International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 21 September 2015

Announcement Announcement

Hello IACR members,

We hope this news update finds you well. There are several items of news to report from the world of IACR:

  1. IACR Museum of Historic Papers in Cryptology
  2. Nominations for 2015 Election
  3. Streamlined Access to IACR Publications
  4. URL Shortener
  5. Membership Meetings & Upcoming Events

IACR Museum of Historic Papers in Cryptology

We are pleased to announce a new Museum of Historic Papers in Cryptology. In the past century, the intertwining of cryptology with national security has made it difficult to get access to some original source material from the beginnings of modern cryptology. Beyond that, the fragility of paper and human memory have further obscured the picture. The IACR's Museum of Cryptology will try to fill in some of the gaps by being a repository for older research papers that have not been otherwise published for the public.

The first paper in the museum is Claude Shannon's 1945 report, A Mathematical Theory of Cryptography. It has been re-typeset in LaTeX by IACR fellow Whitfield Diffie, and is available in the museum with permission from Alcatel. We are in the process of adding several more papers in the following months, and welcome further suggestions.

The museum is available at

Nominations for 2015 Election

The 2015 IACR election is being held to fill 3 of 9 elected IACR Director positions. Nominations for the election are due very soon, September 24! Information about the open positions and the nomination process is available at

Streamlined Access to IACR Publications

We remind all IACR members that they can access Journal of Cryptology and conference/workshop proceedings volumes for free, as part of the IACR agreement with Springer. In addition, the "IACR version" of many proceedings volumes older than two years are available for free to the general public.

We have created a new centralized portal to access all of these IACR publications. Check it out at If you use old bookmarks to access the IACR publications, they should automatically redirect to this new portal. URL Shortener

We have recently acquired the domain name and are now using it to offer short URLs for all ePrint reports. You will now see a "Short URL" listed among the information for each ePrint report, for example: We expect that the time saved from this 41% decrease in characters will significantly advance the state of the art of cryptology in the upcoming years.

Membership Meetings & Upcoming Events

The President's slides from the CRYPTO 2015 membership meeting and the minutes from the Eurocrypt 2015 membership meeting are available at Highlights from the CRYPTO membership meeting include the announcement of several new events:

  • CHES 2016 will take place 16-19 Aug in UCSB.
  • Eurocrypt 2017 will take place 15-18 May in Paris.
The following IACR workshop has also very recently been approved by the IACR board:
  • TCC 2016-B will take place 1-3 Nov in Beijing.
Because TCC is moving in the calendar, there will be two TCC events in 2016. TCC 2016-A will take place in Tel Aviv in January. For a list of all IACR events, see

Thanks for reading! We hope to see you at an IACR event soon,
Mike Rosulek (IACR communications secretary)


Additional news items may be found on the IACR news page.