International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

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Ph.D. student
University of Yaoundé 1, Department of Mathematics; Yaoundé, Cameroon
My name is Francis TSAKOU TEZEM, holder of a master 2 in the field of mathematical and computer sciences with a general weighted average of 3.51/4. As part of my research work in Master 2 in Algebra and Applications, I am focusing on a fascinating and crucial area of ​​modern cryptography: the resolution of the rank metric decoding problem. This specific branch of cryptography is essential to ensure the security of digital communications and transactions in an increasingly connected world. My research project aims to explore advanced rank metric decoding techniques, a crucial approach to securing sensitive information exchanged over computer networks. In particular, I am interested in understanding and improving the algorithms underlying the resolution of this complex problem. Working on this topic, I strive to develop new innovative methods and approaches to strengthen the security of cryptographic systems used in various fields, such as secure communication, online financial transactions and personal data protection. My goal is to expand current knowledge in cryptography and make meaningful contributions to this evolving field. By combining my skills in algebra with a deep understanding of the practical applications of cryptography, I seek to provide efficient and robust solutions to the rank metric decoding problem, thereby helping to strengthen the cybersecurity and privacy of digital exchanges at the same time era of digital transformation.
Contact: Prof. NDJEYA Selestin Email : Dr. Hervé TALE KALACHI Email :
Last updated: 2024-09-04 posted on 2024-09-03