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09 March 2022

Award Award

The IACR and PKC Steering Committee are pleased to announce the 2022 Test-of-Time award for papers published PKC.

PKC is the International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography, which was founded in 1998 and became an official IACR event in 2003. The Test-of-Time award recognizes outstanding papers, published in PKC about 15 years ago, making a significant contribution to the theory and practice of public key cryptography, preferably with influence either on foundations or on the practice of the field.

The 2022 award was given on Tuesday March 8th at PKC in a virtual Award Ceremony, for papers published in the conference's initial years of early 2000s and late 1990s. In the first few years a number of papers from a few different initial years of PKC can be recognized. Thereafter, the award will typically recognize one year at a time with one or two papers.

The recipients of the 2022 award are:

Congratulations to these authors for their impactful work! More information about the award can be found at

Jeju City, South Korea, 24 August - 26 August 2022
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 24 August to 26 August 2022
Submission deadline: 8 May 2022
Notification: 10 June 2022
Santa Barbara, USA, 13 August 2022
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 13 August 2022
Submission deadline: 1 May 2022

08 March 2022

Yao Jiang Galteland, Jiaxin Pan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The understanding of directionality for updatable encryption (UE) schemes is important, but not yet completed in the literature. We show that security in the backward-leak uni-directional key updates setting is equivalent to the no-directional one. Combining with the work of Jiang (ASIACRYPT 2020) and Nishimaki (PKC 2022), it is showed that the backward-leak notion is the strongest one among all known key update notions and more relevant in practice. We propose two novel generic constructions of UE schemes that are secure in the backward-leak uni-directional key update setting from public key encryption (PKE) schemes: the first one requires a key and message homomorphic PKE scheme and the second one requires a bootstrappable PKE scheme. These PKE can be constructed based on standard assumptions (such as the Decisional Diffie-Hellman and Learning With Errors assumptions). It is in stark contrast to the work of Nishimaki, which uses indistinguishability obfuscations, and Slamanig and Striecks (Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2021/268), which requires pairings.
Joppe W. Bos, Joost Renes, Daan Sprenkels
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We investigate the use of the Dilithium post-quantum digital signature scheme on memory-constrained systems. Reference and optimized implementations of Dilithium in the benchmarking framework pqm4 (Cortex-M4) require 50 – 100 KiB of memory, demonstrating the significant challenge to use Dilithium on small IoT platforms. We show that compressing polynomials, using an alternative number theoretic transform, and falling back to the schoolbook method for certain multiplications reduces the memory footprint significantly. This results in the first implementation of Dilithium for which the recommended parameter set requires less than 7 KiB of memory for key and signature generation and less than 3 KiB of memory for signature verification. We also provide benchmark details of a portable implementation in order to estimate the performance impact when using these memory reduction methods.
Deevashwer Rathee, Anwesh Bhattacharya, Rahul Sharma, Divya Gupta, Nishanth Chandran, Aseem Rastogi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We build a library SecFloat for secure 2-party computation (2PC) of 32-bit single-precision floating-point operations and math functions. The existing functionalities used in cryptographic works are imprecise and the precise functionalities used in standard libraries are not crypto-friendly, i.e., they use operations that are cheap on CPUs but have exorbitant cost in 2PC. SecFloat bridges this gap with its novel crypto-friendly precise functionalities. Compared to the prior cryptographic libraries, SecFloat is up to six orders of magnitude more precise and up to two orders of magnitude more efficient. Furthermore, against a precise 2PC baseline, SecFloat is three orders of magnitude more efficient. The high precision of SecFloat leads to the first accurate implementation of secure inference. All prior works on secure inference of deep neural networks rely on ad hoc float-to-fixed converters. We evaluate a model where the fixed-point approximations used in privacy-preserving machine learning completely fail and floating-point is necessary. Thus, emphasizing the need for libraries like SecFloat.
Pieter Pauwels, Joni Pirovich, Peter Braunz, Jack Deeb
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols have triggered a paradigm shift in the world of finance: intermediaries as known in traditional finance risk becoming redundant because DeFi creates an inherent state of “trustlessness”; financial transactions are executed in a deterministic, trustless and censorship resistant manner; the individual is granted verifiability, control and sovereignty. This creates challenges for compliance with jurisdictional Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) regulations, including Know-Your-Customer (KYC) policies, given that no personal information should be shared and stored on public, transparent blockchains. This paper presents a solution concept for where a DeFi protocol is required or finds it desirable to implement KYC policies. zkKYC in DeFi requires no personal identifiable information to be shared with DeFi protocols for the purpose of regulatory transparency. The presented approach extends the zkKYC solution concept (which leverages self-sovereign identity and zero-knowledge proofs) with the introduction of KYC Issuers and Decentralized Oracle Networks (DONs) as key solution components. KYC Issuers verify the identity of an individual, but have no knowledge about their digital asset wallets or DeFi activity. DeFi protocols interact with digital asset wallets, but have no knowledge about the identity of the individual controlling them. If and when deemed necessary, only a designated governance entity is able to reveal the identity of an individual that is under strong suspicion of being a bad actor in a DeFi protocol. The presented solution architecture demonstrates flexibility in being agnostic to blockchain platforms and SSI implementations and extensibility in being forward compatible with on-chain identity and reputation systems. Similar to the original zkKYC solution concept, zkKYC in DeFi breaks the regulatory transparency vs. user privacy trade-off.
Peter Rindal, Srinivasan Raghuraman
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present new semi-honest and malicious secure PSI protocols that outperform all prior works by several times in both communication and running time. For example, our semi-honest protocol for $n = 2^{20}$ can be performed in 0.37 seconds compared to the previous best of 2 seconds (Kolesnikov et al., CCS 2016 ). This can be further reduced to 0.16 seconds with 4 threads, a speedup of $12\times$. Similarly, our protocol sends $187n$ bits compared to $426n$ bits of the next most communication efficient protocol (Rindal et al., Eurocrypt 2021 ). These performance results are obtained by two types of improvements.

The first is an optimization to the protocol of Rindal et al. to utilize sub-field vector oblivious linear evaluation. This optimization allows our construction to be the first to achieve a communication complexity of $O(n\lambda + n \log n)$ where $\lambda$ is the statistical security parameter. In particular, the communication overhead of our protocol does not scale with the computational security parameter times $n$.

Our second improvement is to the OKVS data structure which our protocol crucially relies on. In particular, our construction improves both the computation and communication efficiency as compared to prior work (Garimella et al., Crypto 2021 ). These improvements stem from algorithmic changes to the data structure along with new techniques for obtaining both asymptotic and tight concrete bounds on its failure probability. This in turn allows for a highly optimized parameter selection and thereby better performance.
Long Meng, Liqun Chen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Traditional time-stamping services confirm the existence time of data items by using a time-stamping authority. In order to eliminate trust requirements on this authority, decentralized Blockchain-based Time-Stamping (BTS) services have been proposed. In these services, a hash digest of users’ data is written into a blockchain transaction. The security of such services relies on the security of hash functions used to hash the data, and of the cryptographic algorithms used to build the blockchain. It is well-known that any single cryptographic algorithm has a limited lifespan due to the increasing computational power of attackers. This directly impacts the security of the BTS services from a long-term perspective. However, the topic of long-term security has not been discussed in the existing BTS proposals. In this paper, we propose the first formal definition and security model of a Blockchainbased Long-Term Time-Stamping (BLTTS) scheme. To develop a BLTTS scheme, we first consider an intuitive solution that directly combines the BTS services and a long-term secure blockchain, but we prove that this solution is vulnerable to attacks in the long term. With this insight, we propose the first BLTTS scheme supporting cryptographic algorithm renewal. We show that the security of our scheme over the long term is not limited by the lifespan of any underlying cryptographic algorithm, and we successfully implement the proposed scheme under existing BTS services.
Haiyang Xue, Man Ho Au, Xiang Xie, Tsz Hon Yuen, Handong Cui
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Two-party ECDSA signatures have received much attention due to their widespread deployment in cryptocurrencies. Depending on whether or not the message is required, we could divide two-party signing into two different phases, namely, offline and online. Ideally, the online phase should be made as lightweight as possible. At the same time, the cost of the offline phase should remain similar to that of a normal signature generation. However, the existing two-party protocols of ECDSA are not optimal: either their online phase requires decryption of a ciphertext, or their offline phase needs at least two executions of multiplicative-to-additive conversion which dominates the overall complexity. This paper proposes an online-friendly two-party ECDSA with a lightweight online phase and a single multiplicative-to-additive function in the offline phase. It is constructed by a novel design of a {\em re-sharing} of the secret key and a {\em linear sharing} of the nonce. Our scheme significantly improves previous protocols based on either oblivious transfer or homomorphic encryption. We implement our scheme and show that it outperforms prior online-friendly schemes (i.e., those have lightweight online cost) by a factor of roughly 2 to 9 in both communication and computation. Furthermore, our two-party scheme could be easily extended to the $2$-out-of-$n$ threshold ECDSA.
Lukas Aumayr, Kasra Abbaszadeh, Matteo Maffei
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Most blockchain-based cryptocurrencies suffer from a heavily limited transaction throughput, which is a barrier to their growing adoption. Payment channel networks (PCNs) are one of the most promising solutions to this problem. PCNs reduce the on-chain load of transactions and increase the throughput by processing many payments off-chain. In fact, any two users connected via a path of payment channels (i.e., joint addresses between the two channel end-points) can perform payments and the underlying blockchain is used only when there is a dispute between users. Unfortunately, payments in PCNs can only be conducted securely along a path, which prevents the design of many interesting applications. Moreover, the most widely used implementation, the Lightning Network in Bitcoin, suffers from a collateral lock time linear in the path length, it is affected by security issues, and it relies on specific scripting features called Hash Timelock Contracts that restricts its applicability.

In this work, we present Thora, the first Bitcoin-compatible off-chain protocol that enables atomic multi-channel updates across generic topologies beyond paths. Thora allows payments through distinct PCNs sharing the same blockchain and enables new applications such as secure and trustless crowdfunding, mass payments, and channel rebalancing in off-chain ways. Our construction requires only constant collateral and no specific scripting functionalities other than digital signatures and timelocks, thereby being applicable to a wider range of blockchains. We formally define security and privacy in the Universal Composability framework and show that our cryptographic protocol is a realization thereof. In our performance evaluation we show that our construction requires constant collateral, is independent of the number of channels, and has only a moderate off-chain communication as well as computation overhead.
CryptoLux Group, University of Luxembourg
Job Posting Job Posting

The University of Luxembourg invites applications for a Ph.D. position in the general area of symmetric cryptography. The successful candidate will join the CryptoLux group of Prof. Alex Biryukov, which is affiliated to both the Department of Computer Science (DCS) and the Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT).

Research Topics
  • Cryptanalysis and design of cryptographic primitives, lightweight ciphers, hash functions
  • Financial cryptography (security of distributed ledgers, smart contracts)
  • Privacy-enhancing technologies (Tor-like networks, privacy for cryptocurrencies, blockchains)
  • White-box cryptography
Candidate Profile
  • M.Sc. degree in computer science or applied mathematics with outstanding grades (GPA >= 85%)
  • Strong mathematical and/or algorithmic CS background
  • Some background in cryptography or information security
  • Good programming skills (C/C++, Python, math tools, etc.)
  • Fluent written and verbal communication skills in English

The University of Luxembourg offers a Ph.D. study program with an initial contract of 36 months, with a further possible 1-year extension if required. The successful candidate will work in one of the most international universities in the world and will have a chance to participate in a well-known security research center. The position will be available from April 2022.

Applications, written in English, should be sent by email to The application material should include a curriculum vitae (with photo, educational background, work experience), a brief research statement and topics of particular interest to the candidate (max. 1 page), a transcript of all modules and results from university-level courses taken (with overall GPAs) and contact information for 2-3 references.

Application deadline: 15 March 2022. Early submission is encouraged; applications will be processed upon arrival.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Alex Biryukov (email:


07 March 2022

Shweta Agrawal, Fuyuki Kitagawa, Anuja Modi, Ryo Nishimaki, Shota Yamada, Takashi Yamakawa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The recent work of Agrawal et al., [Crypto '21] and Goyal et al. [Eurocrypt '22] concurrently introduced the notion of dynamic bounded collusion security for functional encryption (FE) and showed a construction satisfying the notion from identity based encryption (IBE). Agrawal et al., [Crypto '21] further extended it to FE for Turing machines in non-adaptive simulation setting from the sub-exponential learining with errors assumption (LWE). Concurrently, the work of Goyal et al. [Asiacrypt '21] constructed attribute based encryption (ABE) for Turing machines achieving adaptive indistinguishability based security against bounded (static) collusions from IBE, in the random oracle model. In this work, we significantly improve the state of art for dynamic bounded collusion FE and ABE for Turing machines by achieving adaptive simulation style security from a broad class of assumptions, in the standard model. In more detail, we obtain the following results:

- We construct an adaptively secure (AD-SIM) FE for Turing machines, supporting dynamic bounded collusion, from sub-exponential LWE. This improves the result of Agrawal et al. which achieved only non-adaptive (NA-SIM) security in the dynamic bounded collusion model.

- Towards achieving the above goal, we construct a ciphertext policy FE scheme (CPFE) for circuits of unbounded size and depth, which achieves AD-SIM security in the dynamic bounded collusion model from IBE and laconic oblivious transfer (LOT). Both IBE and LOT can be instantiated from a large number of mild assumptions such as the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption, the factoring assumption, and polynomial LWE.

- We construct an AD-SIM secure FE for Turing machines, supporting dynamic bounded collusions, from LOT, ABE for NC1 (or NC) and private information retrieval (PIR) schemes which satisfy certain properties. This significantly expands the class of assumptions on which AD-SIM secure FE for Turing machines can be based. In particular, it leads to new constructions of FE for Turing machines including one based on polynomial LWE and one based on the combination of the bilinear decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption and the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption on some specific groups. In contrast the only prior construction by Agrawal et al. achieved only NASIM security and relied on sub-exponential LWE.

To achieve the above result, we define the notion of CPFE for read only RAM programs and succinct FE for LOT, which may be of independent interest.

- We also construct an ABE scheme for Turing machines which achieves AD-IND security in the standard model supporting dynamic bounded collusions. Our scheme is based on IBE and LOT. Previously, the only known candidate that achieved AD-IND security from IBE by Goyal et al. relied on the random oracle model.
Damiano Abram, Peter Scholl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The SPDZ protocol for multi-party computation relies on a correlated randomness setup consisting of authenticated, multiplication triples. A recent line of work by Boyle et al. (Crypto 2019, Crypto 2020) has investigated the possibility of producing this correlated randomness in a silent preprocessing phase, which involves a “small” setup protocol with less communication than the total size of the triples being produced. These works do this using a tool called a pseudorandom correlation generator (PCG), which allows a large batch of correlated randomness to be compressed into a set of smaller, correlated seeds. However, existing methods for compressing SPDZ triples only apply to the 2-party setting. In this work, we construct a PCG for producing SPDZ triples over large prime fields in the multi-party setting. The security of our PCG is based on the ring-LPN assumption over fields, similar to the work of Boyle et al. (Crypto 2020) in the 2-party setting. We also present a corresponding, actively secure setup protocol, which can be used to generate the PCG seeds and instantiate SPDZ with a silent preprocessing phase. As a building block, which may be of independent interest, we construct a new type of 3-party distributed point function supporting outputs over arbitrary groups (including large prime order), as well as an efficient protocol for setting up our DPF keys with active security.
Zvika Brakerski, Pedro Branco, Nico Döttling, Sihang Pu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show that it is possible to perform $n$ independent copies of $1$-out-of-$2$ oblivious transfer in two messages, where the communication complexity of the receiver and sender (each) is $n(1+o(1))$ for sufficiently large $n$. Note that this matches the information-theoretic lower bound. Prior to this work, this was only achievable by using the heavy machinery of rate-$1$ fully homomorphic encryption (Rate-$1$ FHE, Brakerski et al., TCC 2019).

To achieve rate-$1$ both on the receiver's and sender's end, we use the LPN assumption, with slightly sub-constant noise rate $1/m^{\epsilon}$ for any $\epsilon>0$ together with either the DDH, QR or LWE assumptions. In terms of efficiency, our protocols only rely on linear homomorphism, as opposed to the FHE-based solution which inherently requires an expensive ``bootstrapping'' operation. We believe that in terms of efficiency we compare favorably to existing batch-OT protocols, while achieving superior communication complexity. We show similar results for Oblivious Linear Evaluation (OLE).

For our DDH-based solution we develop a new technique that may be of independent interest. We show that it is possible to ``emulate'' the binary group $\mathbb{Z}_2$ (or any other small-order group) inside a prime-order group $\mathbb{Z}_p$ in a function-private manner. That is, $\mathbb{Z}_2$ operations are mapped to $\mathbb{Z}_p$ operations such that the outcome of the latter do not reveal additional information beyond the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ outcome. Our encoding technique uses the discrete Gaussian distribution, which to our knowledge was not done before in the context of DDH.
Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Emmanuela Orsini, Titouan Tanguy, Michiel Verbauwhede
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present the first constant-round and concretely efficient zero-knowledge proof protocol for RAM programs using any stateless zero-knowledge proof system for Boolean or arithmetic circuits. Both the communication complexity and the prover and verifier run times asymptotically scale linearly in the size of the memory and the run time of the RAM program; we demonstrate concrete efficiency with performance results of our C++ implementation. At the core of this work is an arithmetic circuit which verifies the consistency of a list of memory access tuples in zero-knowledge. Using this circuit, we construct a protocol to realize an ideal array functionality using a generic stateless and public-coin zero-knowledge functionality. We prove its UC security and show how it can then be expanded to provide proofs of entire RAM programs. We also extend the Limbo zero-knowledge protocol (ACM CCS 2021) to UC-realize the zero-knowledge functionality that our protocol requires. The C++ implementation of our array access protocol extends that of Limbo and provides interactive proofs with 40 bits of statistical security with an amortized cost of 0.7ms of prover time and 6KB of communication per memory access, indenpendently of the size of the memory; with multi-threading, this cost is reduced to 0.2ms and 4.1KB respectively. This performance of our public-coin protocol approaches that of private-coin protocol BubbleRAM (ACM CCS 2020, 0.15ms and 1.5KB per access).
Shahar P. Cohen, Moni Naor
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study communication complexity in computational settings where bad inputs may exist, but they should be hard to find for any computationally bounded adversary. We define a model where there is a source of public randomness but the inputs are chosen by a computationally bounded adversarial participant after seeing the public randomness. We show that breaking the known communication lower bounds of the private coins model in this setting is closely connected to known cryptographic assumptions. We consider the simultaneous messages model and the interactive communication model and show that for any non trivial predicate (with no redundant rows, such as equality):

1. Breaking the $ \Omega(\sqrt n) $ bound in the simultaneous message case or the $ \Omega(\log n) $ bound in the interactive communication case, implies the existence of distributional collision-resistant hash functions (dCRH). This is shown using techniques from Babai and Kimmel (CCC '97). Note that with a CRH the lower bounds can be broken.

2. There are no protocols of constant communication in this preset randomness settings (unlike the plain public randomness model).

The other model we study is that of a stateful ``free talk", where participants can communicate freely before the inputs are chosen and may maintain a state, and the communication complexity is measured only afterwards. We show that efficient protocols for equality in this model imply secret key-agreement protocols in a constructive manner. On the other hand, secret key-agreement protocols imply optimal (in terms of error) protocols for equality.
Peihan Miao, Sikhar Patranabis, Gaven Watson
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Updatable Encryption (UE) and Proxy Re-encryption (PRE) allow re-encrypting a ciphertext from one key to another in the symmetric-key and public-key settings, respectively, without decryption. A longstanding open question has been the following: do unidirectional UE and PRE schemes (where ciphertext re-encryption is permitted in only one direction) necessarily require stronger/more structured assumptions as compared to their bidirectional counterparts? Known constructions of UE and PRE seem to exemplify this “gap” – while bidirectional schemes can be realized as relatively simple extensions of public-key encryption from standard assumptions such as DDH or LWE, unidirectional schemes typically rely on stronger assumptions such as FHE or indistinguishability obfuscation (iO), or highly structured cryptographic tools such as bilinear maps or lattice trapdoors.

In this paper, we bridge this gap by showing the first feasibility results for realizing unidirectional UE and PRE from a new generic primitive that we call Key and Plaintext Homomorphic Encryption (KPHE) – a public-key encryption scheme that supports additive homomorphisms on its plaintext and key spaces simultaneously. We show that KPHE can be instantiated from DDH or LWE. This yields, in particular, the first constructions of unidirectional UE and PRE from DDH, as well as the first constructions of unidirectional UE and PRE from LWE that do not resort to FHE or lattice trapdoors.

Our constructions achieve the strongest notions of post-compromise security in the standard model. Our UE schemes also achieve “backwards-leak directionality” of key updates (a notion we discuss is equivalent, from a security perspective, to that of unidirectionality with no-key updates). Our results establish (somewhat surprisingly) that unidirectional UE and PRE schemes satisfying such strong security notions do not, in fact, require stronger/more structured cryptographic assumptions as compared to bidirectional schemes.
Muhammad ElSheikh, Amr M. Youssef
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Open Vote Network is a self-tallying decentralized e-voting protocol suitable for boardroom elections. Currently, it has two Ethereum-based implementations: the first, by McCorry et al., has a scalability issue since all the computations are performed on-chain. The second implementation, by Seifelnasr et al., solves this issue partially by assigning a part of the heavy computations to an off-chain untrusted administrator in a verifiable manner. As a side effect, this second implementation became not dispute-free; there is a need for a tally dispute phase where an observer interrupts the protocol when the administrator cheats, i.e., announces a wrong tally result. In this work, we propose a new smart contract design to tackle the problems in the previous implementations by (i) preforming all the heavy computations off-chain hence achieving higher scalability, and (ii) utilizing zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive Argument of Knowledge (zk-SNARK) to verify the correctness of the off-chain computations, hence maintaining the dispute-free property. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our design, we develop prototype implementations on Ethereum and conduct multiple experiments for different implementation options that show a trade-off between the zk-SNARK proof generation time and the smart contract gas cost, including an implementation in which the smart contract consumes a constant amount of gas independent of the number of voters.
Ashrujit Ghoshal, Ilan Komargodski
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study the power of preprocessing adversaries in finding bounded-length collisions in the widely used Merkle-Damgård (MD) hashing in the random oracle model. Specifically, we consider adversaries with arbitrary $S$-bit advice about the random oracle and can make at most $T$ queries to it. Our goal is to characterize the advantage of such adversaries in finding a $B$-block collision in an MD hash function constructed using the random oracle with range size $N$ as the compression function (given a random salt). The answer to this question is completely understood for very large values of $B$ (essentially $\Omega(T)$) as well as for $B=1,2$. For $B\approx T$, Coretti et al.~(EUROCRYPT '18) gave matching upper and lower bounds of $\tilde\Theta(ST^2/N)$. Akshima et al.~(CRYPTO '20) observed that the attack of Coretti et al.\ could be adapted to work for any value of $B>1$, giving an attack with advantage $\tilde\Omega(STB/N + T^2/N)$. Unfortunately, they could only prove that this attack is optimal for $B=2$. Their proof involves a compression argument with exhaustive case analysis and, as they claim, a naive attempt to generalize their bound to larger values of B (even for $B=3$) would lead to an explosion in the number of cases needed to be analyzed, making it unmanageable. With the lack of a more general upper bound, they formulated the STB conjecture, stating that the best-possible advantage is $\tilde O(STB/N + T^2/N)$ for any $B>1$.

In this work, we confirm the STB conjecture in many new parameter settings. For instance, in one result, we show that the conjecture holds for all constant values of $B$, significantly extending the result of Akshima et al. Further, using combinatorial properties of graphs, we are able to confirm the conjecture even for super constant values of $B$, as long as some restriction is made on $S$. For instance, we confirm the conjecture for all $B \le T^{1/4}$ as long as $S \le T^{1/8}$. Technically, we develop structural characterizations for bounded-length collisions in MD hashing that allow us to give a compression argument in which the number of cases needed to be handled does not explode.
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