2024 IACR Fellows

Anne Canteaut
For influential contributions to symmetric cryptography and Boolean functions, and for exemplary service to the symmetric cryptography community.

Joan Feigenbaum
For highly influential contributions to the foundations of trust and secure computation, and for service to the IACR.

Alfred Menezes
For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of elliptic curve cryptography, and for service to the cryptographic community.

Kobbi Nissim
For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of data privacy, and for service to the cryptographic community.

Chris Peikert
For fundamental contributions to the functionality, efficiency, and security of lattice-based cryptography, and for service to the IACR.

David Pointcheval
For fundamental contributions to the design of public-key cryptosystems and their provable security analysis, for educational leadership, and for outstanding service to the IACR.

François-Xavier Standaert
For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of cryptography in the presence of leakage, and for service to the IACR.

Brent Waters
For the development of attribute-based encryption, functional encryption, and other foundational concepts in cryptography, and for service to the cryptographic community.