International Association for Cryptologic Research

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16 October 2020

Junichi Tomida
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Multi-input functional encryption (MIFE) is a generalization of functional encryption and allows decryptor to learn only function values $f(x_{1},\ldots,x_{n})$ from ciphertexts of $x_{1},\ldots,x_{n}$. We present the first MIFE schemes for quadratic functions (MQFE) from pairings. We first observe that public-key MQFE can be obtained from inner product functional encryption in a relatively simple manner whereas obtaining secret-key MQFE from standard assumptions is completely nontrivial. The main contribution of this paper is to construct the first secret-key MQFE scheme that achieves indistinguishability-based selective security against unbounded collusion under the standard bilateral matrix Diffie-Hellman assumption. All previous MIFE schemes either support only inner products (linear functions) or rely on non-standard cryptographic assumptions such as indistinguishability obfuscation or multi-linear maps. Thus, our schemes are the first MIFE for functionality beyond linear functions from polynomial hardness of standard assumptions.
Mitsuru Shiozaki, Yohei Hori, Takeshi Fujino
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) are gaining attention as a promising cryptographic technique; the main applications using PUFs include challenge-response authentication and key generation (key storage). When a PUF is applied to these applications, min-entropy estimation is essential. Min-entropy is a measure of the lower bound of the unpredictability of PUF responses. A prominent scheme for estimating min-entropy is the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) specification (SP) 800-90B. It includes several statistical tests and ten kinds of estimators aimed at estimating the min-entropy of random number generators (RNGs). Several studies have estimated the min-entropy of PUFs as well as those of RNGs by using SP 800-90B. In this paper, we point out two problems in this scheme to estimate the min-entropy of PUFs. One is that the estimation results vary widely by the ordering of the PUF responses. The other is that the entropy estimation suite of SP 800-90B can overestimate PUF min-entropy. Both problems are related to the cause of lower entropy due to variations in the manufacturing of circuits and transistors (except for the PUF sources, which are circuits and transistors used to extract intrinsic physical properties and to generate device unique responses), named ``multiple sources.'' We call these circuits and transistors ``entropy-loss sources'' in contrast to the PUF sources. We applied three orderings to the PUF responses of our static random-access memory (SRAM) PUF and our complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor with a PUF (CIS PUF): row-direction ordering, column-direction ordering, and random-shuffle ordering. We demonstrated that the estimated min-entropy varies with the ordering. In particular, we found that arranging the PUF responses in readout order results in the overestimation of the min-entropy. We used numerical simulation to create numerical PUFs with the entropy-loss source. We demonstrated that the entropy estimation suite overestimates their entropy.

15 October 2020

Election Election
The 2020 Election for Directors of the IACR Board is now open.

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14 October 2020

Craig Costello, Michael Meyer, Michael Naehrig
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We give a sieving algorithm for finding pairs of consecutive smooth numbers that utilizes solutions to the Prouhet-Tarry-Escott (PTE) problem. Any such solution induces two degree-$n$ polynomials, $a(x)$ and $b(x)$, that differ by a constant integer $C$ and completely split into linear factors in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$. It follows that for any $\ell \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $a(\ell) \equiv b(\ell) \equiv 0 \bmod{C}$, the two integers $a(\ell)/C$ and $b(\ell)/C$ differ by 1 and necessarily contain $n$ factors of roughly the same size. For a fixed smoothness bound $B$, restricting the search to pairs of integers that are parameterized in this way increases the probability that they are $B$-smooth. Our algorithm combines a simple sieve with parametrizations given by a collection of solutions to the PTE problem.

The motivation for finding large twin smooth integers lies in their application to compact isogeny-based post-quantum protocols. The recent key exchange scheme B-SIDH and the recent digital signature scheme SQISign both require large primes that lie between two smooth integers; finding such a prime can be seen as a special case of finding twin smooth integers under the additional stipulation that their sum is a prime $p$.

When searching for cryptographic parameters with $2^{240} \leq p <2^{256}$, an implementation of our sieve found primes $p$ where $p+1$ and $p-1$ are $2^{15}$-smooth; the smoothest prior parameters had a similar sized prime for which $p-1$ and $p+1$ were $2^{19}$-smooth.
Haiyang Xue, Ho Man Au, Rupeng Yang, Bei Liang, Haodong Jiang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a generic construction of two-message authenticated key exchange (AKE) in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). It can be seen as a QROM-secure version of X3LH-AKE [Xue et al. ASIACRYPT 2018], a generic AKE based on double-key PKE. We prove that, with some modification, the security of X3LH-AKE in QROM can be reduced to the one-way security of double-key PKE. In addition to answering several open problems on the QROM security of prior works, such as SIAKE [Xu et al. ASIACRYPT 2019], FSXY-AKE and 2Kyber-AKE, we propose a new construction, CSIAKE, based on commutative supersingular isogenies.

Our frame enjoys the following desirable features. First of all, it supports PKEs with non-perfect correctness. Secondly, the security reduction is relatively tight. In addition, the basic building block is weak and compact. Finally, the resulting AKE achieves the security in CK$^+$ model as strong as in X3LH-AKE, and the transformation overhead is low.
Matthew Weidner, Martin Kleppmann, Daniel Hugenroth, Alastair R. Beresford
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure group messaging protocols provide end-to-end encryption for group communication. Practical protocols face many challenges, including mobile devices frequently being offline, group members being added or removed, and the possibility of device compromises during long-lived chat sessions. Existing work targets a centralized network model in which all messages are routed through a single server, which is trusted to provide a consistent total order on updates to the the group state. In this paper we adapt secure group messaging for decentralized networks that have no central authority. Servers may still optionally be used, but their trust requirements are reduced.

We define decentralized continuous group key agreement (DCGKA), a new cryptographic primitive encompassing the core of a decentralized secure group messaging protocol; we give a practical construction of a DCGKA protocol and prove its security; and we describe how to construct a full messaging protocol from DCGKA. In the face of device compromise our protocol achieves forward secrecy and post-compromise security. We evaluate the performance of a prototype implementation, and demonstrate that our protocol has practical efficiency.
Emma Dauterman, Eric Feng, Ellen Luo, Raluca Ada Popa, Ion Stoica
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Efficient, leakage-free search on encrypted data has remained an unsolved problem for the last two decades; efficient schemes are vulnerable to leakage-abuse attacks, and schemes that eliminate leakage are impractical to deploy. To overcome this tradeoff, we reexamine the system model. We surveyed five companies providing end-to-end encrypted filesharing to better understand what they require from an encrypted search system. Based on our findings, we design and build DORY, an encrypted search system that addresses real-world requirements and layers on top of an existing end-to-end encrypted filesystem without adding any leakage. DORY splits trust between multiple servers in order to efficiently hide access patterns from a malicious attacker who controls all but one of the servers. We develop new cryptographic and systems techniques to meet the efficiency and trust model requirements outlined by the companies we surveyed. We implement DORY and show that it performs orders of magnitude better than a baseline built on ORAM. Parallelized across 8 servers, each with 16 CPUs, DORY takes 116ms to search roughly 50K documents and 862ms to search over 1M documents.
Tibor Jager, Eike Kiltz, Doreen Riepel, Sven Schäge
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce new tightly-secure authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocols that are extremely efficient, yet have only a constant security loss and can be instantiated in the random oracle model both from the standard DDH assumption and a subgroup assumption over RSA groups. These protocols can be deployed with optimal parameters, independent of the number of users or sessions, without the need to compensate a security loss with increased parameters and thus decreased computational efficiency. We use the standard “Single-Bit-Guess” AKE security (with forward secrecy and state corruption) requiring all challenge keys to be simultaneously pseudo-random. In contrast, most previous papers on tightly secure AKE protocols (Bader et al., TCC 2015; Gjøsteen and Jager, CRYPTO 2018; Liu et al., ASIACRYPT 2020) concentrated on a non-standard “Multi-Bit-Guess” AKE security which is known not to compose tightly with symmetric primitives to build a secure communication channel. Our key technical contribution is a new generic approach to construct tightly-secure AKE protocols based on non-committing key encapsulation mechanisms. The resulting DDH-based protocols are considerably more efficient than all previous constructions.
Denisa O. C. Greconici, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Daan Sprenkels
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present implementations of the lattice-based digital signature scheme Dilithium for ARM Cortex-M3 and ARM Cortex-M4. Dilithium is one of the three signature finalists of the NIST post-quantum cryptography competition. As our Cortex-M4 target, we use the popular STM32F407-DISCOVERY development board. Compared to the previous speed records on the Cortex-M4 by Ravi, Gupta, Chattopadhyay, and Bhasin we speed up the key operations NTT and $\text{NTT}^{&#8722;1}$ by 20% which together with other optimizations results in speedups of 7%, 15%, and 9% for Dilithium3 key generation, signing, and verification respectively. We also present the first constant-time Dilithium implementation on the Cortex-M3 and use the Arduino Due for benchmarks. For Dilithium3, we achieve on average 2 562 kilocycles for key generation, 10 667 kilocycles for signing, and 2 321 kilocycles for verification. Additionally, we present stack consumption optimizations applying to both our CortexM3 and Cortex-M4 implementation. Due to the iterative nature of the Dilithium signing algorithm, there is no optimal way to achieve the best speed and lowest stack consumption at the same time. We present three different strategies for the signing procedure which allow trading more stack and flash memory for faster speed or vice-versa. Our implementation of Dilithium3 with the smallest memory footprint uses less than 12kB. As an additional output of this work, we present the first Cortex-M3 implementations of the key-encapsulation schemes NewHope and Kyber.
J. Toulemont, N. Ouldei-Tebina, J. M. Galliere, P. Nouet, E. Bourbao, P. Maurine
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Several electromagnetic fault injection (EMFI) platforms have been developed these last years. They rely on different technical solutions and figures of merit used in the related datasheets or publications are also different. This renders difficult the comparison of the various EMFI platforms and the choice of the one adapted to its own usage. This paper suggests a characterization protocol which application is fast and requires equipment usually available in labs involved in security characterization. It also introduces an effective solution to enhance (by a factor 5) the timing resolution of EMFI platforms built around a commercial voltage pulse generator designed to drive 50 Ohm termination.
Prasanna Ravi, James Howe, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Shivam Bhasin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Public key cryptography is an indispensable component used in almost all of our present day digital infrastructure. However, most if not all of it is predominantly built upon hardness guarantees of number theoretic problems that can be broken by large scale quantum computers in the future. Sensing the imminent threat from continued advances in quantum computing, NIST has recently initiated a global level standardization process for quantum resistant public-key cryptographic primitives such as public key encryption, digital signatures and key encapsulation mechanisms. While the process received proposals from various categories of post-quantum cryptography, lattice-based cryptography features most prominently among all the submissions. Lattice-based cryptography offers a very attractive alternative to traditional public-key cryptography mainly due to the variety of lattice-based schemes offering varying flavors of security and efficiency guarantees. In this paper, we survey the evolution of lattice-based key sharing schemes (public key encryption and key encapsulation schemes) and cover various aspects ranging from theoretical security guarantees, general algorithmic frameworks, practical implementation aspects and physical attack security, with special focus on lattice-based key sharing schemes competing in the NIST's standardization process. Please note that our work is focussed on the results available from the second round of the NIST's standardization process while the standardization process has progressed to the third and final round at the time of publishing this document.
Srinath Setty, Jonathan Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce Xiphos and Kopis, new transparent zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zkSNARKs) for R1CS. They do not require a trusted setup, and their security relies on the standard SXDH problem. They achieve non-interactivity in the random oracle model using the Fiat-Shamir transform. Unlike prior transparent zkSNARKs, which support either a fast prover, short proofs, or quick verification, our work is the first to simultaneously achieve all three properties (both asymptotically and concretely) and in addition an inexpensive setup phase, thereby providing the first quadruple-efficient transparent zkSNARKs (Quarks).

Under both schemes, for an R1CS instance of size n and security parameter $\lambda$, the prover incurs $O_{\lambda}(n)$ costs to produce a proof of size $O_{\lambda}(\log{n})$. In Xiphos, verification time is $O_{\lambda}(\log{n})$, and in Kopis it is $O_{\lambda}(\sqrt{n})$. In terms of concrete efficiency, compared to prior state-of-the-art transparent zkSNARKs, Xiphos offers the fastest verification; its proof sizes are competitive with those of SuperSonic [EUROCRYPT 2020], a prior transparent SNARK with the shortest proofs in the literature. Xiphos’s prover is fast: its prover is $\approx$$5\times$ of Spartan [CRYPTO 2020], a prior transparent zkSNARK with the fastest prover in the literature, and is $250$$\times$ faster than SuperSonic. Kopis, at the cost of increased verification time (which is still concretely faster than SuperSonic), shortens Xiphos’s proof sizes further, thereby producing proofs shorter than SuperSonic. Xiphos and Kopis incur $10$--$10,000\times$ lower preprocessing costs for the verifier in the setup phase depending on the baseline. Finally, a byproduct of Kopis is Lakonia, a NIZK for R1CS with $O_{\lambda}(\log{n})$-sized proofs, which provides an alternative to Bulletproofs [S&P 2018] with over an order of magnitude faster proving and verification times.
Jonathan Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents Dory, a transparent setup, public-coin interactive argument for proving correctness of an inner-pairing product between committed vectors of elements of the two source groups. For an inner product of length $n$, proofs are $6 \log n$ target group elements, $1$ element of each source group and $3$ scalars. Verifier work is dominated by an $O(\log n)$ multi-exponentiation in the target group. Security is reduced to the symmetric external Diffie Hellman assumption in the standard model. We also show an argument reducing a batch of two such instances to one, requiring $O(n^{1/2})$ work on the Prover and $O(1)$ communication.

We apply Dory to build a multivariate polynomial commitment scheme via the Fiat-Shamir transform. For $n$ the product of one plus the degree in each variable, Prover work to compute a commitment is dominated by a multi-exponentiation in one source group of size $n$. Prover work to show that a commitment to an evaluation is correct is $O(n^{\log 8 / \log 25})$ in general and $O(n^{1/2})$ for univariate or multilinear polynomials, whilst communication complexity and Verifier work are both $O(\log n)$. Using batching, the Verifier can validate $\ell$ polynomial evaluations for polynomials of size at most $n$ with $O(\ell + \log n)$ group operations and $O(\ell \log n)$ field operations.
Nai-Hui Chia, Kai-Min Chung, Takashi Yamakawa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we extend the protocol of classical verification of quantum computations (CVQC) recently proposed by Mahadev to make the verification efficient. Our result is obtained in the following three steps:

- We show that parallel repetition of Mahadev's protocol has negligible soundness error. This gives the first constant round CVQC protocol with negligible soundness error. In this part, we only assume the quantum hardness of the learning with error (LWE) problem similar to Mahadev's work.

- We construct a two-round CVQC protocol in the quantum random oracle model (QROM) where a cryptographic hash function is idealized to be a random function. This is obtained by applying the Fiat-Shamir transform to the parallel repetition version of Mahadev's protocol.

-We construct a two-round CVQC protocol with an efficient verifier in the CRS+QRO model where both prover and verifier can access a (classical) common reference string generated by a trusted third party in addition to quantum access to QRO. Specifically, the verifier can verify a $\mathsf{QTIME}(T)$ computation in time $\mathsf{poly}(\lambda,\log T)$ where $\lambda$ is the security parameter. For proving soundness, we assume that a standard model instantiation of our two-round protocol with a concrete hash function (say, SHA-3) is sound and the existence of post-quantum indistinguishability obfuscation and post-quantum fully homomorphic encryption in addition to the quantum hardness of the LWE problem.
Maximilien Gadouleau, Luca Mariot, Stjepan Picek
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we present a primary construction of bent functions based on cellular automata (CA). We consider the well-known characterization of bent functions in terms of Hadamard matrices and employ some recent results about mutually orthogonal Latin squares (MOLS) based on linear bipermutive CA (LBCA) to design families of Hadamard matrices of the form required for bent functions. In particular, the main question to address in this construction can be reduced to finding a large enough set of coprime polynomials over $\mathbb{F}_q$, which are used to define a set of MOLS via LBCA. This set of MOLS is, in turn, used to define a Hadamard matrix of the specific structure characterizing a bent function. We settle the existence question of such bent functions by proving that the required coprime sets exist if and only if the degree of the involved polynomials is either $1$ or $2$, and we count the resulting sets. Next, we check if the functions of $8$ variables arising from our construction are EA-equivalent to Maiorana-McFarland functions, observing that most of them are not. Finally, we show how to represent the support of these bent functions as a union of the kernels of the underlying linear CA. This allows us, in turn, to prove that the functions generated by our construction belong to the partial spread class $\mathcal{PS}^-$. In particular, we remark that for degree $1$ our construction is a particular case of the Desarguesian spread construction.
Alexandros Bakas, Antonis Michalas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Functional Encryption (FE) allows users who hold a specific secret key (known as the functional key) to learn a specific function of encrypted data whilst learning nothing about the content of the underlying data. Considering this functionality and the fact that the field of FE is still in its infancy, we sought a route to apply this potent tool to solve the existing problem of designing decentralised additive reputation systems. To this end, we first built a symmetric FE scheme for the $\ell_1$ norm of a vector space, which allows us to compute the sum of the components of an encrypted vector (i.e. the votes). Then, we utilized our construction, along with functionalities offered by Intel SGX, to design the first FE-based decentralized additive reputation system with Multi-Party Computation. While our reputation system faces certain limitations, this work is amongst the first attempts that seek to utilize FE in the solution of a real-life problem.
Takashi Yamakawa, Mark Zhandry
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we study relationship between security of cryptographic schemes in the random oracle model (ROM) and quantum random oracle model (QROM). First, we introduce a notion of a proof of quantum access to a random oracle (PoQRO), which is a protocol to prove the capability to quantumly access a random oracle to a classical verifier. We observe that a proof of quantumness recently proposed by Brakerski et al. (TQC '20) can be seen as a PoQRO. We also give a construction of a publicly verifiable PoQRO relative to a classical oracle. Based on them, we construct digital signature and public key encryption schemes that are secure in the ROM but insecure in the QROM. In particular, we obtain the first examples of natural cryptographic schemes that separate the ROM and QROM under a standard cryptographic assumption.

On the other hand, we give lifting theorems from security in the ROM to that in the QROM for certain types of cryptographic schemes and security notions. For example, our lifting theorems are applicable to Fiat-Shamir non-interactive arguments, Fiat-Shamir signatures, and Full-Domain-Hash signatures etc. We also discuss applications of our lifting theorems to quantum query complexity.
Dusan Bozilov, Maria Eichlseder, Miroslav Knezevic, Baptiste Lambin, Gregor Leander, Thorben Moos, Ventzislav Nikov, Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Yosuke Todo, Friedrich Wiemer
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we propose tweaks to the PRINCE block cipher that help us to increase its security without changing the number of rounds or round operations. We get substantially higher security for the same complexity. From an implementation perspective, PRINCEv2 comes at an extremely low overhead compared to PRINCE in all key categories, such as area, latency and energy. We expect, as it is already the case for PRINCE, that the new cipher PRINCEv2 will be deployed in various settings.
Anubhab Baksi, Vinay B. Y. Kumar, Banashri Karmakar, Shivam Bhasin, Dhiman Saha, Anupam Chattopadhyay
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Statistical Ineffective Fault Analysis, SIFA, is a recent addition to the family of fault based cryptanalysis techniques. SIFA based attack is shown to be formidable and is able to bypass virtually all the conventional fault attack countermeasures. Reported countermeasures to SIFA incur overheads of the order of at least thrice the unprotected cipher. We propose a novel countermeasure that reduces the overhead (compared to all existing countermeasures) as we rely on a simple duplication based technique. In essence, our countermeasure eliminates the observation that enables the attacker to perform SIFA. The core idea we use here is to choose the encoding for the state bits randomly. In this way, each bit of the state is free from statistical bias, which renders SIFA unusable. Our approach protects against stuck-at faults and also does not rely on any side channel countermeasure. We show the effectiveness of the countermeasure through an open source gate-level fault attack simulation tool. Our approach is probably the simplest and the most cost effective.
Anubhab Baksi, Shivam Bhasin, Jakub Breier, Dirmanto Jap, Dhiman Saha
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fault attacks are among the well-studied topics in the area of cryptography. These attacks constitute a powerful tool to recover the secret key used in the encryption process. Fault attacks work by forcing a device to work under non-ideal environmental conditions (such as high temperature) or external disturbances (such as glitch in the power supply) while performing a cryptographic operation. The recent trend shows that the amount of research in this direction; which ranges from attacking a particular primitive, proposing a fault countermeasure, to attacking countermeasures; has grown up substantially and going to stay as an active research interest for a foreseeable future. Hence, it becomes apparent to have a comprehensive yet compact study of the (major) works. This work, which covers a wide spectrum in the present day research on fault attacks that fall under the purview of the symmetric key cryptography, aims at fulfilling the absence of an up-to-date survey. We present mostly all aspects of the topic in a way which is not only understandable for a non-expert reader, but also helpful for an expert as a reference.
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