International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


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14 March 2022

Daniel R. L. Brown
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Lattice cryptography uses fixed primes. Kolmogorov’s descriptional complexity of the primes might interest the numerically curious.
Lennert Wouters, Benedikt Gierlichs, Bart Preneel
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We investigate the susceptibility of the Texas Instruments SimpleLink platform microcontrollers to non-invasive physical attacks. We extracted the ROM bootloader of these microcontrollers and then analysed it using static analysis augmented with information obtained through emulation. We demonstrate a voltage fault injection attack targeting the ROM bootloader that allows to enable debug access on a previously locked microcontroller within seconds. Information provided by Texas Instruments reveals that one of our voltage fault injection attacks abuses functionality that is left over from the integrated circuit manufacturing process. The demonstrated physical attack allows an adversary to extract the firmware (i.e. intellectual property) and to bypass secure boot. Additionally, we mount side-channel attacks and differential fault analysis attacks on the hardware AES co-processor. To demonstrate the practical applicability of these attacks we extract the firmware from a Tesla Model 3 key fob. This paper describes a case study covering Texas Instruments SimpleLink microcontrollers. Similar attack techniques can be, and have been, applied to microcontrollers from other manufacturers. The goal of our work is to document our analysis methodology and to ensure that system designers are aware of these vulnerabilities. They will then be able to take these into account during the product design phase. All identified vulnerabilities were responsibly disclosed.
Arthur Beckers, Lennert Wouters, Benedikt Gierlichs, Bart Preneel, Ingrid Verbauwhede
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We evaluate eight implementations of provable secure side-channel masking schemes that were published in top-tier academic venues such as Eurocrypt, Asiacrypt, CHES and SAC. Specifically, we evaluate the side-channel attack resistance of eight open-source and first-order side-channel protected AES-128 software implementations on the Cortex-M4 platform. Using a T-test based leakage assessment we demonstrate that all implementations produce first-order leakage with as little as 10,000 traces. Additionally, we demonstrate that all except for two Inner Product Masking based implementations are vulnerable to a straightforward correlation power analysis attack. We provide an assembly level analysis showing potential sources of leakage for two implementations. Some of the studied implementations were provided for benchmarking purposes. We demonstrate several flaws in the benchmarking procedures and question the usefulness of the reported performance numbers in the face of the implementations’ poor side-channel resistance. This work serves as a reminder that practical evaluations cannot be omitted in the context of side-channel analysis.
Pierre Civit, Maria Potop-Butucaru
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This work extends the composable secure-emulation of Canetti et al. to dynamic settings. Our work builds on top of dynamic probabilistic I/O automata, a recent framework introduced to model dynamic probabilistic systems. Our extension is an important tool towards the formal verification of protocols combining probabilistic distributed systems and cryptography in dynamic settings (e.g. blockchains, secure distributed computation, cybersecure distributed protocols etc).
Michail Moraitis, Elena Dubrova
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Hardware obfuscation by redundancy addition is a well-known countermeasure against reverse engineering. For FPGA designs, such a technique can be implemented with a small overhead, however, its effectiveness is heavily dependent on the stealthiness of the redundant elements. Since there are powerful tools for combinational redundancy removal, opting for sequential redundancy is believed to result in stronger obfuscation. However, in this paper, we demonstrate that it is possible to identify sequential redundancy in obfuscated SRAM FPGA designs by ensuring the full controllability of each instantiated look-up table input via iterative bitstream modification. The presented algorithm works directly on bitstream and does not require the possession of a flattened netlist. The feasibility of our approach is verified on the example of an obfuscated SNOW 3G design implemented in a Xilinx 7-series FPGA.

13 March 2022

Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 29 September - 30 September 2022
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 29 September to 30 September 2022
Submission deadline: 10 June 2022
Notification: 12 August 2022
Bergen, Norway, 11 September - 16 September 2022
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 11 September to 16 September 2022
Submission deadline: 30 April 2022
Notification: 30 June 2022
Virtual event, Anywhere on Earth, 28 September - 30 September 2022
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 28 September to 30 September 2022
Submission deadline: 10 May 2022
Notification: 13 July 2022

11 March 2022

CNRS / University of Rennes 1, France
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for a Research Fellow (Post-Doc), to join our group. The applicants should have background and be interested in working on different aspects of lattice based cryptography, and a strong publication record, in particular on:
    - security proofs for lattice-based schemes,
    - building and implementing lattice-based constructions.
    - Doctorate degree in the field of cryptography,
    - Expertise in one of these areas: public key cryptography, lattice-based cryptography.
The research will take place in the CAPSULE team (formerly called EMSEC team), within the IRISA computer science institute located in Rennes, France. To apply please send us (both) by email your detailed CV (with publication list) and a research statement.
The position is for two years, up to three, and has flexible starting date.
Review of applications will start immediately until the position is filled.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Adeline Roux-Langlois ( and Alexandre Wallet (

Expand, Remote
Job Posting Job Posting

Status is building the tools and infrastructure for the advancement of a secure, private, and open web3, through research, the creation of developer tools, and the support of the open-source community.

Currently, our Blockchain Infrastructure Team is researching consensus algorithms, Multi-Party Computation techniques, ZKPs, and other cutting-edge solutions with the aim to take blockchain technology to the next level of security, decentralization, and scalability for a wide range of use cases.

Some of the responsibilities:

- Analyze the team’s technical proposals and look for potential flaws.

- Identify opportunities to provide mathematical proofs to the protocols developed by the team.

- Analyze mathematically the parameter space of complex algorithms.

- Describe mechanisms to better understand, analyze and prove the correctness of the ideas and designs produced by the team.

- Work on mathematical proofs for the team algorithms and protocol designs.

- Propose improvements to the algorithms and protocols developed by the team.

- Propose new solutions to the problems tackled by the team.

- Write documentation and scientific papers with the highest standards of quality.

- Strive to constantly set the highest scientific standards for the team’s research.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Maya

More information:

Technology Innovation Institute (TII) - Abu Dhabi, UAE
Job Posting Job Posting

Technology Innovation Institute (TII) is a publicly funded research institute, based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It is home to a diverse community of leading scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and researchers from across the globe, transforming problems and roadblocks into pioneering research and technology prototypes that help move society ahead.

Cryptography Research Centre

In our connected digital world, secure and reliable cryptography is the foundation of digital information security and data integrity. We address the world’s most pressing cryptographic questions. Our work covers post-quantum cryptography, lightweight cryptography, cloud encryption schemes, secure protocols, quantum cryptographic technologies and cryptanalysis.

Position: Privacy Researcher

  • Conduct research on state-of-the-art Privacy Enhancing Technologies
  • Analyze project requirements and provide technical and functional recommendations
  • Design and implementation of building blocks to utilize privacy-preserving cryptographic techniques to cloud computing and machine learning applications
  • Propose new projects and research directions

    Skills required for the job

  • MSc or PhD degree in Cryptography, Applied Cryptography, Information Theory, Mathematics or Computer Science
  • 2+ years of work experience
  • Knowledge in one of the following topics is required: Homomorphic encryption, Functional encryption, Secure multi party computation, Zero-knowledge proofs
  • Experience in C desired, C++, Rust and Python relevant as well
  • Solid engineering practices and processes, such as development and testing methodology and documentation
  • Quick learner, geared towards implementation. Eager to develop new skills and willing to take ownership of projects
  • Knowledge in some of the following topics will be valuable: Edge computing, Machine learning, Identity Management, Differential privacy

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Mehdi Messaoudi - Talent Acquisition Manager

    More information:

  • Expand
    Technology Innovation Institute (TII) - Abu Dhabi, UAE
    Job Posting Job Posting

    Technology Innovation Institute (TII) is a publicly funded research institute, based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It is home to a diverse community of leading scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and researchers from across the globe, transforming problems and roadblocks into pioneering research and technology prototypes that help move society ahead.

    Cryptography Research Centre

    In our connected digital world, secure and reliable cryptography is the foundation of digital information security and data integrity. We address the world’s most pressing cryptographic questions. Our work covers post-quantum cryptography, lightweight cryptography, cloud encryption schemes, secure protocols, quantum cryptographic technologies and cryptanalysis.

    Position: Post Quantum Cryptography Researcher

  • Design, implement and deploy quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms covering both but not limited to: key exchange algorithms and digital signature schemes
  • Conduct research and development in lattice-based, code-based or hash-based cryptosystems.
  • Perform security assessments of either crypto-primitives or cryptosystems at the theoretical and implementation level
  • Design end-to-end secure communication protocols using state-of-the art and customized cryptographic algorithms and primitives

    Skills required for the job

  • PhD degree in Cryptography, Applied Cryptography, Information Theory and Mathematics or Computer Science
  • Postdoctoral research experience in symmetric-key cryptology as well as teaching experience is also an advantage
  • 2+ years of work experience in the field

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Mehdi Messaoudi - Talent Acquisition Manager

    More information:

  • Expand
    Technology Innovation Institute (TII) - Abu Dhabi, UAE
    Job Posting Job Posting

    Technology Innovation Institute (TII) is a publicly funded research institute, based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It is home to a diverse community of leading scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and researchers from across the globe, transforming problems and roadblocks into pioneering research and technology prototypes that help move society ahead.

    Cryptography Research Centre

    In our connected digital world, secure and reliable cryptography is the foundation of digital information security and data integrity. We address the world’s most pressing cryptographic questions. Our work covers post-quantum cryptography, lightweight cryptography, cloud encryption schemes, secure protocols, quantum cryptographic technologies and cryptanalysis.

    Position: Senior FHE Researcher

  • Conduct research on state-of-the-art FHE schemes
  • Analyze project requirements and provide technical and functional recommendations
  • Supervise the design and implementation of FHE building blocks to machine learning applications
  • Propose new projects and research directions

    Skills required for the job

  • 4+ years of work experience in the field
  • Knowledge of partially-, somewhat-, and fully homomorphic encryption schemes
  • Deep understanding of lattice-based cryptography
  • Quick learner, geared towards implementation
  • Eager to develop new skills and willing to take ownership of projects
  • Strong track record of publishing in top tier conferences
  • Experience in C, C++, Rust or Go is a plus. Software engineering skills, such as agile methodologies, versioning, and knowledge with hardware languages is also a plus

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Mehdi Messaoudi - Talent Acquisition Manager

    More information:

  • Expand
    University of Waterloo
    Job Posting Job Posting
    Applications are invited for a post-doctoral fellow position in one or more of these areas- cryptographic engineering/applied cryptography as it relates to blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and digital payments. The successful candidate will join Professor Anwar Hasan’s research group at the University of Waterloo. Applicants with a recent Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or a related discipline, and publications at premium venues are encouraged to send pdf copies of their CVs and cover letters via email to Professor Anwar Hasan (ahasan at Application deadline: March 31, 2022 for full consideration. After this deadline, applications will be processed as they arrive.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Professor Anwar Hasan

    Paderborn University, Department of Computer Science, Paderborn, Germany
    Job Posting Job Posting
    In the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, there are several open positions in the Institute of Computer Science, limited to up to 5 years, to be filled as soon as possible. We are looking for internationally qualified personalities in the fields of:
    • IT Security (reference number 5121)
    • Quantum Computing (reference number 5122)
    who will each lead an independent junior research group and support the established strategic focus areas of the Institute of Computer Science. Each junior research group will be provided with a position for a research assistant (f/m/d) (pay scale E13 TV-L).

    Applications with cover letter, curriculum vitae, doctoral certificate, research and teaching statement as well as the indication of two references (in one PDF-file) are requested under each reference number until 31.03.2022 to the e-mail-address mentioned below.

    More information:

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden (
    The applications should then be sent to the following email addresses:

    More information:


    09 March 2022

    Award Award

    The IACR and PKC Steering Committee are pleased to announce the 2022 Test-of-Time award for papers published PKC.

    PKC is the International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography, which was founded in 1998 and became an official IACR event in 2003. The Test-of-Time award recognizes outstanding papers, published in PKC about 15 years ago, making a significant contribution to the theory and practice of public key cryptography, preferably with influence either on foundations or on the practice of the field.

    The 2022 award was given on Tuesday March 8th at PKC in a virtual Award Ceremony, for papers published in the conference's initial years of early 2000s and late 1990s. In the first few years a number of papers from a few different initial years of PKC can be recognized. Thereafter, the award will typically recognize one year at a time with one or two papers.

    The recipients of the 2022 award are:

    Congratulations to these authors for their impactful work! More information about the award can be found at

    Jeju City, South Korea, 24 August - 26 August 2022
    Event Calendar Event Calendar
    Event date: 24 August to 26 August 2022
    Submission deadline: 8 May 2022
    Notification: 10 June 2022
    Santa Barbara, USA, 13 August 2022
    Event Calendar Event Calendar
    Event date: 13 August 2022
    Submission deadline: 1 May 2022

    08 March 2022

    Yao Jiang Galteland, Jiaxin Pan
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    The understanding of directionality for updatable encryption (UE) schemes is important, but not yet completed in the literature. We show that security in the backward-leak uni-directional key updates setting is equivalent to the no-directional one. Combining with the work of Jiang (ASIACRYPT 2020) and Nishimaki (PKC 2022), it is showed that the backward-leak notion is the strongest one among all known key update notions and more relevant in practice. We propose two novel generic constructions of UE schemes that are secure in the backward-leak uni-directional key update setting from public key encryption (PKE) schemes: the first one requires a key and message homomorphic PKE scheme and the second one requires a bootstrappable PKE scheme. These PKE can be constructed based on standard assumptions (such as the Decisional Diffie-Hellman and Learning With Errors assumptions). It is in stark contrast to the work of Nishimaki, which uses indistinguishability obfuscations, and Slamanig and Striecks (Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2021/268), which requires pairings.
    Joppe W. Bos, Joost Renes, Daan Sprenkels
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    We investigate the use of the Dilithium post-quantum digital signature scheme on memory-constrained systems. Reference and optimized implementations of Dilithium in the benchmarking framework pqm4 (Cortex-M4) require 50 – 100 KiB of memory, demonstrating the significant challenge to use Dilithium on small IoT platforms. We show that compressing polynomials, using an alternative number theoretic transform, and falling back to the schoolbook method for certain multiplications reduces the memory footprint significantly. This results in the first implementation of Dilithium for which the recommended parameter set requires less than 7 KiB of memory for key and signature generation and less than 3 KiB of memory for signature verification. We also provide benchmark details of a portable implementation in order to estimate the performance impact when using these memory reduction methods.
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