International Association for Cryptologic Research

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21 June 2024

Pascal Berrang, Paul Gerhart, Dominique Schröder
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The realm of digital health is experiencing a global surge, with mobile applications extending their reach into various facets of daily life. From tracking daily eating habits and vital functions to monitoring sleep patterns and even the menstrual cycle, these apps have become ubiquitous in their pursuit of comprehensive health insights. Many of these apps collect sensitive data and promise users to protect their privacy - often through pseudonymization. We analyze the real anonymity that users can expect by this approach and report on our findings. More concretely:

1. We introduce the notion of conditional anonymity sets derived from statistical properties of the population. 2. We measure anonymity sets for two real-world applications and present overarching findings from 39 countries. 3. We develop a graphical tool for people to explore their own anonymity set.

One of our case studies is a popular app for tracking the menstruation cycle. Our findings for this app show that, despite their promise to protect privacy, the collected data can be used to identify users up to groups of 5 people in 97% of all the US counties, allowing the de-anonymization of the individuals. Given that the US Supreme Court recently overturned abortion rights, the possibility of determining individuals is a calamity.
Daniel Escudero, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Yifan Song, Chenkai Weng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work we study the efficiency of Zero-Knowledge (ZK) arguments of knowledge, particularly exploring Multi-Verifier ZK (MVZK) protocols as a midway point between Non-Interactive ZK and Designated-Verifier ZK, offering versatile applications across various domains. We introduce a new MVZK protocol designed for the preprocessing model, allowing any constant fraction of verifiers to be corrupted, potentially colluding with the prover. Our contributions include the first MVZK over rings. Unlike recent prior works on fields in the dishonest majority case, our protocol demonstrates communication complexity independent of the number of verifiers, contrasting the linear complexity of previous approaches. This key advancement ensures improved scalability and efficiency. We provide an end-to-end implementation of our protocol. The benchmark shows that it achieves a throughput of 1.47 million gates per second for 64 verifiers with $50\%$ corruption, and 0.88 million gates per second with $75\%$ corruption.
Matthias Geihs
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Building on the recently proposed LWR-based threshold-PRF LaKey, we propose two new constructions. First, we propose an optimized threshold-PRF with significantly reduced round and communication complexity. We achieve this by improving the underlying bit truncation protocol, as well as the lower bound on the required number of LWR instances. Second, we show that the same underlying PRF construction lends itself as a basis for a novel and efficient exponent-VRF. We implement prototypes of both of our contributions and demonstrate their practical performance.
Sergio Juárez, Mark Blunden, Joris Koopman, Anish Mohammed, Kapil Shenvi Pause, Steve Thakur
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent years, SNARKs have shown great promise as a tool for building trustless bridges to connect the heterogeneous ecosystem of blockchains. Unfortunately, the parameters hardwired for many of the widely used blockchains are incongruous with the conventional SNARKs, which results in unsatisfactory performance. This bottleneck necessitates new proof systems tailored for efficiency in these environments. The primary focus of this paper is on succinct bridges from Cosmos to Ethereum, which largely boils down to efficient proofs of multiple Ed25519 signatures. However, these techniques can be ported to settings that require succinct proofs of multiple secp256k1 or BLS12-381 signatures. We describe our succinct validity bridging scheme Overfly, which uses a field-agnostic SNARK to circumvent the huge overhead of non-native field arithmetic arising from Ed25519 scalar multiplications in the circuit. We also explore the schemes deVirgo and zkTree, which exploit the parallelization of proof generation and the subsequent aggregation of proofs. Our benchmarks indicate that it is crucial to sidestep non-native arithmetic to the extent that it is possible. We also found that two or more proof systems need to be securely amalgamated to optimize a succinct validity bridging scheme.
Helger Lipmaa, Roberto Parisella, Janno Siim
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Lipmaa, Parisella, and Siim [Eurocrypt, 2024] proved the extractability of the KZG polynomial commitment scheme under the falsifiable assumption ARSDH. They also showed that variants of real-world zk-SNARKs like Plonk can be made knowledge-sound in the random oracle model (ROM) under the ARSDH assumption. However, their approach did not consider various batching optimizations, resulting in their variant of Plonk having approximately 3.5 times longer argument. Our contributions are: (1) We prove that several batch-opening protocols for KZG, used in modern zk-SNARKs, have computational special-soundness under the ARSDH assumption. (2) We prove that interactive Plonk has computational special-soundness under the ARSDH assumption and a new falsifiable assumption TriRSDH. We also prove that a minor modification of the interactive Plonk has computational special-soundness under only the ARSDH assumption. The Fiat-Shamir transform can be applied to obtain non-interactive versions, which are secure in the ROM under the same assumptions.

20 June 2024

Seoul, South Korea, 20 November - 22 November 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 20 November to 22 November 2024
Submission deadline: 6 September 2024
Notification: 30 October 2024
Job Posting Job Posting
We have an Engineering consultancy position available at SandboxAQ [1]. We seek people interested in software development of research results in the areas of (post-quantum) cryptography or privacy. In particular, we are looking for a developer with experience in C/C++, Rust and/or Go, preferably with experience in cryptographic development or privacy enhancing technologies. The ideal candidate would also have experience with embedded systems, cryptographic protocols, Bazel, Docker, OCaml or GraphQL. Typical projects include but are not limited to: including/modifying cryptography in existing protocols (e.g. FIDO2) and ensuring the result is production grade, implementing cryptography in constrained environments or dedicated hardware, implementing advanced cryptographic primitives, etc. Learn more about what we’ve been doing so far by checking out our publications page [2]. The position is remote, but allows for travel to collaborate with team members. The position is available as part-time (minimum 20 hours week) or full-time. If you are interested please contact (including your CV). We are committed to creating an inclusive culture where we have zero tolerance for discrimination. [1] [2]

Closing date for applications:


Graz University of Technology
Job Posting Job Posting
Join our Cryptographic Engineering research team at the Technical University of Graz (TU Graz) in Austria! We are seeking a one PhD / one postdoctoral researchers.

You will contribute to an exciting research project advancing isogeny-based cryptography. This role offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with leading experts in the field and perform cutting-edge research.

The Cryptographic Engineering research team is based at IAIK, TU Graz, the largest university institute in Austria for research and education in security and privacy. It has been active in this field for more than 30 years and currently employs more than 60 researchers.

Required Qualifications for PhD position: The ideal candidate for the PhD position will hold a master's degree with project experience in the implementation aspects (e.g., efficient implementation, side-channel analysis, fault analysis, etc.) of cryptography, preferably in isogeny-based cryptography.

Required Qualifications for Postdoc position: The ideal candidate for the postdoc position will hold a PhD (or be close to completion) in cryptography and be an expert in isogeny-based cryptography and/or secure implementation aspects of cryptography.

How to apply: Submit your applications, CV, and other documents before 31st July, 2024.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Sujoy Sinha Roy

More information:

Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
Job Posting Job Posting
Are you looking to grow your academic career in cybersecurity in one of the best engineering universities in Europe?

We are looking for an assistant/associate professor to extend and complement research and teaching at the Cybersecurity Engineering Section at DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark. You could be our new colleague if you are a talented researcher with a passion for research within cybersecurity, and a desire to impact society through collaboration with both private and public sector partners. We strive for academic excellence in a very international environment characterized by collegial respect and academic freedom tempered by responsibility. We value intellectual freedom, offering you the autonomy to pursue research topics that truly interest you. We promote talent in different forms according to your specific interests and strengths. We understand the value of balance, for instance we can ensure a reasonable teaching load, providing ample time for your research.

The university is located in the greater Copenhagen area, which is acknowledged for its excellent standards of living, childcare and welfare system.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Professor Nicola Dragoni (

More information:

George Lu, Mark Zhandry
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Subgroup decision techniques on cryptographic groups and pairings have been critical for numerous applications. Originally conceived in the composite-order setting, there is a large body of work showing how to instantiate subgroup decision techniques in the prime-order setting as well. In this work, we demonstrate the first barrier to this research program, by demonstrating an important setting where composite-order techniques cannot be replicated in the prime-order setting.

In particular, we focus on the case of $q$-type assumptions, which are ubiquitous in group- and pairing-based cryptography, but unfortunately are less desirable than the more well-understood static assumptions. Subgroup decision techniques have had great success in removing $q$-type assumptions, even allowing $q$-type assumptions to be generically based on static assumptions on composite-order groups. Our main result shows that the same likely does not hold in the prime order setting. Namely, we show that a large class of $q$-type assumptions, including the security definition of a number of cryptosystems, cannot be proven secure in a black box way from any static assumption.
Damien VIDAL, Sorina IONICA, Claire Delaplace
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Crossbred algorithm is currently the state-of-the-art method for solving overdetermined multivariate polynomial systems over $\mathbb{F}_2$. Since its publication in 2015, several record breaking implementations have been proposed and demonstrate the power of this hybrid approach. Despite these practical results, the complexity of this algorithm and the choice of optimal parameters for it are difficult open questions. In this paper, we prove a bivariate generating series for potentially admissible parameters of the Crossbred algorithm.
Shuhong Gao, Kyle Yates
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Homomorphic encryption allows for computations on encrypted data without exposing the underlying plaintext, enabling secure and private data processing in various applications such as cloud computing and machine learning. This paper presents a comprehensive mathematical foundation for three prominent homomorphic encryption schemes: Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV), Brakerski-Fan-Vercauteren (BFV), and Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS), all based on the Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) problem. We align our discussion with the functionalities proposed in the recent homomorphic encryption standard, providing detailed algorithms and correctness proofs for each scheme. Additionally, we propose improvements to the current schemes focusing on noise management and optimization of public key encryption and leveled homomorphic computation. Our modifications ensure that the noise bound remains within a fixed function for all levels of computation, guaranteeing correct decryption and maintaining efficiency comparable to existing methods. The proposed enhancements reduce ciphertext expansion and storage requirements, making these schemes more practical for real-world applications.
Shravani Patil, Arpita Patra
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study network-agnostic secure multiparty computation with perfect security. Traditionally MPC is studied assuming the underlying network is either synchronous or asynchronous. In a network-agnostic setting, the parties are unaware of whether the underlying network is synchronous or asynchronous.

The feasibility of perfectly-secure MPC in synchronous and asynchronous networks has been settled a long ago. The landmark work of [Ben-Or, Goldwasser, and Wigderson, STOC'88] shows that $n > 3t_s$ is necessary and sufficient for any MPC protocol with $n$-parties over synchronous network tolerating $t_s$ active corruptions. In yet another foundational work, [Ben-Or, Canetti, and Goldreich, STOC'93] show that the bound for asynchronous network is $n > 4t_a$, where $t_a$ denotes the number of active corruptions. However, the same question remains unresolved for network-agnostic setting till date. In this work, we resolve this long-standing question.

We show that perfectly-secure network-agnostic $n$-party MPC tolerating $t_s$ active corruptions when the network is synchronous and $t_a$ active corruptions when the network is asynchronous is possible if and only if $n > 2 \max(t_s,t_a) + \max(2t_a,t_s)$.

When $t_a \geq t_s$, our bound reduces to $n > 4t_a$, whose tightness follows from the known feasibility results for asynchronous MPC. When $t_s > t_a$, our result gives rise to a new bound of $n > 2t_s + \max(2t_a,t_s)$. Notably, the previous network-agnostic MPC in this setting [Appan, Chandramouli, and Choudhury, PODC'22] only shows sufficiency for a loose bound of $n > 3t_s + t_a$. When $t_s > 2t_a$, our result shows tightness of $ n > 3t_s$, whereas the existing work shows sufficiency for $n > 3t_s+t_a$.
Matilda Backendal, Hannah Davis, Felix Günther, Miro Haller, Kenneth G. Paterson
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Users increasingly store their data in the cloud, thereby benefiting from easy access, sharing, and redundancy. To additionally guarantee security of the outsourced data even against a server compromise, some service providers have started to offer end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) cloud storage. With this cryptographic protection, only legitimate owners can read or modify the data. However, recent attacks on the largest E2EE providers have highlighted the lack of solid foundations for this emerging type of service.

In this paper, we address this shortcoming by initiating the formal study of E2EE cloud storage. We give a formal syntax to capture the core functionality of a cloud storage system, capturing the real-world complexity of such a system's constituent interactive protocols. We then define game-based security notions for confidentiality and integrity of a cloud storage system against a fully malicious server. We treat both selective and fully adaptive client compromises. Our notions are informed by recent attacks on E2EE cloud storage providers. In particular we show that our syntax is rich enough to capture the core functionality of MEGA and that recent attacks on it arise as violations of our security notions. Finally, we present an E2EE cloud storage system that provides all core functionalities and that is both efficient and provably secure with respect to our selective security notions. Along the way, we discuss challenges on the path towards bringing the security of cloud storage up to par with other end-to-end primitives, such as secure messaging and TLS.
Benjamin Ostrovsky
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Given a graph $G(V,E)$, represented as a secret-sharing of an adjacency list, we show how to obliviously convert it into an alternative, MPC-friendly secret-shared representation, so-called $d$-normalized replicated adjacency list (which we abbreviate to $d$-normalized), where the size of our new data-structure is only 4x larger -- compared to the original (secret-shared adjacency list) representation of $G$. Yet, this new data structure enables us to execute oblivious graph algorithms that simultaneously improve underlying graph algorithms' round, computation, and communication complexity. Our $d$-normalization proceeds in two steps:

First, we show how for any graph $G$, given a secret-shared adjacency list, where vertices are arbitrary alphanumeric strings that fit into a single RAM memory word, we can efficiently and securely rename vertices to integers from $1$ to $V$ that will appear in increasing order in the resulting secret-shared adjacency list. The secure renaming takes $O(\log V)$ rounds and $O((V+E)\log V)$ secure operations. Our algorithm also outputs in a secret-shared form two arrays: a mapping from integers to alphanumeric names and its sorted inverse. Of course, if the adjacency list is already in such an integer format, this step could be skipped.

Second, given a secret-shared adjacency list for any graph $G$, where vertices are integers from $1$ to $V$ and are sorted, there exists a $d$-normalization algorithm that takes $O(1)$ rounds and $O((V+E))$ secure operations.

We believe that both conversions are of independent interest. We demonstrate the power of our data structures by designing a privacy-preserving Dijkstra's single-source shortest-path algorithm that simultaneously achieves $O\left((V +E) \cdot \log V \right)$ secure operations and $O(V \cdot \log V \cdot \log \log\log V)$ rounds. Our secure Dijkstra algorithm works for any adjacency list representation as long as all vertex labels and weights can individually fit into RAM memory word. Our algorithms work for two or a constant number of servers in the honest but curious setting. The limitation of our result (to only a constant number of servers) is due to our reliance on linear work and constant-round secure shuffle.
Zhenhua Zou, Zhuotao Liu, Jinyong Shan, Qi Li, Ke Xu, Mingwei Xu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Collaborative graph learning represents a learning paradigm where multiple parties jointly train a graph neural network (GNN) using their own proprietary graph data. To honor the data privacy of all parties, existing solutions for collaborative graph learning are either based on federated learning (FL) or secure machine learning (SML). Although promising in terms of efficiency and scalability due to their distributed training scheme, FL-based approaches fall short in providing provable security guarantees and achieving good model performance. Conversely, SML-based solutions, while offering provable privacy guarantees, are hindered by their high computational and communication overhead, as well as poor scalability as more parties participate.

To address the above problem, we propose CoGNN, a novel framework that simultaneously reaps the benefits of both FL-based and SML-based approaches. At a high level, CoGNN is enabled by (i) a novel message passing mechanism that can obliviously and efficiently express the vertex data propagation/aggregation required in GNN training and inference and (ii) a two-stage Dispatch-Collect execution scheme to securely decompose and distribute the GNN computation workload for concurrent and scalable executions. We further instantiate the CoGNN framework, together with customized optimizations, to train Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) models. Extensive evaluations on three graph datasets demonstrate that compared with the state-of-the-art (SOTA) SML-based approach, CoGNN reduces up to $123$x running time and up to $522$x communication cost per party. Meanwhile, the GCN models trained using CoGNN have nearly identical accuracies as the plaintext global-graph training, yielding up to $11.06\%$ accuracy improvement over the GCN models trained via federated learning.
Long Meng, Liqun Chen, Yangguang Tian, Mark Manulis
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) provides fine-grained access control to encrypted data and finds applications in various domains. The practicality of ABE schemes hinges on the balance between security and efficiency. The state-of-the-art adaptive secure ABE scheme, proven to be adaptively secure under standard assumptions (FAME, CCS'17), is less efficient compared to the fastest one (FABEO, CCS'22) which is only proven secure under the Generic Group Model (GGM). These traditional ABE schemes focus solely on message privacy. To address scenarios where attribute value information is also sensitive, Anonymous ABE (${\rm A}^{\rm 2}$BE) ensures the privacy of both the message and attributes. However, most ${\rm A}^{\rm 2}$BE schemes suffer from intricate designs with low efficiency, and the security of the fastest key-policy ${\rm A}^{\rm 2}$BE (proposed in FEASE, USENIX'24) relies on the GGM.

In this paper, we propose novel fast key-policy and ciphertext-policy ABE schemes that (1) support both AND and OR gates for access policies, (2) have no restriction on the size and type of policies or attributes, (3) achieve adaptive security under the standard DLIN assumption, and (4) only need 4 pairings for decryption. As our ABE constructions automatically provide ciphertext anonymity, we easily transform our ABE schemes to ${\rm A}^{\rm 2}$BE schemes while maintaining the same features and high-level efficiency.

The implementation results show that all our schemes achieve the best efficiency comparing to other schemes with adaptive security proven under standard assumptions. Specifically, our ABE schemes perform better than FAME and are close to FABEO. Our key-policy ${\rm A}^{\rm 2}$BE scheme performs close to the one in FEASE and our ciphertext-policy ${\rm A}^{\rm 2}$BE outperforms the state-of-the-art (Cui et al., ProvSec'16).
Xinyu Zhang, Ron Steinfeld, Joseph K. Liu, Muhammed F. Esgin, Dongxi Liu, Sushmita Ruj
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Ring signatures are one of the crucial cryptographic primitives used in the design of privacy-preserving systems. Such a signature scheme allows a signer to anonymously sign a message on behalf of a spontaneously formed group. It not only ensures the authenticity of the message but also conceals the true signer within the group. An important extension of ring signatures is linkable ring signatures, which prevent a signer from signing twice without being detected (under some constraints). Linkable ring signatures offer advantages in applications where full anonymity might jeopardise the intended purpose, such as privacy-oriented cryptocurrencies like Monero.

In this work, we introduce post-quantum ring signature (DualRing-PRF) and linkable ring signature (DualRingL-PRF) schemes whose security solely rely on symmetric-key primitives (namely, Legendre PRF and power residue PRF). Our construction of the ring signature departs from previous approaches with similar security assumptions, offering the most competitive signature sizes for small and medium-sized rings. In particular, for a ring size of 16, DualRing-PRF has a communication overhead 1.4 times smaller than the state-of-the-art scheme proposed by Goel et al. (PETS’21). Furthermore, we demonstrate the extension of DualRing-PRF to incorporate linkability and non-slanderability. Compared to the existing one-time traceable ring signature (a variant of linkable ring signature) by Scafuro and Zhang (ESORICS’21), our construction supports many-time signing and achieves significantly smaller signature sizes when ring size exceeds 16. This advantage becomes more pronounced as the ring size increases.
Aneesh Kandi, Anubhab Baksi, Peizhou Gan, Sylvain Guilley, Tomáš Gerlich, Jakub Breier, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Ritu Ranjan Shrivastwa, Zdeněk Martinásek, Shivam Bhasin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we present various hardware implementations for the lightweight cipher ASCON, which was recently selected as the winner of the NIST organized Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) competition. We cover encryption + tag generation and decryption + tag verification for the ASCON hash function and ASCON AEAD. On top of the usual (unprotected) implementation, we present side-channel protection (threshold countermeasure) and triplication/majority-based fault protection. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first protected hardware implementation of ASCON with respect to side-channel and fault inject protection. The side-channel and fault protections work orthogonal to each other (i.e., either one can be turned on/off without affecting the other). We present ASIC and FPGA benchmarks for all our implementations (hash and AEAD) with/without countermeasures for varying input sizes.
Shams Tarek, Dipayan Saha, Sujan Kumar Saha, Mark Tehranipoor, Farimah Farahmandi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Contemporary methods for hardware security verification struggle with adaptability, scalability, and availability due to the increasing complexity of the modern system-on-chips (SoCs). Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a viable approach to address these shortcomings in security verification because of their natural language understanding, advanced reasoning, and knowledge transfer capabilities. However, their application to large designs is limited by inherent token limitation and memorization constraints. In this paper, we introduce SoCureLLM, an LLM-based framework that excels in identifying security vulnerabilities within SoC designs and creating a comprehensive security policy database. Our framework is adaptable and adept at processing varied, large-scale designs, overcoming the abovementioned issues of LLM. In evaluations, SoCureLLM detected 76.47% of security bugs across three vulnerable RISC-V SoCs, outperforming the state-of-the-art security verification methods. Furthermore, assessing three additional large-scale RISC-V SoC designs against various threat models led to the formulation of 84 novel security policies, enriching the security policy database. Previously requiring extensive manual effort to craft, these newly generated security policies can be used as guidelines for developing secured SoC designs.
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