International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

The International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) is a non-profit scientific organization whose purpose is to further research in cryptology and related fields. Cryptology is the science and practice of designing computation and communication systems which are secure in the presence of adversaries.



Photo: John Wiley User:Jw4nvc - Santa Barbara, California [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Crypto 2024
18 - 22 August 2024
Santa Barbara, USA
Asiacrypt 2024
9 - 13 December 2024
Kolkata, India

Photo: Pixabay

Eurocrypt 2025
4 - 8 May 2025
Madrid, Spain

Photo: John-Mark Smith

Fast Software Encryption
25 - 29 March 2024
Leuven, Belgium

Photo: GraphicCycle [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
4 - 7 September 2024
Halifax, Canada

Photo:, CC0 Public Domain

Theory of Cryptography Conference
2 - 6 December 2024
Milan, Italy

Photo: by Kenny Paterson

Real World Crypto Symposium
26 - 28 March 2025
Sofia, Bulgaria
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Event Calendar: CCSW 2024: ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop
Salt Lake City, USA, 18 October 2024

Job Posting icon

Job Posting: PhD Student Cryptographic Protocols
University of Luxembourg

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Job Posting: Ph.D. student
University of Amsterdam

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Job Posting: Two Ph.D. student positions
Univeristiy of Sydney, School of Computer Science, Sydney, Australia

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Job Posting: Ph.D. student
Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark

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Job Posting: Postdoc in the Applied and Provable Security group
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands

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Job Posting: Senior Cryptographer
Aztec Labs

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Job Posting: Cryptography Researcher

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