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02 March 2022

Likang Lu, Jianzhu Lu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Distributed secret sharing techniques, where a specific secret is encoded into its shares which are conveyed to the IoT device or its user via storage nodes, are considered. A verifiably distributed secret sharing (VDSS) provides a way for a legitimate user to verify the secret he reconstructs through the downloaded shares while the secrecy condition is satisfied in a weak or a perfect sense. This article examines the impact of minimizing verification information in a VDSS on the communication complexity and storage overhead, and achieves the verifiability in resource-limited IoTs by aggregating the verification information of different devices/users. Then, two secure VDSS are proposed. The first VDSS attains the lower bound on the communication complexity while providing the fault tolerance. The second VDSS simultaneously achieves the lower bounds of both communication complexity and storage overhead while providing the balanced storage load, thus showing the scheme that is optimal in terms of both parameters.
Georg Fuchsbauer, Michele Orrù
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Mimblewimble is a cryptocurrency protocol promising to overcome notorious blockchain scalability issues. To this day, one of the major factors hindering its wider adoption is the lack of non-interactive transactions, that is, payments where only the sender needs to be online. We analyze and fix a proposal by Yu, which, inspired by stealth addresses, introduces non-interactive transactions to Mimblewimble.
Ittai Abraham, Gilad Asharov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We revisit Gradecast (Feldman and Micali, STOC’88) in Synchrony and Reliable Broadcast (Bracha, Information and Computation’87) in Asynchrony. For both tasks, we provide new protocols that have three desirable properties: (1) optimal resilience, tolerating $t < n/3$ malicious parties; (2) are communication-efficient, where honest parties send just $O(nL)$ bits for a dealer with a message of $L = \Omega(n)$ bits; (3) and are unconditionally secure, (or statistically secure), without needing to rely on any computational or setup assumptions. To the best of our knowledge, no previous work obtains all three properties simultaneously.
Vidal Attias, Luigi Vigneri, Vassil Dimitrov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The importance of efficient multi-exponen- tiation algorithms in a large spectrum of cryptographic applications continues to grow. Previous literature on the subject pays attention exclusively on the mini- mization of the number of modular multiplications. However, a small reduction of the multiplicative com- plexity can be easily overshadowed by other figures of merit. In this article, we demonstrate that the most efficient algorithm for computing multi-exponentiation changes if considering execution time instead of number of multi-exponentiations. We focus our work on two al- gorithms that perform best under the number of multi- exponentiation metric and show that some side opera- tions affects their theoretical ranking. We provide this analysis on different hardware, such as Intel Core and ARM CPUs and the two latest generations of Rasp- berry Pis, to show how the machine chosen affects the execution time of multi-exponentiation.
Pratyush Agarwal, Varun Narayanan, Shreya Pathak, Manoj Prabhakaran, Vinod M. Prabhakaran, Mohammad Ali Rehan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Correlated pairs of random variables are a central concept in information-theoretically secure cryptography. Secure reductions between different correlations have been studied, and completeness results are known. Further, the complexity of such reductions is intimately connected with circuit complexity and efficiency of locally decodable codes. As such, making progress on these complexity questions faces strong barriers. Motivated by this, in this work, we study a restricted form of secure reductions --- namely, Secure Non-Interactive Reductions (SNIR) --- which is still closely related to the original problem, and establish several fundamental results and relevant techniques for it.

We uncover striking connections between SNIR and linear algebraic properties of correlations. Specifically, we define the spectrum of a correlation, and show that a target correlation has a SNIR to a source correlation only if the spectrum of the latter contains the entire spectrum of the former. We also establish a ``mirroring lemma'' that shows an unexpected symmetry between the two parties in a SNIR, when viewed through the lens of spectral analysis. We also use cryptographic insights and elementary linear algebraic analysis to fully characterize the role of common randomness as well as local randomness in SNIRs. We employ these results to resolve several fundamental questions about SNIRs, and to define future directions.
Elette Boyle, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai, Ariel Nof
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider the efficiency of protocols for secure multiparty computation (MPC) with a dishonest majority. A popular approach for the design of such protocols is to employ preprocessing. Before the inputs are known, the parties generate correlated secret randomness, which is consumed by a fast and possibly ``information-theoretic'' online protocol.

A powerful technique for securing such protocols against malicious parties uses homomorphic MACs to authenticate the values produced by the online protocol. Compared to a baseline protocol, which is only secure against semi-honest parties, this involves a significant increase in the size of the correlated randomness, by a factor of up to a statistical security parameter. Different approaches for partially mitigating this extra storage cost come at the expense of increasing the online communication.

In this work we propose a new technique for protecting MPC with preprocessing against malicious parties. We show that for circuit evaluation protocols that satisfy mild security and structural requirements, that are met by many standard protocols with semi-honest security, the extra additive storage and online communication costs are both logarithmic in the circuit size. This applies to Boolean circuits and to arithmetic circuits over fields or rings, and to both information-theoretic and computationally secure protocols. Our protocol can be viewed as a sublinear information-theoretic variant of the celebrated ``GMW compiler'' that applies to natural protocols for MPC with preprocessing.

Our compiler makes a novel use of the techniques of Boneh et al. (Crypto 2019) for sublinear distributed zero knowledge, which were previously only used in the setting of honest-majority MPC.
Hadi Mardani Kamali, Kimia Zamiri Azar, Farimah Farahmandi, Mark Tehranipoor
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Logic locking is a design concealment mechanism for protecting the IPs integrated into modern System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures from a wide range of hardware security threats at the IC manufacturing supply chain. Logic locking primarily helps the designer to protect the IPs against reverse engineering, IP piracy, overproduction, and unauthorized activation. For more than a decade, the research studies that carried out on this paradigm has been immense, in which the applicability, feasibility, and efficacy of the logic locking have been investigated, including metrics to assess the efficacy, impact of locking in different levels of abstraction, threat model definition, resiliency against physical attacks, tampering, and the application of machine learning. However, the security and strength of existing logic locking techniques have been constantly questioned by sophisticated logical and physical attacks that evolve in sophistication at the same rate as logic locking countermeasure approaches. By providing a comprehensive definition regarding the metrics, assumptions, and principles of logic locking, in this survey paper, we categorize the existing defenses and attacks to capture the most benefit from the logic locking techniques for IP protection, and illuminating the need for and giving direction to future research studies in this topic. This survey paper serves as a guide to quickly navigate and identify the state-of-the-art that should be considered and investigated for further studies on logic locking techniques, helping IP vendors, SoC designers, and researchers to be informed of the principles, fundamentals, and properties of logic locking.
Andre Esser, Alexander May, Javier Verbel, Weiqiang Wen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In a so-called partial key exposure attack one obtains some information about the secret key, e.g. via some side-channel leakage. This information might be a certain fraction of the secret key bits (erasure model) or some erroneous version of the secret key (error model). The goal is to recover the secret key from the leaked information.

There is a common belief that, as opposed to e.g. the RSA cryptosystem, most post-quantum cryptosystems are usually resistant against partial key exposure attacks. We strongly question this belief by constructing partial key exposure attacks on code-based, multivariate, and lattice-based schemes (BIKE, Rainbow and NTRU). Our attacks exploit the redundancy that modern PQ cryptosystems inherently use for efficiency reasons. The application and development of techniques from information set decoding plays a crucial role for achieving our results.

On the theoretical side, we show non-trivial information leakage bounds that allow for a polynomial time key recovery attack. As an example, for all schemes the knowledge of a constant fraction of the secret key bits suffices to reconstruct the full key in polynomial time.

Even if we no longer insist on polynomial time attacks, most of our attacks extend well and remain feasible up to large erasure and error rates. In the case of BIKE for example we obtain attack complexities around 60 bits when half of the secret key bits are erased, or a quarter of the secret key bits are faulty.

Our results show that even highly error-prone key leakage of modern PQ cryptosystems may lead to full secret key recoveries.
Hasan Al Shaikh, Mohammad Bin Monjil, Shigang Chen, Farimah Farahmandi, Navid Asadizanjani, Mark Tehranipoor, Fahim Rahman
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The expansive globalization of the semiconductor supply chain has introduced numerous untrusted entities into different stages of a device’s lifecycle, enabling them to compromise its security. To make matters worse, the increasing complexity in the design as well as aggressive time-to-market requirements of the newer generation of integrated circuits can lead either designers to unintentionally introduce security vulnerabilities or verification engineers to fail in detecting them earlier in design lifecycle, often due to the limitation of traditional verification and testing methodologies. These overlooked or undetected vulnerabilities can be exploited by malicious entities in subsequent stages of the lifecycle through an ever-widening variety of hardware attacks. The ability to ascertain the provenance of these vulnerabilities, after they have been unearthed at a later stage, becomes a pressing issue when the security assurance across the whole lifecycle is required to be ensured and generationally improved to thwart emerging attacks.

We posit that if there is a malicious or unintentional breach of security policies of a device, it will be reflected in the form of anomalies in the data collected through traditional design, verification, validation, and testing activities throughout the lifecycle. With that, a digital simulacrum of a device’s lifecycle, called a digital twin (DT), can be formed by the data gathered from different stages to secure the lifecycle of the device. The DT can analyze the collected data through its constituent AI and data analytics algorithms to trace the origin of a detected hardware attack or vulnerability to the associated stage of the lifecycle. We refer to this functionality of the DT as Backward Trust Analysis.

We also introduce the notion of Forward Trust Analysis which refers to the scalability and adaptability of the DT to unforeseen threats as they emerge. In this paper, we put forward a realization of intertwined relationships of security vulnerabilities with data available from the silicon lifecycle and formulate different components of an AI driven DT framework. The proposed DT framework leverages these relationships to achieve aforementioned security objectives through causality analysis, and thus accomplish end-to-end security-aware management of the entire semiconductor lifecycle. We put a perspective on how the limitations of existing ad-hoc-style security solutions can be overcome by the data oriented analysis that underpins our approach. With several threat and attack scenarios, we demonstrate how advanced modeling techniques can perform relational learning to identify such attacks. Finally, we provide potential future research avenues and challenges for realization of the digital twin framework to enable secure semiconductor lifecycle management
Ran Cohen, Jack Doerner, Yashvanth Kondi, abhi shelat
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce a notion of round-robin secure sampling that captures several protocols in the literature, such as the "powers-of-tau" setup protocol for pairing-based polynomial commitments and zk-SNARKs, and certain verifiable mixnets.

Due to their round-robin structure, protocols of this class inherently require $n$ sequential broadcast rounds, where $n$ is the number of participants.

We describe how to compile them generically into protocols that require only $O(\sqrt{n})$ broadcast rounds. Our compiled protocols guarantee output delivery against any dishonest majority. This stands in contrast to prior techniques, which require $\Omega(n)$ sequential broadcasts in most cases (and sometimes many more). Our compiled protocols permit a certain amount of adversarial bias in the output, as all sampling protocols with guaranteed output must, due to Cleve's impossibility result (STOC'86). We show that in the context of the aforementioned applications, this bias is harmless.
Ueli Maurer, Christopher Portmann, Guilherme Rito
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper introduces a new type of public-key encryption scheme, called Multi-Designated Receiver Signed Public Key Encryption (MDRS-PKE), which allows a sender to select a set of designated receivers and both encrypt and sign a message that only these receivers will be able to read and authenticate (confidentiality and authenticity). An MDRS-PKE scheme provides several additional security properties which allow for a fundamentally new type of communication not considered before. Namely, it satisfies consistency---a dishonest sender cannot make different receivers receive different messages---off-the-record---a dishonest receiver cannot convince a third party of what message was sent (e.g., by selling their secret key), because dishonest receivers have the ability to forge signatures---and anonymity---parties that are not in the set of designated receivers cannot identify who the sender and designated receivers are.

We give a construction of an MDRS-PKE scheme from standard assumptions. At the core of our construction lies yet another new type of public-key encryption scheme, which is of independent interest: Public Key Encryption for Broadcast (PKEBC) which provides all the security guarantees of MDRS-PKE schemes, except authenticity.

We note that MDRS-PKE schemes give strictly more guarantees than Multi-Designated Verifier Signatures (MDVS) schemes with privacy of identities. This in particular means that our MDRS-PKE construction yields the first MDVS scheme with privacy of identities from standard assumptions. The only prior construction of such schemes was based on Verifiable Functional Encryption for general circuits (Damg\aa rd et al., TCC '20).
Diana Ghinea, Vipul Goyal, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Byzantine agreement is a fundamental primitive in cryptography and distributed computing, and minimizing its round complexity is of paramount importance. It is long known that any randomized $r$-round protocol must fail with probability at least $(c\cdot r)^{-r}$, for some constant $c$, when the number of corruptions is linear in the number of parties, $t = \theta(n)$. On the other hand, current protocols fail with probability at least $2^{-r}$. Whether we can match the lower bound agreement probability remains unknown.

In this work, we resolve this long-standing open question. We present a protocol that matches the lower bound up to constant factors. Our results hold under a (strongly rushing) adaptive adversary that can corrupt up to $t = (1-\epsilon)n/2$ parties, and our protocols use a public-key infrastructure and a trusted setup for unique threshold signatures. This is the first protocol that decreases the failure probability (overall) by a 'super-constant' factor per round.
Charles Momin, Gaëtan Cassiers, François-Xavier Standaert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We describe FPGA implementations of the Spook candidate to the NIST lightweight cryptography competition in two flavors. First, unprotected implementations that exhibit the excellent throughput and energy consumption for the area target specified by the NIST benchmarking initiative. Second, protected implementations leveraging the leveled implementation concept that the Spook design enables and confirming the significant performance gains that it enables.
Kostas Papagiannopoulos, Ognjen Glamocanin, Melissa Azouaoui, Dorian Ros, Francesco Regazzoni, Mirjana Stojilovic
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Side-channel attacks exploit a physical observable originating from a cryptographic device in order to extract its secrets. Many practically relevant advances in the field of side-channel analysis relate to security evaluations of cryptographic functions and devices. Accordingly, many metrics have been adopted or defined to express and quantify side-channel security. These metrics can relate to one another, but also conflict in terms of effectiveness, assumptions and security goals. In this work, we review the most commonly used metrics in the field of side-channel analysis. We provide a self-contained presentation of each metric, along with a discussion of its limitations. We practically demonstrate the metrics on examples of relevant implementations of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and make the software implementation of the presented metrics available to the community as open source. This work, being beyond a survey of the current status of metrics, will allow researchers and practitioners to produce a well-informed security evaluation through a better understanding of its supporting and summarizing metrics.
Charles Momin, Gaëtan Cassiers, François-Xavier Standaert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Masking is an important countermeasure against side-channel attacks, but its secure implementation is known to be error-prone. The automated verification and generation of masked designs is therefore an important theoretical and practical challenge. In a recent work, Knichel et al. proposed a tool for the automated generation of masked hardware implementations satisfying strong security properties (e.g., glitch-freeness and composability). In this paper, we study the possibility to improve their results based on manual performance optimizations for the AES algorithm. Our main conclusion is that as the target architecture becomes more serial, such a handcrafted approach gains interest. For example, we reach latency reductions by a factor six for 8-bit architectures. We conclude the paper by discussing the extent to which such optimizations could be integrated in the tool of Knichel et al. As a bonus, we adapt a composition-based verification tool to check that our implementations are robust against glitches & transitions, and confirm the security order of exemplary implementations with preliminary leakage assessment.
Joël Alwen, Benedikt Auerbach, Miguel Cueto Noval, Karen Klein, Guillermo Pascual-Perez, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Michael Walter
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Messaging platforms like Signal are widely deployed and provide strong security in an asynchronous setting. It is a challenging problem to construct a protocol with similar security guarantees that can efficiently scale to large groups. A major bottleneck are the frequent key rotations users need to perform to achieve post compromise forward security.

In current proposals - most notably in TreeKEM (which is part of the IETF's Messaging Layer Security (MLS) protocol draft) - for users in a group of size $n$ to rotate their keys they must each craft a message of size $\log(n)$ to be broadcast to the group using an (untrusted) delivery server.

In larger groups, having users sequentially rotate their keys requires too much bandwidth (or takes too long), so variants allowing any $T \leq n$ users to simultaneously rotate their keys in just $2$ communication rounds have been suggested (e.g. "Propose and Commit" by MLS). Unfortunately, $2$-round concurrent updates are either damaging or expensive (or both); i.e. they either result in future operations being more costly (e.g. via "blanking'' or "tainting'') or are costly themselves requiring $\Omega(T)$ communication for each user [Bienstock et al., TCC'20].

In this paper we propose CoCoA; a new scheme that allows for $T$ concurrent updates that are neither damaging nor costly. That is, they add no cost to future operations yet they only require $\Omega(\log^2(n))$ communication per user. To circumvent the [Bienstock et al.] lower bound CoCoA increases the number of rounds needed to complete all updates from $2$ up to (at most) $\log(n)$; though typically fewer rounds are needed.

The key insight of our protocol is the following: in the (non-concurrent version of) TreeKEM, a delivery server which gets $T$ concurrent update requests will approve one and reject the remaining $T-1$. In contrast, our server attempts to apply all of them. If more than one user requests to rotate the same key during a round, the server arbitrarily picks a winner. Surprisingly, we prove that regardless of how the server chooses the winners, all previously compromised users will recover after at most $\log(n)$ such update rounds.

To keep the communication complexity low, CoCoA is a server-aided CGKA. That is the delivery server no longer blindly forwards packets, but instead actively computes individualized packets tailored to each user. As the server is untrusted, this change requires us to develop new mechanisms ensuring robustness of the protocol.
Vipul Goyal, Yuval Ishai, Yifan Song
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A $t$-private circuit for a function $f$ is a randomized Boolean circuit $C$ that maps a randomized encoding of an input $x$ to an encoding of the output $f(x)$, such that probing $t$ wires anywhere in $C$ reveals nothing about $x$. Private circuits can be used to protect embedded devices against side-channel attacks. Motivated by the high cost of generating fresh randomness in such devices, several works have studied the question of minimizing the randomness complexity of private circuits.

The best known upper bound, due to Coron et al. (Eurocrypt 2020), is $O(t^2\cdot\log ts)$ random bits, where $s$ is the circuit size of $f$. We improve this to $O(t\cdot \log ts)$, including the randomness used by the input encoder, and extend this bound to the stateful variant of private circuits. Our constructions are semi-explicit in the sense that there is an efficient randomized algorithm that generates the private circuit $C$ from a circuit for $f$ with negligible failure probability.
Aldo Gunsing, Bart Mennink
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A well-established PRP-to-PRF conversion design is truncation: one evaluates an $n$-bit pseudorandom permutation on a certain input, and truncates the result to $a$ bits. The construction is known to achieve tight $2^{n-a/2}$ security. Truncation has gained popularity due to its appearance in the GCM-SIV key derivation function (ACM CCS 2015). This key derivation function makes four evaluations of AES, truncates the outputs to $n/2$ bits, and concatenates these to get a $2n$-bit subkey.

In this work, we demonstrate that truncation is wasteful. In more detail, we present the Summation-Truncation Hybrid (STH). At a high level, the construction consists of two parallel evaluations of truncation, where the truncated $(n-a)$-bit chunks are not discarded but rather summed together and appended to the output. We prove that STH achieves a similar security level as truncation, and thus that the $n-a$ bits of extra output is rendered for free. In the application of GCM-SIV, the current key derivation can be used to output $3n$ bits of random material, or it can be reduced to three primitive evaluations. Both changes come with no security loss.
Aldo Gunsing, Bart Mennink
ePrint Report ePrint Report
One oft-endeavored security property for cryptographic hash functions is collision resistance: it should be computationally infeasible to find distinct inputs $x,x'$ such that $H(x) = H(x')$, where $H$ is the hash function. Unruh (EUROCRYPT 2016) proposed collapseability as its quantum equivalent. The Merkle-Damgård and sponge hashing modes have recently been proven to be collapseable under the assumption that the underlying primitive is collapseable. These modes are inherently sequential. In this work, we investigate collapseability of tree hashing. We first consider fixed length tree hashing modes, and derive conditions under which their collapseability can be reduced to the collapseability of the underlying compression function. Then, we extend the result to two methods for achieving variable length hashing: tree hashing with domain separation between message and chaining value, and tree hashing with length encoding at the end of the tree. The proofs are performed using the collapseability composability framework of Fehr (TCC 2018), that allows us to discard of deeply technical quantum details and to focus on proper composition of the tree hashes from their compression function.
Aldo Gunsing, Joan Daemen, Bart Mennink
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present two tweakable wide block cipher modes from doubly-extendable cryptographic keyed (deck) functions and a keyed hash function: double-decker and docked-double-decker. Double-decker is a direct generalization of Farfalle-WBC of Bertoni et al. (ToSC 2017(4)), and is a four-round Feistel network on two arbitrarily large branches, where the middle two rounds call deck functions and the first and last rounds call the keyed hash function. Docked-double-decker is a variant of double-decker where the bulk of the input to the deck functions is moved to the keyed hash functions. We prove that the distinguishing advantage of the resulting wide block ciphers is simply two times the sum of the pseudorandom function distinguishing advantage of the deck function and the blinded keyed hashing distinguishing advantage of the keyed hash functions. We demonstrate that blinded keyed hashing is more general than the conventional notion of XOR-universality, and that it allows us to instantiate our constructions with keyed hash functions that have a very strong claim on bkh security but not necessarily on XOR-universality, such as Xoofffie (ePrint 2018/767). The bounds of double-decker and docked-double-decker are moreover reduced tweak-dependent, informally meaning that collisions on the keyed hash function for different tweaks only have a limited impact. We describe two use cases that can exploit this property opportunistically to get stronger security than what would be achieved with prior solutions: SSD encryption, where each sector can only be written to a limited number of times, and incremental tweaks, where one includes the state of the system in the variable-length tweak and appends new data incrementally.
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