17 June 2020
Pozna?, Poland, 14 June - 17 June 2021
Submission deadline: 5 February 2021
Notification: 5 April 2021
Be ys Pay France
Be-ys creates and monitors digital solutions for sensitive data processing in demanding business sectors such as healthcare and banking.
We are the national leader in data security, which is expanding internationally and deploying its solutions using state-of-the-art technologies.
We are now looking for new talents to strengthen our leading position and continue bringing innovation to the market.
Job Description
Our Be ys Pay subsidiary has created worldwide payment solutions. Our aim is to develop disruptive technologies for bank payment systems with smart card, mobile device and Blockchain. As part of its development, we are looking for a Software Developer for Payment Systems.
As part of an expert team dedicated to the payment technology, smart card, blockchain, cryptography and cryptography business sectors, your main tasks will be to develop products in C, C++, Java and NodeJS languages for smart card personalization, payment transaction authorization, token generation/validation and wallets for mobile devices.
You will be responsible for the development and implementation of algorithms, protocols and applications for PC or mobile devices for smart card issuance, as well as the development of solutions for the validation and generation of tokens for banking payment systems.
Profile description
• You have a 5-year degree in engineering, development and/or crypto
• You have an excellent knowledge of C, C++, Java and cryptography.
• Knowledge of payment technology with EMV standard and Blockchain would be a plus.
• You enjoy working as part of a team and working collaboratively in an agile mode.
• You are autonomous, proactive and have an interest in experimenting.
• You like innovation and enjoy working in a constantly changing environment.
• You must be fluent in English (written and spoken).
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Above all, we are looking for potential. We believe that passion for the job and skills are the key to a successful employee.
We transform your energy into talent.
To apply, please send your resume to: recrutement@almerys.com
Grenoble INP LCIS
Closing date for applications:
Contact: vincent.beroulle(at)lcis.grenoble-inp.fr; paolo.maistri(at)univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
More information: https://lcis.grenoble-inp.fr/medias/fichier/clam-thesis-subject-lcis-valence-en-_1592239520450-pdf?ID_FICHE=559219&INLIN
Uppsala University
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Christian Rohner (christian.rohner@it.uu.se)
More information: https://uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=325568
Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Dr. Farhad Merchant (farhad.merchant@ice.rwth-aachen.de)
More information: https://www.ice.rwth-aachen.de/institute/jobs/job-offer-research-assistant-phd-student-for-bionanolock-project-1/
Michiel Van Beirendonck, Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Angshuman Karmakar, Josep Balasch, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Mojtaba Rafiee, Shahram Khazaei
Yusuke Naito
In this paper, we consider PMAC with three powering-up masks that uses three random values for the masking scheme. We show that the PMAC has the tight upper bound $O(q^2/2^n)$ for PRF-security, which answers the open problem (1), and the tight upper bound $O(q_m^2/2^n + q_v/2^n)$ for MAC-security, which answers the open problem (2). Note that these results deal with two-key PMAC, thus showing tight upper bounds of PMACs with single-key and/or with two (or one) powering-up masks are open problems.
Jonathan Katz, Julian Loss, Jiayu Xu
We give the first hardness result about the sequential squaring conjecture. Namely, we show that even in (a quantitative version of) the algebraic group model, any speed up of sequential squaring is as hard as factoring~$N$.
We then focus on \emph{timed commitments}, one of the most important primitives that can be obtained from time-locked puzzles. We extend existing security definitions to settings that may arise when using timed commitments in higher-level protocols. We then give the first construction of \emph{non-malleable} timed commitments. As a building block of independent interest, we also define (and give constructions for) a new primitive called \emph{time-released public-key encryption}.
Melissa Chase, Peihan Miao
Underlying our PSI protocol is a new lightweight multi-point oblivious pesudorandom function (OPRF) protocol based on oblivious transfer (OT) extension. We believe this new protocol may be of independent interest.
Jan Jancar, Vladimir Sedlacek, Petr Svenda, Marek Sys
The number of signatures needed for a successful attack depends on the chosen method and its parameters as well as on the noise profile, influenced by the type of leakage and used computation platform. We use the set of vulnerabilities reported in this paper, together with the recently published TPM-FAIL vulnerability as a basis for real-world benchmark datasets to systematically compare our newly proposed methods and all previously published applicable lattice-based key recovery methods. The resulting exhaustive comparison highlights the methods' sensitivity to its proper parametrization and demonstrates that our methods are more efficient in most cases. For the TPM-FAIL dataset, we decreased the number of required signatures from approximately 40 000 to mere 900.
Adrian Ranea, Yunwen Liu, Tomer Ashur
16 June 2020
Denis Diemert, Tibor Jager
Gianluca Brian, Antonio Faonio, Maciej Obremski, Mark Simkin, Daniele Venturi
In this work, we construct non-malleable secret sharing tolerating p-time joint-tampering attacks in the plain model (in the computational setting), where the latter means that, for any p>0 fixed {\em a priori}, the attacker can tamper with the same target secret sharing up to p times. In particular, assuming one-to-one one-way functions, we obtain:
- A secret sharing scheme for threshold access structures which tolerates joint p-time tampering with subsets of the shares of maximal size ({\em i.e.}, matching the privacy threshold of the scheme). This holds in a model where the attacker commits to a partition of the shares into non-overlapping subsets, and keeps tampering jointly with the shares within such a partition (so-called {\em selective partitioning}).
- A secret sharing scheme for general access structures which tolerates joint p-time tampering with subsets of the shares of size $O(\sqrt{\log n})$, where n is the number of parties. This holds in a stronger model where the attacker is allowed to adaptively change the partition within each tampering query (so-called {\em adaptive partitioning}).
At the heart of our result for selective partitioning lies a new technique showing that every one-time {\em statistically} non-malleable secret sharing against joint tampering is in fact {\em leakage-resilient} non-malleable ({\em i.e.},\ the attacker can leak jointly from the shares prior to tampering). We believe this may be of independent interest, and in fact we show it implies lower bounds on the share size and randomness complexity of statistically non-malleable secret sharing against {\em independent} tampering.
Lukas Helminger, Daniel Kales, Sebastian Ramacher, Roman Walch
In this paper, we introduce multi-party public-key accumulators dubbed dynamic linear secret-shared accumulators. We present versions of dynamic public-key accumulators in bilinear groups giving access to more efficient witness generation and update algorithms that utilize the shares of the secret trapdoors sampled by the parties generating the public parameters.Specifically, for the $t$-SDH-based accumulators, we provide a maliciously-secure variant sped up by a secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol (IMACC'19) built on top of SPDZ. For this scheme, a performant proof-of-concept implementation is provided, which substantiates the practicability of public-key accumulators in this setting. With our implementation in two MPC frameworks, MP-SPDZ and FRESCO, we obtain more efficient accumulators for both medium-sized ($2^{10}$) and large ($2^{14}$ and above) accumulated sets.
Finally, we explore applications of dynamic linear secret-shared accumulators to revocations schemes of group signatures and credentials system. In particular, we consider it as part of Sovrin's system for anonymous credentials where credentials are issued by the a foundation of trusted nodes. Hence, our accumulators naturally fit this setting.