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25 July 2024

Yaacov Belenky, Hennadii Chernyshchyk, Oleg Karavaev, Oleh Maksymenko, Valery Teper, Daria Ryzhkova, Itamar Levi, Osnat Keren, Yury Kreimer
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Side-channel-analysis (SCA) resistance with cost optimization in AES hardware implementations remains a significant challenge. While traditional masking-based schemes offer provable security, they often incur substantial resource overheads (latency, area, randomness, performance, power consumption). Alternatively, the RAMBAM scheme introduced a redundancy-based approach to control the signal-to-noise ratio, and achieves exponential leakage reduction as redundancy increases. This method results in only a slight increase in area and in power consumption, and a significant decrease in the amount of randomness needed, without any increase in latency. However, it lacks a formal security proof.

In this study, we introduce a scheme, denoted STORM, that synergizes RAMBAM's methodology with the utilization of look-up-tables (LUTs) in memory (ROM/RAM) in a redundant domain. STORM, like RAMBAM, is as fast as a typical unprotected implementation and has the same latency, but has a significantly higher maximal clock frequency than RAMBAM, and consumes less than half the power. RAMBAM and STORM are code-based schemes in the sense that their set of representations is a code in the vector space $GF(2)^{8+d}$. RAMBAM requires a richer structure of a ring on $GF(2)^{8+d}$ and a ring homomorphism whereas STORM utilizes a simple vector space. In code-based-masking (CBM), as in all masking schemes, non-interference based notions (t-S/NI) are fundamental for establishing provable security. RAMBAM and STORM diverge from this approach. While CBM employs codes in vector spaces over $GF(2^8)$ for AES protection, RAMBAM and STORM use codes over $GF(2)$ without the need for t-S/NI-gadgets, leaving them both smaller and more efficient.

Independence in security proofs typically means that in each individual computation (in a clock-cycle), at least one share does not participate. This approach does not work for RAMBAM where several field multiplications are executed sequentially in a cycle. However, in STORM no multiplications are performed due to its memory based tables, leaving only (independent) bitwise-XORs. Therefore, the reasoning necessary for proving security is different and STORM, unlike RAMBAM, enjoys provable security. We consider two distinct scenarios, \emph{both with provable security}: (1) STORM1 --- ``leakage-free’’ memory reads, demonstrating (1,1,0)-robustness for LUTs with redundancy 2 in the 1-probe model and for LUTs with redundancy 6 in the 2-probe model, and (2) STORM2 --- leaky memory reads, where additional protection mechanisms and a notion of memory-read robustness are introduced.

STORM can be implemented not only in HW, but in SW as well. However, this paper and the proofs in it relate to STORM's HW implementations.
Roberto Avanzi, Orr Dunkelman, Kazuhiko Minematsu
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In this note, we introduce the MATTER Tweakable Block Cipher, designed principally for low latency in low-area hardware implementations, but that can also be implemented in an efficient and compact way in software.

MATTER is a 512-bit wide balanced Feistel network with three to six rounds, using the ASCON permutation as the round function. The Feistel network defines a keyed, non-tweakable core, which is made tweakable by using the encryption of the tweak as its key. Key and tweak are 320-bit inputs.

MATTER is particularly suitable for use in an OCB-like mode of operation, with an encrypted checksum for authentication.
Giacomo Borin, Yi-Fu Lai, Antonin Leroux
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We construct two efficient post-quantum ring signatures with anonymity against full key exposure from isogenies, addressing limitations of existing isogeny-based ring signatures. First, we present an efficient concrete distinguisher for the SQIsign simulator when the signing key is provided using one transcript. This shows that turning SQIsign into an efficient full anonymous ring signature requires some new ideas. Second, we propose a variant of SQIsign that is resistant to the distinguisher attack with only a $\times 1.33$ increase in size and we render it to a ring signature, that we refer as $\mathsf{Erebor}$. This variant introduces a new zero-knowledge assumption that ensures full anonymity. The efficiency of $\mathsf{Erebor}$ remains comparable to that of SQIsign, with only a proportional increase due to the ring size. This results in a signature size of $0.68 \mathsf{KB}$ for 4 users and $1.35 \mathsf{KB}$ for 8 users, making it the most compact post-quantum ring signature for up to 31 users. Third, we revisit the GPS signature scheme (Asiacrypt'17), developing efficient subroutines to make the scheme more efficient and significantly reduce the resulting signature size. By integrating our scheme with the paradigm by Beullens, Katsumata, and Pintore (Asiacrypt'20), we achieve an efficient logarithmic ring signature, that we call $\mathsf{Durian}$, resulting in a signature size of $9.87 \mathsf{KB}$ for a ring of size 1024.
Zhaoman Liu, Jianting Ning, Huiying Hou, Yunlei Zhao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source, enterprise-grade consortium platform, employs an endorsement policy wherein a set of endorsers signs transaction proposals from clients to confirm their authenticity. The signatures from endorsers constitute the core component of endorsement. However, when dealing with dynamic transactions with high timeliness and frequent updates (e.g., stock trading, real-time ad delivery, news reporting, etc.), the current endorsement process somewhat slows down the transaction execution. Meanwhile, handling these continuously updated transactions consumes significant resources from endorsers, thereby constraining overall application efficiency.

To address these issues, this paper devises a novel sanitizable and accountable endorsement scheme by proposing a sanitizable multi-signature (SMS) as the theoretical tool. Specifically, we introduce the novel concept of sanitizable multi-signature and detail its instantiation. SMS combines the advantages of multi-signature and sanitizable signature, maintaining the compactness of the signature while allowing the sanitizer to adjust the initial endorsement result to fit the updated transaction content without interacting with the endorsers, so that both the authenticity and timeliness of transactions can be ensured. Additionally, SMS incorporates an innovative accountability mechanism to trace instances of improper data updates, thereby enhancing the security and reliability of the endorsement process.

We demonstrate the security of the proposed scheme through rigorous security analysis. Performance evaluations show that SMS can significantly reduce verification overhead and transaction size compared to the default ECDSA scheme in Fabric. Specifically, when verifying multiple endorsers' endorsements, our scheme exhibits a storage space reduction by approximately 30%-40% and a verification time reduction ranging from 9.2% to nearly 26.3%.
Archita Agarwal, David Cash, Marilyn George, Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz, Jaspal Singh
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Many efficient custom protocols have been developed for two-party private set intersection (PSI), that allow the parties to learn the intersection of their private sets. However, these approaches do not yield efficient solutions in the dynamic setting when the parties’ sets evolve and the intersection has to be computed repeatedly. In this work we propose a new framework for this problem of updatable PSI — with elements being inserted and deleted — in the semihonest model based on structured encryption. The framework reduces the problem of updatable PSI to a new variant of structured encryption (StE) for an updatable set datatype, which may be of independent interest. Our final construction is a constant round protocol with worst-case communication and computation complexity that grows linearly in the size of the updates and only poly-logarithmically with the size of the accumulated sets. Our protocol is the first to support arbitrary inserts and deletes for updatable PSI.
Aditya Damodaran, Simon Rastikian, Peter B. Rønne, Peter Y A Ryan
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We present Hyperion, an end-to-end verifiable e-voting scheme that allows the voters to identify their votes in cleartext in the final tally. In contrast to schemes like Selene or sElect, identification is not via (private) tracker numbers but via cryptographic commitment terms. After publishing the tally, the Election Authority provides each voter with an individual dual key. Voters identify their votes by raising their dual key to their secret trapdoor key and finding the matching commitment term in the tally. The dual keys are self-certifying in that, without the voter's trapdoor key, it is intractable to forge a dual key that, when raised to the trapdoor key, will match an alternative commitment. On the other hand, a voter can use their own trapdoor key to forge a dual key to fool any would-be coercer. Additionally, we propose a variant of Hyperion that counters the tracker collision threat present in Selene. We introduce individual verifiable views: each voter gets their own independently shuffled view of the master Bulletin Board. We provide new improved definitions of privacy and verifiability for e-voting schemes and prove the scheme secure against these, as well as proving security with respect to earlier definitions in the literature. Finally, we provide a prototype implementation and provide measurements which demonstrate that our scheme is practical for large scale elections.
George Papadoulis, Danai Balla, Panagiotis Grontas, Aris Pagourtzis
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose AQQUA: a digital payment system that combines auditability and privacy. AQQUA extends Quisquis by adding two authorities; one for registration and one for auditing. These authorities do not intervene in the everyday transaction processing; as a consequence, the decentralized nature of the cryptocurrency is not disturbed. Our construction is account-based. An account consists of an updatable public key which functions as a cryptographically unlinkable pseudonym, and of commitments to the balance, the total amount of coins spent, and the total amount of coins received. In order to participate in the system a user creates an initial account with the registration authority. To protect their privacy, whenever the user wants to transact they create unlinkable new accounts by updating their public key and the total number of accounts they own (maintained in committed form). The audit authority may request an audit at will. The user must prove in zero-knowledge that all their accounts are compliant to specific policies. We formally define a security model capturing the properties that a private and auditable digital payment system should possess and we analyze the security of AQQUA under this model.
Pierrick Dartois
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Dimension 4 isogenies have first been introduced in cryptography for the cryptanalysis of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) and have been used constructively in several schemes, including SQIsignHD, a derivative of SQIsign isogeny based signature scheme. Unlike in dimensions 2 and 3, we can no longer rely on the Jacobian model and its derivatives to compute isogenies. In dimension 4 (and higher), we can only use theta-models. Previous works by Romain Cosset, David Lubicz and Damien Robert have focused on the computation of $\ell$-isogenies in theta-models of level $n$ coprime to $\ell$ (which requires to use $n^g$ coordinates in dimension $g$). For cryptographic applications, we need to compute chains of $2$-isogenies, requiring to use $\geq 3^g$ coordinates in dimension $g$ with state of the art algorithms.

In this paper, we present algorithms to compute chains of $2$-isogenies between abelian varieties of dimension $g\geq 1$ with theta-coordinates of level $n=2$, generalizing a previous work by Pierrick Dartois, Luciano Maino, Giacomo Pope and Damien Robert in dimension $g=2$. We propose an implementation of these algorithms in dimension $g=4$ to compute endomorphisms of elliptic curve products derived from Kani's lemma with applications to SQIsignHD and SIDH cryptanalysis. We are now able to run a complete key recovery attack on SIDH when the endomorphism ring of the starting curve is unknown within a few seconds on a laptop for all NIST SIKE parameters.
Zhuang Shan, Leyou Zhang, Qing Wu, Qiqi Lai
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Lattice cryptography is currently a major research focus in public-key encryption, renowned for its ability to resist quantum attacks. The introduction of ideal lattices (ring lattices) has elevated the theoretical framework of lattice cryptography. Ideal lattice cryptography, compared to classical lattice cryptography, achieves more acceptable operational efficiency through fast Fourier transforms. However, to date, issues of impracticality or insecurity persist in ideal lattice problems. In order to provide a reasonable and secure trapdoor algorithm, this paper introduces the concept of "Inner Product Ring LWE" and establishes its quantum resistance and indistinguishability using knowledge of time complexity, fixed-point theory, and statistical distances. Inner product Ring LWE is easier to construct trapdoor algorithms compared to Ring LWE. Additionally, leveraging the properties of NTRU, we propose a more secure Ring SIS trapdoor algorithm.

22 July 2024

Dominik Marchsreiter
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Blockchain technology ensures accountability, transparency, and redundancy in critical applications, includ- ing IoT with embedded systems. However, the reliance on public-key cryptography (PKC) makes blockchain vulnerable to quantum computing threats. This paper addresses the urgent need for quantum-safe blockchain solutions by integrating Post- Quantum Cryptography (PQC) into blockchain frameworks. Utilizing algorithms from the NIST PQC standardization pro- cess, we aim to fortify blockchain security and resilience, partic- ularly for IoT and embedded systems. Despite the importance of PQC, its implementation in blockchain systems tailored for embedded environments remains underexplored. We propose a quantum-secure blockchain architecture, evaluating various PQC primitives and optimizing transaction sizes through tech- niques such as public-key recovery for Falcon, achieving up to 17% reduction in transaction size. Our analysis identifies Falcon-512 as the most suitable algorithm for quantum-secure blockchains in embedded environments, with XMSS as a viable stateful alternative. However, for embedded devices, Dilithium demonstrates a higher transactions-per-second (TPS) rate compared to Falcon, primarily due to Falcon’s slower sign- ing performance on ARM CPUs. This highlights the signing time as a critical limiting factor in the integration of PQC within embedded blockchains. Additionally, we integrate smart contract functionality into the quantum-secure blockchain, assessing the impact of PQC on smart contract authentication. Our findings demonstrate the feasibility and practicality of deploying quantum-secure blockchain solutions in embedded systems, paving the way for robust and future-proof IoT applications.
Mehdi Abri, Hamid Mala
ePrint Report ePrint Report
As the use of the internet and digital devices has grown rapidly, keeping digital communications secure has become very important. Authenticated Key Agreement (AKA) protocols play a vital role in securing digital communications. These protocols enable the communicating parties to mutually authenticate and securely establish a shared secret key. The emergence of quantum computers makes many existing AKA protocols vulnerable to their immense computational power. Consequently, designing new protocols that are resistant to quantum attacks has become essential. Extensive research in this area had led to the design of several post-quantum AKA schemes. In this paper, we analyze two post-quantum AKA schemes proposed by Dharminder et al. [2022] and Pursharthi and Mishra. [2024] and demonstrate that these schemes are not secure against active adversaries. An adversary can impersonate an authorized user to the server. We then propose reliable solutions to prevent these attacks.
Alex Shafarenko
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This report presents the security protocols and general trust architecture of the SMARTEDGE swarm computing platform. Part 1 describes the coordination protocols for use in a swarm production environment, e.g. a smart factory, and Part 2 deals with crowd-sensing scenarios characteristic of traffic-control swarms.
Vlasis Koutsos, Sankarshan Damle, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Sujit Gujar, Dimitris Chatzopoulos
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In crowdsourcing systems, requesters publish tasks, and interested workers provide answers to get rewards. Worker anonymity motivates participation since it protects their privacy. Anonymity with unlinkability is an enhanced version of anonymity because it makes it impossible to ``link'' workers across the tasks they participate in. Another core feature of crowdsourcing systems is worker quality which expresses a worker's trustworthiness and quantifies their historical performance. In this work, we present AVeCQ, the first crowdsourcing system that reconciles these properties, achieving enhanced anonymity and verifiable worker quality updates. AVeCQ relies on a suite of cryptographic tools, such as zero-knowledge proofs, to (i) guarantee workers' privacy, (ii) prove the correctness of worker quality scores and task answers, and (iii) commensurate payments. AVeCQ is developed modularly, where requesters and workers communicate over a platform that supports pseudonymity, information logging, and payments. To compare AVeCQ with the state-of-the-art, we prototype it over Ethereum. AVeCQ outperforms the state-of-the-art in three popular crowdsourcing tasks (image annotation, average review, and Gallup polls). E.g., for an Average Review task with 5 choices and 128 workers AVeCQ is 40% faster (including computing and verifying necessary proofs, and blockchain transaction processing overheads) with the task's requester consuming 87% fewer gas.
Jinnuo Li, Chi Cheng, Muyan Shen, Peng Chen, Qian Guo, Dongsheng Liu, Liji Wu, Jian Weng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
As a prominent category of side-channel attacks (SCAs), plaintext-checking (PC) oracle-based SCAs offer the advantages of generality and operational simplicity on a targeted device. At TCHES 2023, Rajendran et al. and Tanaka et al. independently proposed the multiple-valued (MV) PC oracle, significantly reducing the required number of queries (a.k.a., traces) in the PC oracle. However, in practice, when dealing with environmental noise or inaccuracies in the waveform classifier, they still rely on majority voting or the other technique that usually results in three times the number of queries compared to the ideal case.

In this paper, we propose an improved method to further reduce the number of queries of the MV-PC oracle, particularly in scenarios where the oracle is imperfect. Compared to the state-of-the-art at TCHES 2023, our proposed method reduces the number of queries for a full key recovery by more than $42.5\%$. The method involves three rounds. Our key observation is that coefficients recovered in the first round can be regarded as prior information to significantly aid in retrieving coefficients in the second round. This improvement is achieved through a newly designed grafted tree. Notably, the proposed method is generic and can be applied to both the NIST key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) standard Kyber and other significant candidates, such as Saber and Frodo. We have conducted extensive software simulations against Kyber-512, Kyber-768, Kyber-1024, FireSaber, and Frodo-1344 to validate the efficiency of the proposed method. An electromagnetic attack conducted on real-world implementations, using an STM32F407G board equipped with an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller and Kyber implementation from the public library \textit{pqm4}, aligns well with our simulations.
Hengyi Luo, Kaijie Jiang, Yanbin Pan, Anyu Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
At Eurocrypt'24, Mureau et al. formally defined the Lattice Isomorphism Problem for module lattices (module-LIP) in a number field $\mathbb{K}$, and proposed a heuristic randomized algorithm solving module-LIP for modules of rank 2 in $\mathbb{K}^2$ with a totally real number field $\mathbb{K}$, which runs in classical polynomial time for a large class of modules and a large class of totally real number field under some reasonable number theoretic assumptions. In this paper, by introducing a (pseudo) symplectic automorphism of the module, we successfully reduce the problem of solving module-LIP over CM number field to the problem of finding certain symplectic automorphism. Furthermore, we show that a weak (pseudo) symplectic automorphism can be computed efficiently, which immediately turns out to be the desired automorphism when the module is in a totally real number field. This directly results in a provable deterministic polynomial-time algorithm solving module-LIP for rank-2 modules in $\mathbb{K}^2$ where $\mathbb{K}$ is a totally real number field, without any assumptions or restrictions on the modules and the totally real number fields. Moreover, the weak symplectic automorphism can also be utilized to invalidate the omSVP assumption employed in HAWK's forgery security analysis, although it does not yield any actual attacks against HAWK itself.
Sarah Arpin, Wouter Castryck, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Gioella Lorenzon, Frederik Vercauteren
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We study a large family of generalized class groups of imaginary quadratic orders $O$ and prove that they act freely and (essentially) transitively on the set of primitively $O$-oriented elliptic curves over a field $k$ (assuming this set is non-empty) equipped with appropriate level structure. This extends, in several ways, a recent observation due to Galbraith, Perrin and Voloch for the ray class group. We show that this leads to a reinterpretation of the action of the class group of a suborder $O' \subseteq O$ on the set of $O'$-oriented elliptic curves, discuss several other examples, and briefly comment on the hardness of the corresponding vectorization problems.
Akshima, Tyler Besselman, Siyao Guo, Zhiye Xie, Yuping Ye
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In the (preprocessing) Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) problem, we are given a cyclic group $G$ with a generator $g$ and a prime order $N$, and we want to prepare some advice of size $S$, such that we can efficiently distinguish $(g^{x},g^{y},g^{xy})$ from $(g^{x},g^{y},g^{z})$ in time $T$ for uniformly and independently chosen $x,y,z$ from $\mathbb{Z}_N$. This is a central cryptographic problem whose computational hardness underpins many widely deployed schemes, such as the Diffie–Hellman key exchange protocol. We prove that any generic preprocessing DDH algorithm (operating in any cyclic group) achieves advantage at most $O(ST^2 / N)$. This bound matches the best known attack up to poly-log factors, and confirms that DDH is as secure as the (seemingly harder) discrete logarithm problem against preprocessing attacks. Our result resolves an open question by Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan (EUROCRYPT 2018), who proved optimal bounds for many variants of discrete logarithm problems except DDH (with an $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{ST^2/N})$ bound).

We obtain our results by adopting and refining the approach by Gravin, Guo, Kwok, Lu (SODA 2021) and by Yun (EUROCRYPT 2015). Along the way, we significantly simplified and extended the above techniques which may be of independent interest. The highlights of our techniques are as follows:

(1) We obtain a simpler reduction from decisional problems against $S$-bit advice to their $S$-wise XOR lemmas against zero-advice, recovering the reduction by Gravin, Guo, Kwok and Lu (SODA 2021). (2) We show how to reduce generic hardness of decisional problems to their variants in the simpler hyperplane query model proposed by Yun (EUROCRYPT 2015). This is the first work analyzing a decisional problem in Yun's model, answering an open problem proposed by Auerbach, Hoffman, and Pascual-Perez (TCC 2023). (3) We prove an $S$-wise XOR lemma of DDH in Yun's model. As a corollary, we obtain the generic hardness of the $S$-XOR DDH problem.
Suparna Kundu, Archisman Ghosh, Angshuman Karmakar, Shreyas Sen, Ingrid Verbauwhede
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become ubiquitous in our digital ecosystem. These devices generate and handle a major part of our digital data. In the face of the impending threat of quantum computers on our public-key infrastructure, it is impossible to imagine the security and privacy of our digital world without integrating post-quantum cryptography (PQC) into these devices. Usually, due to the resource constraints of these devices, the cryptographic schemes in these devices have to operate with very small memory and consume very little power. Therefore, we must provide a lightweight implementation of existing PQC schemes by possibly trading off the efficiency. The other option that can potentially provide the most optimal result is by designing PQC schemes suitable for lightweight and low-power-consuming implementation. Unfortunately, the latter method has been largely ignored in PQC research.

In this work, we first provide a lightweight CCA-secure PQ key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM) design based on hard lattice problems. We have done a scrupulous and extensive analysis and evaluation of different design elements, such as polynomial size, field modulus structure, reduction algorithm, secret and error distribution, etc., of a lattice-based KEM. We have optimized each of them to obtain a lightweight design. Our design provides a $100$ bit of PQ security and shows $\sim3$x improvement in terms of area with respect to the state-of-the-art Kyber KEM, a PQ standard.
Sulaiman Alhussaini, Serge˘ı Sergeev
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Known attacks on the tropical implementation of Stickel protocol involve solving a minimal covering problem, and this leads to an exponential growth in the time required to recover the secret key as the used polynomial degree increases. Consequently, it can be argued that Alice and Bob can still securely execute the protocol by utilizing very high polynomial degrees, a feasible approach due to the efficiency of tropical operations. The same is true for the implementation of Stickel protocol over some other semirings with idempotent addition (such as the max-min or fuzzy semiring). In this paper, we propose alternative methods to attacking Stickel protocol that avoid this minimal covering problem and the associated exponential time complexity. These methods involve framing the attacks as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem or applying certain global optimization techniques.
Congming Wei, Guangze Hong, An Wang, Jing Wang, Shaofei Sun, Yaoling Ding, Liehuang Zhu, Wenrui Ma
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In side-channel testing, the standard timing analysis works when the vendor can provide a measurement to indicate the execution time of cryptographic algorithms. In this paper, we find that there exists timing leakage in power/electromagnetic channels, which is often ignored in traditional timing analysis. Hence a new method of timing analysis is proposed to deal with the case where execution time is not available. Different execution time leads to different execution intervals, affecting the locations of plaintext and ciphertext transmission. Our method detects timing leakage by studying changes in plaintext-ciphertext correlation when traces are aligned forward and backward. Experiments are then carried out on different cryptographic devices. Furthermore, we propose an improved timing analysis framework which gives appropriate methods for different scenarios.
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