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04 March 2025

Hiroki Okada, Tsuyoshi Takagi
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Threshold fully homomorphic encryption (ThFHE) is an extension of FHE that can be applied to multiparty computation (MPC) with low round complexity. Recently, Passelègue and Stehlé (Asiacrypt 2024) presented a simulation-secure ThFHE scheme with polynomially small decryption shares from “yet another” learning with errors assumption (LWE), in which the norm of the secret key is leaked to the adversary. While “yet another” LWE is reduced from standard LWE, its module variant, “yet another” module-LWE (MLWE), lacks a known reduction from standard MLWE. Because of this, it is left as an open question to extend their scheme to the MLWE-based construction.

In this paper, we address this open problem: we propose a simulation-secure ThFHE scheme with polynomially small decryption shares whose security is (directly) reduced from standard LWE/MLWE. Our core technique, which we call “noise padding”, eliminates the need of “yet another” assumptions: we distribute shares of a small error and use them to adjust the distribution of decryption noise so that no information about the secret key is leaked. As side benefits of our construction, our ThFHE efficiently realizes arbitrary T-out-of-N threshold decryption via simple Shamir secret sharing instead of {0, 1}-linear secret sharing. Furthermore, the sizes of keys, ciphertexts and decryption shares in our scheme are constant w.r.t. the number of parties N ; we achieve compactness w.r.t. N.
Felix Günther, Michael Rosenberg, Douglas Stebila, Shannon Veitch
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Hiding the metadata in Internet protocols serves to protect user privacy, dissuade traffic analysis, and prevent network ossification. Fully encrypted protocols require even the initial key exchange to be obfuscated: a passive observer should be unable to distinguish a protocol execution from an exchange of random bitstrings. Deployed obfuscated key exchanges such as Tor's pluggable transport protocol obfs4 are Diffie–Hellman-based, and rely on the Elligator encoding for obfuscation. Recently, Günther, Stebila, and Veitch (CCS '24) proposed a post-quantum variant pq-obfs, using a novel building block called obfuscated key encapsulation mechanisms (OKEMs): KEMs whose public keys and ciphertexts look like random bitstrings.

For transitioning real-world protocols, pure post-quantum security is not enough. Many are taking a hybrid approach, combining traditional and post-quantum schemes to hedge against security failures in either component. While hybrid KEMs are already widely deployed (e.g., in TLS 1.3), existing hybridization techniques fail to provide hybrid obfuscation guarantees for OKEMs. Further, even if a hybrid OKEM existed, the pq-obfs protocol would still not achieve hybrid obfuscation.

In this work, we address these challenges by presenting the first OKEM combiner that achieves hybrid IND-CCA security with hybrid ciphertext obfuscation guarantees, and using this to build Drivel, a modification of pq-obfs that is compatible with hybrid OKEMs. Our OKEM combiner allows for a variety of practical instantiations, e.g., combining obfuscated versions of DHKEM and ML-KEM. We additionally provide techniques to achieve unconditional public key obfuscation for LWE-based OKEMs, and explore broader applications of hybrid OKEMs, including a construction of the first hybrid password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocol secure against adaptive corruptions in the UC model.
Rishab Goyal, Saikumar Yadugiri
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Delegatable Attribute-Based Encryption (DABE) is a well-known generalization of ABE, proposed to mirror organizational hierarchies. In this work, we design a fully-secure DABE scheme from witness encryption and other simple assumptions. Our construction does not rely on Random Oracles, and we provide a black-box reduction to polynomial hardness of underlying assumptions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first DABE construction (beyond hierarchical identity-based encryption) that achieves full security without relying on complexity leveraging. Our DABE supports an unbounded number of key delegations, and the secret key size grows just linearly with each key delegation operation.
Liang Zhang, Tao Liu, Zhanrong Ou, Haibin Kan, Jiheng Zhang
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Distributed randomness beacon protocols, which generate publicly verifiable randomness at regular intervals, are crucial for a wide range of applications. The publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) scheme is a promising cryptographic primitive for implementing beacon protocols, such as Hydrand (S\&P '20) and SPURT (S\&P '22). However, two key challenges for practical deployment remain unresolved: asynchrony and reconfiguration. In this paper, we introduce the $AsyRand$ beacon protocol to address these challenges. In brief, $AsyRand$ leverages Bracha Reliable Broadcast (BRB) or BRB-like protocols for message dissemination and incorporates a producer-consumer model to decouple the production and consumption of PVSS commitments. In the producer-consumer model, PVSS commitments are produced and consumed using a queue data structure. Specifically, the producer process is responsible for generating new PVSS commitments and reaching consensus on them within the queue, while the consumer process continuously consumes the commitments to recover PVSS secrets and generate new beacon values. This separation allows the producer and consumer processes to operate simultaneously and asynchronously, without the need for a global clock. Moreover, the producer-consumer model enables each party to detect potential faults in other parties by monitoring the queue length. If necessary, parties in $AsyRand$ can initiate a removal process for faulty parties. BRB is also employed to facilitate the addition of new parties without requiring a system restart. In summary, $AsyRand$ supports reconfiguration, enhancing both the protocol's usability and reliability. Additionally, we propose a novel PVSS scheme based on the $\Sigma$ protocol, which is of independent interest. Regarding complexity, $AsyRand$ achieves state-of-the-art performance with $O(n^2)$ communication complexity, $O(n)$ computation complexity, and $O(n)$ verification complexity.
Ramses Fernandez
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This article presents an extension of the work performed by Liu, Baek and Susilo on withdrawable signatures to the Fiat-Shamir with aborts paradigm. We introduce an abstract construction, and provide security proofs for this proposal. As an instantiation, we provide a concrete construction for a withdrawable signature scheme based on Dilithium.
Johannes Reinhart, Erik-Oliver Blass, Bjoern Annighoefer
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We present a new generalization of (zk-)SNARKs combining two additional features at the same time. Besides the verification of correct computation, our new SNARKs also allow, first, the verification of input data authenticity. Specifically, a verifier can confirm that the input to the computation originated from a trusted source. Second, our SNARKs support verification of stateful computations across multiple rounds, ensuring that the output of the current round correctly depends on the internal state of the previous round. Our SNARKs are specifically suited to applications in cyber-physical control systems, where computations are periodically carried out and need to be checked immediately. Our focus is on concrete practicality, so we abstain from arithmetizing hash functions or signatures in our SNARKs. Rather, we modify the internals of an existing SNARK to extend its functionality. Additionally, we present new optimizations to reduce proof size, prover time, and verification time in our setting. With our construction, prover runtime improves significantly over the baseline by a factor of 89. Verification time is 70 % less for computations on authenticated data and 33 % less for stateful computations. To demonstrate relevance and practicality, we implement and benchmark our new SNARKs in a sample real-world scenario with a (simple) quadcopter flight control system.
Kai Hu, Chi Zhang, Chengcheng Chang, Jiashu Zhang, Meiqin Wang, Thomas Peyrin
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In the past three decades, we have witnessed the creation of various cryptanalytic attacks. However, relatively little research has been done on their potential underlying connections. The geometric approach, developed by Beyne in 2021, shows that a cipher can be viewed as a linear operation when we treat its input and output as points in an induced \textit{free vector space}. By performing a change of basis for the input and output spaces, one can obtain various transition matrices. Linear, differential, and (ultrametic) integral attacks have been well reinterpreted by Beyne's theory in a unified way.

Thus far, the geometric approach always uses the same basis for the input and output spaces. We observe here that this restriction is unnecessary and allowing different bases makes the geometric approach more flexible and able to interpret/predict more attack types. Given some set of bases for the input and output spaces, a family of basis-based attacks is defined by combining them, and all attacks in this family can be studied in a unified automatic search method.

We revisit three kinds of bases from previous geometric approach papers and extend them to four extra ones by introducing new rules when generating new bases. With the final seven bases, we can obtain $7^{2d}$ different basis-based attacks in the $d$-th order spaces, where the \textit{order} is defined as the number of messages used in one sample during the attack.

We then provide four examples of applications of this new framework. First, we show that by choosing a better pair of bases, Beyne and Verbauwhede's ultrametric integral cryptanalysis can be interpreted as a single element of a transition matrix rather than as a linear combination of elements. This unifies the ultrametric integral cryptanalysis with the previous linear and quasi-differential attacks. Second, we revisit the multiple-of-$n$ property with our refined geometric approach and exhibit new multiple-of-$n$ distinguishers that can reach more rounds of the \skinny-64 cipher than the state-of-the-art. Third, we study the multiple-of-$n$ property for the first-order case, which is similar to the subspace trail but it is the divisibility property that is considered. This leads to a new distinguisher for 11-round-reduced \skinny-64. Finally, we give a closed formula for differential-linear approximations without any assumptions, even confirming that the two differential-linear approximations of \simeck-32 and \simeck-48 found by Hadipour \textit{et al.} are deterministic independently of concrete key values. We emphasize that all these applications were not possible before.
Chengcheng Chang, Kai Hu, Muzhou Li, Meiqin Wang
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Differential cryptanalysis, along with its variants such as boomerang attacks, is widely used to evaluate the security of block ciphers. These cryptanalytic techniques often rely on assumptions like the \textit{hypothesis of stochastic equivalence} and \textit{Markov ciphers assumption}. Recently, more attention has been paid to verifying whether differential characteristics (DCs) meet these assumptions, finding both positive and negative results. A part of these efforts includes the automatic search methods for both the value and difference propagation (e.g., Liu et al. CRYPTO 2020, Nageler et al. ToSC 2025/1), structural constraints analysis (e.g., Tan and Peyrin, ToSC 2022/4), and the quasidifferential (Beyne and Rijmen, CRYPTO 2022). Nevertheless, less attention has been paid to the related-key DCs and boomerang distinguishers, where the same assumptions are used. To the best of our knowledge, only some related-tweakey DCs of \skinny were checked thanks to its linear word-based key-schedule, and no similar work is done for boomerang distinguishers.

The verification of related-key DCs and boomerang distinguishers is as important as that of DCs, as they often hold the longest attack records for block ciphers. This paper focuses on investigating the validity of DCs in the related-key setting and boomerang distinguishers in both single- and related-key scenarios. For this purpose, we generalize Beyne and Rijmen's quasidifferential techniques for the related-key DCs and boomerang attacks.

First, to verify related-key DCs, the related-key quasi-DC is proposed. Similar to the relationship between the quasi-DC and DC, the exact probability of a related-key DC is equal to the sum of all corresponding related-key quasi-DCs' correlations. Since the related-key quasi-DCs involve the key information, we can determine the probability of the target related-key DC in different key subspaces. We find both positive and negative results. For example, we verify the 18-round related-key DC used in the best attack on \gift-64 whose probability is $2^{-58}$, finding that this related-key DC has a higher probability for $2^{128} \times (2^{-5} + 2^{-8})$ keys which is around $2^{-50}$, but it is impossible for the remaining keys.

Second, we identify proper bases to describe the boomerang distinguishers with the geometric approach. A quasi-BCT is constructed to consider the value influence in the boomerang connectivity table (BCT). For the DC parts, the quasi-biDDT is used. Connecting the quasi-BCT and quasi-biDDT, we can verify the probability of a boomerang distinguisher with quasi-boomerang characteristics. This also allows us to analyze the probability of the boomerang in different key spaces. For a 17-round boomerang distinguisher of \skinny-64-128 whose probability is $2^{-50}$, we find that the probability can be $2^{-44}$ for half of keys, and impossible for the other half.
Pierrick Dartois, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Tako Boris Fouotsa, Arthur Herlédan Le Merdy, Riccardo Invernizzi, Damien Robert, Ryan Rueger, Frederik Vercauteren, Benjamin Wesolowski
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In this paper, we present the first practical algorithm to compute an effective group action of the class group of any imaginary quadratic order $\mathcal{O}$ on a set of supersingular elliptic curves primitively oriented by $\mathcal{O}$. Effective means that we can act with any element of the class group directly, and are not restricted to acting by products of ideals of small norm, as for instance in CSIDH. Such restricted effective group actions often hamper cryptographic constructions, e.g. in signature or MPC protocols.

Our algorithm is a refinement of the Clapoti approach by Page and Robert, and uses $4$-dimensional isogenies. As such, it runs in polynomial time, does not require the computation of the structure of the class group, nor expensive lattice reductions, and our refinements allows it to be instantiated with the orientation given by the Frobenius endomorphism. This makes the algorithm practical even at security levels as high as CSIDH-4096. Our implementation in SageMath takes 1.5s to compute a group action at the CSIDH-512 security level, 21s at CSIDH-2048 level and around 2 minutes at the CSIDH-4096 level. This marks the first instantiation of an effective cryptographic group action at such high security levels. For comparison, the recent KLaPoTi approach requires around 200s at the CSIDH-512 level in SageMath and 2.5s in Rust.
Kaijie Jiang, Anyu Wang, Hengyi Luo, Guoxiao Liu, Tang Gang, Yanbin Pan, Xiaoyun Wang
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Cryptographic group actions have attracted growing attention as a useful tool for constructing cryptographic schemes. Among their applications, commitment schemes are particularly interesting as fundamental primitives, playing a crucial role in protocols such as zero-knowledge proofs, multi-party computation, and more.

In this paper, we introduce a novel framework to construct commitment schemes based on cryptographic group actions. Specifically, we propose two key techniques for general group actions: re-randomization and randomness extraction. Roughly speaking, a re-randomization algorithm introduces randomness within an orbit for any input element, while a randomness extractor maps this randomness to uniformity over the message space. We demonstrate that these techniques can significantly facilitate the construction of commitment schemes, providing a flexible framework for constructing either perfectly hiding or perfectly binding commitments, depending on the type of extractor involved. Moreover, we extend our framework to support the construction of commitments with additional desirable properties beyond hiding and binding, such as dual-mode commitments and enhanced linkable commitments. These extensions are achieved by further adapting the extractor to satisfy trapdoor or homomorphic properties. Finally, we instantiate all our proposed commitment schemes using lattices, specifically leveraging the lattice isomorphism problem (LIP) and the lattice automorphism problem (LAP) as underlying cryptographic assumptions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first commitment scheme construction based on LIP/LAP. Additionally, we use LIP to provide a repair and improvement to the tensor isomorphism-based non-interactive commitment scheme proposed by D'Alconzo, Flamini, and Gangemi (ASIACRYPT 2023), which was recently shown to be insecure by an attack from Gilchrist, Marco, Petit, and Tang (CRYPTO 2024).
SAYANTAN GANGULY, Shion Samadder Chaudhury
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The concept of anamorphic encryption, first formally introduced by Persiano et al. in their influential 2022 paper titled ``Anamorphic Encryption: Private Communication Against a Dictator,'' enables embedding covert messages within ciphertexts. One of the key distinctions between a ciphertext embedding a covert message and an original ciphertext, compared to an anamorphic ciphertext, lies in the indistinguishability between the original ciphertext and the anamorphic ciphertext. This encryption procedure has been defined based on a public-key cryptosystem. Initially, we present a quantum analogue of the classical anamorphic encryption definition that is based on public-key encryption. Additionally, we introduce a definition of quantum anamorphic encryption that relies on symmetric key encryption. Furthermore, we provide a detailed generalized construction of quantum anamorphic symmetric key encryption within a general framework, which involves taking any two quantum density matrices of any different dimensions and constructing a single quantum density matrix, which is the quantum anamorphic ciphertext containing ciphertexts of both of them. Subsequently, we introduce a definition of computational anamorphic secret-sharing and extend the work of \c{C}akan et al. on computational quantum secret-sharing to computational quantum anamorphic secret-sharing, specifically addressing scenarios with multiple messages, multiple keys, and a single share function. This proposed secret-sharing scheme demonstrates impeccable security measures against quantum adversaries.
Tenma Edamura, Atsushi Takayasu
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Abdalla et al. (ASIACRYPT 2020) introduced a notion of identity-based inner-product functional encryption (IBIPFE) that combines identity-based encryption and inner-product functional encryption (IPFE). Thus far, several pairing-based and lattice-based IBIPFE schemes have been proposed. However, there are two open problems. First, there are no known IBIPFE schemes that satisfy the adaptive simulation-based security. Second, known IBIPFE schemes that satisfy the adaptive indistinguishability-based security or the selective simulation-based security do not have tight reductions. In this paper, we propose lattice-based and pairing-based IBIPFE schemes that satisfy the tight adaptive simulation-based security. At first, we propose a generic transformation from an indistinguishability-based secure $(L + 1)$-dimensional (IB)IPFE scheme to a simulation-based secure $L$-dimensional (IB)IPFE scheme. The proposed transformation improves Agrawal et al.'s transformation for plain IPFE (PKC 2020) that requires an indistinguishability-based secure $2L$-dimensional scheme. Then, we construct a lattice-based IBIPFE scheme that satisfies the tight adaptive indistinguishability-based security under the LWE assumption in the quantum random oracle model. We apply the proposed transformation and obtain the first lattice-based IBIPFE scheme that satisfies adaptive simulation-based security. Finally, we construct a pairing-based IBIPFE scheme that satisfies the tight adaptive simulation-based security under the DBDH assumption in the random oracle model. The pairing-based scheme does not use the proposed transformation towards the best efficiency.
Dung Hoang Duong, Xuan Thanh Khuc, Youming Qiao, Willy Susilo, Chuanqi Zhang
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We provide a generic construction of blind signatures from cryptographic group actions following the framework of the blind signature CSIOtter introduced by Katsumata et al. (CRYPTO'23) in the context of isogeny (commutative group action). We adapt and modify that framework to make it work even for non-commutative group actions. As a result, we obtain a blind signature from abstract group actions which are proven to be secure in the random oracle model. We also propose an instantiation based on a variant of linear code equivalence, interpreted as a symmetric group action.
Thomas Peyrin, Quan Quan Tan, Hongyi Zhang, Chunning Zhou
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Differential cryptanalysis is a powerful technique for attacking block ciphers, wherein the Markov cipher assumption and stochastic hypothesis are commonly employed to simplify the search and probability estimation of differential trails. However, these assumptions often neglect inherent algebraic constraints, potentially resulting in invalid trails and inaccurate probability estimates. Some studies identified violations of these assumptions and explored how they impose constraints on key material, but they have not yet fully captured all relevant ones. This study proposes Trail-Estimator, an automated verifier for differential trails on block ciphers, consisting of two parts: a constraint detector Cons-Collector and a solving tool Cons-Solver. We first establish the fundamental principles that will allow us to systematically identify all constraint subsets within a differential trail, upon which Cons-Collector is built. Then, Cons-Solver utilizes specialized preprocessing techniques to efficiently solve the detected constraint subsets, thereby determining the key space and providing a comprehensive probability distribution of differential trails. To validate its effectiveness, Trail-Estimator is applied to verify 14 differential trails for the SKINNY, LBLOCK, and TWINE block ciphers. Experimental results show that Trail-Estimator consistently identifies previously undetected constraints for SKINNY and discovers constraints for the first time for LBLOCK and TWINE. Notably, it is the first tool to discover long nonlinear constraints extending beyond five rounds in these ciphers. Furthermore, Trail-Estimator's accuracy is validated by experiments showing its predictions closely match the real probability distribution of short-round differential trails.
Intak Hwang, Yisol Hwang, Miran Kim, Dongwon Lee, Yongsoo Song
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Secure multi-party computation (MPC) enables collaborative, privacy-preserving computation over private inputs. Advances in homomorphic encryption (HE), particularly the CKKS scheme, have made secure computation practical, making it well-suited for real-world applications involving approximate computations. However, the inherent approximation errors in CKKS present significant challenges in developing MPC protocols.

This paper investigates the problem of secure approximate MPC from CKKS. We first analyze CKKS-based protocols in two-party setting. When only one party holds a private input and the other party acts as an evaluator, a simple protocol with the noise smudging technique on the encryptor's side achieves security in the standard manner. When both parties have private inputs, we demonstrate that the protocol incorporating independent errors from each party achieves a relaxed standard security notion, referred to as a liberal security. Nevertheless, such a protocol fails to satisfy the standard security definition. To address this limitation, we propose a novel protocol that employs a distributed sampling approach to generate smudging noise in a secure manner, which satisfies the standard security definition.

Finally, we extend the two-party protocols to the multi-party setting. Since the existing threshold CKKS-based MPC protocol only satisfies the liberal security, we present a novel multi-party protocol achieving the standard security by applying multi-party distributed sampling of a smudging error.

For all the proposed protocols, we formally define the functionalities and provide rigorous security analysis within the simulation-based security framework. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to explicitly define the functionality of CKKS-based approximate MPC and achieve formal security guarantees.
Barbara Jiabao Benedikt
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At Crypto 2021, May presented an algorithm solving the ternary Learning-With-Error problem, where the solution is a ternary vector $s\in\{0,\pm 1\}^{n}$ with a known number of $(+1)$ and $(-1)$ entries. This attack significantly improved the time complexity of $\mathcal{S}^{0.5}$ from previously known algorithms to $\mathcal{S}^{0.25}$, where $\mathcal{S}$ is the size of the key space. Therefore, May exploited that using more representations, i.e., allowing ternary interim results with additional $(+1)$ and $(-1)$ entries, reduces the overall time complexity.

Later, van Hoof et al. (PQCrypto 2021) combined May's algorithm with quantum walks to a new attack that performs in time $\mathcal{S}^{0.19}$. However, this quantum attack requires an exponential amount of qubits. This work investigates whether the ternary LWE problem can also be solved using only $\mathcal{O}(n)$ qubits. Therefore, we look closely into Dicke states, which are an equal superposition over all binary vectors with a fixed Hamming weight. Generalizing Dicke states to ternary vectors makes these states applicable to the ternary LWE problem.

Bärtschi and Eidenbenz (FCT 2019) proposed a quantum circuit to prepare binary Dicke states deterministically in linear time $\mathcal{O}(n)$. Their procedure benefits from the inductive structure of Dicke states, i.e., that a Dicke state of a particular dimension can be built from Dicke states of lower dimensions. Our work proves that this inductive structure is also present in generalized Dicke states with an underlying set other than $\{0,1\}^{n}$. Utilizing this structure, we introduce a new algorithm that deterministically prepares generalized Dicke states in linear time, for which we also provide an implementation in Qiskit.

Finally, we apply our generalized Dicke states to the ternary LWE problem, and construct an algorithm that requires $\mathcal{O}(n)$ qubits and classical memory space up to $\mathcal{S}^{0.22}$. We achieve $\mathcal{S}^{0.379}$ as best obtainable time complexity.
Sushmita Sarkar, Vikas Srivastava, Tapaswini Mohanty, Sumit Kumar Debnath, Sihem Mesnager
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Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a significant two party privacy preserving cryptographic primitive. OT involves a sender having several pieces of information and a receiver having a choice bit. The choice bit represents the piece of information that the receiver wants to obtain as an output of OT. At the end of the protocol, sender remains oblivious about the choice bit and receiver remains oblivious to the contents of the information that were not chosen. It has applications ranging from secure multi-party computation, privacy-preserving protocols to cryptographic protocols for secure communication. Most of the classical OT protocols are based on number theoretic assumptions which are not quantum secure and existing quantum OT protocols are not so efficient and practical. Herein, we present the design and analysis of a simple yet efficient quantum OT protocol, namely qOT. qOT is designed by using the asymmetric key distribution proposed by Gao et al. [18] as a building block. The designed qOT requires only single photons as a source of a quantum state, and the measurements of the states are computed using single particle projective measurement. These make qOT efficient and practical. Our proposed design is secure against quantum attacks. Moreover, qOT also provides long-term security.
Gewu Bu, Bilel Zaghdoudi, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Serge Fdida
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In this paper we propose a secure best effort methodology for providing localisation information to devices in a heterogenous network where devices do not have access to GPS-like technology or heavy cryptographic infrastructure. Each device will compute its localisation with the highest possible accuracy based solely on the data provided by its neighboring anchors. The security of the localisation is guarantied by registering the localisation information on a distributed ledger via smart contracts. We prove the security of our solution under the adaptive chosen message attacks model. We furthermore evaluate the effectiveness of our solution by measuring the average register location time, failed requests, and total execution time using as DLT case study Hyperledger Besu with QBFT consensus.
Shafik Nassar, Brent Waters, David J. Wu
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A tuple of NP statements $(x_1, \ldots, x_k)$ satisfies a monotone policy $P \colon \{0,1\}^k \to \{0,1\}$ if $P(b_1,\ldots,b_k)=1$, where $b_i = 1$ if and only if $x_i$ is in the NP language. A monotone-policy batch argument (monotone-policy BARG) for NP is a natural extension of regular batch arguments (BARGs) that allows a prover to prove that $x_1, \ldots, x_k$ satisfy a monotone policy $P$ with a proof of size $\mathsf{poly}(\lambda, |\mathcal{R}|, \log k)$, where $|\mathcal{R}|$ is the size of the Boolean circuit computing the NP relation $\mathcal{R}$.

Previously, Brakerski, Brodsky, Kalai, Lombardi, and Paneth (CRYPTO 2023) and Nassar, Waters, and Wu (TCC 2024) showed how to construct monotone-policy BARGs from (somewhere-extractable) BARGs for NP together with a leveled homomorphic encryption scheme (Brakerski et al.) or an additively homomorphic encryption scheme over a sufficiently-large group (Nassar et al.). In this work, we improve upon both works by showing that BARGs together with additively homomorphic encryption over any group suffices (e.g., over $\mathbb{Z}_2$). For instance, we can instantiate the additively homomorphic encryption with the classic Goldwasser-Micali encryption scheme based on the quadratic residuosity (QR) assumption. Then, by appealing to existing compilers, we also obtain a monotone-policy aggregate signature scheme from any somewhere-extractable BARG and the QR assumption.
Yao-Ching Hsieh, Aayush Jain, Huijia Lin
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Indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) stands out as a powerful cryptographic primitive but remains notoriously difficult to realize under simple-to-state, post-quantum assumptions. Recent works have proposed lattice-inspired iO constructions backed by new “LWE-with-hints” assumptions, which posit that certain distributions of LWE samples retain security despite auxiliary information. However, subsequent cryptanalysis has revealed structural vulnerabilities in these assumptions, leaving us without any post-quantum iO candidates supported by simple, unbroken assumptions.

Motivated by these proposals, we introduce the \emph{Circular Security with Random Opening} (CRO) assumption—a new LWE-with-hint assumption that addresses structural weaknesses from prior assumptions, and based on our systematic examination, does not appear vulnerable to known cryptanalytic techniques. In CRO, the hints are random ``openings'' of zero-encryptions under the Gentry--Sahai--Waters (GSW) homomorphic encryption scheme. Crucially, these zero-encryptions are efficiently derived from the original LWE samples via a special, carefully designed procedure, ensuring that the openings are marginally random. Moreover, the openings do not induce any natural leakage on the LWE noises. These two features--- marginally random hints and the absence of (natural) noise leakage---rule out important classes of attacks that had undermined all previous LWE-with-hint assumptions for iO. Therefore, our new lattice-based assumption for iO provides a qualitatively different target for cryptanalysis compared to existing assumptions.

To build iO under this less-structured CRO assumption, we develop several new technical ideas. In particular, we devise an oblivious LWE sampling procedure, which succinctly encodes random LWE secrets and smudging noises, and uses a tailored-made homomorphic evaluation procedure to generate secure LWE samples. Crucially, all non-LWE components in this sampler, including the secrets and noises of the generated samples, are independently and randomly distributed, avoiding attacks on non-LWE components.

In the second part of this work, we investigate recent constructions of obfuscation for pseudorandom functionalities. We show that the same cryptanalytic techniques used to break previous LWE-with-hints assumptions for iO (Hopkins-Jain-Lin CRYPTO 21) can be adapted to construct counterexamples against the private-coin evasive LWE assumptions underlying these pseudorandom obfuscation schemes. Unlike prior counterexamples for private-coin evasive LWE assumptions, our new counterexamples take the form of zeroizing attacks, contradicting the common belief that evasive-LWE assumptions circumvent zeroizing attacks by restricting to ``evasive'' or pseudorandom functionalities.
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