International Association for Cryptologic Research

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25 January 2019

Chun Guo, Jonathan Katz, Xiao Wang, Yu Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Many implementations of secure computation use fixed-key AES (modeled as a random permutation); this results in substantial performance benefits due to existing hardware support for~AES and the ability to avoid recomputing the AES key schedule. Surveying these implementations, however, we find that most utilize AES in a heuristic fashion; in the best case this leaves a gap in the security proof, but in many cases we show it allows for explicit attacks.

Motivated by this unsatisfactory state of affairs, we initiate a comprehensive study of how to use fixed-key block ciphers for secure computation---in particular for OT extension and circuit garbling---efficiently and securely. Specifically:

- We consider several notions of pseudorandomness for hash functions (e.g., correlation robustness), and show provably secure schemes for OT extension, garbling, and other applications based on hash functions satisfying these notions.

- We provide provably secure constructions, in the random-permutation model, of hash functions satisfying the different notions of pseudorandomness we consider.

Taken together, our results provide end-to-end security proofs for implementations of secure-computation protocols based on fixed-key block ciphers (modeled as random permutations). Perhaps surprisingly, at the same time our work also results in noticeable performance improvements over the state-of-the-art.
Cristian Hristea, Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea
ePrint Report ePrint Report
With the large scale adoption of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, a variety of security and privacy risks need to be addressed. Arguably, the most general and used RFID security and privacy model is the one proposed by Vaudenay. It considers concurrency, corruption (with or without destruction) of tags, and the possibility to get the result of a protocol session on the reader side. Security in Vaudenay's model embraces two forms, unilateral (tag) authentication and mutual (tag and reader) authentication, while privacy is very flexible and dependent on the adversary class. The construction of destructive private RFID schemes in Vaudenay's model was left open when the model was initially proposed. It was solved three years later in the context of unilateral authentication.

In this paper we propose a destructive private and mutual authentication RFID scheme in Vaudenay's model. The security and privacy of our scheme are rigorously proved. We also show that the only two RFID schemes proposed so far that claimed to achieve destructive privacy and mutual authentication are not even narrow forward private. Thus, our RIFD scheme is the first one to achieve this kind of privacy and security. The paper also points out some privacy proof flaws that have been met in previous constructions.
Alex Vazquez
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Zerocoin protocol is a set of cryptographic algorithms which embedded in a cryptocurrency provide anonymous swap of tokens in a mathematically provable way by using cryptographic accumulators. Functionally it can be described as a black box where an actor can introduce an arbitrary number of coins, and later withdraw them without leaving evidence of connection between both actions. The withdrawing step admits a destination for the coins different from the original minter, but unconditionally requires a previous mint action and does not accept the transfer of coins without leaving the accumulator, thus exposing the traceability of the coins. We propose an alternative design which for the first time combines the virtues of Zerocoin with those of Confidential Transactions offering fully-featured anonymous transactions between individuals with private amounts.
Zhilin Zhang, Ke Wang, Weipeng Lin, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong
ePrint Report ePrint Report
As data outsourcing becomes popular, oblivious algorithms have raised extensive attentions since their control flow and data access pattern appear to be independent of the input data they compute on and thus are especially suitable for secure processing in outsourced environments. In this work, we focus on oblivious shuffling algorithms that aim to shuffle encrypted data blocks outsourced to the cloud server without disclosing the permutation of blocks to the server. Existing oblivious shuffling algorithms suffer from issues of heavy communication and client computation costs when blocks have a large size because all outsourced blocks must be downloaded to the client for shuffling or peeling off extra encryption layers. To help eliminate this void, we introduce the ``repeatable oblivious shuffling'' notation that restricts the communication and client computation costs to be independent of the block size. We present an efficient construction of repeatable oblivious shuffling using additively homomorphic encryption schemes. The comprehensive evaluation of our construction shows its effective usability in practice for shuffling large-sized blocks.
Sam M. Werner, Paul J. Pritz, Alexei Zamyatin, William J. Knottenbelt
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Mining pools in Proof-of-Work cryptocurrencies allow miners to pool their computational resources as a means of reducing payout variance. In Ethereum, uncle blocks are valid Proof-of-Work solutions which do not become the head of the blockchain, yet yield rewards if later referenced by main chain blocks. Mining pool operators are faced with the non-trivial task of fairly distributing rewards for both block types among pool participants. Inspired by empirical observations, we formally reconstruct a Sybil attack exploiting the uncle block distribution policy in a queue-based mining pool. To ensure fairness of the queue-based payout scheme, we propose a mitigation. We examine the effectiveness of the attack strategy under the current and the proposed policy via a discrete-event simulation. Our findings show that the observed attack can indeed be obviated by altering the current reward scheme.
Jan Czajkowski, Andreas Hülsing, Christian Schaffner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work we show that the sponge construction can be used to construct quantum-secure pseudorandom functions. As our main result we prove that random sponges are quantum indistinguishable from random functions. In this setting the adversary is given superposition access to the input-output behavior of the construction but not to the internal function. Our proofs hold under the assumption that the internal function is a random function or permutation. We then use this result to obtain a quantum-security version of a result by Andreeva, Daemen, Mennink, and Van Assche (FSE'15) which shows that a sponge that uses a secure PRP or PRF as internal function is a secure PRF. This result also proves that the recent attacks against CBC-MAC in the quantum-access model by Kaplan, Leurent, Leverrier, and Naya-Plasencia (Crypto'16) and Santoli, and Schaffner (QIC'16) can be prevented by introducing a state with a non-trivial inner part.

The proof of our main result is derived by analyzing the joint distribution of any $q$ input-output pairs. Our method analyzes the statistical behavior of the considered construction in great detail. The used techniques might prove useful in future analysis of different cryptographic primitives considering quantum adversaries. Using Zhandry's PRF/PRP switching lemma we then obtain that quantum indistinguishability also holds if the internal block function is a random permutation.
Michael Walter
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Randomness is an essential part of any secure cryptosystem, but many constructions rely on distributions that are not uniform. This is particularly true for lattice based cryptosystems, which more often than not make use of discrete Gaussian distributions over the integers. For practical purposes it is crucial to evaluate the impact that approximation errors have on the security of a scheme to provide the best possible trade-off between security and performance. Recent years have seen surprising results allowing to use relatively low precision while maintaining high levels of security. A key insight in these results is that sampling a distribution with low relative error can provide very strong security guarantees. Since floating point numbers provide guarantees on the relative approximation error, they seem a suitable tool in this setting, but it is not obvious which sampling algorithms can actually profit from them. While previous works have shown that inversion sampling can be adapted to provide a low relative error (Pöppelmann et al., CHES 2014; Prest, ASIACRYPT 2017), other works have called into question if this is possible for other sampling techniques (Zheng et al., Eprint report 2018/309). In this work, we consider all sampling algorithms that are popular in the cryptographic setting and analyze the relationship of floating point precision and the resulting relative error. We show that all of the algorithms either natively achieve a low relative error or can be adapted to do so.
George Teseleanu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the classical kleptographic business models, the manufacturer of a device $D$ is paid either in advance or in installments by a malicious entity to backdoor $D$. Unfortunately, these models have an inherent high risk for the manufacturer. This translates in high costs for clients. To address this issue, we introduce a subscription based business model and tackle some of the technical difficulties that arise.
Alessandra Scafuro, Luisa Siniscalchi, Ivan Visconti
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A proof system is publicly verifiable, if anyone, by looking at the transcript of the proof, can be convinced that the corresponding theorem is true. Public verifiability is important in many applications since it allows to compute a proof only once while convincing an unlimited number of verifiers. Popular interactive proof systems (e.g., $\Sigma$-protocols) protect the witness through various properties (e.g., witness indistinguishability (WI) and zero knowledge (ZK)) but typically they are not publicly verifiable since such proofs are convincing only for those verifiers who contributed to the transcripts of the proofs. The only known proof systems that are publicly verifiable rely on a non-interactive (NI) prover, through trust assumptions (e.g., NIZK in the CRS model), heuristic assumptions (e.g., NIZK in the random oracle model),specific number-theoretic assumptions on bilinear groups or relying on obfuscation assumptions (obtaining NIWI with no setups). In this work we construct publicly verifiable witness-indistinguishable proof systems from any $\Sigma$-protocol, based {\em only} on the existence of a very generic blockchain. The novelty of our approach is in enforcing a non-interactive verification (thus guaranteeing public verifiability) while allowing the prover to be interactive and talk to the blockchain (this allows us to circumvent the need of strong assumptions and setups). This opens interesting directions for the design of cryptographic protocols leveraging on blockchain technology.
Jan Camenisch, Manu Drijvers, Björn Tackmann
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We want to design and analyze protocols in a modular way by combining idealized components that we realize individually. While this is in principle possible using security frameworks that provide generic composition theorems, we notice that actually applying this methodology in practical protocols is far from trivial and, worse, is sometimes not even possible. As an example, we use a natural combination of zero-knowledge proofs with signature and commitment schemes, where the goal to have a party prove in zero-knowledge that it knows a signature on a committed message, i.e., prove knowledge of a witness to a statement involving algorithms of the signature and commitment scheme. We notice that, unfortunately, the composition theorem of the widely used UC framework does allow one to modularly prove the security of this example protocol. We then describe a new variant of the UC framework, multi-protocol UC, and show a composition theorem that generalizes the one from the standard framework. We use this new framework to provide a modular analysis of a practical protocol that follows the above structure and is based on discrete-logarithm-based primitives. Besides the individual security proofs of the protocol components, we also describe a new methodology for idealizing them as components that can then be composed.
Keita Emura, Takuya Hayashi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Group signatures are signatures providing signer anonymity where signers can produce signatures on behalf of the group that they belong to. Although such anonymity is quite attractive considering privacy issues, it is not trivial to check whether a signer has been revoked or not. Thus, how to revoke the rights of signers is one of the major topics in the research on group signatures. In particular, scalability, where the signing and verification costs and the signature size are constant in terms of the number of signers N, and other costs regarding signers are at most logarithmic in N, is quite important.

In this paper, we propose a revocable group signature scheme which is currently more efficient compared to previous all scalable schemes. Moreover, our revocable group signature scheme is secure under simple assumptions (in the random oracle model), whereas all scalable schemes are secure under q-type assumptions. We implemented our scheme by employing Barreto-Lynn-Scott curves of embedding degree 12 over a 455-bit prime field (BLS-12-455), and Barreto-Naehrig curves of embedding degree 12 over a 382-bit prime field (BN-12-382), respectively, by using the RELIC library. We showed that the online running times of our signing algorithm were approximately 14 msec (BLS-12-455) and 11 msec (BN-12-382), and those of our verification algorithm were approximately 20 msec (BLS-12-455) and 16 msec (BN-12-382), respectively. Finally, we showed that our scheme is applied to an identity management system proposed by Isshiki et al.
Michael Backes, Lucjan Hanzlik, Amir Herzberg, Aniket Kate, Ivan Pryvalov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
With the recent emergence of efficient zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs for general circuits, while efficient zero-knowledge proofs of algebraic statements have existed for decades, a natural challenge arose to combine algebraic and non-algebraic statements. Chase et al. (CRYPTO 2016) proposed an interactive ZK proof system for this cross-domain problem. As a use case they show that their system can be used to prove knowledge of a RSA/DSA signature on a message m with respect to a publicly known Pedersen commitment g^m h^r . One drawback of their system is that it requires interaction between the prover and the verifier. This is due to the interactive nature of garbled circuits, which are used in their construction. Subsequently, Agrawal et al. (CRYPTO 2018) proposed an efficient non-interactive ZK (NIZK) proof system for cross-domains based on SNARKs, which however require a trusted setup assumption.

In this paper, we propose a NIZK proof system for cross-domains that requires no trusted setup and is efficient both for the prover and the verifier. Our system constitutes a combination of Schnorr based ZK proofs and ZK proofs for general circuits by Giacomelli et al. (USENIX 2016). The proof size and the running time of our system are comparable to the approach by Chase et al. Compared to Bulletproofs (SP 2018), a recent NIZK proofs system on committed inputs, our techniques achieve asymptotically better performance on prover and verifier, thus presenting a different trade-off between the proof size and the running time.
Michael Clear, Ciaran McGoldrick
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present an identity-Based encryption (IBE) scheme that is group homomorphic for addition modulo a ``large'' (i.e. superpolynomial) integer, the first such group homomorphic IBE. Our first result is the construction of an IBE scheme supporting homomorphic addition modulo a poly-sized prime $e$. Our construction builds upon the IBE scheme of Boneh, LaVigne and Sabin (BLS). BLS relies on a hash function that maps identities to $e$-th residues. However there is no known way to securely instantiate such a function. Our construction extends BLS so that it can use a hash function that can be securely instantiated. We prove our scheme IND-ID-CPA secure under the (slightly modified) $e$-th residuosity assumption in the random oracle model and show that it supports a (modular) additive homomorphism. By using multiple instances of the scheme with distinct primes and leveraging the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we can support homomorphic addition modulo a ``large'' (i.e. superpolynomial) integer. We also show that our scheme for $e > 2$ is anonymous by additionally assuming the hardness of deciding solvability of a special system of multivariate polynomial equations. We provide a justification for this assumption by considering known attacks.
Yuanqi Shen, You Li, Shuyu Kong, Amin Rezaei, Hai Zhou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Logic encryption is a powerful hardware protection technique that uses extra key inputs to lock a circuit from piracy or unauthorized use. The recent discovery of the SAT-based attack with Distinguishing Input Pattern (DIP) generation has rendered all traditional logic encryptions vulnerable, and thus the creation of new encryption methods. However, a critical question for any new encryption method is whether security against the DIP-generation attack means security against all other attacks. In this paper, a new high-level SAT-based attack called SigAttack has been discovered and thoroughly investigated. It is based on extracting a key-revealing signature in the encryption. A majority of all known SAT-resilient encryptions are shown to be vulnerable to SigAttack. By formulating the condition under which SigAttack is effective, the paper also provides guidance for the future logic encryption design.
Amin Rezaei, You Li, Yuanqi Shen, Shuyu Kong, Hai Zhou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Logic encryption has attracted much attention due to increasing IC design costs and growing number of untrusted foundries. Unreachable states in a design provide a space of flexibility for logic encryption to explore. However, due to the available access of scan chain, traditional combinational encryption cannot leverage the benefit of such flexibility. Cyclic logic encryption inserts key-controlled feedbacks into the original circuit to prevent piracy and overproduction. Based on our discovery, cyclic logic encryption can utilize unreachable states to improve security. Even though cyclic encryption is vulnerable to a powerful attack called CycSAT, we develop a new way of cyclic encryption by utilizing unreachable states to defeat CycSAT. The attack complexity of the proposed scheme is discussed and its robustness is demonstrated.
Yuanqi Shen, You Li, Amin Rezaei, Shuyu Kong, David Dlott, Hai Zhou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cyclic logic encryption is newly proposed in the area of hardware security. It introduces feedback cycles into the circuit to defeat existing logic decryption techniques. To ensure that the circuit is acyclic under the correct key, CycSAT is developed to add the acyclic condition as a CNF formula to the SAT-based attack. However, we found that it is impossible to capture all cycles in any graph with any set of feedback signals as done in the CycSAT algorithm. In this paper, we propose a behavioral SAT-based attack called BeSAT. BeSAT observes the behavior of the encrypted circuit on top of the structural analysis, so the stateful and oscillatory keys missed by CycSAT can still be blocked. The experimental results show that BeSAT successfully overcomes the drawback of CycSAT.
Roman Langrehr, Jiaxin Pan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We construct the first tightly secure hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) scheme based on standard assumptions, which solves an open problem from Blazy, Kiltz, and Pan (CRYPTO 2014). At the core of our constructions is a novel randomization technique that enables us to randomize user secret keys for identities with flexible length.

The security reductions of previous HIBEs lose at least a factor of Q, which is the number of user secret key queries. Different to that, the security loss of our schemes is only dependent on the security parameter. Our schemes are adaptively secure based on the Matrix Diffie-Hellman assumption, which is a generalization of standard Diffie-Hellman assumptions such as k-Linear. We have two tightly secure constructions, one with constant ciphertext size, and the other with tighter security at the cost of linear ciphertext size. Among other things, our schemes imply the first tightly secure identity-based signature scheme by a variant of the Naor transformation.
Rafael del Pino, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Gregor Seiler
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In applications of fully-homomorphic encryption (FHE) that involve computation on encryptions produced by several users, it is important that each user proves that her input is indeed well-formed. This may simply mean that the inputs are valid FHE ciphertexts or, more generally, that the plaintexts $m$ additionally satisfy $f(m)=1$ for some public function $f$. The most efficient FHE schemes are based on the hardness of the Ring-LWE problem and so a natural solution would be to use lattice-based zero-knowledge proofs for proving properties about the ciphertext. Such methods, however, require larger-than-necessary parameters and result in rather long proofs, especially when proving general relationships.

In this paper, we show that one can get much shorter proofs (roughly $1.25$KB) by first creating a Pedersen commitment from the vector corresponding to the randomness and plaintext of the FHE ciphertext. To prove validity of the ciphertext, one can then prove that this commitment is indeed to the message and randomness and these values are in the correct range. Our protocol utilizes a connection between polynomial operations in the lattice scheme and inner product proofs for Pedersen commitments of Bünz et al. (S&P 2018). Furthermore, our proof of equality between the ciphertext and the commitment is very amenable to amortization -- proving the equivalence of $k$ ciphertext / commitment pairs only requires an additive factor of $O(\log{k})$ extra space than for one such proof. For proving additional properties of the plaintext(s), one can then directly use the logarithmic-space proofs of Bootle et al. (Eurocrypt 2016) and Bünz et al. (IEEE S&P 2018) for proving arbitrary relations of discrete log commitment.

Our technique is not restricted to FHE ciphertexts and can be applied to proving many other relations that arise in lattice-based cryptography. For example, we can create very efficient verifiable encryption / decryption schemes with short proofs in which confidentiality is based on the hardness of Ring-LWE while the soundness is based on the discrete logarithm problem. While such proofs are not fully post-quantum, they are adequate in scenarios where secrecy needs to be future-proofed, but one only needs to be convinced of the validity of the proof in the pre-quantum era. We furthermore show that our zero-knowledge protocol can be easily modified to have the property that breaking soundness implies solving discrete log in a short amount of time. Since building quantum computers capable of solving discrete logarithm in seconds requires overcoming many more fundamental challenges, such proofs may even remain valid in the post-quantum era.
Ward Beullens, Hoeteck Wee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper shows how to obfuscate several simple functionalities from a new Knowledge of OrthogonALity Assumption (KOALA) in cyclic groups which is shown to hold in the Generic Group Model. Specifically, we give simpler and stronger security proofs for obfuscation schemes for point functions, general-output point functions and pattern matching with wildcards. We also revisit the work of Bishop et al. (CRYPTO 2018) on obfuscating the pattern matching with wildcards functionality. We improve upon the construction and the analysis in several ways:

- attacks and stronger guarantees: We show that the construction achieves virtual black-box security for a simulator that runs in time roughly $2^{n/2}$, as well as distributional security for larger classes of distributions. We give attacks that show that our results are tight.

- weaker assumptions: We prove security under KOALA

- better efficiency: We also provide a construction that outputs $n+1$ instead of 2n group elements.

We obtain our results by first obfuscating a simpler "big subset functionality", for which we establish full virtual black-box security; this yields a simpler and more modular analysis for pattern matching. Finally, we extend our distinguishing attacks to a large class of simple linear-in-the-exponent schemes.
Sandro Coretti, Antonio Faonio, Daniele Venturi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study the *rate* of so-called *continuously* non-malleable codes, which allow to encode a message in such a way that (possibly adaptive) continuous tampering attacks on the codeword yield a decoded value that is unrelated to the original message. Our results are as follows:

-) For the case of bit-wise independent tampering, we establish the existence of rate-one continuously non-malleable codes with information-theoretic security, in the plain model.

-) For the case of split-state tampering, we establish the existence of rate-one continuously non-malleable codes with computational security, in the (non-programmable) random oracle model. We further exhibit a rate-1/2 code and a rate-one code in the common reference string model, but the latter only withstands *non-adaptive* tampering.

It is well known that computational security is inherent for achieving continuous non-malleability in the split-state model (even in the presence of non-adaptive tampering).

Continuously non-malleable codes are useful for protecting *arbitrary* cryptographic primitives against related-key attacks, as well as for constructing non-malleable public-key encryption schemes. Our results directly improve the efficiency of these applications.
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