16 June 2020
Marc Fischlin, Felix Günther, Christian Janson
The common approach in secure channel protocols is to rely on ciphertexts arriving in-order and to close the connection upon any rogue ciphertext. Cryptographic security models for channels generally reflect such design. This is reasonable when running atop lower-level transport protocols like TCP ensuring in-order delivery, as for example is the case with TLS or SSH. However, channels such as QUIC or DTLS which run over a non-reliable transport protocol like UDP, do not---and in fact cannot---close the connection if packets are lost or arrive in a different order. Those protocols instead have to carefully catch effects arising naturally in unreliable networks, usually by using a sliding-window technique where ciphertexts can be decrypted correctly as long as they are not misplaced too far.
To accommodate such handling of unreliable network messages, we introduce a generalized notion of robustness of cryptographic channels. This property can capture unreliable network behavior and guarantees that adversarial tampering cannot hinder ciphertexts that can be decrypted correctly from being accepted. We show that robustness is orthogonal to the common notion of integrity for channels, but together with integrity and chosen-plaintext security it provides a robust analogue of chosen-ciphertext security of channels. We then discuss two particularly interesting targets, namely the packet encryption in the record layer protocols of QUIC and of DTLS 1.3. We show that both protocols achieve the intended level of robust chosen-ciphertext security based on certain properties of their sliding-window techniques and on the underlying AEAD schemes. Notably, the robustness needed in handling unreliable network messages require both record layer protocols to tolerate repeated adversarial forgery attempts, which means we can only establish non-tight security bounds (in terms of AEAD integrity). Our bounds have led the responsible IETF working groups to introduce concrete forgery limits for both protocol drafts.
To accommodate such handling of unreliable network messages, we introduce a generalized notion of robustness of cryptographic channels. This property can capture unreliable network behavior and guarantees that adversarial tampering cannot hinder ciphertexts that can be decrypted correctly from being accepted. We show that robustness is orthogonal to the common notion of integrity for channels, but together with integrity and chosen-plaintext security it provides a robust analogue of chosen-ciphertext security of channels. We then discuss two particularly interesting targets, namely the packet encryption in the record layer protocols of QUIC and of DTLS 1.3. We show that both protocols achieve the intended level of robust chosen-ciphertext security based on certain properties of their sliding-window techniques and on the underlying AEAD schemes. Notably, the robustness needed in handling unreliable network messages require both record layer protocols to tolerate repeated adversarial forgery attempts, which means we can only establish non-tight security bounds (in terms of AEAD integrity). Our bounds have led the responsible IETF working groups to introduce concrete forgery limits for both protocol drafts.
Anubhab Baksi, Santanu Sarkar, Akhilesh Siddhanti, Ravi Anand, Anupam Chattopadhyay
As the fault based analysis techniques are becoming more and more powerful, there is a need to streamline the existing tools for better accuracy and ease of use. In this regard, we propose a machine learning assisted tool that can be used in the context of a differential fault analysis. In particular, finding the exact fault location by analyzing the XORed output of a stream cipher/ stream cipher based design is somewhat non-trivial. Traditionally, Pearson's correlation coefficient is used for this purpose. We show that a machine learning method is more powerful than the existing correlation coefficient, aside from being simpler to implement. As a proof of concept, we take two variants of Grain-128a (namely a stream cipher, and a stream cipher with authentication), and demonstrate that machine learning can outperform correlation with the same training/testing data. Our analysis shows that the machine learning can be considered as a replacement for the correlation in the future research works.
Takeshi Sugawara, Tatsuya Onuma, Yang Li
Physically unclonable function (PUF) is a technology to generate a device-unique identifier using process variation. PUF enables a cryptographic key that appears only when the chip is active, providing an efficient countermeasure against reverse-engineering attacks. In this paper, we explore the data conversion that digitizes a physical quantity representing PUFs uniqueness into a numerical value as a new attack surface. We focus on time-to-digital converter (TDC) that converts time duration into a numerical value. We show the first signal injection attack on a TDC by manipulating its clock, and verify it through experiments on an off-the-shelf TDC chip. Then, we show how to leverage the attack to reveal a secret key protected by a PUF that uses a TDC for digitization.
Sergij V. Goncharov
In this short trivial note we argue that, assuming Generalized Continuum Hypothesis to be true, it is impractical to use encryption with $Key \in \{ 0, 1 \}^K$ and $Message \in \{ 0, 1 \}^M$ such that $\aleph_0 \leqslant \mathrm{card}\,K < \mathrm{card}\,M$, because "complexity" of the known-plaintext bruteforce attack equals "complexity" of a single $En/Decrypt(Key, Message)$ "computation" then.
14 June 2020
Naty Peter, Rotem Tsabary, Hoeteck Wee
We define and study a new cryptographic primitive, named One-One Constrained Pseudorandom Functions. In this model there are two parties, Alice and Bob, that hold a common random string $K$, where Alice in addition holds a predicate $f:[N] \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}$ and Bob in addition holds an input $x \in [N]$.
We then let Alice generate a key $K_f$ based on $f$ and $K$, and let Bob evaluate a value $K_x$ based on $x$ and $K$. We consider a third party that sees the values $(x,f,K_f)$ and the goal is to allow her to reconstruct $K_x$ whenever $f(x)=1$, while keeping $K_x$ pseudorandom whenever $f(x)=0$.
This primitive can be viewed as a relaxation of constrained PRFs, such that there is only a single key query and a single evaluation query.
We focus on the information-theoretic setting, where the one-one cPRF has perfect correctness and perfect security. Our main results are as follows.
1. A Lower Bound. We show that in the information-theoretic setting, any one-one cPRF for punctured predicates is of exponential complexity (and thus the lower bound meets the upper bound that is given by a trivial construction). This stands in contrast with the well known GGM-based punctured PRF from OWF, which is in particular a one-one cPRF. This also implies a similar lower bound for all NC1.
2. New Constructions. On the positive side, we present efficient information-theoretic constructions of one-one cPRFs for a few other predicate families, such as equality predicates, inner-product predicates, and subset predicates. We also show a generic AND composition lemma that preserves complexity.
3. An Amplification to standard cPRF. We show that all of our one-one cPRF constructions can be amplified to a standard (single-key) cPRF via any key-homomorphic PRF that supports linear computations. More generally, we suggest a new framework that we call the double-key model which allows to construct constrained PRFs via key-homomorphic PRFs.
4. Relation to CDS. We show that one-one constrained PRFs imply conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) protocols.
We believe that this simple model can be used to better understand constrained PRFs and related cryptographic primitives, and that further applications of one-one constrained PRFs and our double-key model will be found in the future, in addition to those we show in this paper.
We focus on the information-theoretic setting, where the one-one cPRF has perfect correctness and perfect security. Our main results are as follows.
1. A Lower Bound. We show that in the information-theoretic setting, any one-one cPRF for punctured predicates is of exponential complexity (and thus the lower bound meets the upper bound that is given by a trivial construction). This stands in contrast with the well known GGM-based punctured PRF from OWF, which is in particular a one-one cPRF. This also implies a similar lower bound for all NC1.
2. New Constructions. On the positive side, we present efficient information-theoretic constructions of one-one cPRFs for a few other predicate families, such as equality predicates, inner-product predicates, and subset predicates. We also show a generic AND composition lemma that preserves complexity.
3. An Amplification to standard cPRF. We show that all of our one-one cPRF constructions can be amplified to a standard (single-key) cPRF via any key-homomorphic PRF that supports linear computations. More generally, we suggest a new framework that we call the double-key model which allows to construct constrained PRFs via key-homomorphic PRFs.
4. Relation to CDS. We show that one-one constrained PRFs imply conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) protocols.
We believe that this simple model can be used to better understand constrained PRFs and related cryptographic primitives, and that further applications of one-one constrained PRFs and our double-key model will be found in the future, in addition to those we show in this paper.
Yi-Fan Tseng, Zi-Yuan Liu, Raylin Tso
Proxy re-encryption (PRE), formalized by Blaze et al. in 1998, allows a proxy entity to delegate the decryption right of a ciphertext from one party to another without obtaining the information of the plaintext. In recent years, many studies have explored how to construct PRE schemes that support fine-grained access control for complex application scenarios, such as identity-based PRE and attribute-based PRE. Besides, in order to achieve more flexible access control, the predicate proxy re-encryption (PPRE) is further studied. However, existing PPRE is restricted with the inner product predicate function. Therefore, how to realize the PPRE of arbitrary predicate function is still a problem to be solved. In this manuscript, we propose a secure generic construction of predicate proxy key re-encapsulation mechanism built from a ``linear'' predicate key encapsulation mechanism. Since the secure key encapsulation mechanism can be used as a building block to construct public key encryption, we can obtain a PPRE from our construction. As a result, the results open up new avenues for building more flexible and fine-grained PPRE.
Xiaopeng Zhao, Zhenfu Cao, Xiaolei Dong, Jinwen Zheng
We develop two variants of Cocks' identity-based encryption. One variant has faster encryption which is as efficient as RSA encryption. The other variant makes the first variant anonymous under suitable complexity assumptions, while its decryption efficiency is about twice lower than the first one. Both the variants have ciphertext expansion twice larger than the original Cocks' identity-based encryption.
Foteini Baldimtsi, Aggelos Kiayias, Thomas Zacharias, Bingsheng Zhang
Auditing a secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocol
entails the validation of the protocol transcript
by a third party that is otherwise untrusted.
In this work we introduce the concept of end-to-end verifiable
MPC (VMPC), that requires the validation to provide a correctness
guarantee even in the setting that all servers, trusted setup
primitives and all the client systems utilized by the input-providing
users of the MPC protocol are subverted by an adversary.
To instantiate VMPC, we introduce a new concept in the setting of
zero-knowlegde protocols that we term crowd verifiable zero-knowledge
(CVZK). A CVZK protocol enables a prover to convince a set of verifiers
about a certain statement, even though each one individually contributes
a small amount of entropy for verification and some of them are adversarially
controlled. Given CVZK, we present a VMPC protocol that
is based on discrete-logarithm related assumptions.
At the high level of adversity that VMPC is meant to withstand, it is infeasible
to ensure perfect correctness, thus we investigate the classes of functions and
verifiability relations that are feasible in our framework, and
present a number of possible applications the underlying
functions of which can be implemented via VMPC.
Yackolley Amoussou-Guenou, Bruno Biais, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Sara Tucci-Piergiovanni
We study the rational behaviors of participants in committee-based blockchains. Committee-based blockchains rely on specific blockchain consensus that must be guaranteed in presence of rational participants. We consider a simplified blockchain consensus algorithm based on existing or proposed committee-based blockchains that encapsulates the main actions of the participants: voting for a block, and checking its validity. Knowing that those actions have costs, and achieving the consensus gives rewards to committee members, we study using game theory how strategic players behave while trying to maximizing their gains. We consider different reward schemes, and found that in each setting, there exist equilibria where blockchain consensus is guaranteed; in some settings however, there can be coordination failures hindering consensus. Moreover, we study equilibria with trembling participants, which is a novelty in the context of committee-based blockchains. Trembling participants are rational that can do unintended actions with a low probability. We found that in presence of trembling participants, there exist equilibria where blockchain consensus is guaranteed; however, when only voters are rewarded, there also exist equilibria where validity can be violated.
Elizabeth C. Crites, Mary Maller, Sarah Meiklejohn, Rebekah Mercer
Token-curated registries (TCRs) are a mechanism by which a set of users are able to jointly curate a reputable list about real-world information. Entries in the registry may have any form, so this primitive has been proposed for use -- and deployed -- in a variety of decentralized applications, ranging from the simple joint creation of lists to helping to prevent the spread of misinformation online. Despite this interest, the security of this primitive is not well understood, and indeed existing constructions do not achieve strong or provable notions of security or privacy. In this paper, we provide a formal cryptographic treatment of TCRs as well as a construction that provably hides the votes cast by individual curators. Along the way, we provide a model and proof of security for an underlying voting scheme, which may be of independent interest.
Ben Nassi, Yaron Pirutin, Adi Shamir, Yuval Elovici, Boris Zadov
Recent studies have suggested various side-channel attacks
for eavesdropping sound by analyzing the side effects of sound
waves on nearby objects (e.g., a bag of chips and window)
and devices (e.g., motion sensors). These methods pose a
great threat to privacy, however they are limited in one of the
following ways: they (1) cannot be applied in real time (e.g.,
Visual Microphone), (2) are not external, requiring the attacker
to compromise a device with malware (e.g., Gyrophone), or
(3) are not passive, requiring the attacker to direct a laser
beam at an object (e.g., laser microphone). In this paper,
we introduce "Lamphone," a novel side-channel attack for
eavesdropping sound; this attack is performed by using a
remote electro-optical sensor to analyze a hanging light bulbs
frequency response to sound. We show how fluctuations in the
air pressure on the surface of the hanging bulb (in response
to sound), which cause the bulb to vibrate very slightly (a
millidegree vibration), can be exploited by eavesdroppers to
recover speech and singing, passively, externally, and in real
time. We analyze a hanging bulbs response to sound via an
electro-optical sensor and learn how to isolate the audio signal
from the optical signal. Based on our analysis, we develop
an algorithm to recover sound from the optical measurements
obtained from the vibrations of a light bulb and captured by the
electro-optical sensor. We evaluate Lamphones performance
in a realistic setup and show that Lamphone can be used
by eavesdroppers to recover human speech (which can be
accurately identified by the Google Cloud Speech API) and
singing (which can be accurately identified by Shazam and
SoundHound) from a bridge located 25 meters away from the
target room containing the hanging light bulb.
Martin R. Albrecht, Shi Bai, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Paul Kirchner, Damien Stehlé, Weiqiang Wen
We give a lattice reduction algorithm that achieves root Hermite factor $k^{1/(2k)}$ in time $k^{k/8 + o(k)}$ and polynomial memory. This improves on the previously best known enumeration-based algorithms which achieve the same quality, but in time $k^{k/(2e) + o(k)}$. A cost of $k^{k/8 + o(k)}$ was previously mentioned as potentially achievable (Hanrot-Stehlé'10) or as a heuristic lower bound (Nguyen'10) for enumeration algorithms. We prove the complexity and quality of our algorithm under a heuristic assumption and provide empirical evidence from simulation and implementation experiments attesting to its performance for practical and cryptographic parameter sizes. Our work also suggests potential avenues for achieving costs below $k^{k/8 + o(k)}$ for the same root Hermite factor, based on the geometry of SDBKZ-reduced bases.
Eleonora Testa, Mathias Soeken, Heinz Riener, Luca Amaru, Giovanni De Micheli
Logic synthesis is a fundamental step in the realization of modern integrated circuits. It has traditionally been employed for the optimization of CMOS-based designs, as well as for emerging technologies and quantum computing. Recently, it found application in minimizing the number of AND gates in cryptography benchmarks represented as xor-and graphs (XAGs). The number of AND gates in an XAG, which is called the logic networks
multiplicative complexity, plays a critical role in various cryptography and security protocols such as fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and secure multi-party computation (MPC).
Further, the number of AND gates is also important to assess the degree of vulnerability of a Boolean function, and influences the cost of techniques to protect against side-channel attacks. However, so far a complete logic synthesis flow for reducing the multiplicative complexity in logic networks did not exist or relied heavily on manual manipulations. In this paper, we present a logic synthesis toolbox for cryptography and security applications. The proposed tool consists of powerful transformations, namely resubstitution, refactoring, and rewriting, specifically designed to minimize the multiplicative complexity of an XAG. Our flow is fully automatic and achieves significant results over both EPFL benchmarks and cryptography circuits. We improve the best-known results for cryptography up to 59%, resulting in a normalized geometric mean of 0.82.
Ingo Czerwinski
We give a lower bound for the size of the value set of
almost perfect nonlinear (APN) functions \(F\colon \mathbb{F}_{2^n} \to \mathbb{F}_{2^n}\).
For \(n\) even it is \(\frac{ 2^n + 2 }{3}\) and sharp as the simple example \(F(x) = x^3\) shows.
The sharp lower bound for \(n\) odd has to lie between \(\frac{ 2^n + 1 }{3}\) and \(2^{n-1}\).
Sharp bounds for the cases \(n = 3\) and \(n = 5\) are explicitly given.
11 June 2020
James Bell, K. A. Bonawitz, Adrià Gascón, Tancrède Lepoint, Mariana Raykova
Secure aggregation is a cryptographic primitive that enables a server to learn the sum of the vector inputs of many clients. Bonawitz et al. (CCS 2017)
presented a construction that incurs computation and communication for each client linear in the number of parties. While this functionality
enables a broad range of privacy preserving computational tasks, scaling concerns limit its scope of use.
We present the first constructions for secure aggregation that achieve polylogarithmic communication and computation per client. Our constructions provide security in the semi-honest and the semi-malicious setting where the adversary controls the server and a $\gamma$-fraction of the clients, and correctness with up to $\delta$-fraction dropouts among the clients. Our constructions show how to replace the complete communication graph of Bonawitz et al., which entails the linear overheads, with a $k$-regular graph of logarithmic degree while maintaining the security guarantees.
Beyond improving the known asymptotics for secure aggregation, our constructions also achieve very efficient concrete parameters. The semi-honest secure aggregation can handle a billion clients at the per client cost of the protocol of Bonawitz et al. for a thousand clients. In the semi-malicious setting with $10^4$ clients, each client needs to communicate only with $3\%$ of the clients to have a guarantee that its input has been added together with the inputs of at least $5000$ other clients, while withstanding up to $5\%$ corrupt clients and $5\%$ dropouts. We also show an application of secure aggregation to the task of secure shuffling which enables the first cryptographically secure instantiation of the shuffle model of differential privacy.
We present the first constructions for secure aggregation that achieve polylogarithmic communication and computation per client. Our constructions provide security in the semi-honest and the semi-malicious setting where the adversary controls the server and a $\gamma$-fraction of the clients, and correctness with up to $\delta$-fraction dropouts among the clients. Our constructions show how to replace the complete communication graph of Bonawitz et al., which entails the linear overheads, with a $k$-regular graph of logarithmic degree while maintaining the security guarantees.
Beyond improving the known asymptotics for secure aggregation, our constructions also achieve very efficient concrete parameters. The semi-honest secure aggregation can handle a billion clients at the per client cost of the protocol of Bonawitz et al. for a thousand clients. In the semi-malicious setting with $10^4$ clients, each client needs to communicate only with $3\%$ of the clients to have a guarantee that its input has been added together with the inputs of at least $5000$ other clients, while withstanding up to $5\%$ corrupt clients and $5\%$ dropouts. We also show an application of secure aggregation to the task of secure shuffling which enables the first cryptographically secure instantiation of the shuffle model of differential privacy.
Shuhei Nakamura, Yasuhiko Ikematsu, Yacheng Wang, Jintai Ding, Tsuyoshi Takagi
Multivariate public key cryptography is a candidate for post-quantum cryptography, and it allows generating particularly short signatures and fast verification.
The Rainbow signature scheme proposed by J. Ding and D. Schmidt is such a multivariate cryptosystem and is considered secure against all known attacks.
The Rainbow-Band-Separation attack recovers a secret key of Rainbow by solving certain systems of quadratic equations, and its complexity is estimated by the well-known indicator called the degree of regularity.
However, the degree of regularity generally is larger than the solving degree in experiments, and an accurate estimation cannot be obtained.
In this paper, we propose a new indicator for the complexity of the Rainbow-Band-Separation attack using the $F_4$ algorithm, which gives a more precise estimation compared to one using the degree of regularity.
This indicator is deduced by the two-variable power series
$$\frac{\prod _{i=1}^m(1-t_1^{d_{i1}}t_2^{d_{i2}})}{(1-t_1)^{n_1}(1-t_2)^{n_2}},$$
which coincides with the one-variable power series at $t_1=t_2$ deriving the degree of regularity.
Moreover, we show a relation between the Rainbow-Band-Separation attack using the hybrid approach and the HighRank attack.
By considering this relation and our indicator,
we obtain a new complexity estimation for the Rainbow-Band-Separation attack.
Consequently, we are able to understand the precise security of Rainbow against the Rainbow-Band-Separation attack using the $F_4$ algorithm.
Ray Perlner, Daniel Smith-Tone
Currently the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is engaged in a post-quantum standardization effort, analyzing numerous candidate schemes to provide security against the advancing threat of quantum computers. Among the candidates in the second round of the standardization process is Rainbow, a roughly 15 year old digital signature scheme based on multivariate systems of equations. While there are many attack avenues for Rainbow, the parameters have to date seemed balanced in such a way to make every attack sufficiently costly that it meets the security levels specified by NIST in their standardization effort. One type of attack against Rainbow has historically outperformed empirically its theoretical complexity: the Rainbow Band Separation (RBS) attack. We explain this discrepancy by providing a tighter theoretical analysis of the attack complexity. While previous analyses assumed that the system of equations derived in the attack are generic, our analysis uses the fact that they are structured to justify tighter bounds on the complexity. As a result, we can prove under the same set of assumptions used to justify the analysis in the Rainbow submission specification that none of the parameters of Rainbow achieve their claimed security level. Specifically, the level I, III and V parameter sets fall short of their claimed security levels by at least 3, 6 and 10 bits, respectively. We then apply our analysis to suggest the small parameter changes necessary to guarantee that Rainbow can meet the NIST security levels.
10 June 2020
Bar Alon, Eran Omri, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky
Classical definitions for secure multiparty computation assume the existence of a single adversarial entity controlling the set of corrupted parties. Intuitively, the definition requires that the view of the adversary, corrupting $t$ parties, in a real-world execution can be simulated by an adversary in an ideal model, where parties interact only via a trusted-party. No restrictions, however, are imposed on the view of honest parties in the protocol, thus, if honest parties obtain information about the private inputs of other honest parties -- it is not counted as a violation of privacy. This is arguably undesirable in many situations that fall into the MPC framework.
Nevertheless, there are secure protocols (e.g., the 2-round multiparty protocol of Ishai et al.~[CRYPTO 2010] tolerating a single corrupted party) that instruct the honest parties to reveal their private inputs to all other honest parties (once the malicious party is somehow identified).
In this paper, we put forth a new security notion, which we call \textit{FaF-security}, extending the classical notion. In essence, $(t,h^*)$-FaF-security requires the view of a subset of up to $h^*$ honest parties to also be simulatable in the ideal model (in addition to the view of the malicious adversary, corrupting up to $t$ parties). This property should still hold, even if the adversary leaks information to honest parties by sending them non-prescribed messages. We provide a thorough exploration of the new notion, investigating it in relation to a variety of existing security notions. We further investigate the feasibility of achieving FaF-security and show that every functionality can be computed with (computational) $(t,h^*)$-FaF full-security, if and only if $2t+ h^*<m$. Interestingly, the lower-bound result actually shows that even fair FaF-security is impossible in general when $2t+ h^*\ge m$ (surprisingly, the view of the malicious attacker is not used as the trigger for the attack).
We also investigate the optimal round complexity for $(t,h^*)$-FaF-secure protocols and give evidence that the leakage of private inputs of honest parties in the protocol of Ishai et al.~[CRYPTO 2010] is inherent. Finally, we investigate the feasibility of statistical/perfect FaF-security, employing the viewpoint used by Fitzi et al.~[ASIACRYPT 1999] for \textit{mixed-adversaries}.
In this paper, we put forth a new security notion, which we call \textit{FaF-security}, extending the classical notion. In essence, $(t,h^*)$-FaF-security requires the view of a subset of up to $h^*$ honest parties to also be simulatable in the ideal model (in addition to the view of the malicious adversary, corrupting up to $t$ parties). This property should still hold, even if the adversary leaks information to honest parties by sending them non-prescribed messages. We provide a thorough exploration of the new notion, investigating it in relation to a variety of existing security notions. We further investigate the feasibility of achieving FaF-security and show that every functionality can be computed with (computational) $(t,h^*)$-FaF full-security, if and only if $2t+ h^*<m$. Interestingly, the lower-bound result actually shows that even fair FaF-security is impossible in general when $2t+ h^*\ge m$ (surprisingly, the view of the malicious attacker is not used as the trigger for the attack).
We also investigate the optimal round complexity for $(t,h^*)$-FaF-secure protocols and give evidence that the leakage of private inputs of honest parties in the protocol of Ishai et al.~[CRYPTO 2010] is inherent. Finally, we investigate the feasibility of statistical/perfect FaF-security, employing the viewpoint used by Fitzi et al.~[ASIACRYPT 1999] for \textit{mixed-adversaries}.
Vladimir Belsky, Ilia Gerasimov, Kirill Tsaregorodtsev, Ivan Chizhov
Personal data exchange and disclosure prevention are widespread problems in our digital world. There are a couple of information technologies embedded in the commercial and government processes. People need to exchange their personal information while using these technologies. And therefore, It is essential to make this exchange is secure. Despite many legal regulations, there are many cases of personal data breaches that lead to undesirable consequences. Reasons for personal data leakage may be adversary attack or data administration error. At the same time, creating complex service interaction and multilayer information security may lead to many inconveniences for the user. Personal data exchange protocol has the following tasks: participants data transfer, ensuring information security, providing participants with trust in each other and ensuring service availability. In this paper, we represent a personal data exchange protocol called X. The main idea is to provide personal data encryption on the user side and thus to prevent personal data disclosure and publication. This approach allows us to transfer personal data from user to service only in the form of an encrypted data packet - blob. Each blob can be validated and certified by a personal data inspector who had approved users information. It can be any government department or a commercial organization, for example, passport issuing authority, banks, etc. It implies that we can provide several key features for personal data exchange. A requesting service cannot publish the user personal data. It still can perform a validation protocol with an inspector to validate user data. We do not depend on service data administration infrastructure and do not complicate the inspectors processes by adding additional information about the personal data request. The personal data package has a link between the personal data owner and a service request. Each blob is generated for a single request and has a time limit for a provided encrypted personal data. After this limit, the service can not use a received package. The user cannot provide invalid personal data or use the personal data of another person. We dont restrict specified cryptographic algorithms usage The X protocol can be implemented with any encryption, digital signature, key generation algorithms which are secure in our adversary model. For protocol description, Russian standardized cryptographic protocols are used. The paper also contains several useful examples of how the X protocol can be implemented in real information systems.
Lauren De Meyer
Cryptographic primitives have been designed to be secure against mathematical attacks in a black-box model. Such primitives can be implemented in a way that they are also secure against physical attacks, in a grey-box model. One of the most popular techniques for this purpose is masking. The increased security always comes with a high price tag in terms of implementation cost. In this work, we look at how the traditional design principles of symmetric primitives can be at odds with the optimization of the implementations and how they can evolve to be more suitable for embedded systems. In particular, we take a comparative look at the round 2 candidates of the NIST lightweight competition and their implementation properties in the world of masking.