International Association for Cryptologic Research

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04 March 2025

Thomas Prévost, Bruno Martin, Olivier Alibart
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This paper presents our implementation of the Quantum Key Distribution standard ETSI GS QKD 014 v1.1.1, which required a modification of the Rustls library. We modified the TLS protocol while maintaining backward compatibility on the client and server side. We thus wish to participate in the effort to generalize the use of Quantum Key Distribution on the Internet. Finally we used this library for a video conference call encrypted by QKD.
Ruben Baecker, Paul Gerhart, Jonathan Katz, Dominique Schröder
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A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) enables multiple parties to collectively manage digital assets in a blockchain setting. We focus on achieving fair exchange between DAOs using a cryptographic mechanism that operates with minimal blockchain assumptions and, crucially, does not rely on smart contracts.

Specifically, we consider a setting where a DAO consisting of $n_\mathsf{S}$ sellers holding shares of a witness $w$ interacts with a DAO comprising $n_\mathsf{B}$ buyers holding shares of a signing key $sk$; the goal is for the sellers to exchange $w$ for a signature under $sk$ transferring a predetermined amount of funds. Fairness is required to hold both between DAOs (i.e., ensuring that each DAO receives its asset if and only if the other does) as well as within each DAO (i.e., ensuring that all members of a DAO receive their asset if and only if every other member does).

We formalize these fairness properties and present an efficient protocol for DAO-based fair exchange under standard cryptographic assumptions. Our protocol leverages certified witness encryption and threshold adaptor signatures, two primitives of independent interest that we introduce and show how to construct efficiently.
Nathalie Lang, Jannis Leuther, Stefan Lucks
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Authenticated encryption (AE) provides both authenticity and privacy. Starting with Bellare's and Namprempre's work in 2000, the Encrypt-then-MAC composition of an encryption scheme for privacy and a MAC for authenticity has become a well-studied and common approach. This work investigates the security of the Encrypt-then-MAC composition in a quantum setting which means that adversarial queries as well as the responses to those queries may be in superposition. We demonstrate that the Encrypt-then-MAC composition of a chosen-plaintext (IND-qCPA) secure symmetric encryption scheme SE and a plus-one unforgeable MAC fails to achieve chosen-ciphertext (IND-qCCA) security. On the other hand, we show that it suffices to choose a quantum pseudorandom function (qPRF) as the MAC. Namely, the Encrypt-then-MAC composition of SE and a qPRF is IND-qCCA secure. The same holds for the Encrypt-and-MAC composition of SE and a qPRF
Chenhao Jia, Tingting Cui, Qing Ling, Yan He, Kai Hu, Yu Sun, Meiqin Wang
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S-boxes are the most popular nonlinear building blocks used in symmetric-key primitives. Both cryptographic properties and implementation cost of an S-box are crucial for a good cipher design, especially for lightweight ones. This paper aims to determine the exact minimum area of optimal 4-bit S-boxes (whose differential uniform and linearity are both 4) under certain standard cell library. Firstly, we evaluate the upper and lower bounds upon the minimum area of S-boxes, by proposing a Prim-like greedy algorithm and utilizing properties of balanced Boolean functions to construct bijective S-boxes. Secondly, an SAT-aided automatic search tool is proposed that can simultaneously consider multiple cryptographic properties such as the uniform, linearity, algebraic degree, and the implementation costs such as area, and gate depth complexity. Thirdly, thanks to our tool, we manage to find the exact minimum area for different types of 4-bit S-boxes. The measurement in this paper uses the gate equivalent (GE) as standard unit under UMC 180 nm library, all 2/3/4-input logic gates are taken into consideration. Our results show that the minimum area of optimal 4-bit S-box is 11 GE and the depth is 3. If we do not use the 4-input gates, this minimum area increases to 12 GE and the depth in this case is 4, which is the same if we only use 2-input gates. If we further require that the S-boxes should not have fixed points, the minimum area continue increasing a bit to 12.33 GE while keeping the depth. Interestingly, the same results are also obtained for non-optimal 4-bit bijective S-boxes as long as their differential uniform $\mathcal{U}(S) <16$ and linearity $\mathcal{L}(S) < 8$ (i.e., there is no non-trivial linear structures) if only 2-input and 3-input gates are used. But the minimum area reduce to 9 GE if 4-input gates are involved. More strictly, if we require the algebraic degree of all coordinate functions of optimal S-boxes be 3, the minimum area is 14 GE with fixed point and 14.33 GE without fixed point, and the depth increases sharply to 8. Besides determining the exact minimum area, our tool is also useful to search for a better implementation of existing S-boxes. As a result, we find out an implementation of Keccak's 5-bit S-box with 17 GE. As a contrast, the designer's original circuit has an area of 23.33 GE, while the optimized result by Lu et al. achieves an area of 17.66 GE. Also, we find out the first optimized implementation of SKINNY's 8-bit S-box with 26.67 GE.
Liam Eagen, Ariel Gabizon
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We construct a pairing-based polynomial commitment scheme for multilinear polynomials of size $n$ where constructing an opening proof requires $O(n)$ field operations, and $2n+O(\sqrt n)$ scalar multiplications. Moreover, the opening proof consists of a constant number of field elements. This is a significant improvement over previous works which would require either 1. $O(n\log n)$ field operations; or 2. $O(\log n)$ size opening proof.

The main technical component is a new method of verifiably folding a witness via univariate polynomial division. As opposed to previous methods, the proof size and prover time remain constant *regardless of the folding factor*.
Walid Haddaji, Loubna Ghammam, Nadia El Mrabet, Leila Ben Abdelghani
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In pairing-based cryptography, final exponentiation with a large fixed exponent is crucial for ensuring unique outputs in Tate and optimal Ate pairings. While optimizations for elliptic curves with even embedding degrees have been well-explored, progress for curves with odd embedding degrees, particularly those divisible by $3$, has been more limited. This paper presents new optimization techniques for computing the final exponentiation of the optimal Ate pairing on these curves. The first exploits the fact that some existing seeds have a form enabling cyclotomic cubing and extends this to generate new seeds with the same form. The second is to generate new seeds with sparse ternary representations, replacing squaring with cyclotomic cubing. The first technique improves efficiency by $1.7\%$ and $1.5\%$ compared to the square and multiply (\textbf{SM}) method for existing seeds at $192$-bit and $256$-bit security levels, respectively. For newly generated seeds, it achieves efficiency gains of $3.6\%$ at $128$-bit, $5\%$ at $192$-bit, and $8.5\%$ at $256$-bit security levels. The second technique improves efficiency by $3.3\%$ at $128$-bit, $19.5\%$ at $192$-bit, and $4.3\%$ at $256$-bit security levels.
Ritam Bhaumik, Jean Paul Degabriele
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We consider the problem of constructing efficient pseudorandom functions with Beyond-Birthday-Bound (BBB) security from blockciphers. More specifically, we are interested in variable-output-length pseudorandom functions (PRF) whose domain is twice that of the underlying blockcipher. We present two such constructions, $\textsf{Pencil}$ and $\sharp\textsf{Pencil}$, which provide weak PRF and full PRF security, respectively, where both achieve full $n$-bit security. While several recent works have focused on constructing BBB PRFs from blockciphers, much less attention has been given to weak PRF constructions which can potentially be constructed more efficiently and still serve as a useful primitive. Another understudied problem in this domain, is that of extending the domain of a BBB PRF, which turns out to be rather challenging. Besides being of theoretical interest in itself, this is also a very practical problem. Often, the input to the BBB PRF is a nonce, but random nonces are much easier to handle in practice as they do not require maintaining state---which can be very cumbersome in distributed systems and encrypted cloud storage. Accordingly, in order to maintain a BBB security bound, one requires random nonces of size between $1.5n$ and $2n$ bits long and corresponding BBB (weak) PRF constructions that admit matching input sizes. NIST has recently announced a pre-draft call for comments to standardise AEAD schemes that can encrypt larger amounts of data and admit larger nonces. The call lists two approaches. The first is to define an analogue of GCM using a 256-bit blockcipher, and the second is based on a recent proposal by Gueron, to extend GCM with a key derivation function (KDF) called DNDK to increase its security. In essence, DNDK is a BBB-secure expanding weak pseudorandom function with a domain size of 192 bits that is realised from AES. Our work makes relevant contributions to this domain in two important ways. Firstly, an immediate consequence of our work is that one can construct a GCM analogue with BBB security from $\sharp\textsf{Pencil}$, without resorting to a 256-bit blockcipher. Our second contribution is that $\sharp\textsf{Pencil}$ can be used as a KDF in combination with GCM in an analogous manner to DNDK-GCM. However, $\sharp\textsf{Pencil}$ being a full PRF as opposed to DNDK which is only a weak PRF, allows one to prove the KDF-GCM composition secure as an AEAD scheme. Finally, when contrasting $\textsf{Pencil}$ and DNDK as weak PRFs with comparable parameters, our construction requires only half the blockcipher calls.
Intak Hwang, Seonhong Min, Jinyeong Seo, Yongsoo Song
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CKKS is a homomorphic encryption (HE) scheme that supports arithmetic over complex numbers in an approximate manner. Despite its utility in PPML protocols, formally defining the security of CKKS-based protocols is challenging due to its approximate nature. To be precise, in a sender-receiver model, where the receiver holds input ciphertexts and the sender evaluates its private circuit, it is difficult to define sender's privacy in terms of indistinguishability, whereas receiver's privacy is easily achieved through the semantic security of CKKS.

In this paper, we present a new definition for CKKS-based protocols, called Differentially Private Homomorphic Evaluation (DPHE) protocols, along with a general method to achieve this. In our definition, we relax the sender’s privacy condition from indistinguishability to differential privacy notion. We focus on the fact that most security concern for PPML protocols is differential privacy on evaluation results, rather than the simulatability of the evaluation. We prove that if the ideal functionality satisfies differential privacy and a protocol satisfies DPHE, then the output of the protocol also satisfies differential privacy.

Next, we provide a general compiler that transforms a plain CKKS-based protocol into a DPHE one. We achieve this by mixing the Laplace mechanism and zero-knowledge argument of knowledge (ZKAoK) for CKKS. This approach allows us to achieve sender's privacy with a moderate noise, whereas the previous indistinguishability-based approach requires exponentially large overhead.

Finally, we provide a concrete instantiation of ZKAoK for CKKS in the form of PIOP. To prove the well-formedness of CKKS ciphertexts and public keys, we devise new proof techniques that use homomorphic evaluation during verification. We also provide an implementation to demonstrate the practicality of our ZKAoK for CKKS by compiling PIOPs using the HSS polynomial commitment scheme (Crypto'24).
Qi Zhang, Mingqiang Wang, Xiaopeng Cheng
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Lee et al. proposed a new bootstrapping algorithm based on homomorphic automorphism, which merges the empty sets of ciphertexts by adjusting the window size. This algorithm supports arbitrary secret key distributions with no additional runtime costs while using small evaluation keys. However, our implementation reveals that once the window size exceeds a certain threshold, the time required for bootstrapping remains relatively constant. This observation prompts the question of how to further reduce the running time. To address this challenge, we introduce a new trick called Adaptive Key Update (AKU). With AKU and automorphism techniques, we propose a new bootstrapping algorithm for Gaussian secret keys that requires only $n$ external products and no switching for blind rotation. Building on this, we employ window size optimization and key switching techniques to further improve the algorithm. The improved algorithm provides a useful trade-off between key storage and computational efficiency, depending on the choice of the window size. Compared to the current fastest FHEW bootstrapping method for Gaussian secret keys (the LLWW+ method proposed by Li et al.), our AKU-based algorithm reduces the number of key switching by 76% and decreases the running time of bootstrapping by 20.7%. At this time, the practical runtime for bootstrapping is approximately equal to that of performing only $n$ external products.
Michel SECK, Oumar Niang, Djiby Sow
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Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman published the RSA cryptosystem in 1978, which has been widely used over the last four decades. The security of RSA is based on the difficulty of factoring large integers $N = pq$, where $p$ and $q$ are prime numbers. The public exponent $e$ and the private exponent $d$ are related by the equation $ed - k(p-1)(q-1) = 1$. Recently, Cotan and Te{\c{s}}eleanu (NordSec 2023) introduced a variant of RSA, where the public exponent $e$ and the private exponent $d$ satisfy the equation $ed - k(p^n-1)(q^n-1) = 1$ for some positive integer $n$. In this paper, we study the general equation $eu - (p^n - 1)(q^n - 1)v = w$ with positive integers $u$ and $v$, and $w\in \mathbb{Z}$. We show that, given the public parameters $N$ and $e$, one can recover $u$ and $v$ and factor the modulus $N$ in polynomial time by combining continued fractions with Coppersmith's algorithm which relies on lattice reduction techniques, under specific conditions on $u$, $v$, and $w$. Furthermore, we show that if the private exponent $d$ in an RSA-like cryptosystem is either small or too large, then $N$ can be factored in polynomial time. This attack applies to the standard RSA cryptosystem.
Marius A. Aardal, Andrea Basso, Luca De Feo, Sikhar Patranabis, Benjamin Wesolowski
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SQIsign is the leading digital signature from isogenies. Despite the many improvements that have appeared in the literature, all its recents variants lack a complete security proof. In this work, we provide the first full security proof of SQIsign, as submitted to the second round of NIST's on-ramp track for digital signatures.

To do so, we introduce a new framework, which we call Fiat-Shamir with hints, that captures all those protocols where the simulator needs additional information to simulate a transcript. Using this framework, we show that SQIsign is EUF-CMA secure in the ROM, assuming the hardness of the One Endomorphism problem with hints, or the hardness of the Full Endomorphism Ring problem with hints together with a hint indistinguishability assumption; all assumptions, unlike previous ones in the literature, are non-interactive. Along the way, we prove several intermediate results that may be of independent interest.
Sönke Jendral, Elena Dubrova
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Ongoing efforts to transition to post-quantum secure public- key cryptosystems have created the need for algorithms with a variety of performance characteristics and security assumptions. Among the can- didates in NIST’s post-quantum standardisation process for additional digital signatures is FAEST, a Vector Oblivious Linear Evaluation in-the- Head (VOLEitH)-based scheme, whose security relies on the one-wayness of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The VOLEitH paradigm enables competitive performance and signature sizes under conservative security assumptions. However, since it was introduced recently, in 2023, its resistance to physical attacks has not yet been analysed. In this paper, we present the first security analysis of VOLEitH-based signa- ture schemes in the context of side-channel and fault injection attacks. We demonstrate four practical attacks on a masked implementation of FAEST in ARM Cortex-M4 capable of recovering the full secret key with high probability (greater than 0.87) from a single signature. These at- tacks exploit vulnerabilities of components specific to VOLEitH schemes and FAEST, such as the all-but-one vector commitments, VOLE gener- ation, and AES proof generation. Finally, we propose countermeasures to mitigate these attacks and enhance the physical security of VOLEitH- based signature schemes.
Han Chen, Tao Huang, Phuong Pham, Shuang Wu
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This paper addresses the critical challenges in designing cryptographic algorithms that achieve both high performance and cross-platform efficiency on ARM and x86 architectures, catering to the demanding requirements of next-generation communication systems, such as 6G and GPU/NPU interconnections. We propose HiAE, a high-throughput authenticated encryption algorithm optimized for performance exceeding 100 Gbps and designed to meet the stringent security requirements of future communication networks. HiAE leverages the stream cipher structure, integrating the AES round function for non-linear diffusion.

Our design achieves exceptional efficiency, with benchmark results from software implementations across various platforms showing over 180 Gbps on ARM devices in AEAD mode, making it the fastest AEAD solution on ARM chips
Paul Frixons, Valerie Gilchrist, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit
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Cryptographic group actions provide simple post-quantum generalizations to many cryptographic protocols based on the discrete logarithm problem (DLP). However, many advanced group action-based protocols do not solely rely on the core group action problem (the so-called vectorization problem), but also on variants of this problem, to either improve efficiency or enable new functionalities. In particular, the security of the CSI-SharK threshold signature protocol relies on the Vectorization Problem with Shifted Inputs where (in DLP formalism) the adversary not only receives $g$ and $g^x$, but also $g^{xc}$ for multiple known values of $c$. A natural open question is then whether the extra data provided to the adversary in this variant allows for more efficient attacks. In this paper, we revisit the concrete quantum security of this problem. We start from a quantum multiple hidden shift algorithm of Childs and van Dam, which to the best of our knowledge was never applied in cryptography before. We specify algorithms for its subroutines and we provide concrete complexity estimates for both these subroutines and the overall algorithm.

We then apply our analysis to the CSI-SharK protocol. In prior analyses based on Kuperberg’s algorithms, group action evaluations contributed to a significant part of the overall T-gate cost. For CSI-SharK suggested parameters, our new approach requires significantly fewer calls to the group action evaluation subroutine, leading to significant T-gate complexity improvements overall. We also show that the quantum security of the protocol decreases when the number of public keys increases, and quantify this degradation.

Beyond its direct application to the CSI-Shark protocol, our work more generally questions the quantum security of vectorization problem variants, and it introduces the Childs-van Dam algorithm as a new quantum cryptanalysis tool.
Shweta Agrawal, Anuja Modi, Anshu Yadav, Shota Yamada
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Evasive LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022 and Tsabary, Crypto 2022) is a recently introduced, popular lattice assumption which has been used to tackle long-standing problems in lattice based cryptography. In this work, we develop new counter-examples against Evasive LWE, in both the private and public-coin regime, propose counter-measures that define safety zones, and finally explore modifications to construct full compact FE/iO.

Attacks: Our attacks are summarized as follows. - The recent work by Hseih, Lin and Luo [HLL23] constructed the first ABE for unbounded depth circuits by relying on the (public coin) ''circular'' evasive LWE assumption, which incorporates circularity into the Evasive LWE assumption. We provide a new attack against this assumption by exhibiting a sampler such that the pre-condition is true but post-condition is false. - We demonstrate a counter-example against public-coin evasive LWE which exploits the freedom to choose the error distributions in the pre and post conditions. Our attack crucially relies on the error in the pre-condition being larger than the error in the post-condition. - The recent work by Agrawal, Kumari and Yamada [AKY24a] constructed the first functional encryption scheme for pseudorandom functionalities ($\mathsf{prFE}$) and extended this to obfuscation for pseudorandom functionalities ($\mathsf{prIO}$) [AKY24c] by relying on private-coin evasive LWE. We provide a new attack against the stated assumption. - The recent work by Branco et al. [BDJ+24] (concurrently to [AKY24c]) provides a construction of obfuscation for pseudorandom functionalities by relying on private-coin evasive LWE. By adapting the counter-example against [AKY24a], we provide an attack against this assumption. - Branco et al. [BDJ+24] showed that there exist contrived, somehow ''self-referential'', classes of pseudorandom functionalities for which pseudorandom obfuscation cannot exist. We develop an analogous result to the setting of pseudorandom functional encryption.

While Evasive LWE was developed to specifically avoid zeroizing attacks as discussed above, our attacks show that in some (contrived) settings, the adversary may nevertheless obtain terms in the zeroizing regime.

Counter-measures: Guided by the learning distilled from the above attacks, we develop counter-measures to prevent against them. Our interpretation of the above attacks is that Evasive LWE, as defined, is too general -- we suggest restrictions to identify safe zones for the assumption, using which, the broken applications can be recovered.

Variants to give full FE and iO: Finally, we show that certain modifications of Evasive LWE, which respect the counter-measures developed above, yield full compact FE in the standard model. We caution that the main goal of presenting these candidates is as goals for cryptanalysis to further our understanding of this regime of assumptions.
Nico Dottling, Abhishek Jain, Giulio Malavolta, Surya Mathialagan, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
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We present a simple counterexample to all known variants of the private-coin evasive learning with errors (LWE) assumption. Unlike prior works, our counterexample is direct, it does not use heavy cryptographic machinery (such as obfuscation or witness encryption), and it applies to all variants of the assumption. Our counterexample can be seen as a "zeroizing" attack against evasive LWE, calling into question the soundness of the underlying design philosophy.
Sanjam Garg, Aarushi Goel, Dimitris Kolonelos, Sina Shiehian, Rohit Sinha
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We initiate the study of {\em split prover zkSNARKs}, which allow Alice to offload part of the zkSNARK computation to her assistant, Bob. In scenarios like online transactions (e.g., zCash), a significant portion of the witness (e.g., membership proofs of input coins) is often available to the prover (Alice) before the transaction begins. This setup offers an opportunity to Alice to initiate the proof computation early, even before the entire witness is available. The remaining computation can then be delegated to Bob, who can complete it once the final witness (e.g., the transaction amount) is known.

To prevent Bob from generating proofs independently (e.g., initiating unauthorized transactions), it is essential that the data provided to him for the second phase of computation does not reveal the witness used in the first phase. Additionally, the verifier of the zkSNARK should be unable to determine whether the proof was generated solely by Alice or through this two-step process. To achieve this efficiently, we require this two-phase proof generation to only use cryptography in a black-box manner.

We propose a split prover zkSNARK based on the Groth16 zkSNARKs [Groth, EUROCRYPT 2016], meeting all these requirements. Our solution is also \emph{asymptotically tight}, meaning it achieves the optimal second phase proof generation time for Groth16. Importantly, our split prover zkSNARK preserves the verification algorithm of the original Groth16 zkSNARK, enabling seamless integration into existing deployments of Groth16.
Wouter Castryck, Thomas Decru, Péter Kutas, Abel Laval, Christophe Petit, Yan Bo Ti
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Following Ibukiyama, Katsura and Oort, all principally polarized superspecial abelian surfaces over $\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p$ can be represented by a certain type of $2 \times 2$ matrix $g$, having entries in the quaternion algebra $B_{p,\infty}$. We present a heuristic polynomial-time algorithm which, upon input of two such matrices $g_1, g_2$, finds a "connecting matrix" representing a polarized isogeny of smooth degree between the corresponding surfaces. Our algorithm should be thought of as a two-dimensional analog of the KLPT algorithm from 2014 due to Kohel, Lauter, Petit and Tignol for finding a connecting ideal of smooth norm between two given maximal orders in $B_{p,\infty}$. The KLPT algorithm has proven to be a versatile tool in isogeny-based cryptography, and our analog has similar applications; we discuss two of them in detail. First, we show that it yields a polynomial-time solution to a two-dimensional analog of the so-called constructive Deuring correspondence: given a matrix $g$ representing a superspecial principally polarized abelian surface, realize the latter as the Jacobian of a genus-$2$ curve (or, exceptionally, as the product of two elliptic curves if it concerns a product polarization). Second, we show that, modulo a plausible assumption, Charles-Goren-Lauter style hash functions from superspecial principally polarized abelian surfaces require a trusted set-up. Concretely, if the matrix $g$ associated with the starting surface is known then collisions can be produced in polynomial time. We deem it plausible that all currently known methods for generating a starting surface indeed reveal the corresponding matrix. As an auxiliary tool, we present an explicit table for converting $(2,2)$-isogenies into the corresponding connecting matrix, a step for which a previous method by Chu required super-polynomial (but sub-exponential) time.
Aydin Abadi, Mohammad Naseri
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Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic primitive introduced nearly four decades ago. OT allows a receiver to select and learn $t$ out of $n$ private messages held by a sender. It ensures that the sender does not learn which specific messages the receiver has chosen, while the receiver gains no information about the remaining $n − t$ messages. In this work, we introduce the notion of functional OT (FOT), for the first time. FOT adds a layer of security to the conventional OT by ensuring that the receiver only learns a function of the selected messages rather than the $t$ individual messages themselves. We propose several protocols that realize this concept. In particular, we propose concrete instantiations of FOT when the function to be executed on the selected message is mean, mode, addition, or multiplication. The schemes are efficient and unconditionally secure. We also propose a non-trivial protocol that supports arbitrary functions on the selected messages mainly using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and oblivious linear function evaluation, where the number of FHE invocations is constant $O(1)$ with respect to $n$. Our asymptotic and concrete cost analyses demonstrate the efficiency of our unconditionally secure FOT protocols. FOT can enhance the security of privacy-preserving machine learning, particularly in (i) K-Nearest Neighbors schemes and (ii) client selection in Federated Learning (FL).
Shalini Banerjee, Tapas Pal, Andy Rupp, Daniel Slamanig
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Anamorphic encryption (AE) considers secure communication in the presence of a powerful surveillant (typically called a ''dictator'') who only allows certain cryptographic primitives and knows all the secret keys in a system. The basic idea is that there is a second (anamorphic) mode of encryption that allows to transmit an anamorphic message using a double key to a receiver that can decrypt this message using a double key. From the point of view of the dictator the encryption keys as well as the ciphertexts in the regular and anamorphic mode are indistinguishable. The most recent works in this field consider public key anamorphic encryption (PKAE), i.e., the sender of an anamorphic message requires an encryption double key (or no key at all) and the receiver requires a decryption double key. Known constructions, however, either work only for schemes that are mostly of theoretical interest or come with conceptual limitations.

In this paper we ask whether we can design such PKAE schemes without such limitations and being closer to PKE schemes used in practice. In fact, such schemes are more likely to be allowed by a cognizant dictator. Moreover, we initiate the study of identity-based anamorphic encryption (IBAE), as the IBE setting seems to be a natural choice for a dictator. For both PKAE and IBAE, we show how well-known IND-CPA and IND-CCA secure primitives can be extended by an anamorphic encryption channel. In contrast to previous work, we additionally consider CCA (rather than just CPA) security notions for the anamorphic channel and also build upon CPA (rather than just CCA) secure PKE.

Finally, we ask whether it is possible to port the recent concept of anamorphic signatures, which considers constructing symmetric anamorphic channels in case only signature schemes are allowed by the dictator, to the asymmetric setting, which we denote by public-key anamorphic signatures (PKAS). Also here we consider security beyond IND-CPA for the anamorphic channel.
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