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22 December 2017

Christina Boura, Ilaria Chillotti, Nicolas Gama, Dimitar Jetchev, Stanislav Peceny, Alexander Petric
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a novel multi-party computation protocol for evaluating continuous real-valued functions with high numerical precision. Our method is based on approximations with Fourier series and uses at most two rounds of communication during the online phase. For the offline phase, we propose a trusted-dealer and honest-but-curious aided solution, respectively. We apply our algorithm to train a logistic regression classifier via a variant of Newton's method (known as IRLS) to compute unbalanced classification problems that detect rare events and cannot be solved using previously proposed privacy-preserving optimization algorithms (e.g., based on piecewise-linear approximations of the sigmoid function). Our protocol is efficient as it can be implemented using standard quadruple-precision floating point arithmetic. We report multiple experiments and provide a demo application that implements our algorithm for training a logistic regression model.
Gilles Barthe, Benjamin Grégoire, Vincent Laporte
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Software-based countermeasures provide effective mitigation against side-channel attacks, often with minimal efficiency and deployment overheads. Their effectiveness is often amenable to rigorous analysis: specifically, several popular countermeasures can be formalized as information flow policies, and correct implementation of the countermeasures can be verified with state-of-the-art analysis and verification techniques. However, in absence of further justification, the guarantees only hold for the language (source, target, or intermediate representation) on which the analysis is performed.

We consider the problem of preserving side-channel countermeasures by compilation, and present a general method for proving that compilation preserves software-based side-channel countermeasures. The crux of our method is the notion of 2-simulation, which adapts to our setting the notion of simulation from compiler verification. Using the Coq proof assistant, we verify the correctness of our method and of several representative instantiations.
Motahhareh Gharahi, Shahram Khazaei
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We review the problem of finding the optimal information ratios of graph access structures on six participants. Study of such access structures were initiated by van Dijk [Des. Codes Cryptogr. 15 (1998), 301-321].Through a sequence of follow up works, exact values of optimal information ratios of nine access structures, out of 18 initially unsolved non-isomorphic ones, were determined. Very recently [O. Farras et al. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2017/919], for each of the remained such cases, the known lower bound on the optimal information ratio of linear secret sharing schemes was improved, establishing the optimal information ratio of linear secret sharing schemes for two of them. Here, for each of the other seven cases, we provide a new upper bound on the optimal information ratio of linear secret sharing schemes; our improved upper bounds match the corresponding recently presented lower bounds. Improved upper bounds are achieved using decomposition techniques. As an additional contribution, we present a new decomposition technique, called $(\lambda,\omega)$-weighted decomposition, which is a generalization of all known decomposition techniques.
Houda Ferradi, David Naccache
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In [AJPS17], Aggarwal, Joux, Prakash & Santha described an elegant public-key cryptosystem (AJPS-1) mimicking NTRU over the integers. This algorithm relies on the properties of Mersenne primes instead of polynomial rings. A later ePrint [BCGN17] by Beunardeau et al. revised AJPS-1’s initial security estimates. While lower than initially thought, the best known attack on AJPS-1 still seems to leave the defender with an exponential advantage over the attacker [dBDJdW17]. However, this lower exponential advantage implies enlarging AJPS-1’s parameters. This, plus the fact that AJPS-1 encodes only a single plaintext bit per ciphertext, made AJPS-1 impractical. In a recent update, Aggarwal et al. overcame this limitation by extending AJPS-1’s bandwidth. This variant (AJPS-ECC) modifies the definition of the public-key and relies on error-correcting codes. This paper presents a different high-bandwidth construction. By opposition to AJPS-ECC, we do not modify the public-key, avoid using errorcorrecting codes and use backtracking to decrypt. The new algorithm is orthogonal to AJPS-ECC as both mechanisms may be concurrently used in the same ciphertext and cumulate their bandwidth improvement effects. Alternatively, we can increase AJPS-ECC’s information rate by a factor of 26 for the parameters recommended in [AJPS17]. The obtained bandwidth improvement and the fact that encryption and decryption are reasonably efficient, make our scheme an interesting postquantum candidate.
Marcel Keller, Valerio Pastro, Dragos Rotaru
ePrint Report ePrint Report
SPDZ denotes a multiparty computation scheme in the preprocessing model based on somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) in the form of BGV. At CCS '16, Keller et al. presented MASCOT, a replacement of the preprocessing phase using oblivious transfer instead of SHE, improving by two orders of magnitude on the SPDZ implementation by Damgård et al. (ESORICS '13). In this work, we show that using SHE is faster than MASCOT in many aspects:

- We present a protocol that uses semi-homomorphic (addition-only) encryption. For two parties, our BGV-based implementation is 6 times faster than MASCOT on a LAN and 20 times faster in a WAN setting. The latter is roughly the reduction in communication.

- We show that using the proof of knowledge in the original work by Damgård et al. (Crypto '12) is more efficient in practice than the one used in the implementation mentioned above by about one order of magnitude.

- We present an improvement to the verification of the aforementioned proof of knowledge that increases the performance with a growing number of parties, doubling it for 16 parties.
Akinori Hosoyamada, Yu Sasaki
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper shows that quantum computers can significantly speed-up a type of meet-in-the-middle attacks initiated by Demiric and Sel\c{c}uk (DS-MITM attacks), which is currently one of the most powerful cryptanalytic approaches in the classical setting against symmetric-key schemes. The quantum DS-MITM attacks are then demonstrated against 6 rounds of the generic Feistel construction supporting an $n$-bit key and an $n$-bit block, which was attacked by Guo et al.~in the classical setting with data, time, and memory complexities of $O(2^{3n/4})$. The complexities of our quantum attacks depend on the adversary's model and the number of qubits available to the adversary. When the adversary has an access to quantum computers for performing offline computations but online queries are made in a classical manner (so called Q1 model), the attack complexities are $O(2^{n/2})$ classical queries, $O(2^n/q)$ quantum computations by using about $q$ qubits. Those are balanced at $\tilde{O}(2^{n/2})$, which significantly improves the classical attack. Technically, we convert the quantum claw finding algorithm to be suitable in the Q1 model, and apply it to reduce the cost of finding a match in the MITM stage. The attack is then extended to the case that the adversary is further allowed to make superposition queries (so called Q2 model). The attack approach is drastically changed from one in the Q1 model; the attack is based on 3-round distinguishers with Simon's algorithm and then appends 3 rounds for key recovery. This can be solved by applying the combination of Simon's and Grover's algorithms recently proposed by Leander and May.
Gottfried Herold, Elena Kirshanova, Thijs Laarhoven
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work we study speed-ups and time-space trade-offs for solving the shortest vector problem (SVP) on Euclidean lattices based on tuple lattice sieving.

Our results extend and improve upon previous work of Bai-Laarhoven-Stehl{\'e} [ANTS'16] and Herold-Kirshanova [PKC'17], with better complexities for arbitrary tuple sizes and offering tunable time-memory trade-offs. The trade-offs we obtain stem from the generalization and combination of two algorithmic techniques: the configuration framework introduced by Herold-Kirshanova, and the spherical locality-sensitive filters of Becker-Ducas-Gama-Laarhoven [SODA'16].

When the available memory scales quasi-linearly with the list size, we show that with triple sieving we can solve SVP in dimension $n$ in time $2^{0.3588n + o(n)}$ and space $2^{0.1887n + o(n)}$, improving upon the previous best triple sieve time complexity of $2^{0.3717n + o(n)}$ of Herold-Kirshanova. Using more memory we obtain better asymptotic time complexities. For instance, we obtain a triple sieve requiring only $2^{0.3300n + o(n)}$ time and $2^{0.2075n + o(n)}$ memory to solve SVP in dimension $n$. This improves upon the best double Gauss sieve of Becker-Ducas-Gama-Laarhoven, which runs in $2^{0.3685n + o(n)}$ time when using the same amount of space.
Victor Arribas, Svetla Nikova, Vincent Rijmen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Masking is a widely used countermeasure against Side-Channel Attacks (SCA), but the implementation of these countermeasures is challenging. Experimental security evaluation requires special equipment, a considerable amount of time and extensive technical knowledge. So, to automate and to speed up this process, a formal verification can be performed to asses the security of a design. Multiple theoretical approaches and verification tools have been proposed in the literature. The majority of them are tailored for software implementations, not applicable to hardware since they do not take into account glitches. Existing hardware verification tools are limited either to combinational logic or to small designs due to the computational resources needed. In this work we present VerMI, a verification tool in the form of a logic simulator that checks the properties defined in Threshold Implementations to address the security of a hardware implementation for meaningful orders of security. The tool is designed so that any masking scheme can be evaluated. It accepts combinational and sequential logic and is able to analyze an entire cipher in short time. With the tool we have managed to spot a flaw in the round-based Keccak implementation by Gross et al., published in DSD 2017.
Navid Alamati, Chris Peikert, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We continue the study of statistical zero-knowledge (SZK) proofs, both interactive and noninteractive, for computational problems on point lattices. We are particularly interested in the problem GapSPP of approximating the $\varepsilon$-smoothing parameter (for some $\varepsilon < 1/2$) of an $n$-dimensional lattice. The smoothing parameter is a key quantity in the study of lattices, and GapSPP has been emerging as a core problem in lattice-based cryptography, e.g., in worst-case to average-case reductions.

We show that GapSPP admits SZK proofs for *remarkably low* approximation factors, improving on prior work by up to roughly $\sqrt{n}$. Specifically:

-- There is a *noninteractive* SZK proof for $O(\log(n) \sqrt{\log (1/\varepsilon)})$-approximate GapSPP. Moreover, for any negligible $\varepsilon$ and a larger approximation factor $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n \log(1/\varepsilon)})$, there is such a proof with an *efficient prover*.

-- There is an (interactive) SZK proof with an efficient prover for $O(\log n + \sqrt{\log(1/\varepsilon)/\log n})$-approximate coGapSPP. We show this by proving that $O(\log n)$-approximate GapSPP is in coNP.

In addition, we give an (interactive) SZK proof with an efficient prover for approximating the lattice *covering radius* to within an $O(\sqrt{n})$ factor, improving upon the prior best factor of $\omega(\sqrt{n \log n})$.
Yehuda Lindell, Avishay Yanai
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the setting of secure computation, a set of parties wish to compute a joint function of their private inputs without revealing anything but the output. Garbled circuits, first introduced by Yao, are a central tool in the construction of protocols for secure computation (and other tasks like secure outsourced computation), and are the fastest known method for constant-round protocols. In this paper, we initiate a study of garbling multivalent-logic circuits, which are circuits whose wires may carry values from some finite/infinite set of values (rather than only True and False). In particular, we focus on the three-valued logic system of Kleene, in which the admissible values are True, False, and Unknown. This logic system is used in practice in SQL where some of the values may be missing. Thus, efficient constant-round secure computation of SQL over a distributed database requires the ability to efficiently garble circuits over 3-valued logic. However, as we show, the two natural (naive) methods of garbling 3-valued logic are very expensive. In this paper, we present a general approach for garbling three-valued logic, which is based on first encoding the 3-value logic into Boolean logic, then using standard garbling techniques, and final decoding back into 3-value logic. Interestingly, we find that the specific encoding chosen can have a significant impact on efficiency. Accordingly, the aim is to find Boolean encodings of 3-value logic that enable efficient Boolean garbling (i.e., minimize the number of AND gates). We also show that Boolean AND gates can be garbled at the same cost of garbling XOR gates in the 3-value logic setting. Thus, it is unlikely that an analogue of free-XOR exists for 3-value logic garbling (since this would imply free-AND in the Boolean setting).
Keita Xagawa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Abstract. We investigate the security of a public-key encryption scheme, the Indeterminate Equation Cryptosystem (IEC), introduced by Akiyama, Goto, Okumura, Takagi, Nuida, and Hanaoka at SAC 2017 as postquantum cryptography. They gave two parameter sets (n,p, deg X) = (80,3,1) and (80,3,2).

This paper gives practical key-recovery and message-recovery attacks against those parameter sets of IEC through lattice basis-reduction algorithm. We exploit the fact that $n = 80$ is composite and adopt the idea of Gentry’s attack against NTRU-Composite (EUROCRYPT2001) to this setting. The summary of our attacks follows:

* for (n,p,deg X) = (80,3,1); we recover 84 private keys from 100 public keys in 30--40 seconds per key.

* for (n,p,deg X) = (80,3,1); we recover partial information of all message from 100 ciphertexts in a second per ciphertext.

* for (n,p,deg X) = (80,3,2); we recover partial information of all message from 100 ciphertexts in 30 seconds per ciphertext.

Moreover, we also give message-recovery and distinguishing attacks against the parameter sets with prime n, say, n = 83. We exploit another subring to reduce the dimension of lattices in our lattice-based attacks and our attack succeed in the case of deg X = 2.

* for (n,p,deg X) = (83,3,2), we recover 7 messages from 10 random ciphertexts within 61,000 seconds \approx 17 hours per ciphertext.

* Even for larger n, we can find short vector from lattices to break the underlying assumption of IEC. In our experiment, we can found such vector within 330,000 seconds \approx 4 days for n = 113.
Hannes Gross, Rinat Iusupov, Stefan Mangard, Roderick Bloem
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we introduce a generalized concept for low-latency masking that is applicable to any implementation and protection order, and (in its extremest form) does not require on-the-fly randomness. The main idea of our approach is to avoid collisions of shared variables in nonlinear circuit parts, and to skip the share compression step. We show the feasibility of our approach on a full implementation of a one round unrolled Ascon variant and an AES S-box case study. We then discuss possible trade-offs to make our approach interesting for practical implementations. As a result we obtain a first-order masked AES S-box that is calculated in a single clock cycle with rather high implementation costs (17.8 kGE), and a two cycle variant requiring only 6.7 kGE. The side-channel resistance of our Ascon S-box designs up to order three are then verified using the formal analysis tool of [6]. Furthermore, we introduce a taint checking based verification approach that works specifically for our low-latency approach and allows faster verification which enables us to verify larger circuits like our low-latency AES S-box design.
Muslum Ozgur Ozmen, Thang Hoang, Attila A. Yavuz
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption (DSSE) allows to delegate keyword search and file update over an encrypted database via encrypted indexes, and therefore provides opportunities to mitigate the data privacy and utilization dilemma in cloud storage platforms. Despite its merits, recent works have shown that efficient DSSE schemes are vulnerable to statistical attacks due to the lack of forward-privacy, whereas forward-private DSSE schemes suffer from practicality concerns as a result of their extreme computation overhead. Due to significant practical impacts of statistical attacks, there is a critical need for new DSSE schemes that can achieve the forward-privacy in a more practical and efficient manner.

We propose a new DSSE scheme that we refer to as Forward-private Sublinear DSSE (FS-DSSE). FS-DSSE harnesses special secure update strategies and a novel caching strategy to reduce the computation cost of repeated queries. Therefore, it achieves forward-privacy, sublinear search complexity, low end-to-end delay, and parallelization capability simultaneously. We fully implemented our proposed method and evaluated its performance on a real cloud platform. Our experimental evaluation results showed that the proposed scheme is highly secure and highly efficient compared with state-of-the-art DSSE techniques. Specifically, FS-DSSE is one to three magnitude of times faster than forward-secure DSSE counterparts.
Marten van Dijk, Chenglu Jin, Hoda Maleki, Phuong Ha Nguyen, Reza Rahaeimehr
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Given the value of imported counterfeit and pirated goods, the need for secure supply chain management is pertinent. Maleki et al. (HOST 2017) propose a new management scheme based on RFID tags (with 2-3K bits NVM) which, if compared to other schemes, is competitive on several performance and security metrics. Its main idea is to have each RFID tag stores its reader events in its own NVM while moving through the supply chain. In order to bind a tag's identity to each event such that an adversary is not able to impersonate the tag's identity on another duplicate tag, a function with a weak form of unforgeability is needed. In this paper, we formally de ne this security property, present three constructions (MULTIPLY-ADD, ADD-XOR, and S-Box-CBC) having this security property, and show how to bound the probability of successful impersonation in concrete parameter settings. Finally, we compare our constructions with the light-weight hash function PHOTON used by Maleki et al. in terms of security and circuit area needed. We conclude that our ADD-XOR and S-Box-CBC constructions have approximately 1/4 - 1/3 of PHOTON's total circuit area (this also includes the control circuitry besides PHOTON) while maintaining an appropriate security level which takes care of economically motivated adversaries.
Lynn Batten, Xun Yi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Several ecash systems have been proposed in the last twenty years or so,each offering features similar to real cash. One feature which to date has not been provided is that of a payee giving change to a payer for an e-coin in an off-line setting. In this paper, we indicate how an off-line ecash system can solve the change-giving problem. In addition, our protocol offers the usual expected features of anonymity and unlinkability of the payer, but can reveal the identity of an individual who illegally tries to spend ecash twice.
Subhabrata Samajder, Palash Sarkar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Daeman and Rijmen had derived the distributions of correlations between linear combinations of the input and output of uniform random functions and uniform random permutations. We generalise their results by deriving the distributions of correlations between arbitrary combinations of the input and the output of uniform random functions and uniform random permutations.
Dimitris Mouris, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos, Michail Maniatakos
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Security and privacy are fundamental objectives characterizing contemporary cloud computing. Despite the wide adoption of encryption for protecting data in transit and at rest, data in use remains unencrypted inside cloud processors and memories, as computation is not applicable on encrypted values. This limitation introduces security risks, as unencrypted values can be leaked through side-channels or hardware Trojans. To address this problem, encrypted architectures have recently been proposed, which leverage homomorphic encryption to natively process encrypted data using datapaths of thousands of bits. In this case, additional security protections are traded for higher performance penalties, which drives the need for more efficient architectures. In this work, we develop benchmarks specifically tailored to encrypted computers, to enable comparisons across different architectures. Our benchmark suite, dubbed TERMinator, is unique as it avoids 'termination problems' that prohibit making control-flow decisions and evaluating early termination conditions based on encrypted data, as these can leak information. Contrary to generic suites that ignore the fundamental challenges of encrypted computation, our algorithms are tailored to the security primitives of the target encrypted architecture, such as the existence of branching oracles. In our experiments, we compiled our benchmarks for the Cryptoleq architecture and evaluated their performance for a range of security parameters.
Carmit Hazay, Gert L{\ae}ss{\o}e Mikkelsen, Tal Rabin, Tomas Toft, Angelo Agatino Nicolosi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The problem of generating an RSA composite in a distributed manner without leaking its factorization is particularly challenging and useful in many cryptographic protocols. Our first contribution is the first non-generic fully simulatable protocol for distributively generating an RSA composite with security against malicious behavior. Our second contribution is complete Paillier [Pai99] threshold encryption scheme in the two-party setting with security against malicious behavior. Furthermore, we describe how to extend our protocols to the multiparty setting with dishonest majority.

Our RSA key generation is comprised of the following: (i) a distributed protocol for generation of an RSA composite, and (ii) a biprimality test for verifying the validity of the generated composite. Our Paillier threshold encryption scheme uses the RSA composite as public key and is comprised of: (i) a distributed generation of the corresponding secret-key shares and, (ii) a distributed decryption protocol for decrypting according to Paillier.

20 December 2017

Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT), Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Job Posting Job Posting
Are you a Thought Leader in Hardware /Software / Embedded Systems Security, with a significant academic research profile (at Professor, Reader or Senior Lecturer grade) or Leadership potential (Lecturer grade) capable of developing the UK’s cyber security capabilities and developing innovative mission-led research programmes?

Based in Centre for Secure Information Technology (CSIT) within the ECIT Global Research Institute Queens University Belfast, CSIT is host to the UK Research Institute in Hardware Security and Embedded Systems (RISE), and is recognised by NCSC as an Academic Centre of Excellence (ACE) in Cyber Security Research. This affords staff the opportunity to apply for studentships and small grants only available to ACE institutions

Successful candidates will inspire students and facilitate motivational learning. In particular you will be expected to teach on the MSc in Applied Cyber Security. You will also work with engineering and commercial teams in partnership with local and international industry partners to translate research into real-world impact.

There is significant potential for future career development in:

(1) Hardware Security (hardware cryptographic architectures e.g. for post-quantum or advanced cryptographic techniques, physical unclonable functions, hardware Trojans and/or side channel attacks and countermeasures)

(2) Software Security (security protocol and cryptographic algorithm implementation, instruction set extensions for crypto, software analysis, and/or software vulnerability detection);

(3) Embedded Systems Security (embedded OS security, lightweight communication security, embedded malware, embedded system penetration testing and vulnerability analysis and/or securing ARM based embedded platforms)

Further information about CSIT can be obtained at and information on the Data Security Systems group can be obtained at

Closing date for applications: 22 January 2018

Contact: Professor Máire O’Neill, Research Director, CSIT; Email: m.oneill (at)

More information:


19 December 2017

Shan Fu, Zongyue Wang, Fanxing Wei, Guoai Xu, An Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Linear regression side channel attack (LRA) used to be known as a robust attacking method as it makes use of independent bits leakage. This leakage assumption is more general than Hamming weight/ Hamming distance model used in correlation power attack (CPA). However, in practice, Hamming weight and Hamming distance model suit most devices well. In this paper, we restudy linear regression attack under Hamming weight/ Hamming distance model and propose our novel LRA methods. We find that in many common scenarios LRA is not only an alternative but also a more efficient tool compared with CPA. Two typical cases are recovering keys with XOR operation leakage and chosen plaintext attack on block ciphers with leakages from round output. Simulation results are given to compare with traditional CPA in both cases. Our LRA method achieves up to 400% and 300% improvements for corresponding case compared with CPA respectively. Experiments with AES on SAKURA-G board also prove the efficiency of our methods in practice where 128 key bits are recovered with 1500 traces using XOR operation leakage and one key byte is recovered with only 50 chosen-plaintext traces in the other case.
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