Applebaum et al., TCC'22).
1. **Definition.** We introduce a refined definition of information-theoretically secure NPSS. This notion can be seen as a cryptographic variant of standard NP-reductions and can be compiled into the GJS definition using any one-way function.
2. **Construction.** We construct information-theoretic $t$-out-of-$n$ NPSS for any values of $t\leq n$ with complexity polynomial in $n$. Along the way, we present a new notion of secure multiparty computation that may be of independent interest.
3. **Applications.** Our NPSS framework enables the *non-interactive combination* of $n$ instances of zero-knowledge proofs, where only $t_s$ of them are sound and only $t_z$ are zero-knowledge, provided that $t_s + t_z > n$. Our combiner preserves various desirable properties, such as the succinctness of the proof. Building on this, we establish the following results under the minimal assumption of one-way functions: (i) *Standard NIZK implies NIZK in the Multi-String Model* (Groth and Ostrovsky, J. Cryptology, 2014), where security holds as long as a majority of the $n$ common reference strings were honestly generated. Previously, such a transformation was only known in the common random string model, where the reference string is uniformly distributed. (ii) A *Designated-Prover NIZK in the Multi-String Model*, achieving a strong form of two-round Multi-Verifier Zero-Knowledge in the honest-majority setting. (iii) A *three-round secure multiparty computation protocol* for general functions in the honest-majority setting. The round complexity of this protocol is optimal, resolving a line of research that previously relied on stronger assumptions (Aharonov et al., Eurocrypt'12; Gordon et al., Crypto'15; Ananth et al., Crypto'18; Badrinarayanan et al., Asiacrypt'20; Applebaum et al., TCC'22).
Lena Heimberger, Daniel Kales, Riccardo Lolato, Omid Mir, Sebastian Ramacher, Christian Rechberger
Oblivious pseudorandom functions (OPRFs) are an important primitive in privacy-preserving cryptographic protocols. The growing interest in OPRFs, both in theory and practice, has led to the development of numerous constructions and variations. However, most of these constructions rely on classical assumptions. Potential future quantum attacks may limit the practicality of those OPRFs for real-world applications.
To close this gap, we introduce Leap, a novel OPRF based on heuristic lattice assumptions. Fundamentally, Leap builds upon the Spring [BBL+15] pseudorandom function (PRF), which relies on the learning with rounding assumption, and integrates techniques from multi-party computation, specifically Oblivious Transfer (OT) and Oblivious Linear Evaluation (OLE). With this combination of oblivious protocols, we construct an OPRF that evaluates in less than a millisecond on a modern computer.
Efficiency-wise, our prototype implementation achieves computation times of just 11 microseconds for the client and 750 microseconds for the server, excluding some base OT preprocessing overhead. Moreover, Leap requires an online communication cost of 23 kB per evaluation, where the client only has to send around 380 bytes online. To demonstrate the practical applicability of Leap, we present an efficient private set intersection (PSI) protocol built on top of Leap. This application highlights the potential for the integration of Leap into various privacy-preserving applications: We can compute an unbalanced set intersection with set sizes of 2^24 and 2^15 in under a minute of online time and just over two minutes overall.
To close this gap, we introduce Leap, a novel OPRF based on heuristic lattice assumptions. Fundamentally, Leap builds upon the Spring [BBL+15] pseudorandom function (PRF), which relies on the learning with rounding assumption, and integrates techniques from multi-party computation, specifically Oblivious Transfer (OT) and Oblivious Linear Evaluation (OLE). With this combination of oblivious protocols, we construct an OPRF that evaluates in less than a millisecond on a modern computer.
Efficiency-wise, our prototype implementation achieves computation times of just 11 microseconds for the client and 750 microseconds for the server, excluding some base OT preprocessing overhead. Moreover, Leap requires an online communication cost of 23 kB per evaluation, where the client only has to send around 380 bytes online. To demonstrate the practical applicability of Leap, we present an efficient private set intersection (PSI) protocol built on top of Leap. This application highlights the potential for the integration of Leap into various privacy-preserving applications: We can compute an unbalanced set intersection with set sizes of 2^24 and 2^15 in under a minute of online time and just over two minutes overall.
Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
We are looking for a bright researcher with strong interest and suitable experience in any of the following research areas:
This position is full-time and available for immediate start (~58k to 68k EUR p.a. depending on qualifications and experience) with initial contract for 2 years. Candidates without a doctoral degree but with sufficient research experience, e.g., final-year doctoral students, are also welcome to apply.
- Secure computation: SMPC / FHE techniques and their use in protocol design, e.g. PSI
- PQC techniques for any of the aforementioned areas
This position is full-time and available for immediate start (~58k to 68k EUR p.a. depending on qualifications and experience) with initial contract for 2 years. Candidates without a doctoral degree but with sufficient research experience, e.g., final-year doctoral students, are also welcome to apply.
- Master's degree (or equivalent) or PhD in Mathematics, Cryptography, or Computer Science with excellent grades
- Solid knowledge and demonstrable experience in any of the aforementioned research areas
- Post-doc candidates must have a strong track record (ideally with papers at IACR conferences and/or the top 4 security conferences) and good academic writing and presentation skills
- Experience with cryptographic implementations (desirable)
- Proficiency in English (essential) and German (desirable)
- A valid working permit for the EU
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Mark Manulis (mark.manulis [at] unibw [dot] de)
More information: https://www.unibw.de/pacy-en/vacancies
Daniel Collins, Simone Colombo, Sina Schaeffler
Ratcheted key exchange (RKE) is at the heart of modern secure messaging, enabling protocol participants to continuously update their secret material to protect against full state exposure through forward security (protecting past secrets and messages) and post-compromise security (recovering from compromise). However, many practical attacks only provide the adversary with partial access to a party's secret state, an attack vector studied under the umbrella of leakage resilience. Existing models of RKE provide suboptimal guarantees under partial leakage due to inherent limitations in security under full state exposure.
In this work, we initiate the study of leakage-resilient ratcheted key exchange that provides typical guarantees under full state exposure and additional guarantees under partial state exposure between ratchets of the protocol. We consider unidirectional ratcheted key exchange (URKE) where one party acts as the sender and the other as receiver. Building on the notions introduced by Balli, Rösler and Vaudenay (ASIACRYPT 2020), we formalise a key indistinguishability game under randomness manipulation and bounded leakage (KIND), which in particular enables the adversary to continually leak a bounded amount of the sender's state between honest send calls. We construct a corresponding protocol from a key-updatable key encapsulation mechanism (kuKEM) and a leakage-resilient one-time MAC. By instantiating this MAC in the random oracle model (ROM), results from Balli, Rösler and Vaudenay imply that in the ROM, kuKEM and KIND-secure URKE are equivalent, i.e., can be built from each other. To address the strong limitations that key indistinguishability imposes on the adversary, we formalise a one-wayness game that also permits leakage on the receiver. We then propose a corresponding construction from leakage-resilient kuKEM, which we introduce, and a leakage-resilient one-time MAC. We further show that leakage-resilient kuKEM and one-way-secure URKE are equivalent in the ROM, highlighting the cost that strong one-way security entails. Our work opens exciting directions for developing leakage-resilient messaging protocols.
In this work, we initiate the study of leakage-resilient ratcheted key exchange that provides typical guarantees under full state exposure and additional guarantees under partial state exposure between ratchets of the protocol. We consider unidirectional ratcheted key exchange (URKE) where one party acts as the sender and the other as receiver. Building on the notions introduced by Balli, Rösler and Vaudenay (ASIACRYPT 2020), we formalise a key indistinguishability game under randomness manipulation and bounded leakage (KIND), which in particular enables the adversary to continually leak a bounded amount of the sender's state between honest send calls. We construct a corresponding protocol from a key-updatable key encapsulation mechanism (kuKEM) and a leakage-resilient one-time MAC. By instantiating this MAC in the random oracle model (ROM), results from Balli, Rösler and Vaudenay imply that in the ROM, kuKEM and KIND-secure URKE are equivalent, i.e., can be built from each other. To address the strong limitations that key indistinguishability imposes on the adversary, we formalise a one-wayness game that also permits leakage on the receiver. We then propose a corresponding construction from leakage-resilient kuKEM, which we introduce, and a leakage-resilient one-time MAC. We further show that leakage-resilient kuKEM and one-way-secure URKE are equivalent in the ROM, highlighting the cost that strong one-way security entails. Our work opens exciting directions for developing leakage-resilient messaging protocols.
Hengcheng Zhou
Secret-sharing-based multi-party computation provides effective solutions for privacy-preserving machine learning. In this paper, we present novel protocols for privacy-preserving neural network training using Shamir secret sharing scheme over Galois rings. The specific Galois ring we use is \(GR(2^k, d)\), which contains $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ as a subring. The algebraic structure of \(GR(2^k, d)\) enables us to benefit from Shamir scheme while performing modulo operations only on \(2^k\) instead of a prime number, making our protocols more compatible with modern computer architectures. We achieve the parallel processing of training data by embedding different training samples into the different coefficients of the polynomial representing a single Galois ring element, and we show that this embedding can be performed with no additional communication overhead compared to processing only one sample at a time. To evaluate our methods, we conduct private training of neural networks on the MNIST dataset between different numbers of participants. The experimental results indicate the advantages of our protocols compared to existing $\mathbb{F}_p$-based implementations in this domain.
Pratish Datta, Jiaxin Guan, Alexis Korb, Amit Sahai
Randomized functional encryption (rFE) generalizes functional encryption (FE) by incorporating randomized functionalities. Randomized multi-input functional encryption (rMIFE) extends rFE to accommodate multi-input randomized functionalities.
In this paper, we reassess the framework of rFE/rMIFE enhancing our understanding of this primitive and laying the groundwork for more secure and flexible constructions in this field. Specifically, we make three key contributions:
- New definition: We identify critical gap in the existing indistinguishability-based (IND) security definition for rFE/rMIFE. Notably, current definition fails to adequately address security against malicious encryptors—a crucial requirement for rFE/rMIFE since their introduction. We propose a novel, robust IND security definition that not only addresses threats from malicious decryptors but also quantifies the security against malicious encryptors effectively.
- Counterexample: To illustrate the importance of this definitional gap, we provide a counterexample of an insecure rFE scheme that meets IND security under the previous definition but explicitly fails in a natural setting (and where this failure would be precluded by our enhanced definition). Our counterexample scheme is non-trivial and meticulously designed using standard cryptographic tools, namely FE for deterministic functions, pseudorandom function (PRF), public key encryption (PKE), and simulation-sound non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems.
- Adaptive unbounded-message secure construction: The only viable prior construction of rMIFE by Goldwasser et al. [EUROCRYPT 2014] (which uses indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) and other standard assumptions) has significant limitations: it permits only a pre-defined number of messages per encryption slot and operates under selective-security constraints, requiring adversaries to declare challenge ciphertext queries and "corrupted" encryption keys in advance. We address these shortcomings by employing sub-exponentially secure iO. Technically, we build on and adapt methods developed by Goyal et al. [ASIACRYPT 2016] for deterministic MIFE.
In this paper, we reassess the framework of rFE/rMIFE enhancing our understanding of this primitive and laying the groundwork for more secure and flexible constructions in this field. Specifically, we make three key contributions:
- New definition: We identify critical gap in the existing indistinguishability-based (IND) security definition for rFE/rMIFE. Notably, current definition fails to adequately address security against malicious encryptors—a crucial requirement for rFE/rMIFE since their introduction. We propose a novel, robust IND security definition that not only addresses threats from malicious decryptors but also quantifies the security against malicious encryptors effectively.
- Counterexample: To illustrate the importance of this definitional gap, we provide a counterexample of an insecure rFE scheme that meets IND security under the previous definition but explicitly fails in a natural setting (and where this failure would be precluded by our enhanced definition). Our counterexample scheme is non-trivial and meticulously designed using standard cryptographic tools, namely FE for deterministic functions, pseudorandom function (PRF), public key encryption (PKE), and simulation-sound non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems.
- Adaptive unbounded-message secure construction: The only viable prior construction of rMIFE by Goldwasser et al. [EUROCRYPT 2014] (which uses indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) and other standard assumptions) has significant limitations: it permits only a pre-defined number of messages per encryption slot and operates under selective-security constraints, requiring adversaries to declare challenge ciphertext queries and "corrupted" encryption keys in advance. We address these shortcomings by employing sub-exponentially secure iO. Technically, we build on and adapt methods developed by Goyal et al. [ASIACRYPT 2016] for deterministic MIFE.
Gal Arnon, Eylon Yogev
The Fiat–Shamir transformation is a fundamental cryptographic technique widely used to convert public-coin interactive protocols into non-interactive ones. This transformation is crucial in both theoretical and practical applications, particularly in the construction of succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARKs). While its security is well-established in the random oracle model, practical implementations replace the random oracle with a concrete hash function, where security is merely assumed to carry over.
A growing body of work has given theoretical examples of protocols that remain secure under the Fiat–Shamir transformation in the random oracle model but become insecure when instantiated with any white-box implementation of the hash function. Recent research has shown how these attacks can be applied to natural cryptographic schemes, including real-world systems. These attacks rely on a general diagonalization technique, where the protocol exploits its access to the white-box implementation of the hash function. These attacks cast serious doubt on the security of cryptographic systems deployed in practice today, leaving their soundness uncertain.
We propose a new Fiat–Shamir transformation (XFS) that aims to defend against broad family of attacks, including the white-box attacks mentioned above. Our approach is designed to be practical, with minimal impact on the efficiency of the prover and verifier and on the proof length. At a high level, our transformation combines the standard Fiat–Shamir technique with a new type of proof-of-work that we construct.
We provide strong evidence for the security of our transformation by proving its security in a relativized random oracle model. Specifically, we show that diagonalization attacks on the standard Fiat–Shamir transformation can be mapped to analogous attacks within this model, meaning they do not rely on a concrete instantiation of the random oracle. In contrast, we prove unconditionally that our XFS variant of the Fiat–Shamir transformation remains secure within this model. Consequently, any successful attack on XFS must deviate from known techniques and exploit aspects not captured by our model.
We hope that our transformation will help preserve the security of systems relying on the Fiat–Shamir transformation.
A growing body of work has given theoretical examples of protocols that remain secure under the Fiat–Shamir transformation in the random oracle model but become insecure when instantiated with any white-box implementation of the hash function. Recent research has shown how these attacks can be applied to natural cryptographic schemes, including real-world systems. These attacks rely on a general diagonalization technique, where the protocol exploits its access to the white-box implementation of the hash function. These attacks cast serious doubt on the security of cryptographic systems deployed in practice today, leaving their soundness uncertain.
We propose a new Fiat–Shamir transformation (XFS) that aims to defend against broad family of attacks, including the white-box attacks mentioned above. Our approach is designed to be practical, with minimal impact on the efficiency of the prover and verifier and on the proof length. At a high level, our transformation combines the standard Fiat–Shamir technique with a new type of proof-of-work that we construct.
We provide strong evidence for the security of our transformation by proving its security in a relativized random oracle model. Specifically, we show that diagonalization attacks on the standard Fiat–Shamir transformation can be mapped to analogous attacks within this model, meaning they do not rely on a concrete instantiation of the random oracle. In contrast, we prove unconditionally that our XFS variant of the Fiat–Shamir transformation remains secure within this model. Consequently, any successful attack on XFS must deviate from known techniques and exploit aspects not captured by our model.
We hope that our transformation will help preserve the security of systems relying on the Fiat–Shamir transformation.
Amit Deo, Benoît Libert
As introduced by Persiano {\it et al.} (Eurocrypt'22), anamorphic encryption (AE) is a primitive enabling private communications against a dictator that forces users to surrender their decryption keys. In its fully asymmetric flavor (defined by Catalano {\it et al.}, Eurocrypt'24), anamorphic channels can work as hidden public-key mechanisms in the sense that anamorphic encryptors are not necessarily able to decrypt anamorphic ciphertexts. Unfortunately, fully asymmetric AE is hard to come by and even impossible to obtain from ordinary public-key encryption via black-box constructions. So far, only three schemes are known to rely on well-established assumptions. In this paper, we exhibit constructions from the standard LWE assumption based on Regev's cryptosystem and its dual version. In both cases, we retain the additive homomorphism of the schemes. We additionally show that dual Regev is public-key anamorphic in the sense of Persiano {\it et al.} (Crypto'24). In the FHE setting, we show that the dual GSW system provides fully asymmetric AE (while preserving its leveled homomorphism) when instantiated with binary/ternary secret keys. Along the way, we discuss the extent to which our schemes satisfy a generalization of Banfi {\it et al.}'s notion of robustness (Eurocrypt'24) to the case of homomorphically evaluated ciphertexts.
Gil Segev
Bulletproofs, introduced by Bünz, Bootle, Boneh, Poelstra, Wuille and Maxwell (IEEE S&P, 2018), is a highly efficient non-interactive argument system that does not require a trusted setup. Recently, Bünz (PhD Thesis, 2023) extended Bulletproofs to support arguments for rank-1 constraint satisfaction (R1CS) systems, a widely-used representation for arithmetic satisfiability problems. Although the argument system constructed by Bünz preserves the attractive properties of Bulletproofs, it presents a gap between its completeness and soundness guarantees: The system is complete for a restricted set of instances, but sound only for a significantly broader set. Although argument systems for such gap relations nevertheless provide clear and concrete guarantees, the gaps they introduce may lead to various inconsistencies or undesirable gaps within proofs of security, especially when used as building blocks within larger systems.
In this work we show that the argument system presented by Bünz can be extended to bridge the gap between its completeness and soundness, and to additionally provide honest-verifier zero-knowledge. For the extended argument system, we introduce a refined R1CS relation that captures the precise set of instances for which both completeness and soundness hold without resorting to a gap formulation. The extended argument system preserves the performance guarantees of the argument system presented by Bünz, and yields a non-interactive argument system using the Fiat-Shamir transform.
In this work we show that the argument system presented by Bünz can be extended to bridge the gap between its completeness and soundness, and to additionally provide honest-verifier zero-knowledge. For the extended argument system, we introduce a refined R1CS relation that captures the precise set of instances for which both completeness and soundness hold without resorting to a gap formulation. The extended argument system preserves the performance guarantees of the argument system presented by Bünz, and yields a non-interactive argument system using the Fiat-Shamir transform.
Anasuya Acharya, Karen Azari, Chethan Kamath
A Garbling Scheme is a fundamental cryptographic primitive, with numerous theoretical and practical applications. Since its inception by Yao (FOCS'82, '86), optimizing the communication and computation complexities of securely garbling circuits has been an area of active research. One such optimization, and perhaps the most fundamental, is the `Free-XOR' technique (Kolesnikov and Schneider, ICALP'08) which allows XOR gates in a function garbling to not require representation, and therefore communication.
Since then, several works have designed and analysed the security of schemes that adopt the Free-XOR optimisation. In particular: (1) Applebaum (JoC'16) proved that this can be securely instantiated assuming symmetric-key encryption satisfying a notion called RK-KDM security; and (2) Zahur, Rosulek and Evans (Eurocrypt'15) proposed the so-called `Half Gates' scheme, and proved that it can be instantiated assuming hash functions satisfying a notion called CCR security. Although both schemes have been proven selectively secure, prior work leaves it open to analyze whether they satisfy a stronger security notion -- adaptive security -- in the plain model.
In this work, we formally show that the selective security of these two schemes cannot be lifted to adaptive security under the same assumptions. To establish these barriers, we adopt techniques from the work of Kamath et al (Crypto'21), who proved similar negative results for Yao's garbling. We use that as a starting point and introduce new techniques tailored towards addressing Free-XOR-based schemes.
Since then, several works have designed and analysed the security of schemes that adopt the Free-XOR optimisation. In particular: (1) Applebaum (JoC'16) proved that this can be securely instantiated assuming symmetric-key encryption satisfying a notion called RK-KDM security; and (2) Zahur, Rosulek and Evans (Eurocrypt'15) proposed the so-called `Half Gates' scheme, and proved that it can be instantiated assuming hash functions satisfying a notion called CCR security. Although both schemes have been proven selectively secure, prior work leaves it open to analyze whether they satisfy a stronger security notion -- adaptive security -- in the plain model.
In this work, we formally show that the selective security of these two schemes cannot be lifted to adaptive security under the same assumptions. To establish these barriers, we adopt techniques from the work of Kamath et al (Crypto'21), who proved similar negative results for Yao's garbling. We use that as a starting point and introduce new techniques tailored towards addressing Free-XOR-based schemes.
24 February 2025
Madrid, Spain, 3 May 2025
Event date: 3 May 2025
Melbourne, Australia, 8 December - 12 December 2025
Event date: 8 December to 12 December 2025
München, Deutschland, 23 June - 26 June 2025
Event date: 23 June to 26 June 2025
Submission deadline: 15 March 2025
Notification: 20 April 2025
Submission deadline: 15 March 2025
Notification: 20 April 2025