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02 March 2022

Hannah Davis, Denis Diemert, Felix Günther, Tibor Jager
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The pre-shared key (PSK) handshake modes of TLS 1.3 allow for the performant, low-latency resumption of previous connections and are widely used on the Web and by resource-constrained devices, e.g., in the Internet of Things. Taking advantage of these performance benefits with optimal and theoretically-sound parameters requires tight security proofs. We give the first tight security proofs for the TLS 1.3 PSK handshake modes.

Our main technical contribution is to address a gap in prior tight security proofs of TLS 1.3 which modeled either the entire key schedule or components thereof as independent random oracles to enable tight proof techniques. These approaches ignore existing interdependencies in TLS 1.3's key schedule, arising from the fact that the same cryptographic hash function is used in several components of the key schedule and the handshake more generally. We overcome this gap by proposing a new abstraction for the key schedule and carefully arguing its soundness via the indifferentiability framework. Interestingly, we observe that for one specific configuration, PSK-only mode with hash function SHA-384, it seems difficult to argue indifferentiability due to a lack of domain separation between the various hash function usages. We view this as an interesting insight for the design of protocols, such as future TLS versions.

For all other configurations however, our proofs significantly tighten the security of the TLS 1.3 PSK modes, confirming standardized parameters (for which prior bounds provided subpar or even void guarantees) and enabling a theoretically-sound deployment.
Katharina Boudgoust, Corentin Jeudy, Adeline Roux-Langlois, Weiqiang Wen
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The Module Learning With Errors problem (M-LWE) has gained popularity in recent years for its security-efficiency balance, and its hardness has been established for a number of variants. In this paper, we focus on proving the hardness of (search) M-LWE for general secret distributions, provided they carry sufficient min-entropy. This is called entropic hardness of M-LWE. First, we adapt the line of proof of Brakerski and Döttling on R-LWE (TCC’20) to prove that the existence of certain distributions implies the entropic hardness of M-LWE. Then, we provide one such distribution whose required properties rely on the hardness of the decisional Module-NTRU problem.
Suvradip Chakraborty, Bernardo Magri, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Daniele Venturi
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Subversion attacks undermine security of cryptographic protocols by replacing a legitimate honest party's implementation with one that leaks information in an undetectable manner. An important limitation of all currently known techniques for designing cryptographic protocols with security against subversion attacks is that they do not automatically guarantee security in the realistic setting where a protocol session may run concurrently with other protocols.

We remedy this situation by providing a foundation of *reverse firewalls* (Mironov and Stephens-Davidowitz, EUROCRYPT'15) in the *universal composability* (UC) framework (Canetti, FOCS'01 and J. ACM'20). More in details, our contributions are threefold:

- We generalize the UC framework to the setting where each party consists of a core (which has secret inputs and is in charge of generating protocol messages) and a firewall (which has no secrets and sanitizes the outgoing/incoming communication from/to the core). Both the core and the firewall can be subject to different flavors of corruption, modeling different kinds of subversion attacks.

For instance, we capture the setting where a subverted core looks like the honest core to any efficient test, yet it may leak secret information via covert channels (which we call *specious subversion*).

- We show how to sanitize UC commitments and UC coin tossing against specious subversion, under the DDH assumption.

- We show how to sanitize the classical GMW compiler (Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson, STOC 1987) for turning MPC with security in the presence of semi-honest adversaries into MPC with security in the presence of malicious adversaries. This yields a completeness theorem for maliciously secure MPC in the presence of specious subversion.

Additionally, all our sanitized protocols are *transparent*, in the sense that communicating with a sanitized core looks indistinguishable from communicating with an honest core. Thanks to the composition theorem, our methodology allows, for the first time, to design subversion-resilient protocols by sanitizing different sub-components in a modular way.
Ling Sun, Bart Preneel, Wei Wang, Meiqin Wang
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GIFT-64 is a 64-bit block cipher with a 128-bit key that is more lightweight than PRESENT. This paper provides a detailed analysis of GIFT-64 against differential and linear attacks. Our work complements automatic search methods for the best differential and linear characteristics with a careful manual analysis. This hybrid approach leads to new insights. In the differential setting, we theoretically explain the existence of differential characteristics with two active S-boxes per round and derive some novel properties of these characteristics. Furthermore, we prove that all optimal differential characteristics of GIFT-64 covering more than seven rounds must activate two S-boxes per round. We can construct all optimal characteristics by hand. In parallel to the work in the differential setting, we conduct a similar analysis in the linear setting. However, unlike the clear view in differential setting, the optimal linear characteristics of GIFT-64 must have at least one round activating only one S-box. Moreover, with the assistance of automatic searching methods, we identify 24 GIFT-64 variants achieving better resistance against differential attack while maintaining a similar security level against a linear attack. Since the new variants strengthen GIFT-64 against statistical cryptanalysis, we claim that the number of rounds could be reduced from 28 to 26 for the variants. This observation enables us to create a cipher with lower energy consumption than GIFT-64. Similarly to the case in GIFT-64, we do not claim any related-key security for the round-reduced variant as this is not relevant for most applications.
Ignacio Cascudo, Bernardo David, Lydia Garms, Anders Konring
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Achieving adaptive (or proactive) security in cryptographic protocols is notoriously difficult due to the adversary's power to dynamically corrupt parties as the execution progresses. Inspired by the work of Benhamouda et al. in TCC 2020, Gentry et al. in CRYPTO 2021 introduced the YOSO (You Only Speak Once) model for constructing adaptively (or proactively) secure protocols in massively distributed settings (e.g. blockchains). In this model, instead of having all parties execute an entire protocol, smaller anonymous committees are randomly chosen to execute each individual round of the protocol. After playing their role, parties encrypt protocol messages towards the the next anonymous committee and erase their internal state before publishing their ciphertexts. However, a big challenge remains in realizing YOSO protocols: efficiently encrypting messages towards anonymous parties selected at random without learning their identities, while proving the encrypted messages are valid w.r.t. the protocol. In particular, the protocols of Benhamouda et al. and of Gentry et al. require showing ciphertexts contain valid shares of secret states. We propose concretely efficient methods for encrypting a protocol's secret state towards a random anonymous committee. We start by proposing a very simple and efficient scheme for encrypting messages towards randomly and anonymously selected parties. We then show constructions of publicly verifiable secret (re-)sharing (PVSS) schemes with concretely efficient proofs of (re-)share validity that can be generically instantiated from encryption schemes with certain linear homomorphic properties. Finally, we show that our PVSS schemes can be efficiently realized from our encyption scheme.

25 February 2022

John Kelsey, Stefan Lucks
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We show how to construct a threshold version of stateful hash-based signature schemes like those defined in XMSS (defined in RFC8391) and LMS (defined in RFC8554). Our techniques assume a trusted dealer and secure point-to-point communications; are efficient in terms of communications and computation; and require at least one party to have a large (but practical) amount of storage. We propose the addition of an untrusted Helper to manage the large storage required without being given access to any secret information. We prove the security of our schemes in a straightforward way, reducing their strength to that of the underlying hash-based signature scheme. Our schemes are quite practical, and substantially decrease the risk of accidental key reuse in hash-based signature schemes.
Hamza Abusalah, Georg Fuchsbauer, Peter Gaži, Karen Klein
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The success of blockchains has led to ever-growing ledgers that are stored by all participating full nodes. In contrast, light clients only store small amounts of blockchain-related data and rely on the mediation of full nodes when interacting with the ledger. A broader adoption of blockchains calls for protocols that make this interaction trustless.

We revisit the design of light-client blockchain protocols from the perspective of classical proof-system theory, and explain the role that proofs of sequential work (PoSWs) can play in it. To this end, we define a new primitive called succinct non-interactive argument of chain knowledge (SNACK), a non-interactive proof system that provides clear security guarantees to a verifier (a light client) even when interacting only with a single dishonest prover (a full node). We show how augmenting any blockchain with any graph-labeling PoSW (GL-PoSW) enables SNACK proofs for this blockchain. We also provide a unified and extended definition of GL-PoSWs covering all existing constructions, and describe two new variants. We then show how SNACKs can be used to construct light-client protocols, and highlight some deficiencies of existing designs, along with mitigations. Finally, we introduce incremental SNACKs which could provide a new approach to light mining.
Ziyu Zhao, Jintai Ding
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Lattice problem such as NTRU problem and LWE problem is widely used as the security base of post-quantum cryptosystems. And currently doing lattice reduction by BKZ algorithm is the most efficient way to solve it. In this paper, we give several further improvements on BKZ algorithm, which can be used for different SVP subroutines base on both enumeration and sieving. These improvements in combination provide a speed up of $2^{3\sim 4}$ in total. It is significant in concrete attacks. Using these new techniques, we solved the 656 dimensional ideal lattice challenge in only 380 thread hours (also with a enumeration based SVP subroutine), much less than the previous records (which costs 4600 thread hours in total). With these improvements enabled, we can still simulate the new BKZ algorithm easily. One can also use this simulator to find the blocksize strategy (and the corresponding cost) to make $\mathrm{Pot}$ of the basis (defined in section 5.2) decrease as fast as possible, which means the length of the first basis vector decrease the fastest if we accept the GSA assumption. It is useful for analyzing concrete attacks on lattice-based cryptography.
Lijing Zhou, Ziyu Wang, Xiao Zhang, Yu Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) provides a natural solution for privacy-preserving outsourced computation, but a straightforward FHE-based protocol may suffer from high computational overhead and large ciphertext expansion rate, especially for computation-intensive tasks over large data, which are the main obstacles towards practical outsourced computation. In this paper, we present HEAD, a generic outsourced computation protocol that can be based on most mainstream (typically a BGV or GSW style scheme) FHE schemes with more compact storage and less computational costs than the straightforward FHE-based counterpart. In particular, our protocol enjoys a ciphertext/plaintext expansion rate of 1 (i.e., no expansion) at the server side. This is achieved by means of ``pseudorandomly masked'' ciphertexts, and the efficient transformations of them into FHE ciphertexts to facilitate privacy-preserving computation. Depending on the underlying FHE in use, our HEAD protocol can be instantiated with the three masking techniques, namely modulo-subtraction-masking, modulo-division-masking, and XOR-masking, to support the decimal integer, real, or binary messages. Thanks to these masking techniques, various homomorphic computation tasks are made more efficient and less noise accumulative. We evaluate the performance of our protocol on BFV, BGV, CKKS, and FHEW schemes based on the PALISADE and SEAL libraries, which confirms the theoretical analysis of the reduction computation costs and noise. For example, the computation time in our BFV tests in an x86 server for the sum or product of eight ciphertexts is reduced from 336.3 ms to 6.3 ms, or from 1219.4 ms to 9.5 ms, respectively. Furthermore, our multi-input masking and unmasking operations are more flexible than the FHE SIMD-batching, by supporting an on-demand configuration of FHE during each outsourced computation request.
Jesper Buus Nielsen, João Ribeiro, Maciej Obremski (randomized author ordering)
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We distill a simple information-theoretic model for randomness extraction motivated by the task of generating publicly verifiable randomness in blockchain settings and which is closely related to You-Only-Speak-Once (YOSO) protocols (CRYPTO 2021). With the goal of avoiding denial-of-service attacks, parties speak only once and in sequence by broadcasting a public value and forwarding secret values to future parties. Additionally, an unbounded adversary can corrupt any chosen subset of at most $t$ parties. In contrast, existing YOSO protocols only handle random corruptions. As a notable example, considering worst-case corruptions allows us to reduce trust in the role assignment mechanism, which is assumed to be perfectly random in YOSO.

We study the maximum corruption threshold $t$ which allows for unconditional randomness extraction in our model:

- With respect to feasibility, we give protocols for $t$ corruptions and $n=6t+1$ or $n=5t$ parties depending on whether the adversary learns secret values forwarded to corrupted parties immediately once they are sent or only once the corrupted party is executed, respectively. Both settings are motivated by practical implementations of secret value forwarding. To design such protocols, we go beyond the committee-based approach that is sufficient for random corruptions in YOSO but turns out to be sub-optimal for chosen corruptions.

- To complement our protocols, we show that low-error randomness extraction is impossible with corruption threshold $t$ and $n \leq 4t$ parties in both settings above. This also provides a separation between chosen and random corruptions, since the latter allows for randomness extraction with close to $n/2$ random corruptions.
Tristan NEMOZ, Zoé AMBLARD, Aurélien DUPIN
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We extend the work performed by Anand, Targhi, Tabia and Unruh (PQCrypto 2016) of studying the post-quantum security of the CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR modes of operation by considering all possible notions of qIND-qCPA security defined by Carstens, Ebrahimi, Tabia and Unruh (TCC 2021).

We show that the results obtained by Anand et al. for the qIND-qCPA-P6 security of these modes carry on to the others IND-qCPA notions, namely the qIND-qCPA-P10 and qIND-qCPA-P11 ones. We also show that CFB, CTR and OFB are insecure according to all of the other notions, regardless of the block cipher they are used with. We provide several results concerning the (in)security of CBC. First of all, we show that it is insecure according to the qIND-qCPA-P9 notion. By distinguishing on the nature of the underlying block cipher, we prove its qIND-qCPA-P5 security when based upon a qPRP and we prove that it can be qIND-qCPA-P13 insecure when based upon a PRP, thus fully characterizing it. We illustrate the later result by using as a counter-example the same block cipher used by Anand et al.
Giuseppe Persiano, Kevin Yeo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a lower bound for the static cryptographic data structure problem of single-server private information retrieval (PIR). PIR considers the setting where a server holds a database of $n$ entries and a client wishes to privately retrieve the $i$-th entry without revealing the index $i$ to the server. In our work, we focus on PIR with preprocessing where an $r$-bit hint may be computed in a preprocessing stage and stored by the server to be used to perform private queries in expected time $t$. We consider the public preprocessing setting of Beimel et al. [JoC, 2004] where the hint is publicly available to everyone including the adversary.

We prove that for any single-server computationally secure PIR with preprocessing it must be that $tr = \Omega(n \log n)$ when $r = \Omega(\log n)$. If $r = O(\log n)$, we show that $t = \Omega(n)$. Our lower bound holds even when the scheme errs with probability $1/n^2$ and the adversary’s distinguishing advantage is $1/n$. Our work improves upon the $tr = \Omega(n)$ lower bound of Beimel et al. [JoC, 2004].

We prove our lower bound in a variant of the cell probe model where only accesses to the memory are charged cost and computation and accesses to the hint are free. Our main technical contribution is a novel use of the cell sampling technique (also known as the incompressibility technique) used to obtain lower bounds on data structures. In previous works, this technique only leveraged the correctness guarantees to prove lower bounds even when used for cryptographic primitives. Our work combines the cell sampling technique with the privacy guarantees of PIR to construct a powerful, polynomial-time adversary that is critical to proving our higher lower bounds.
Luca De Feo, Antonin Leroux, Benjamin Wesolowski
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The Deuring correspondence defines a bijection between isogenies of supersingular elliptic curves and ideals of maximal orders in a quaternion algebra. We present a new algorithm to translate ideals of prime-power norm to their corresponding isogenies --- a central task of the effective Deuring correspondence. The new method improves upon the algorithm introduced in 2021 by De Feo, Kohel, Leroux, Petit and Wesolowski as a building-block of the SQISign signature scheme. SQISign is the most compact post-quantum signature scheme currently known, but is several orders of magnitude slower than competitors, the main bottleneck of the computation being the ideal-to-isogeny translation. We implement the new algorithm and apply it to SQISign, achieving a more than twofold speed-up in key generation and signing. Verification time is not directly impacted by the change, however we also achieve a twofold speed-up through various other improvements.

In a second part of the article, we advance cryptanalysis by showing a very simple distinguisher against one of the assumptions used in SQISign. We present a way to impede the distinguisher through a few changes to the generic KLPT algorithm. We formulate a new assumption capturing these changes, and provide an analysis together with experimental evidence for its validity.
Martin R. Albrecht, Miloš Prokop, Yixin Shen, Petros Wallden
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A fundamental computational problem is to find a shortest non-zero vector in Euclidean lattices, a problem known as the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP). This problem is believed to be hard even on quantum computers and thus plays a pivotal role in post-quantum cryptography. In this work we explore how (efficiently) Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices may be used to solve SVP. Specifically, we map the problem to that of finding the ground state of a suitable Hamiltonian. In particular, (i) we establish new bounds for lattice enumeration, this allows us to obtain new bounds (resp. estimates) for the number of qubits required per dimension for any lattices (resp. random q-ary lattices) to solve SVP; (ii) we exclude the zero vector from the optimization space by proposing (a) a different classical optimisation loop or alternatively (b) a new mapping to the Hamiltonian. These improvements allow us to solve SVP in dimension up to 28 in a quantum emulation, significantly more than what was previously achieved, even for special cases. Finally, we extrapolate the size of NISQ devices that is required to be able to solve instances of lattices that are hard even for the best classical algorithms and find that with ≈ 10^3 noisy qubits such instances can be tackled.
Gabriel Zaid, Lilian Bossuet, Mathieu Carbone, Amaury Habrard, Alexandre Venelli
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Over the recent years, the cryptanalysis community leveraged the potential of research on Deep Learning to enhance attacks. In particular, several studies have recently highlighted the benefits of Deep Learning based Side-Channel Attacks (DLSCA) to target real-world cryptographic implementations. While this new research area on applied cryptography provides impressive result to recover a secret key even when countermeasures are implemented (e.g. desynchronization, masking schemes), the lack of theoretical results make the construction of appropriate models a notoriously hard problem. In this work, we propose the first solution that bridges DL and SCA. Based on theoretical results, we develop the first generative model, called Conditionnal Variational AutoEncoder based on Stochastic Attacks (cVAE-SA), designed from the well-known Stochastic Attacks, that have been introduced by Schindler et al. in $2005$. This model reduces the black-box property of DL and eases the architecture design for every real-world crypto-system as we define theoretical complexity bounds which only depend on the dimension of the (reduced) trace and the targeting variable over $\mathbb{F}_{2}^{n}$. We validate our theoretical proposition through simulations and public datasets on wide-range of use-cases, including multi-task learning, curse of dimensionality and masking scheme.
Qun Liu, Weijia Wang, Yanhong Fan, Lixuan Wu, Ling Sun, Meiqin Wang
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Lightweight cryptography features a small footprint and/or low computational complexity. Low-cost implementations of linear layers usually play an important role in lightweight cryptography. Although it has been shown by Boyar et al. that finding the optimal implementation of a linear layer is a Shortest Linear Program (SLP) problem and NP-hard, there exist a variety of heuristic methods to search for near-optimal solutions. This paper considers the low-latency criteria and focuses on the heuristic search of lightweight implementation for linear layers. Most of the prior approach iteratively combines the inputs (of linear layers) to reach the output, which can be regarded as the forward search. To better adapt the low-latency criteria, we propose a new framework of backward search that attempts to iteratively split every output (into an XORing of two bits) until all inputs appear. By bounding the time of splitting, the new framework can find a sub-optimal solution with a minimized depth of circuits. We apply our new search algorithm to linear layers of block ciphers and find many low-latency candidates for implementations. Notably, for AES Mixcolumns, we provide an implementation with 103 XOR gates with a depth of 3, which is among the best hardware implementations of the AES linear layer. Besides, we obtain better implementations in XOR gates for 54.3% of 4256 Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) matrices proposed by Li et al. at FSE 2019. We also achieve an involutory MDS matrix (in M4(GL(8, F_2))) whose implementation uses the lowest number (i.e., 86, saving 2 from the state-of-the-art result) of XORs with the minimum depth.
Gregor Haas, Aydin Aysu
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Cryptographic instruction set extensions are commonly used for ciphers which would otherwise face unacceptable side channel risks. A prominent example of such an extension is the ARMv8 Cryptographic Extension, or ARM CE for short, which defines dedicated instructions to securely accelerate AES. However, while these extensions may be resistant to traditional "digital" side channel attacks, they may still vulnerable to physical side channel attacks.

In this work, we demonstrate the first such attack on a standard ARM CE AES implementation. We specifically focus on the implementation used by Apple’s CoreCrypto library which we run on the Apple A10 Fusion SoC. To that end, we implement an optimized side channel acquisition infrastructure involving both custom iPhone software and accelerated analysis code. We find that an adversary which can observe 5-30 million known-ciphertext traces can reliably extract secret AES keys using electromagnetic (EM) radiation as a side channel. This corresponds to an encryption operation on less than half of a gigabyte of data, which could be acquired in less than 2 seconds on the iPhone 7 we examined. Our attack thus highlights the need for side channel defenses for real devices and production, industry-standard encryption software.
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen
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FIPS 140-3 is the main standard defining security requirements for cryptographic modules in U.S. and Canada; commercially viable hardware modules generally need to be compliant with it. The scope of FIPS 140-3 will also expand to the new NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) standards when migration from older RSA and Elliptic Curve cryptography begins. FIPS 140-3 mandates the testing of the effectiveness of ``non-invasive attack mitigations'', or side-channel attack countermeasures. At higher security levels 3 and 4, the testing methods and metrics are expected to be based on ISO 17825, which is based on the older Test Vector Leakage Assessment (TVLA) methodology. We discuss how to apply ISO 17825 to hardware modules that implement lattice-based PQC standards for public-key cryptography -- Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) and Digital Signatures. We find that simple ``random key'' vs. ``fixed key'' tests are unsatisfactory due to the close linkage between public and private components of PQC keypairs. While the general statistical testing approach and requirements can remain consistent with older public-key algorithms, a non-trivial challenge in creating ISO 17825 testing procedures for PQC is the careful design of test vectors used for power, electromagnetic, and timing measurements so that relevant Critical Security Parameter (CSP) leakage is captured.
Omri Shmueli
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Quantum tokenized signature schemes (Ben-David and Sattath, QCrypt 2017) allow a sender to generate and distribute quantum unclonable states which grant their holder a one-time permission to sign in the name of the sender. Such schemes are a strengthening of public-key quantum money schemes, as they imply public-key quantum money where some channels of communication in the system can be made classical.

An even stronger primitive is semi-quantum tokenized signatures, where the sender is classical and can delegate the generation of the token to a (possibly malicious) quantum receiver. Semi-quantum tokenized signature schemes imply a powerful version of public-key quantum money satisfying two key features:

1. The bank is classical and the scheme can execute on a completely classical communication network. In addition, the bank is \emph{stateless} and after the creation of a banknote, does not hold any information nor trapdoors except the balance of accounts in the system. Such quantum money scheme solves the main open problem presented by Radian and Sattath (AFT 2019). 2. Furthermore, the classical-communication transactions between users in the system are \emph{direct} and do not need to go through the bank. This enables the transactions to be both classical and private.

While fully-quantum tokenized signatures (where the sender is quantum and generates the token by itself) are known based on quantum-secure indistinguishability obfuscation and injective one-way functions, the semi-quantum version is not known under any computational assumption. In this work we construct a semi-quantum tokenized signature scheme based on quantum-secure indistinguishability obfuscation and the sub-exponential hardness of the Learning with Errors problem. In the process, we show new properties of quantum coset states and a new hardness result on indistinguishability obfuscation of classical subspace membership circuits.
Ben Nassi, Ras Swissa, Yuval Elovici, Boris Zadov
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In this paper, we introduce "the little seal bug" attack, an optical side-channel attack which exploits lightweight reflective objects (e.g., an iced coffee can, a smartphone stand, a souvenir) as optical implants for the purpose of recovering the content of a conversation. We show how fluctuations in the air pressure on the surface of a shiny object can be exploited by eavesdroppers to recover speech passively and externally, using equipment not likely to be associated with spying. These air pressure fluctuations, which occur in response to sound, cause the shiny object to vibrate and reflect light which modulates the nearby sound; as a result, seemingly innocuous objects like an empty beverage can, desk ornament, or smartphone stand, which are often placed on desks, can provide the infrastructure required for eavesdroppers to recover the content of a victim’s conversation held when the victim is sitting at his/her desk. First, we conduct a series of experiments aimed at learning the characteristics of optical measurements obtained from shiny objects that reflect light, by using a photodiode to analyze the movement of a shiny weight in response to sound. Based on our findings, we propose an optical acoustical transformation (OAT) to recover speech from the optical measurements obtained from light reflected from shiny objects. Finally, we compare the performance of the little seal bug attack to related methods presented in other studies. We show that eavesdroppers located 35 meters away from a victim can use the little seal bug attack to recover speech at the sound level of a virtual meeting with fair intelligibility whe
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