International Association for Cryptologic Research

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26 January 2025

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan
Job Posting Job Posting

The Applied Cryptography Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) is seeking to hire a postdoctoral scholar to conduct research on quantum-resistant cryptography.

The postdoc will work on a project, part of a collaboration between Prof. Carlos Cid at OIST and Prof. Ludovic Perret at EPITA Research Lab, EPITA, Paris, France, focusing on the design and benchmarking of novel hybrid protocols for secure satellite communication that use classical and post-quantum cryptography combined with space-based Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). The successful candidate will have experience in the design and analysis of protocols in post-quantum or quantum cryptography, with a strong motivation to work at the intersection of these two domains.

We are seeking candidates with excellent post-graduate academic formation in cryptography, mathematics, computer science, or a closely related field, with research experience in the design and analysis of protocols in post-quantum or quantum cryptography. Candidates must have a PhD at the time of commencing the position. This is a full-time, fixed-term appointment for 2 years, potentially extended depending of performance and other circumstances.

Starting Date: as soon as possible.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Carlos Cid (carlos.cid_[at] and Ludovic Perret (ludovic.perret_[at]

More information:

IDEMIA - Courbevoie, France
Job Posting Job Posting

Since our founding, IDEMIA has been on a mission to unlock the world and make it safer through our cutting-edge identity technologies.

The IDEMIA Smart Identity (ISI) Division of the IDEMIA Group is looking for a Cryptography/Security Engineer to help us secure our products and thus protect your identity from external threats.

The candidate has strong interest and suitable experience in any of the following areas:
• Integration of state-of-the-art cryptography algorithms in embedded systems.
• Physical attacks on embedded systems / smart-cards.
• Automatic vulnerability detection in embedded devices and/or firmware.

Responsabilities: The candidate will support R&D development teams, lead our research in ongoing / upcoming, and contribute to the growth of our activities through working groups.

• Master's degree (or equivalent) or PhD in Mathematics, Cryptography, Computer Science, or Embedded Electronic.
• Solid knowledge and demonstrable experiences in any of the aforementioned areas.
• Experience in developing/analyzing cryptographic primitives’ implementations in one high-level language (e.g., Python, MATLAB) and C/C++. (essential)
• Experience with vulnerabilities research. (desirable)
• Proficiency in English (essential) and French. (essential)
• Problem-solving, independence, communication skills. (essential)
• Knowledge in Side-channel attacks or Fault Injections attacks. (desirable)
• Post-quantum Cryptography (PQC) techniques for any of the aforementioned areas. (desirable)

The candidate will work at our Paris-La Defense office, closely with members of our R&D team in France and abroad. Travel may be required.

Applications will be processed continuously until the position is filled.

Due to the confidential and sensitive nature of the projects we work on, this position requires an on-site presence five days a week.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Applicants are invited to submit a digital application on our career portal.

More information:

University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Job Posting Job Posting

The School of Computer Science is further investing in its already strong Security and Privacy Research group.

We seek to recruit an outstanding researcher with a specific interest in applied cryptography in the context of hardware and embedded systems security. We are particularly interested in researchers with a track record in pre-silicon leakage and/or fault analysis, secure embedded software development, statistical side channel and fault evaluation techniques, machine and deep learning for side channels.

You will be expected to develop your own research agenda over time, and you can expect to contribute to all aspects of school life (teaching, administration), initially guided and supported by Prof. Elisabeth Oswald

The University of Birmingham offers permanent positions, with a defined pathway for progression and promotion.

Further information, (salary, application requirements, etc.) as well as a link for applicants, can be found below. The closing date for applications in 2.3.2025. If you have questions around (working in) Birmingham, then please use the contact provided below.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Elisabeth Oswald, m.e.

More information:

Newcastle University
Job Posting Job Posting
We are inviting talented and highly motivated applicants to submit applications for a PhD studentship at School of Computing, Newcastle University for a project titled:

"Enhancing Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning with Incentives"

This research aims to design secure, reward-based mechanisms that incentivize data contributors to provide their sensitive input data to a collaborative, privacy-preserving federated learning process while ensuring the integrity and privacy of the process.
This has the potential to yield a fairer system and advance the goals of ethical machine learning and responsible AI.
By leveraging techniques from federated learning, cryptography, and game theory, the project will develop technical solutions that fairly reward participants based on their contributions and protect against malicious actors. The expected outcomes include secure formal models, provably secure protocols, practical implementation, and real-world applications in sectors like healthcare and finance, ultimately enhancing the real world adoption of Federated Learning.
Start date and Stipend: You will be expected to start in October of the academic year 2025/2026, the studentship will cover 100% fees and stipend at UKRI level for 4 years full time PhD studies. (2024-2025 UKRI rate £19,237).
Applicant skills/background: Candidates should possess or be highly motivated to acquire, strong knowledge in the following areas: (1) cryptography, (2) Privacy-enhancing technologies, such as FL, (3) mathematics (including number theory and game theory), and (4) computer programming in C++, Java, or Python.
Supervisors: You will be supervised by Dr Aydin Abadi (Newcastle University) and Dr Mohammad Naseri (Flower Labs). There is an opportunity to collaborate with researchers at the National Edge AI Hub, at Newcastle University.
Note: Use code COMPDLA01 when submitting an application.
Deadline: 28 Feb, 2025.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Aydin Abadi

More information:

CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for a motivated PhD student to contribute to research in public-key cryptography and provable security.

We explore topics including, but not limited to:
  • Key exchange and secure messaging
  • Public-key encryption with advanced functionalities
Our research typically includes the following aspects:
  • Formalizing new cryptographic primitives and security models
  • Modularizing complex primitives
  • Developing techniques to achieve concrete (and tight) security bounds
  • Designing and analyzing practical instantiations (e.g., based on elliptic curves, lattices, or isogenies)
For more details and to apply please refer to

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Doreen Riepel (riepel[at]

More information:

University of Warsaw
Job Posting Job Posting

The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw (MIM UW) invites applications for the positions of Assistant Professor in Computer Science, starting on 1st October 2025 or 1st February 2026.

MIM UW is one of the leading Computer Science faculties in Europe. It is known for talented students (e.g., two wins and multiple top tens in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest) and strong research teams, especially in algorithms, logic and automata, algorithmic economy, and computational biology. There is also a growing number of successful smaller groups in diverse areas including cryptography, databases and knowledge representation, distributed systems, and machine learning. Seven ERC grants in Computer Science are running at MIM UW at the moment.

In the current call, 7 positions are offered (follow the links for more details):

  • Samuel Eilenberg Assistant Professor (2 positions; reduced teaching and increased salary),
  • Assistant Professor (3 positions; research and teaching),
  • Assistant Professor in Distributed Systems or Programming Languages (1 position; research and teaching),
  • Assistant Professor (1 position; teaching only).

Deadline for applications: 14th February 2025.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Filip Murlak (, Oskar Skibski (

More information:


25 January 2025

Keitaro Hashimoto, Wakaha Ogata, Yusuke Sakai
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We construct the first tightly secure signature schemes in the multi-user setting with adaptive corruptions from classical discrete logarithm, RSA, factoring, or post-quantum group action discrete logarithm assumption. In contrast to our scheme, the previous tightly secure schemes are based on the decisional assumption (e.g., (group action) DDH) or interactive search assumptions (e.g., one-more CDH). The security of our schemes is independent of the number of users, signing queries, and RO queries, and forging our signatures is as hard as solving the underlying search problem. Our starting point is an identification scheme with multiple secret keys per public key (e.g., Okamoto identification (CRYPTO'92) and parallel-OR identification (CRYPTO'94)). This property allows a reduction to solve a search problem while answering corruption queries for all users in the signature security game. To convert such an identification scheme into a signature scheme tightly, we employ randomized Fischlin's transformation introduced by Kondi and shelat (Asiacrypt 2022) that provides straight-line extraction. Intuitively, the transformation properties guarantee the tight security of our signature scheme in the programmable random oracle model, but we successfully prove its tight security in the non-programmable random oracle model.

24 January 2025

Cyrius Nugier, Jean-Christophe Deneuville
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the HQC cryptosystem, the length $n$ of the code determines several concrete parameters such as the bandwidth usage, the memory consumption, or the decoding efficiency. In this paper, we show that currently known methods to explicitly generate asymptotically good (especially with high relative distances), binary codes with efficient associated procedures cannot be used to improve $n$. We also show that concatenated codes are currently better suited, and by exhausting small codes, find a closer to optimal concatenated code for HQC, which improves upon currently used codes.
James Hsin-Yu Chiang, Ivan Damgård, William R. Duro, Sunniva Engan, Sebastian Kolby, Peter Scholl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose efficient, post-quantum threshold ring signatures constructed from one-wayness of AES encryption and the VOLE-in-the-Head zero-knowledge proof system. Our scheme scales efficiently to large rings and extends the linkable ring signatures paradigm. We define and construct key-binding deterministic tags for signature linkability, that also enable succinct aggregation with approximate lower bound arguments of knowledge; this allows us to achieve succinct aggregation of our signatures without SNARKs. Finally, we extend our threshold ring signatures to realize post-quantum anonymous ledger transactions in the spirit of Monero. Our constructions assume symmetric key primitives only. Whilst it is common to build post-quantum signatures from the one-wayness property of AES and a post-quantum NIZK scheme, we extend this paradigm to define and construct novel security properties from AES that are useful for advanced signature applications. We introduce key-binding and pseudorandomness of AES to establish linkability and anonymity of our threshold ring signatures from deterministic tags, and similarly establish binding and hiding properties of block ciphers modeled as ideal permutations to build commitments from AES, a crucial building block for our proposed post-quantum anonymous ledger scheme.
Marija Mikić, Mihajlo Srbakoski, Strahinja Praška
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Stealth Address Protocol (SAP) allows users to receive assets through stealth addresses that are unlinkable to their stealth meta-addresses. The most widely used SAP, Dual-Key SAP (DKSAP), and the most performant SAP, Elliptic Curve Pairing Dual-Key SAP (ECPDKSAP), are based on elliptic curve cryptography, which is vulnerable to quantum attacks. These protocols depend on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, which could be efficiently solved on a sufficiently powerful quantum computer using the Shor algorithm. In this paper three novel post-quantum SAPs based on lattice-based cryptography are presented: LWE SAP, Ring-LWE SAP and Module-LWE SAP. These protocols leverage Learning With Errors (LWE) problem to ensure quantum-resistant privacy. Among them, Module-LWE SAP, which is based on the Kyber key encapsulation mechanism, achieves the best performance and outperforms ECPDKSAP by approximately 66.8% in the scan time of the ephemeral public key registry.
Alain Couvreur, Rakhi Pratihar, Nihan Tanisali, Ilaria Zappatore
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Twisted generalized Reed-Solomon (TGRS) codes constitute an interesting family of evaluation codes, containing a large class of maximum distance separable codes non-equivalent to generalized Reed-Solomon (GRS) ones. Moreover, the Schur squares of TGRS codes may be much larger than those of GRS codes with same dimension. Exploiting these structural differences, in 2018, Beelen, Bossert, Puchinger and Rosenkilde proposed a subfamily of Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) Twisted Reed--Solomon (TRS) codes over $\mathbb{F}_q$ with $\ell$ twists $q \approx n^{2^{\ell}}$ for McEliece encryption, claiming their resistance to both Sidelnikov Shestakov attack and Schur products--based attacks. In short, they claimed these codes to resist to classical key recovery attacks on McEliece encryption scheme instantiated with Reed-Solomon (RS) or GRS codes. In 2020, Lavauzelle and Renner presented an original attack on this system based on the computation of the subfield subcode of the public TRS code.

In this paper, we show that the original claim on the resistance of TRS and TGRS codes to Schur products based--attacks is wrong. We identify a broad class of codes including TRS and TGRS ones that is distinguishable from random by computing the Schur square of some shortening of the code. Then, we focus on the case of single twist ({i.e.}, $\ell = 1$), which is the most efficient one in terms of decryption complexity, to derive an attack. The technique is similar to the distinguisher-based attacks of RS code-based systems given by Couvreur, Gaborit, Gauthier-Umaña, Otmani, Tillich in 2014.
Gaspard Anthoine, Daniele Cozzo, Dario Fiore
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Homomorphic signatures for NP (HSNP) allow proving that a signed value is the result of a non-deterministic computation on signed inputs. At CCS'22, Fiore and Tucker introduced HSNP, showed how to use them for verifying arbitrary computations on data streams, and proposed a generic HSNP construction obtained by efficiently combining zkSNARKs with linearly homomorphic signatures (LHS), namely those supporting linear functions. Their proposed LHS however suffered from an high verification cost. In this work we propose an efficient LHS that significantly improves on previous work in terms of verification time. Using the modular approach of Fiore and Tucker, this yields a verifier-efficient HSNP. We show that the HSNP instantiated with our LHS is particularly suited to the case when the data is taken from consecutive samples, which captures important use cases including sliding window statistics such as variances, histograms and stock market predictions.
Wasilij Beskorovajnov, Sarai Eilebrecht, Yufan Jiang, Jörn Mueller-Quade
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The adoption of Homomorphic Encryption (HE) and Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) applications in the real world remains lim- ited, even nearly 50 years after the introduction of HE. This is particu- larly unfortunate given the strong privacy and confidentiality guarantees these tools can offer to modern digital life. While attempting to incorporate a simple straw-man PSI protocol into a web service for matching individuals based on their profiles, we en- countered several shortcomings in current outsourcing frameworks. Ex- isting outsourced protocols either require clients to perform tasks beyond merely contributing their inputs or rely on a non-collusion assumption between a server and a client, which appears implausible in standard web service scenarios. To address these issues, we present, to the best of our knowledge, the first general construction for non-interactive outsourced computation based on black-box homomorphic encryption. This approach relies on a non- collusion assumption between two dedicated servers, which we consider more realistic in a web-service setting. Furthermore, we provide a proof of our construction within the Universal Composability (UC) framework, assuming semi-honest (i.e., passive) adversaries. Unlike general one-sided two-party SFE protocols, our construction addi- tionally requires sender privacy. Specifically, the sender must contribute its inputs solely in encrypted form. This ensures stronger privacy guar- antees and broadens the applicability of the protocol. Overall, the range of applications for our construction includes all one- sided two-party sender-private SFE protocols as well as server-based arithmetic computations on encrypted inputs. Finally, we demonstrate the practical applicability of our general outsourced computation frame- work by applying it to the specific use case of Outsourced Private Set Intersection (OPSI) in a real-world scenario, accompanied by a detailed evaluation of its efficiency.
Samir Bouftass
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we show that subset sum problem consists on finding a solution over $\mathbb{N}_2$ of equation $n = \textbf{A}X \bullet U$ where A and n are given matrix and integer and U = $[(2^0) (2^1) .... (2^{d-2}) (2^{d-1})]$. We show that it can be subdivized into 2 solvable subproblems.

23 January 2025

Fabio Campos, Andreas Hellenbrand, Michael Meyer, Krijn Reijnders
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents dCTIDH, a CSIDH implementation that combines two recent developments into a novel state-of-the-art deterministic implementation. We combine the approach of deterministic variants of CSIDH with the batching strategy of CTIDH, which shows that the full potential of this key space has not yet been explored. This high-level adjustment in itself leads to a significant speed-up. To achieve an effective deterministic evaluation in constant time, we introduce Wombats, a new approach to performing isogenies in batches, specifically tailored to the behavior required for deterministic CSIDH using CTIDH batching.

Furthermore, we explore the two-dimensional space of optimal primes for dCTIDH, with regard to both the performance of dCTIDH in terms of finite-field operations per prime and the efficiency of finite-field operations, determined by the prime shape, in terms of cycles. This allows us to optimize both for choice of prime and scheme parameters simultaneously. Lastly, we implement and benchmark constant-time, deterministic dCTIDH. Our results show that dCTIDH not only outperforms state-of-the-art deterministic CSIDH, but even non-deterministic CTIDH: dCTIDH-2048 is faster than CTIDH-2048 by 17 percent, and is almost five times faster than dCSIDH-2048.
Joo Woo, Jonghyun Kim, Ga Hee Hong, Seungwoo Lee, Minkyu Kim, Hochang Lee, Jong Hwan Park
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a new lattice-based signature scheme, called ‘NTRU+Sign’, using the Fiat-Shamir with Aborts framework. The proposed scheme is designed based on a novel NTRU-based key structure that fits well with bimodal distributions, enabling efficiency improvements compared to its predecessor, BLISS. The novel NTRU-based key structure is characterized by: (1) effectively changing a modulus from 2q to q, which is different from the existing usage of 2q for bimodal distributions, and (2) drastically reducing the magnitude of a secret key, which directly leads to compactness of signature sizes. We provide two concrete parameter sets for NTRU+Sign, supporting 93-bit and 211-bit security levels. Using the technique from GALACTICS (that was suggested as the constant-time implementation of BLISS), our analysis shows that NTRU+Sign achieves a good balance between computational efficiency and signature compactness, with constant-time implementation. For instance, at the NIST-3 security level, NTRU+Sign produces signatures that are significantly smaller than Dilithium and HAETAE, while providing faster verification speeds. These advantages position NTRU+Sign as a competitive and practical solution for real-world deployments.
Srinath Setty, Justin Thaler
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A memory checking argument enables a prover to prove to a verifier that it is correctly processing reads and writes to memory. They are used widely in modern SNARKs, especially in zkVMs, where the prover proves the correct execution of a CPU including the correctness of memory operations.

We describe a new approach for memory checking, which we call the method of one-hot addressing and increments. We instantiate this method via two different families of protocols, called Twist and Shout. Twist supports read/write memories, while Shout targets read-only memories (also known as lookup arguments). Both Shout and Twist have logarithmic verifier costs. Unlike prior works, these protocols do not invoke "grand product" or "grand sum" arguments.

Twist and Shout significantly improve the prover costs of prior works across the full range of realistic memory sizes, from tiny memories (e.g., 32 registers as in RISC-V), to memories that are so large they cannot be explicitly materialized (e.g., structured lookup tables of size $2^{64}$ or larger, which arise in Lasso and the Jolt zkVM). Detailed cost analysis shows that Twist and Shout are well over 10x cheaper for the prover than state-of-the-art memory-checking procedures configured to have logarithmic proof length.

Prior memory-checking procedures can also be configured to have larger proofs. Even then, we estimate that Twist and Shout are at least 2--4x faster for the prover in key applications. Finally, using Shout, we provide two fast-prover SNARKs for non-uniform constraint systems, both of which achieve minimal commitment costs (the prover commits only to the witness): (1) SpeedySpartan applies to Plonkish constraints, substantially improving the previous state-of-the-art protocol, BabySpartan; and (2)Spartan++ applies to CCS (a generalization of Plonkish and R1CS), improving prover times over the previous state-of-the-art protocol, Spartan, by 6x.
Nir Bitansky, Saroja Erabelli, Rachit Garg
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Introduced by Halevi, Ishai, Kushilevitz, and Rabin (CRYPTO 2023), Additive randomized encodings (ARE) reduce the computation of a $k$-party function $f(x_1,\dots,x_k)$ to locally computing encodings $\hat x_i$ of each input $x_i$ and then adding them together over some Abelian group into an output encoding $\hat y = \sum \hat x_i$, which reveals nothing but the result. The appeal of ARE comes from the simplicity of the non-local computation, involving only addition. This gives rise for instance to non-interactive secure function evaluation in the shuffle model where messages from different parties are anonymously shuffled before reaching their destination. Halevi, Ishai, Kushilevitz, and Rabin constructed ARE based on Diffie-Hellman type assumptions in bilinear groups.

We construct ARE assuming public-key encryption. The key insight behind our construction is that one-sided ARE, which only guarantees privacy for one of the parties, are relatively easy to construct, and yet can be lifted to full-fledged ARE. We also give a more efficient black-box construction from the CDH assumption.
Zihao Wei, Siwei Sun, Fengmei Liu, Lei Hu, Zhiyu Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Boolean formula minimization is a notoriously hard problem that is known to be $\varSigma_2^P$-complete. Circuit minimization, typically studied in the context of a much broader subject known as synthesis and optimization of circuits, introduces another layer of complexity since ultimately those technology-independent epresentations (e.g., Boolean formulas and truth tables) has to be transformed into a netlist of cells of the target technology library. To manage those complexities, the industrial community typically separates the synthesis process into two steps: technology-independent optimization and technology mapping. In each step, this approach only tries to find the local optimal solution and relies heavily on heuristics rather than a systematic search. However, for small S-boxes, a more systematic exploration of the design space is possible. Aiming at the global optimum, we propose a method which can synthesize a truth table for a small S-box directly into a netlist of the cells of a given technology library. Compared with existing technology-dependent synthesis tools like LIGHTER and PEIGEN, our method produces improved results for many S-boxes with respect to circuit area. In particular, by applying our method to the $\mathbb{F}_{2^4}$-inverter involved in the tower field implementation of the AES S-box, we obtain the currently known lightest implementation of the AES S-box. The search framework can be tweaked to take circuit delay into account. As a result, we find implementations for certain S-boxes with both latency and area improved.
Antoine Bak
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Skyscraper is a cryptographic permutation published in TCHES 2025, optimized for use in proof systems such as PlonK. This primitive is based on a 10-round Feistel network combining $x^2$ monomials and lookup-based functions to achieve competitive plain performances and efficiency in proof systems supporting lookups. In terms of security, the $x^2$ monomials are supposed to provide security against statistical attacks, while lookups are supposed to provide security against algebraic attacks.

In this note, we show that this primitive has a much lower security margin than expected. Using a rebound attack, we find practical truncated differentials on the full permutation. As a corollary, we also find a practical collision attack on the compression function based on a 9-round Skyscraper permutation, which significantly reduces the security margin of the primitive. All of these attacks have been implemented and work in practice.
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