The syzygy distinguisher
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Conference: | EUROCRYPT 2025 |
Abstract: | We present a new distinguisher for alternant and Goppa codes, whose complexity is subexponential in the error-correcting capability, hence better than that of generic decoding algorithms. Moreover it does not suffer from the strong regime limitations of the previous distinguishers or structure recovery algorithms: in particular, it applies to the codes used in the Classic McEliece candidate for postquantum cryptography standardization. The invariants that allow us to distinguish are graded Betti numbers of the homogeneous coordinate ring of a shortening of the dual code. Since its introduction in 1978, this is the first time an analysis of the McEliece cryptosystem breaks the exponential barrier. |
@inproceedings{eurocrypt-2025-35017, title={The syzygy distinguisher}, publisher={Springer-Verlag}, author={Hugues RANDRIAMBOLOLONA}, year=2025 }