International Association for Cryptologic Research

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14 February 2018

Yi-Hsiu Chen, Kai-Min Chung, Jyun-Jie Liao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We construct a simulator for the simulating auxiliary input problem with complexity better than all previous results and prove the optimality up to logarithmic factors by establishing a black-box lower bound. Specifically, let $\ell$ be the length of the auxiliary input and $\epsilon$ be the indistinguishability parameter. Our simulator is $\tilde{O}(2^{\ell}\epsilon^{-2})$ more complicated than the distinguisher family. For the lower bound, we show the relative complexity to the distinguisher of a simulator is at least $\Omega(2^{\ell}\epsilon^{-2})$ assuming the simulator is restricted to use the distinguishers in a black-box way and satisfy a mild restriction.
Miruna Rosca, Damien Stehl\'{e}, Alexandre Wallet
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Ring Learning With Errors problem (RLWE) comes in various forms. Vanilla RLWE is the decision dual-RLWE variant, consisting in distinguishing from uniform a distribution depending on a secret belonging to the dual O_K^vee of the ring of integers O_K of a specified number field K. In primal-RLWE, the secret instead belongs to O_K. Both decision dual-RLWE and primal-RLWE enjoy search counterparts. Also widely used is (search/decision) Polynomial Learning With Errors (PLWE), which is not defined using a ring of integers O_K of a number field K but a polynomial ring ZZ[x]/f for a monic irreducible f in ZZ[x].

We show that there exist reductions between all of these six problems that incur limited parameter losses. More precisely: we prove that the (decision/search) dual to primal reduction from Lyubashevsky et al. [EUROCRYPT~2010] and Peikert [SCN~2016] can be implemented with a small error rate growth for all rings (the resulting reduction is non-uniform polynomial time); we extend it to polynomial-time reductions between (decision/search) primal RLWE and PLWE that work for a family of polynomials f that is exponentially large as a function of deg f (the resulting reduction is also non-uniform polynomial time); and we exploit the recent technique from Peikert et al. [STOC~2017] to obtain a search to decision reduction for RLWE for arbitrary number fields. The reductions incur error rate increases that depend on intrinsic quantities related to K and f.

12 February 2018

University of South Florida and Florida Atlantic University
Job Posting Job Posting
As part of a joint project between the University of South Florida (USF, based in Tampa) and Florida Atlantic University (FAU, based in Boca Raton), we expect to hire two postdocs for 12 months each, starting during the Summer 2018.

The areas of interest are

  • Lattice based cryptography.
  • Isogeny-based cryptography.
  • Cryptocurrencies.
  • Classical and quantum cryptanalysis.

The person recruited at USF will report to Dr. Jean-Francois Biasse. They will work on fundamental aspects of the aforementioned topics and be hired by the Mathematics department. The annual salary will be $47,659

The person recruited at FAU will report to Dr Reza Azarderakhsh. They will work on efficient implementations related to the topics of interests, with an emphasis on hardware solutions. They will be hired by the Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The annual salary will be $50,000.

If you are interested in either position, please send a CV and a 1 page research statement to usf.fau.crypto.postdoc (at)

To ensure full consideration, please send your application material by March 12th 2018. However, we will consider applications until the positions are filled.

Closing date for applications: 1 July 2018


11 February 2018

Award Award
The IACR congratulates Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman for being inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for their invention of the RSA algorithm. Their citation reads as follows:

RSA Cryptography is the world's most widely used public-key cryptography method for securing communication on the Internet. Introduced in 1977 by MIT colleagues Rivest, Shamir and Adleman, RSA Cryptography is instrumental to the growth of e-commerce and is used in almost all Internet-based transactions to safeguard sensitive data such as credit card numbers.

They will be formally inducted on May 3 in Washington DC.

The National Inventors Hall of Fame (NIHF) is an American not-for-profit organization which recognizes individual inventors who hold a U.S. patent of highly significant technology. Founded in 1973, its primary mission is to "honor the people responsible for the great technological advances that make human, social and economic progress possible."
Srimanta Bhattacharya, Mridul Nandi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The construction $\mathsf{XORP}$ (bitwise-xor of outputs of two independent $n$-bit random permutations) has gained broad attention over the last two decades due to its high security. Very recently, Dai \textit{et al.} (CRYPTO'17), by using a method which they term the {\em Chi-squared method} ($\chi^2$ method), have shown $n$-bit security of $\mathsf{XORP}$ when the underlying random permutations are kept secret to the adversary. In this work, we consider the case where the underlying random permutations are publicly available to the adversary. The best known security of $\mathsf{XORP}$ in this security game (also known as {\em indifferentiable security}) is $\frac{2n}{3}$-bit, due to Mennink \textit{et al.} (ACNS'15). Later, Lee (IEEE-IT'17) proved a better $\frac{(k-1)n}{k}$-bit security for the general construction $\mathsf{XORP}[k]$ which returns the xor of $k$ ($\geq 2$) independent random permutations. However, the security was shown only for the cases where $k$ is an even integer. In this paper, we improve all these known bounds and prove full, {\em i.e.,} $n$-bit (indifferentiable) security of $\mathsf{XORP}$ as well as $\mathsf{XORP}[k]$ for any $k$. Our main result is $n$-bit security of $\mathsf{XORP}$, and we use the $\chi^2$ method to prove it.
Yael Tauman Kalai, Dakshita Khurana, Amit Sahai
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Two-message witness indistinguishable protocols were first constructed by Dwork and Naor (FOCS 00). They have since proven extremely useful in the design of several cryptographic primitives. However, so far no two-message arguments for NP provided statistical privacy against malicious verifiers.

In this paper, we construct the first: - Two-message statistical witness indistinguishable (SWI) arguments for NP. - Two-message statistical zero-knowledge arguments for NP with super-polynomial simulation (Statistical SPS-ZK). These were previously believed to be impossible to construct via black-box reductions (Chung et al., ePrint 2012). - Two-message statistical distributional weak zero-knowledge (SwZK) arguments for NP with polynomial simulation, where the instance is sampled by the prover in the second round.

These protocols are based on quasi-polynomial hardness of two-message oblivious transfer (OT) with game-based security, which can in turn be based on quasi-polynomial DDH or QR or N'th residuosity. We also demonstrate simple applications of these arguments to constructing more secure forms of oblivious transfer.

Along the way, we show that the Kalai and Raz (Crypto 09) transform compressing interactive proofs to two-message arguments can be generalized to compress certain types of interactive arguments. We introduce and construct a new technical tool, which is a variant of extractable two-message statistically hiding commitments, by extending the work of Khurana and Sahai (FOCS 17). These techniques may be of independent interest.
Nils Fleischhacker, Vipul Goyal, Abhishek Jain
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study the round complexity of zero-knowledge (ZK) proof systems. While five round ZK proofs for NP are known from standard assumptions [Goldreich-Kahan, J. Cryptology'96], Katz [TCC'08] proved that four rounds are insufficient for this task w.r.t. black-box simulation.

In this work, we study the feasibility of ZK proofs using non-black-box simulation. Our main result is that three round private-coin ZK proofs for NP do not exist (even w.r.t. non-black-box simulation), under certain assumptions on program obfuscation. Our approach builds upon the recent work of Kalai et al. [Crypto'17] who ruled out constant round public-coin ZK proofs under the same assumptions as ours.
Atul Luykx, Bart Preneel
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Polynomial-based authentication algorithms, such as GCM and Poly1305, have seen widespread adoption in practice. Due to their importance, a significant amount of attention has been given to understanding and improving both proofs and attacks against such schemes. At EUROCRYPT 2005, Bernstein published the best known analysis of the schemes when instantiated with PRPs, thereby establishing the most lenient limits on the amount of data the schemes can process per key. A long line of work, initiated by Handschuh and Preneel at CRYPTO 2008, finds the best known attacks, advancing our understanding of the fragility of the schemes. Yet surprisingly, no known attacks perform as well as the predicted worst-case attacks allowed by Bernstein's analysis, nor has there been any advancement in proofs improving Bernstein's bounds, and the gap between attacks and analysis is significant. We settle the issue by finding a novel attack against polynomial-based authentication algorithms using PRPs, and combine it with new analysis, to show that Bernstein's bound, and our attacks, are optimal.
Jan Camenisch, Manu Drijvers, Tommaso Gagliardoni, Anja Lehmann, Gregory Neven
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The random-oracle model by Bellare and Rogaway (CCS'93) is an indispensable tool for the security analysis of practical cryptographic protocols. However, the traditional random-oracle model fails to guarantee security when a protocol is composed with arbitrary protocols that use the same random oracle. Canetti, Jain, and Scafuro (CCS'14) put forth a global but non-programmable random oracle in the Generalized UC framework and showed that some basic cryptographic primitives with composable security can be efficiently realized in their model. Because their random-oracle functionality is non-programmable, there are many practical protocols that have no hope of being proved secure using it. In this paper, we study alternative definitions of a global random oracle and, perhaps surprisingly, show that these allow one to prove GUC-secure existing, very practical realizations of a number of essential cryptographic primitives including public-key encryption, non-committing encryption, commitments, Schnorr signatures, and hash-and-invert signatures. Some of our results hold generically for any suitable scheme proven secure in the traditional ROM, some hold for specific constructions only. Our results include many highly practical protocols, for example, the folklore commitment scheme H(m|r) (where m is a message and r is the random opening information) which is far more efficient than the construction of Canetti et al.
Pavel Hub\'{a}\v{c}ek, Alon Rosen, Margarita Vald
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present an unconditional transformation from any honest-verifier statistical zero-knowledge (HVSZK) protocol to standard SZK that preserves round complexity and efficiency of both the verifier and the prover. This improves over currently known transformations, which either rely on some computational assumptions or introduce significant computational overhead. Our main conceptual contribution is the introduction of instance-dependent SZK proofs for NP, which serve as a building block in our transformation. Instance-dependent SZK for NP can be constructed unconditionally based on instance-dependent commitment schemes of Ong and Vadhan (TCC'08).

As an additional contribution, we give a simple constant-round SZK protocol for Statistical-Difference resembling the textbook HVSZK proof of Sahai and Vadhan (J.ACM'03). This yields a conceptually simple constant-round protocol for all of SZK.
Stanislaw Jarecki, Hugo Krawczyk, Jiayu Xu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocols allow two parties that only share a password to establish a shared key in a way that is immune to offline attacks. Asymmetric PAKE (aPAKE) strengthens this notion for the more common client-server setting where the server stores a mapping of the password and security is required even upon server compromise, that is, the only allowed attack in this case is an (inevitable) offline exhaustive dictionary attack against individual user passwords. Unfortunately, most suggested aPAKE protocols (that dispense with the use of servers' public keys) allow for pre-computation attacks that lead to the instantaneous compromise of user passwords upon server compromise, thus forgoing much of the intended aPAKE security. Indeed, these protocols use -- in essential ways -- deterministic password mappings or use random "salt" transmitted in the clear from servers to users, and thus are vulnerable to pre-computation attacks. We initiate the study of Strong aPAKE protocols that are secure as aPAKE's but are also secure against pre-computation attacks. We formalize this notion in the Universally Composable (UC) settings and present two modular constructions using an Oblivious PRF as a main tool. The first builds a Strong aPAKE from any aPAKE (which in turn can be constructed from any PAKE [GMR06]) while the second builds a Strong aPAKE from any authenticated key-exchange protocol secure against reverse impersonation (a.k.a. KCI). Using the latter transformation, we show a practical instantiation of a UC-secure Strong aPAKE in the Random Oracle model. The protocol ("OPAQUE") consists of 2 messages (3 with mutual authentication), requires 3 and 4 exponentiations for server and client, respectively (2 to 4 of which can be fixed-base depending on optimizations), provides forward secrecy, is PKI-free, supports user-side hash iterations, and allows a user-transparent server-side threshold implementation.
Jean Paul Degabriele, Martijn Stam
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Tor is a primary tool for maintaining anonymity online. It provides a low-latency, circuit-based, bidirectional secure channel between two parties through a network of onion routers, with the aim of obscuring exactly who is talking to whom, even to adversaries controlling part of the network. Tor relies heavily on cryptographic techniques, yet its onion encryption scheme is susceptible to tagging attacks (Fu and Ling, 2009), which allow an active adversary controlling the first and last node of a circuit to deanonymize with near-certainty. This contrasts with less active traffic correlation attacks, where the same adversary can at best deanonymize with high probability. The Tor project has been actively looking to defend against tagging attacks and its most concrete alternative is proposal 261, which specifies a new onion encryption scheme based on a variable-input-length tweakable cipher.

We provide a formal treatment of low-latency, circuit-based onion encryption, relaxed to the unidirectional setting, by expanding existing secure channel notions to the new setting and introducing circuit hiding to capture the anonymity aspect of Tor. We demonstrate that circuit hiding prevents tagging attacks and show proposal 261's relay protocol is circuit hiding and thus resistant against tagging attacks.
Carlos Cid, Tao Huang, Thomas Peyrin, Yu Sasaki, Ling Song
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A boomerang attack is a cryptanalysis framework that regards a block cipher $E$ as the composition of two sub-ciphers $E_1\circ E_0$ and builds a particular characteristic for $E$ with probability $p^2q^2$ by combining differential characteristics for $E_0$ and $E_1$ with probability $p$ and $q$, respectively. Crucially the validity of this figure is under the assumption that the characteristics for $E_0$ and $E_1$ can be chosen independently. Indeed, Murphy has shown that independently chosen characteristics may turn out to be incompatible. On the other hand, several researchers observed that the probability can be improved to $p$ or $q$ around the boundary between $E_0$ and $E_1$ by considering a positive dependency of the two characteristics, e.g.~the ladder switch and S-box switch by Biryukov and Khovratovich. This phenomenon was later formalised by Dunkelman et al.~as a sandwich attack that regards $E$ as $E_1\circ E_m \circ E_0$, where $E_m$ satisfies some differential propagation among four texts with probability $r$, and the entire probability is $p^2q^2r$. In this paper, we revisit the issue of dependency of two characteristics in $E_m$, and propose a new tool called Boomerang Connectivity Table (BCT), which evaluates $r$ in a systematic and easy-to-understand way when $E_m$ is composed of a single S-box layer. With the BCT, previous observations on the S-box including the incompatibility, the ladder switch and the S-box switch are represented in a unified manner. Moreover, the BCT can detect a new switching effect, which shows that the probability around the boundary may be even higher than $p$ or $q$. To illustrate the power of the BCT-based analysis, we improve boomerang attacks against Deoxys-BC, and disclose the mechanism behind an unsolved probability amplification for generating a quartet in SKINNY. Lastly, we discuss the issue of searching for S-boxes having good BCT and extending the analysis to modular addition.
Sinisa Matetic, Moritz Schneider, Andrew Miller, Ari Juels, Srdjan Capkun
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce a new concept called brokered delegation. Brokered delegation allows users to flexibly delegate credentials and rights for a range of service providers to other users and third parties. We explore how brokered delegation can be implemented using novel trusted execution environments (TEEs). We introduce a system called DelegaTEE that enables users (Delegatees) to log into different online services using the credentials of other users (Owners). Credentials in DelegaTEE are never revealed to Delegatees and Owners can restrict access to their accounts using a range of rich, contextually dependent delegation policies.

DelegaTEE fundamentally shifts existing access control models for centralized online services. It does so by using TEEs to permit access delegation at the user's discretion. DelegaTEE thus effectively reduces mandatory access control (MAC) in this context to discretionary access control (DAC). The system demonstrates the significant potential for TEEs to create new forms of resource sharing around online services without the direct support from those services.

We present a full implementation of DelegaTEE using Intel SGX and demonstrate its use in four real-world applications: email access (SMTP/IMAP), restricted website access using a HTTPS proxy, e-banking/credit card, and a third-party payment system (PayPal).
Gaëtan Leurent, Ferdinand Sibleyras
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The counter mode (CTR) is a simple, efficient and widely used encryption mode using a block cipher. It comes with a security proof that guarantees no attacks up to the birthday bound (i.e. as long as the number of encrypted blocks $\sigma$ satisfies $\sigma \ll 2^{n/2}$), and a matching attack that can distinguish plaintext/ciphertext pairs from random using about $2^{n/2}$ blocks of data.

The main goal of this paper is to study attacks against the counter mode beyond this simple distinguisher. We focus on message recovery attacks, with realistic assumptions about the capabilities of an adversary, and evaluate the full time complexity of the attacks rather than just the query complexity. Our main result is an attack to recover a block of message with complexity $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(2^{n/2})$. This shows that the actual security of CTR is similar to that of CBC, where collision attacks are well known to reveal information about the message.

To achieve this result, we study a simple algorithmic problem related to the security of the CTR mode: the missing difference problem. We give efficient algorithms for this problem in two practically relevant cases: where the missing difference is known to be in some linear subspace, and when the amount of data is higher than strictly required.

As a further application, we show that the second algorithm can also be used to break some polynomial MACs such as GMAC and Poly1305, with a universal forgery attack with complexity $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(2^{2n/3})$.
Meicheng Liu, Jingchun Yang, Wenhao Wang, Dongdai Lin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we describe a new variant of cube attacks called correlation cube attack. The new attack recovers the secret key of a cryptosystem by exploiting conditional correlation properties between the superpoly of a cube and a specific set of low-degree polynomials that we call a basis, which satisfies that the superpoly is a zero constant when all the polynomials in the basis are zeros. We present a detailed procedure of correlation cube attack for the general case, including how to find a basis of the superpoly of a given cube. One of the most significant advantages of this new analysis technique over other variants of cube attacks is that it converts from a weak-key distinguisher to a key recovery attack.

As an illustration, we apply the attack to round-reduced variants of the stream cipher Trivium. Based on the tool of numeric mapping introduced by Liu at CRYPTO 2017, we develop a specific technique to efficiently find a basis of the superpoly of a given cube as well as a large set of potentially good cubes used in the attack on Trivium variants, and further set up deterministic or probabilistic equations on the key bits according to the conditional correlation properties between the superpolys of the cubes and their bases. For a variant when the number of initialization rounds is reduced from 1152 to 805, we can recover about 7-bit key information on average with time complexity $2^{44}$, using $2^{45}$ keystream bits and preprocessing time $2^{51}$. For a variant of Trivium reduced to 835 rounds, we can recover about 5-bit key information on average with the same complexity. All the attacks are practical and fully verified by experiments. To the best of our knowledge, they are thus far the best known key recovery attacks for these variants of Trivium, and this is the first time that a weak-key distinguisher on Trivium stream cipher can be converted to a key recovery attack.
Bernardo David, Rafael Dowsley, Mario Larangeira
ePrint Report ePrint Report
While many tailor made card game protocols are known, the vast majority of those suffer from three main issues: lack of mechanisms for distributing financial rewards and punishing cheaters, lack of composability guarantees and little flexibility, focusing on the specific game of poker. Even though folklore holds that poker protocols can be used to play any card game, this conjecture remains unproven and, in fact, does not hold for a number of protocols (including recent results). We both tackle the problem of constructing protocols for general card games and initiate a treatment of such protocols in the Universal Composability (UC) framework, introducing an ideal functionality that captures general card games constructed from a set of core card operations. Based on this formalism, we introduce Royale, the first UC-secure general card games which supports financial rewards/penalties enforcement. We remark that Royale also yields the first UC-secure poker protocol. Interestingly, Royale performs better than most previous works (that do not have composability guarantees), which we highlight through a detailed concrete complexity analysis and benchmarks from a prototype implementation.
Sanjam Garg, Susumu Kiyoshima, Omkant Pandey
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider the task of constructing concurrently composable protocols for general secure computation by making only black-box use of underlying cryptographic primitives. Existing approaches for this task first construct a black-box version of CCA-secure commitments which provide a strong form of concurrent security to the committed value(s). This strong form of security is then crucially used to construct higher level protocols such as concurrently secure OT/coin-tossing (and eventually all functionalities).

This work explores a fresh approach. We first aim to construct a concurrently-secure OT protocol whose concurrent security is proven directly using concurrent simulation techniques; in particular, it does not rely on the usual ``non-polynomial oracles'' of CCA-secure commitments. The notion of concurrent security we target is super-polynomial simulation (SPS). We show that such an OT protocol can be constructed from polynomial hardness assumptions in a black-box manner, and within a constant number of rounds. In fact, we only require the existence of (constant round) semi-honest OT and standard collision-resistant hash functions.

Next, we show that such an OT protocol is sufficient to obtain SPS-secure (concurrent) multiparty computation (MPC) for general functionalities. This transformation does not require any additional assumptions; it also maintains the black-box nature as well as the constant round feature of the original OT protocol. Prior to our work, the only known black-box construction of constant-round concurrently composable MPC required stronger assumptions; namely, verifiable perfectly binding homomorphic commitment schemes and PKE with oblivious public-key generation.
Yuyu Wang, Takahiro Matsuda, Goichiro Hanaoka, Keisuke Tanaka
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In Crypto 2017, Auerbach et al. initiated the study on memory-tight reductions and proved two negative results on the memory-tightness of restricted black-box reductions from multi-challenge security to single-challenge security for signatures and an artificial hash function. In this paper, we revisit the results by Auerbach et al. and show that for a large class of reductions treating multi-challenge security, it is impossible to avoid loss of memory-tightness unless we sacrifice the efficiency of their running-time. Specifically, we show three lower-bound results. Firstly, we show a memory lower-bound of natural black-box reductions from the multi-challenge unforgeability of unique signatures to any computational assumption. Then we show a lower-bound of restricted reductions from multi-challenge security to single-challenge security for a wide class of cryptographic primitives with unique keys in the multi-user setting. Finally, we extend the lower-bound result shown by Auerbach et al. treating a hash function to one treating any hash function with a large-domain.
Nuttapong Attrapadung, Takahiro Matsuda, Ryo Nishimaki, Shota Yamada, Takashi Yamakawa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose new constrained pseudorandom functions (CPRFs) in traditional groups. Traditional groups mean cyclic and multiplicative groups of prime order that were widely used in the 1980s and 1990s (sometimes called ``pairing free'' groups). Our main constructions are as follows.

- We propose a selectively single-key secure CPRF for circuits with depth $O(\log n)$ (that is, $\textbf{NC}^1$ circuits) in traditional groups} where $n$ is the input size. It is secure under the $L$-decisional Diffie-Hellman inversion ($L$-DDHI) assumption in the group of quadratic residues $\mathbb{QR}_q$ and the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption in a traditional group of order $q$ in the standard model.

- We propose a selectively single-key private bit-fixing CPRF in traditional groups. It is secure under the DDH assumption in any prime-order cyclic group in the standard model.

- We propose adaptively single-key secure CPRF for $\textbf{NC}^1$ and private bit-fixing CPRF in the random oracle model.

To achieve the security in the standard model, we develop a new technique using correlated-input secure hash functions.
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