19 July 2021
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg
Several PhD positions (TV-L 13, full time) in the area of self-learning. Anomaly detection for critical infrastructure, secure cyber-physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for Encrypted Network Traffic Analysis (Traffic Analysis) at the Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU Cottbus) are to be filled as soon as possible.
English-speaking applicants with basic German language skills are also welcome.
Active research in the area of intrusion detection systems (IDS) for critical infrastructures, secure cyber-physical systems, and artificial intelligence / machine learning for traffic analysis.
Implementation and evaluation of new algorithms and methods.
Cooperation and knowledge transfer with industrial partners.
Publication of scientific results.
Assistance with teaching.
The employment takes place with the goal of doctoral graduation (obtaining a PhD degree).
Recognized above-average master's degree in computer science or a related discipline
Very good English skills
Programming skills
Interest in IT security/privacy/networking.
Applications containing the following documents:
A detailed Curriculum Vitae.
Transcript of records from your Master studies.
An electronic version of your Master thesis, if possible should be sent in a single PDF file as soon as possible, but not later than 30.07.2021 at itsec-jobs.informatik@lists.b-tu.de.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. A. Panchenko
More information: https://www.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/~andriy/phd-ad-btu_en.pdf
15 July 2021
Yokohama, Japan, 7 March - 11 March 2022
Submission deadline: 6 September 2021
Notification: 30 November 2021
University of Stuttgart, Institute of Information Security
fully-funded Postdoc position in formal verification.
The successful candidate is expected to work on tool-supported formal verification of security-critical systems and security protocols.
The position is available immediately with an internationally competitive salary (German public salary scale TV-L E13, or TV-L E14, depending on the candidate's qualification, ranging from about 4.600 Euro to 6.200 Euro monthly gross salary). The appointment period follows the German Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVg), ranging from one year to up to six years.
The Institute of Information Security offers a creative international environment for top-level international research in Germany's high-tech region.
The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. (or should be very close to completion thereof) in Computer Science, Mathematics, Information Security, or a related field. We value strong analytical skills and
- solid knowledge of logic, proofs and/or formal verification techniques (Theorem Proving, Type Checking, etc.),
- solid programming experience.
The deadline for applications is
August 1st, 2021.
Late applications will be considered until the position is filled. See the official job announcement for details on how to apply.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Ralf Küsters
Institute of Information Security
University of Stuttgart
More information: https://www.sec.uni-stuttgart.de/institute/job-openings/
Do you want to design, code and co-invent the next generation of Distributed Systems protocols?
At QPQ, we are building the Internet of Economics, a new approach to a compliant and regulated financial systems infrastructure.
Join a team of mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers and self-taught individuals.
What do we give you?
- A stimulating, Socratic intellectual environment.
- As Socratic implies, we want you to have a voice. We do not recruit brilliant people to put them in boxes, we recruit brilliant people so they can push the horizons even further.
- Hybrid office approach – we have been a distributed workforce from the start. This role is centred around our European axis, so we expect you to live within +/- 2 hours of CET. We get together a complete team every quarter, so you must be willing to travel and embrace being part of a diverse team drawn from many walks of life and cultures.
- Competitive salary, travel expense budget and many future opportunities to participate in the company’s growth.
- The mother of all intellectual challenges!
- Perform research and engineering on cryptographic protocols applied in a DeFi context.
- Working with a multi-faceted team of practitioners on a set of blockchain-based privacy protocols interacting in a DeFi environment and providing compliance with financial regulations.
- Focus on modern zero knowledge protocols that guarantee privacy and compliance.
- Master or Ph.D. in cryptography or a closely related field.
- Be able to prototype protocols/schemes/algorithms in at least one relevant programming language.
- General understanding of full-stack system architecture.
- Have a thorough approach and be committed to high quality output.
- Have prior research/code already published in the space.
- A proactive, self-driven approach and problem-solving mindset.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Emanuele Ragnoli at opportunities at qpq.io
Do you want to design, code and co-invent the next generation of Distributed Systems protocols?
At QPQ, we are building the Internet of Economics, a new approach to a compliant and regulated financial systems infrastructure. Join a team of mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers and self-taught individuals.
What do we give you?
- A stimulating, Socratic intellectual environment. As Socratic implies, we want you to have a voice. We do not recruit brilliant people to put them in boxes, we recruit brilliant people so they can push the horizons even further.
- Hybrid office approach – we have been a distributed workforce from the start. This role is centred around our European axis, so we expect you to live within +/- 2 hours of CET. We get together a complete team every quarter, so you must be willing to travel and embrace being part of a diverse team drawn from many walks of life and cultures.
- Competitive salary, travel expense budget and many future opportunities to participate in the company’s growth.
- The mother of all intellectual challenges!
- Perform research and engineering on cryptographic protocols in a DS context.
- Working with a multi-faceted team of practitioners on a set of DLT-based privacy protocols interacting in a DeFi environment and providing compliance with financial regulations.
- Focus on modern zero knowledge protocols that guarantee privacy and compliance.
- 3+ years of experience in software development.
- Be able to prototype protocols/schemes/algorithms in at least one relevant programming language.
- General understanding of full-stack system architecture.
- Have a thorough approach and be committed to high quality output Have prior research/code already published in the space.
- Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
- A proactive, self-driven approach and problem.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Emanuele Ragnoli at opportunities at qpq.io
13 July 2021
Yohei Watanabe, Takeshi Nakai, Kazuma Ohara, Takuya Nojima, Yexuan Liu, Mitsugu Iwamoto, Kazuo Ohta
In this paper, we focus on two unnoticed problems in the seminal paper by Curtmola et al. First, we show that SSE-2 does not appropriately implement Curtmola et al.'s construction idea for dummy addition. We refine SSE-2's (and its variants') dummy-adding procedure to keep the number of dummies sufficiently many but as small as possible. We then show how to extend it to the dynamic setting while keeping the dummy-adding procedure work well and implement our scheme to show its practical efficiency. Second, we point out that the SSE-1 can cause a search error when a searched keyword is not contained in any document file stored at a server and show how to fix it.
Anne Canteaut, Lukas Kölsch, Chao Li, Chunlei Li, Kangquan Li, Longjiang Qu, Friedrich Wiemer
This paper presents a theoretical characterization of the DLCT, which corresponds to an autocorrelation table (ACT) of a vectorial Boolean function. We further provide some new theoretical results on ACTs of vectorial Boolean functions.
Andrea Coladangelo, Jiahui Liu, Qipeng Liu, Mark Zhandry
* We show that, assuming indistinguishability obfuscation (iO), hidden coset states possess a certain direct product hardness property, which immediately implies a tokenized signature scheme in the plain model. Previously, a tokenized signature scheme was known only relative to an oracle, from a work of Ben-David and Sattath [QCrypt '17].
* Combining a tokenized signature scheme with extractable witness encryption, we give a construction of an unclonable decryption scheme in the plain model. The latter primitive was recently proposed by Georgiou and Zhandry [ePrint '20], who gave a construction relative to a classical oracle.
* We conjecture that coset states satisfy a certain natural (information-theoretic) monogamy-of-entanglement property. Assuming this conjecture is true, we remove the requirement for extractable witness encryption in our unclonable decryption construction, by relying instead on compute-and-compare obfuscation for the class of unpredictable distributions. As potential evidence in support of the monogamy conjecture, we prove a weaker version of this monogamy property, which we believe will still be of independent interest.
* Finally, we give a construction of a copy-protection scheme for pseudorandom functions (PRFs) in the plain model. Our scheme is secure either assuming iO, OWF and extractable witness encryption, or assuming iO, OWF, compute-and-compare obfuscation for the class of unpredictable distributions, and the conjectured monogamy property mentioned above. This is the first example of a copy-protection scheme with provable security in the plain model for a class of functions that is not evasive.
Chethan Kamath, Karen Klein, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Daniel Wichs
In this work, we show that the upper bound of Jafargholi and Wichs is basically optimal in a strong sense. As our main result, we show that there exists a family of Boolean circuits, one for each depth $\delta\in\mathbb{N}$, such that any black-box reduction proving the adaptive indistinguishability of the natural adaptation of Yaos scheme from any symmetric-key encryption has to lose a factor that is exponential in $\sqrt(\delta)$. Since indistinguishability is a weaker notion than simulation, our bound also applies to adaptive simulation.
To establish our results, we build on the recent approach of Kamath et al. (Eprint 2021), which uses pebbling lower bounds in conjunction with oracle separations to prove fine-grained lower bounds on loss in cryptographic security.
Léo Weissbart, Łukasz Chmielewski, Stjepan Picek, Lejla Batina
This paper considers several machine learning techniques to mount side-channel attacks on two implementations of scalar multiplication on the elliptic curve Curve25519. The first implementation follows the baseline implementation with complete formulae as used for EdDSA in WolfSSl, where we exploit power consumption as a side-channel. The second implementation features several countermeasures, and in this case, we analyze electromagnetic emanations to find side-channel leakage.
Most techniques considered in this work result in potent attacks, and especially the method of choice appears to be convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which can break the first implementation with only a single measurement in the attack phase. The same convolutional neural network demonstrated excellent performance for attacking AES cipher implementations.
Our results show that some common grounds can be established when using deep learning for profiling attacks on very different cryptographic algorithms and their corresponding implementations.
Geoffroy Couteau, Pierre Meyer
Our main application, and the motivation behind this work, is a generic two-party secure computation protocol for every layered (boolean or arithmetic) circuit of size $s$ with total communication $O(s/\log\log s)$ and polynomial computation, assuming the super-polynomial hardness of the standard learning parity with noise assumption (a circuit is layered if its nodes can be partitioned in layers, such that any wire connects adjacent layers). This expands the set of assumptions under which the `circuit-size barrier' can be broken, for a large class of circuits. The strength of the underlying assumption is tied to the sublinearity factor: we achieve communication $O(s/k(s))$ under the $s^{2^{k(s)}}$-hardness of LPN, for any $k(s) \leq (\log\log s) / 4$.
Previously, the set of assumptions known to imply a PCG for correlations of degree $\omega(1)$ or generic secure computation protocols with sublinear communication was restricted to LWE, DDH, and a circularly secure variant of DCR.
Rohit Chatterjee, Sanjam Garg, Mohammad Hajiabadi, Dakshita Khurana, Xiao Liang, Giulio Malavolta, Omkant Pandey, Sina Shiehian
In this work, we present the first compact ring signature scheme (i.e., where the size of the signature grows logarithmically with the size of the ring) from the (plain) learning with errors (LWE) problem. The construction is in the standard model and it does not rely on a common random string or on the random oracle heuristic. In contrast with the prior work of Backes et al. [EUROCRYPT'2019], our scheme does not rely on bilinear pairings, which allows us to show that the scheme is post-quantum secure assuming the quantum hardness of LWE.
At the heart of our scheme is a new construction of compact and statistically witness indistinguishable ZAP arguments for NP $\cap$ coNP, that we show to be sound based on the plain LWE assumption. Prior to our work, statistical ZAPs (for all of NP) were known to exist only assuming sub-exponential LWE. We believe that this scheme might find further applications in the future.
Maamar Ouladj, Sylvain Guilley, Philippe Guillot, Farid Mokrane
In this paper, we show that high-order template attacks can be expressed under the form of a convolution. This formulation allows for a considerable speed-up in their computation thanks to fast Fourier transforms. To further speed-up the attack, we also provide an interesting multi-threading implementation of this approach. This strategy naturally applies to template attacks where the leakage of each share is multivariate. We show that this strategy can be adapted to several masking schemes, inherently to the way the splitting is realized. This technique allows us to validate multiple very high-order attacks (order of some tens). In particular, it revealed a non-trivial flaw (hard to detect otherwise) in a multivariate extension of the DSM masking (and subsequently to fix it, and validate its rationale).
Ripon Patgiri
Jiacheng Liang, Wensi Jiang, Songze Li
Daniel R. L. Brown
12 July 2021
The registration is now open and all relevant information can be found here:https://crypto.iacr.org/2021/registration.php
Information about the program and affiliated events can be found here: https://crypto.iacr.org/2021/
Submission deadline: 2 August 2021
- Craig Gentry, for breakthrough research on fully homomorphic encryption and other fundamental contributions to cryptography.
- Yehuda Lindell, for fundamental contributions to theory and practice of secure multiparty computation, for sustained educational leadership, and for service to the IACR.
- Josef Pieprzyk, for significant contributions to design and analysis of cryptosystems, and for exceptional service to the IACR and the Asia-Pacific cryptographic community.
- Leonid Reyzin, for fundamental contributions to theory and practice of cryptography, and for service to the IACR.
- Ingrid Verbauwhede, for pioneering and sustained contributions to cryptographic hardware and embedded systems, and for service to the IACR.