International Association for Cryptologic Research

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14 January 2022

Vipul Goyal, Justin Raizes, Pratik Soni
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Blockchain technology has the potential of transforming cryptography. We study the problem of round-complexity of zero-knowledge, and more broadly, of secure computation in the blockchain-hybrid model, where all parties can access the blockchain as an oracle.

We study zero-knowledge and secure computation through the lens of a new security notion where the simulator is given the ability to ``time-travel” or more accurately, to look into the future states of the blockchain and use this information to perform simulation. Such a time-traveling simulator gives a novel security guarantee of the following form: whatever the adversary could have learnt from an interaction, it could have computed on its own shortly into the future (e.g., a few hours from now).

We exhibit the power of time-traveling simulators by constructing round-efficient protocols in the blockchain-hybrid model. In particular, we construct: 1. Three-round zero-knowledge (ZK) argument for NP with a polynomial-time black-box time-traveling simulator. 2. Three-round secure two-party computation (2PC) for any functionality with a polynomial-time black-box time-traveling simulator for both parties.

In addition to standard cryptographic assumptions, we rely on natural hardness assumptions for Proof-of-Work based blockchains. In comparison, in the plain model, three-round protocols with black-box simulation are impossible, and constructions with non-black-box simulation for ZK require novel cryptographic assumptions while no construction for three-round 2PC is known. Our three-round 2PC result relies on a new, two-round extractable commitment that admits a time-traveling extractor.
Varun Madathil, Chris Orsini, Alessandra Scafuro, Daniele Venturi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present an information-theoretic transformation from any 2-round OT protocol with only game-based security in the presence of malicious adversaries into a 4-round (which is known to be optimal) OT protocol with simulation-based security in the presence of malicious adversaries. Our transform is the first satisfying all of the following properties at the same time: – It is in the plain model, without requiring any setup assumption. – It only makes black-box usage of the underlying OT protocol. – It is information-theoretic, as it does not require any further cryptographic assumption (besides the existence of the underlying OT protocol). Additionally, our transform yields a cubic improvement in communication complexity over the best previously known transformation.
Jonathan Godin, Philippe Lamontagne
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Garg, Goldwasser and Vasudevan (Eurocrypt 2020) invented the notion of deletion-compliance to formally model the "right to be forgotten", a concept that confers individuals more control over their digital data. A requirement of deletion-compliance is strong privacy for the deletion requesters since no outside observer must be able to tell if deleted data was ever present in the first place. Naturally, many real world systems where information can flow across users are automatically ruled out.

The main thesis of this paper is that deletion-compliance is a standalone notion, distinct from privacy. We present an alternative definition that meaningfully captures deletion-compliance without any privacy implications. This allows broader class of data collectors to demonstrate compliance to deletion requests and to be paired with various notions of privacy. Our new definition has several appealing properties: - It is implied by the stronger definition of Garg et al. under natural conditions, and is equivalent when we add a privacy requirement. - It is naturally composable with minimal assumptions. - Its requirements are met by data structure implementations that do not reveal the order of operations, a concept known as history-independence.

Along the way, we discuss the many challenges that remain in providing a universal definition of compliance to the "right to be forgotten."
Denis Firsov, Sven Laur, Ekaterina Zhuchko
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we perform a formal analysis of definitions of non-malleability for commitment schemes in the EasyCrypt theorem prover. There are two distinct formulations of non-malleability found in the literature: the comparison-based definition and the simulation- based definition. In this paper, we do a formal analysis of both. We start by formally proving that the comparison-based definition which was originally introduced by Laur et al. is unsatisfiable. Also, we propose a novel formulation of simulation-based non-malleability and show that it is satisfiable in the Random Oracle Model. Moreover, we validate our definition by proving that it implies hiding and binding of the commitment scheme. Finally, we relate the novel definition to the existing definitions of non-malleability.
Pierre-Alain Fouque, Paul Kirchner, Thomas Pornin, Yang Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present $\BAT$ -- an IND-CCA secure key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) that is based on NTRU but follows an encryption/decryption paradigm distinct from classical NTRU KEMs. It demonstrates a new approach of decrypting NTRU ciphertext since its introduction 25 years ago. Instead of introducing an artificial masking parameter $p$ to decrypt the ciphertext, we use 2 linear equations in 2 unknowns to recover the message and the error. The encryption process is therefore close to the GGH scheme. However, since the secret key is now a short basis (not a vector), we need to modify the decryption algorithm and we present a new NTRU decoder. Thanks to the improved decoder, our scheme works with a smaller modulus and yields shorter ciphertexts, smaller than RSA-4096 for 128-bit classical security with comparable public-key size and much faster than RSA or even ECC. Meanwhile, the encryption and decryption are still simple and fast in spite of the complicated key generation. Overall, our KEM has more compact parameters than all current lattice-based schemes and a practical efficiency. Moreover, due to the similar key pair structure, $\BAT$ can be of special interest in some applications using Falcon signature that is also the most compact signature in the round 3 of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization. However, different from Falcon, our KEM does not rely on floating-point arithmetic and can be fully implemented over the integers.
Jinyu Lu, Guoqiang Liu, Yunwen Liu, Bing Sun, Chao Li, Li Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In CRYPTO 2019, Gohr made a pioneering attempt, and successfully applied deep learning to the differential cryptanalysis against NSA block cipher SPECK32/64, achieving higher accuracy than the pure differential distinguishers. By its very nature, mining effective features in data plays a crucial role in data-driven deep learning. In this paper, in addition to considering the integrity of the information from the training data of the ciphertext pair, domain knowledge about the structure of differential cryptanalysis is also considered into the training process of deep learning to improve the performance. Besides, based on the SAT/SMT solvers, we find other high probability compatible differential characteristics which effectively improve the performance compared with previous work. We build neural distinguishers (NDs) and related-key neural distinguishers (RKNDs) against Simon and Simeck. The ND and RKND for SIMON32/64 reach 11-, 11-round with an accuracy of 59.55% and 97.90%, respectively. For SIMON64/128, the ND achieve an accuracy of 60.32% in 13-round, while it is 95.49% for the RKND. For SIMECK32/64, ND and RKND of 11-, 14-round are obtained, reaching an accuracy of 63.32% and 87.06%, respectively. And we build 17-round ND and 21-round RKND for SIMECK64/128 with an accuracy of 64.24% and 62.96%, respectively. Currently, these are the longest (related-key) neural distinguishers with higher accuracy for SIMON32/64, SIMON64/128, SIMECK32/64 and SIMECK64/128.
University of Tübingen, Department of Computer Science; Tübingen, Germany
Job Posting Job Posting
Medical Data Privacy and Privacy-Preserving ML on Healthcare Data (MDPPML) group at the University of Tübingen is looking for motivated Ph.D. students and Postdocs in the area of Privacy Enhancing Technologies.

Research Topics: Development and analysis of cryptography-based privacy-preserving solutions for real-world healthcare problems. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): privacy-preserving machine learning, genomic privacy, medical privacy as well as foundations for real-world cryptography.

Your profile:
  • Completed Master's degree (or equivalent) at a top university with excellent grades in computer science, or a similar area.
  • Extensive knowledge in applied cryptography/security and machine learning.
  • Very good software development skills.
  • Knowledge of cryptographic protocols (ideally MPC).
  • Knowledge of bioinformatics or genomics is plus.
  • Self-motivated, reliable, creative, can work independently and want to do excellent research.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Mete Akgün (

University of Innsbruck, Austria, EU
Job Posting Job Posting

The University of Innsbruck, located in the heart of the alps, has a tenure track opportunity in the field of cryptography.

The Department of Computer Science is looking for an ambitious researcher to build a bridge between the interdisciplinary approach taken by its Security & Privacy Lab and theoretical research groups, like Computational Logic and Theoretical Computer Science. Research activities would focus on producing evidence on the security or privacy of cryptographic systems covering theory and/or implementation. The individual should be comfortable teaching multiple approaches to cryptography. The ideal candidate would build a research group on cryptography in the course of the tenure process, the details of which are negotiated in the first year of employment as routinely done in the Austrian academic system.

Tyrol, Austria is one of the most livable places in Europe with world-class healthcare, excellent social security, and free education from kindergarden to university.

Applications are due on 28 January 2022. Follow the link above for more details.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Rainer Böhme [rainer dot boehme at]

More information:


10 January 2022

Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
Job Posting Job Posting
The Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications (aka IAIK) is the largest university institute in Austria for research and education in security and privacy. It has been active in this field for more than 30 years and currently employs more than 60 researchers. Within the "Secure Systems" area of our institute Sujoy Sinha Roy is establishing the new research group "Cryptographic Engineering”.

In order to complement our team, we are looking for a full-time PhD researcher in the implementation aspects of cryptography.

The PhD researcher will be working on Scientific research in the field of implementation and physical security aspects of novel cryptographic algorithms within the “Cyroptografic Engineering” group within the “Secure Systems” area at IAIK.

Required Qualifications:
  • MSc degree in computer science, information and computer engineering, software development, mathematics, or a related field.
  • Excellent knowledge of English
  • The ability to work in an international environment
  • Research experience from MSc projects or publication of scientific publications
  • Strong background in the field of cryptography and cryptographic implementations
  • Excellent skills in programming and/or digital circuit design

    How to apply: Applications, curriculum vitae and other documents should preferably be uploaded here
    The earliest starting date for the PhD candidate will be March 2022.
    The application deadline is February 6th.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Sujoy Sinha-Roy -

    More information:

  • Expand
    ADVA Optical Networking, Munich, Germany
    Job Posting Job Posting
    We are currently looking for a highly motivated Engineer Advanced Technology (M/F/D) to join our Advanced Technology team in Munich. If you want to be a part of our growing company and want to work towards a PhD degree on a three-year fixed-term basis, consider applying.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Joo Yeon Cho (

    More information:

    Laboratoire Hubert Curien, University of Lyon, Saint-Etienne, France
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The main objective of the research in the Embedded System Security Group is to propose efficient and robust hardware architectures aimed at applied cryptography and telecom that are resistant to passive and active cryptographic attacks. More information on For a new project which addresses the problem of the security System-on-Chip (inside side channel analysis, fault injection, malicious exploitation of share hardware resources, etc.). We are looking for candidates with an outstanding Ph.D in hardware security and a strong publication record in this field. Knowledge of French is not mandatory. The Post-Doc position will start in March 2022, it is funded for at least 12 monthq. To apply please send your detailed CV (with publication list), motivation for applying (1 page) and names of at least two people who can provide reference letters (e-mail).

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Contact: Prof. Lilian BOSSUET lilian.bossuet(at)

    CryptoExperts, Paris, France
    Job Posting Job Posting

    CryptoExperts develops and maintains a white-box cryptography technology which aims at producing white-box cryptography software components secure against beyond-state-of-the-art attacks.

    We are looking for a candidate who will take part to the design and implementation effort of CryptoExperts’ white-box cryptography technology.

    The complete job offer is available here:

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: To apply please write to with a short description of your profile, story and motivation, your CV, and (optionally) recommendation from (former) co-workers.

    More information:

    Norwegian University of Sciennce and Technology (NTNU), Dep. of Inf. Security and Comm. Technology
    Job Posting Job Posting
    At the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology there is a vacant permanent position as associate professor in Cryptology within our Cryptology Discipline.

    Required qualifications: You must have the qualifications required for the position of associate professor in the field of Cyptology, as outlined:
    A. Your PhD, or comparable academic work, must be within the field of cryptology (or a comparable relevant field), of particular interest are candidates with a documented acadmic track record within one or several of the following topics: A1. Design and analysis of post-quantum cryptographic primitives; A2. Design and analysis of post-quantum cryptographic protocols; A3. Lightweight cryptography; A4. Blockchain technologies; A5. Cryptography and Privacy; A6. Homomorphic encryption; A7. Secure Cryptographic Hardware, Side Channels Security (attacks and resistance); A8. Cryptology and Biometrics; A9. Cryptology and Software Security (Secure Operating Systems).
    B. Relevant academic fields include mathematics, computer science and communication technology. If you can document that you are in the final stages of your PhD studies, your application may also be considered.
    C. Good written and oral English language skills.

    More information about the position and the whole application process should be completed via the initial Jobbnorge link and web page

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Professor Danilo Gligoroski, e-mail

    More information:

    Amit Choudhari, Sylvain Guilley, Khaled Karray
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Cryptographic libraries have become an integral part of every digital device. Studies have shown that these systems are not only vulnerable due to bugs in cryptographic libraries, but also due to misuse of these libraries. In this paper, we focus on vulnerabilities introduced by the application developer. We performed a survey on the potential misusage of well-known libraries such as PKCS #11. We introduced a generic tool CRYScanner, to identify such misuses during and post-development. It works on the similar philosophy of an intrusion detection system for an internal network. This tool provides verification functions needed to check the safety of the code, such as detecting incorrect call flow and input parameters.

    We performed a feature-wise comparison with the existing state of the art solutions. CRYScanner includes additional features, preserving the capabilities of both static and dynamic analysis tools. We also show the detection of potential vulnerabilities in the several sample codes found online.
    Elette Boyle, Itai Dinur, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai , Nathan Keller, Ohad Klein
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Can we sense our location in an unfamiliar environment by taking a sublinear-size sample of our surroundings? Can we efficiently encrypt a message that only someone physically close to us can decrypt? To solve this kind of problems, we introduce and study a new type of hash functions for finding shifts in sublinear time. A function $h:\{0,1\}^n\to \mathbb{Z}_n$ is a $(d,\delta)$ {\em locality-preserving hash function for shifts} (LPHS) if: (1) $h$ can be computed by (adaptively) querying $d$ bits of its input, and (2) $\Pr [ h(x) \neq h(x \ll 1) + 1 ] \leq \delta$, where $x$ is random and $\ll 1$ denotes a cyclic shift by one bit to the left. We make the following contributions.

    Near-optimal LPHS via Distributed Discrete Log: We establish a general two-way connection between LPHS and algorithms for distributed discrete logarithm in the generic group model. Using such an algorithm of Dinur et al. (Crypto 2018), we get LPHS with near-optimal error of $\delta=\tilde O(1/d^2)$. This gives an unusual example for the usefulness of group-based cryptography in a post-quantum world. We extend the positive result to non-cyclic and worst-case variants of LPHS.

    Multidimensional LPHS: We obtain positive and negative results for a multidimensional extension of LPHS, making progress towards an optimal 2-dimensional LPHS.

    Applications: We demonstrate the usefulness of LPHS by presenting cryptographic and algorithmic applications. In particular, we apply multidimensional LPHS to obtain an efficient "packed" implementation of homomorphic secret sharing and a sublinear-time implementation of location-sensitive encryption whose decryption requires a significantly overlapping view.
    Bingyong Guo, Yuan Lu, Zhenliang Lu, Qiang Tang, Jing Xu, Zhenfeng Zhang
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Asynchronous BFT consensus can implement robust mission-critical decentralized services in the unstable or even adversarial wide-area network without relying on any form of timing assumption. Starting from the work of HoneyBadgerBFT (CCS 2016), several studies tried to push asynchronous BFT towards practice. In particular, in a recent work of Dumbo (CCS 2020), they redesigned the protocol backbone and used one multi-valued validated Byzantine agreement (MVBA) to replace $n$ concurrent asynchronous binary agreement (ABA) protocols and dramatically improved the performance.

    Despite those efforts, asynchronous BFT protocols remain to be slow, and in particular, the latency is still quite large. There are two reasons contributing to the inferior performance: (1) the reliable broadcast (RBC) protocols still incur substantial costs; (2) the MVBA protocols are quite complicated and heavy, and all existing constructions need dozens of rounds and take the majority of he overall latency.

    We first present a new construction of asynchronous BFT that replaces RBC instance with a cheaper broadcast component. It not only reduces the $O(n^3)$ message complexity incurred by $n$ RBCs to $O(n^2)$, but also saves up to 67% communications (in the presence of a fair network scheduler). Moreover, our technical core is a new MVBA protocol, Speeding MVBA, which is concretely more efficient than all existing MVBAs. It requires only 6 rounds in the best case and expected 12 rounds in the worst case (by contrast, several dozens of rounds in the MVBA from Cachin et al. [12] and the recent Dumbo-MVBA [32], and around 20 rounds in the MVBA from Abraham et al. [4]). Our new technique of the construction might be of independent interests.

    We implemented Speeding Dumbo and did extensive tests among up to 150 EC2 t2.medium instances evenly allocated in 15 AWS regions across the globe. The experimental results show that Speeding Dumbo reduces the latency to about a half of Dumbo's, and also doubles the throughput of Dumbo, through all system scales from 4 nodes to 150 nodes. We also did tests to benchmark individual components such as the broadcasts and the MVBA protocols, which may be of interests for future improvements.
    Andrada-Teodora Ciulei, Marian-Codrin Crețu, Emil Simion
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Blockchain is a type of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that has been included in various types of fields due to its numerous benefits: transparency, efficiency, reduced costs, decentralization, and distributivity realized through public-key cryptography and hash functions. At the same time, the increased progress of quantum computers and quantum-based algorithms threatens the security of the classical cryptographic algorithms, in consequence, it represents a risk for the Blockchain technology itself. This paper briefly presents the most relevant algorithms and procedures that have contributed to the progress of quantum computing and the categories of post-quantum cryptosystems. We also included a description of the current quantum capabilities because their evolution directly influences the necessity of increasing post-quantum research. Further, the paper continues as a guide to understanding the fundamentals of blockchain technology, and the primitives that are currently used to ensure security. We provide an analysis of the most important cryptocurrencies according to their ranking by market capitalization (MC) in the context of quantum threats, and we end up with a review of post-quantum blockchain (PQB) schemes proposals.
    Mostafizar Rahman, Dhiman Saha, Goutam Paul
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    This work investigates a generic way of combining two very effective and well-studied cryptanalytic tools, proposed almost 18 years apart, namely the boomerang attack introduced by Wagner in FSE 1999 and the yoyo attack by Ronjom et. al. in Asiacrypt 2017. In doing so, the s-box switch and ladder switch techniques are leveraged to embed a yoyo trail inside a boomerang trail. As an immediate application, a 6-round key recovery attack on AES-128 is mounted with time complexity of $2^{78}$. A 10-round key recovery attack on recently introduced AES-based tweakable block cipher Pholkos is also furnished to demonstrate the applicability of the new technique on AES-like constructions. The results on AES are experimentally verified by applying and implementing them on a small scale variant of AES. We provide arguments that draw a relation between the proposed strategy with the retracing boomerang attack devised in Eurocrypt 2020. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to merge the yoyo and boomerang techniques to analyze SPN ciphers and warrants further attention as it has the potential of becoming an important cryptanalysis tool.

    08 January 2022

    Jean-Philippe Bossuat, Juan Ramón Troncoso-Pastoriza, Jean-Pierre Hubaux
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Bootstrapping parameters for the approximate homomorphic-encryption scheme of Cheon et al., CKKS (Asiacrypt 17), are usually instantiated using sparse secrets to be efficient. However, using sparse secrets constrains the range of practical parameters within a tight interval, as they must support a large enough depth for the bootstrapping circuit but also be secure with respect to the sparsity of their secret.

    We present a bootstrapping procedure for the CKKS scheme that combines both dense and sparse secrets. Our construction enables the use of parameters for which the homomorphic capacity is based on a dense secret, yet with a bootstrapping complexity that remains the one of a sparse secret and with a large security margin. Moreover, this also enables us to easily parameterize the bootstrapping circuit so that it has a negligible failure probability that, to the best of our knowledge, has never been achieved for the CKKS scheme. When using the parameters of previous works, our bootstrapping procedures enables a faster procedure with an increased precision and lower failure probability. For example we are able to bootstrapp a plaintext of $\mathbb{C}^{32768}$ in 20.2 sec, with 32.11 bits of precision, 285 bits of modulus remaining, a failure probability of $2^{-138.7}$ and 128 bit security.
    Nicolai Müller, David Knichel, Pascal Sasdrich, Amir Moradi
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Accelerated by the increased interconnection of highly accessible devices, the demand for effective and efficient protection of hardware designs against SCA is ever rising, causing its topical relevance to remain immense in both, academia and industry. Among a wide range of proposed countermeasures against SCA, masking is a highly promising candidate due to its sound foundations and well-understood security requirements. In addition, formal adversary models have been introduced, aiming to accurately capture real-world attack scenarios while remaining sufficiently simple to efficiently reason about the SCA resilience of designs. Here, the $d$-probing model is the most prominent and well-studied adversary model. Its extension, introduced as the robust $d$-probing model, covers physical defaults occurring in hardware implementations, particularly focusing on combinational recombinations (glitches), memory recombinations (transitions), and routing recombinations (coupling). With increasing complexity of modern cryptographic designs and logic circuits, formal security verification becomes ever more cumbersome. This started to spark innovative research on automated verification frameworks. Unfortunately, these verification frameworks mostly focus on security verification of hardware circuits in the presence of glitches, but remain limited in identification and verification of transitional leakage. To this end, we extend SILVER, a recently proposed tool for formal security verification of masked logic circuits, to also detect and verify information leakage resulting from combinations of glitches and transitions. Based on extensive case studies, we further confirm the accuracy and practical relevance of our methodology when assessing and verifying information leakage in hardware implementations.
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