International Association for Cryptologic Research

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29 March 2023

Xiamen University Malaysia, Sepang, Malaysia
Job Posting Job Posting

Xiamen University Malaysia is now seeking highly motivated, committed and qualified individuals for academic teaching positions in computer science and cyber security. Applicants must possess a PhD degree in a related discipline. The ideal candidate is expected to be able to support general computing subjects, as well as cyber security specialization subjects.

Applicants with specific teaching and/or research interests in FOUR OR MORE of the following areas are encouraged to apply:

  • Calculus
  • Linear Algebra
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Design & Analysis of Algorithms
  • Computer Composition
  • Operating Systems
  • Object-Oriented Programming-C++
  • Object-Oriented Programming-Java
  • ARM Assembly Language
  • Computer Networks and Communication
  • Compiler Principles
  • Cyber Security
  • Modern Cryptography
  • Digital Forensics and Investigation
  • Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis
  • Advanced Network Attack and Defence Technology
  • Malware Analysis
  • Cryptanalysis
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Biometrics
  • Blockchain Technology

Applicants are invited to submit a digital application packet to:

The subject line of your email must include: your name, relevant academic discipline, and the specific position for which you are applying for. All application packets must include the following attachments:

  1. Your current CV with publication (*Asterisk to indicate corresponding author, include Indexing & Quartile);
  2. Cover letter;
  3. List of courses from the above that you are able to support;
  4. Evidence of academic qualifications;
  5. 3-5 Full-Text publications (if applicable);
  6. Teaching evaluation (if applicable);
The positions will remain open until filled. Applications with missing information will be considered incomplete and will not be processed.

Closing date for applications:


University of Surrey
Job Posting Job Posting
The Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS) within the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Surrey is seeking to recruit a full-time Research Fellow in Data Resilience, Security and Privacy. The post is available with the opportunity for hybrid working – some time on campus and some from home. We welcome applicants who wish to pursue the role through flexible working patterns. The successful candidate will be expected to conduct research within the context of the Defence Data Research Centre, funded by DSTL, in which SCCS is a partner, alongside the Universities of Exeter and Liverpool, and the Digital Catapult. The Centre is focusing on problems related to the use of data for Artificial Intelligence applications, particularly around the challenges of bringing raw data to the state where it can be used. We consider these problems within a defence context, such as logistics support, object tracking and data wrangling. SCCS is focused on the area of data resilience, security and privacy, considering problems such as the trustworthiness of data and issues around anonymisation. The post holder will benefit from the research environment provided by the Surrey Centre for Cyber Security, an Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research recognised by the National Cyber Security Centre. The Centre’s broader research agenda is in the areas of trusted computing, data privacy, privacy preserving security, applied cryptography, and a range of cyber security topics. The post will also offer an excellent opportunity for a researcher to develop their own research agenda within the area of data resilience, security and privacy, and to work collaboratively in a team of colleagues working on related projects around privacy and security. It will also provide an excellent opportunity to influence research directions during the course of the appointment. The successful candidate will work under the direction of Professor Steve Schneider together with the support of other colleagues at Surrey and DDRC. Researchers with an interest in data security and in its role within AI applications are encouraged to apply.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Steve Schneider:

More information:

University of Surrey
Job Posting Job Posting
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, to work on the EPSRC-funded project “PKC-Sec: Security Analysis of Classical and Post-Quantum Public Key Cryptography Assumptions”. The successful post holder is expected to start as soon as possible after accepting the position and will be based in the Department of Computer Science and its highly regarded Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS), working with Dr. Robert Granger.

The aim of the project is to research and develop algorithms for solving computational problems that are foundational to the security of public key cryptography, both now and in the future. In particular, it will study: the discrete logarithm problem in finite fields of fixed characteristic, for which an efficient classical algorithm is potentially on the horizon; the security of the Legendre pseudo-random function, which is extremely well suited for multi-party computation and is used in the proof of custody construction within Ethereum, but is not so well-studied; and finally the security of supersingular isogeny-based post-quantum cryptography, which although a relatively young field offers many very promising applications. Due to their nature, any cryptographic assumptions based on mathematical constructions are potentially weaker than currently believed, and the project will deepen our understanding and assess the hardness of these natural and fundamental problems.

The postholder will be responsible for conducting research into the three aforementioned areas, working alongside Dr. Granger and in collaboration with the official project partners: the Ethereum Foundation; PQShield; and K.U. Leuven, namely, Prof. Frederik Vercauteren and members of this group within COSIC. The successful applicant is expected to have a PhD (gained or near completion), or equivalent professional experience in computer science or a related subject, in technical areas relevant to the envisioned research.

For informal inquiries about the position, please contact Dr. Robert Granger ( This is a fixed term contract for up to 2 years. The application deadline is 16th April 2023.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Robert Granger

More information:

Mingxun Zhou, Andrew Park, Elaine Shi, Wenting Zheng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We construct a sublinear-time single-server pre-processing Private Information Retrieval (PIR) scheme with optimal client storage and server computation (up to poly-logarithmic factors), only relying on the assumption of the existence of One Way Functions (OWF). Our scheme achieves amortized $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n})$ online server computation and client computation and $O(\sqrt{n})$ online communication per query, and requires $\widetilde{O}_\lambda(\sqrt{n})$ client storage. Unlike prior single-server PIR schemes that rely on heavy cryptographic machinery such as Homomorphic Encryption, our scheme only utilizes lightweight cryptography such as PRFs, which is easily instantiated in practice. To our knowledge, this is the first practical implementation of a single-server sublinear-time PIR scheme. Compared to existing linear time single-server solutions, our schemes are faster by $10-300\times$ and are comparable to the fastest two-server schemes. In particular, for a 100GB database of 1.6 billion entries, our experiments show that our scheme has less than 40ms online computation time on a single core.
Aniket Kate, Easwar Vivek Mangipudi, Pratyay Mukherjee, Hamza Saleem, Sri Aravinda Krishnan Thyagarajan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Verifiable secret sharing (VSS) allows a dealer to send shares of a secret value to parties such that each party receiving a share can verify (often interactively) if the received share was correctly generated. Non-interactive VSS (NI-VSS) allows the dealer to perform secret sharing such that every party (including an outsider) can verify their shares along with others’ without any interaction with the dealer as well as among themselves. Existing NI-VSS schemes employing either exponentiated ElGamal or lattice-based encryption schemes involve zero-knowledge range proofs, resulting in higher computational and communication complexities.

This preliminary report presents cgVSS, a NI-VSS protocol that uses class groups for encryption. In cgVSS, the dealer encrypts the secret shares in the exponent through a class group encryption such that the parties can directly decrypt their shares. The existence of a subgroup where a discrete logarithm is tractable in a class group allows the receiver to efficiently decrypt the share though it is available in the exponent. This yields a novel-yet-simple VSS protocol where the dealer publishes the encryptions of the shares and the zero-knowledge proof of the correctness of the dealing. The linear homomorphic nature of the employed encryption scheme allows for an efficient zero-knowledge proof of correct sharing. Given the rise in demand for VSS protocols in the blockchain space, especially for publicly verifiable distributed key generation (DKG), our NI-VSS construction can be particularly interesting. We implement our cgVSS protocol using the BICYCL library and compare its performance with the state-of-the-art NI-VSS by Groth. Our protocol reduces the message complexity and the bit length of the broadcast message by at least 5.6x for a 150 party system, with a 1.8x speed-up in the dealer’s computation time and with similar receiver computation times.
Sam Haskins, Trevor Stevado
ePrint Report ePrint Report
HID Global is a major vendor of physical access control systems. In 2012, it introduced Seos, its newest and most secure contactless RFID credential technology, successfully remediating known flaws in predecessors iCLASS and Prox. Seos has been widely deployed to secure sensitive assets and facilities. To date, no published research has demonstrated a security flaw in Seos. We present a relay attack developed with inexpensive COTS hardware, including the Proxmark 3 RDV4. Our attack is capable of operating over extremely long ranges as it uses the Internet as a communications backbone. We have tested multiple real-world attack scenarios and are able to unlock a door in our lab with a card approximately 1960 km away. Our attack is covert and does not require long-term access to the card. Further, our attack is generic and is potentially applicable to other protocols that, like Seos, use ISO/IEC 14443A to communicate. We discuss several mitigations capable of thwarting our attack that could be introduced in future credential systems or as an update to Seos-compatible readers' firmware; these rely on rejecting cards that take too long to reply.
Diana Ghinea, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang, Roger Wattenhofer
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Multidimensional Approximate Agreement considers a setting of $n$ parties, where each party holds a vector in $\mathbb{R}^D$ as input. The honest parties are required to obtain very close outputs in $\mathbb{R}^D$ that lie inside the convex hull of their inputs.

Existing Multidimensional Approximate Agreement protocols achieve resilience against $t_s < n / (D + 1)$ corruptions under a synchronous network where messages are delivered within some time $\Delta$, but become completely insecure as soon as a single message is further delayed. On the other hand, asynchronous solutions do not rely on any delay upper bound, but only achieve resilience up to $t_a < n / (D + 2)$ corruptions.

We investigate the feasibility of achieving Multidimensional Approximate Agreement protocols that achieve simultaneously guarantees in both network settings: We want to tolerate $t_s$ corruptions when the network is synchronous, and also tolerate $t_a \leq t_s$ corruptions when the network is asynchronous. We provide a protocol that works as long as $(D + 1) \cdot t_s + t_a < n$, and matches several existing lower bounds.

28 March 2023

PKC 2023 will take place in Atlanta, USA on May 7-10, 2023. The registration site is now open:

Register by April 7th to avoid late fees.
Tokyo, Japan, 15 August - 16 August 2023
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 15 August to 16 August 2023
Submission deadline: 24 April 2023
Notification: 1 June 2023

27 March 2023

Farshid Haidary Makoui, T. Aaron Gulliver
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The generalized inverses of systematic non-square binary matrices have applications in mathematics, channel coding and decoding, navigation signals, machine learning, data storage and cryptography such as the McEliece and Niederreiter public-key cryptosystems. A systematic non-square $(n-k) \times k$ matrix $H$, $n > k$, has $2^{k\times(n-k)}$ different generalized inverse matrices. This paper presents an algorithm for generating these matrices and compares it with two well-known methods, i.e. Gauss-Jordan elimination and Moore-Penrose methods. A random generalized inverse matrix construction method is given which has a lower execution time than the Gauss-Jordan elimination and Moore-Penrose approaches.
Léo Ducas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Lattice Isomorphism Problem (LIP) is the computational task of recovering, assuming it exists, a orthogonal linear transformation sending one lattice to another. For cryptographic purposes, the case of the trivial lattice $\mathbb Z^n$ is of particular interest ($\mathbb Z$LIP). Heuristic analysis suggests that the BKZ algorithm with blocksize $\beta = n/2 + o(n)$ solves such instances (Ducas, Postlethwaite, Pulles, van Woerden, ASIACRYPT 2022).

In this work, I propose a provable version of this statement, namely, that $\mathbb Z$LIP can indeed be solved by making polynomially many calls to a Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) oracle in dimension at most $n/2 + 1$.
Corentin Jeudy, Adeline Roux-Langlois, Olivier Sanders
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Preimage Sampling is a fundamental process in lattice-based cryptography whose performance directly affects the one of the cryptographic mechanisms that rely on it. In 2012, Micciancio and Peikert proposed a new way of generating trapdoors (and an associated preimage sampling procedure) with very interesting features. Unfortunately, in some applications such as digital signatures, the performance may not be as competitive as other approaches like Fiat-Shamir with Aborts. In this work we revisit the Micciancio-Peikert preimage sampling algorithm with different contributions. We first propose a finer analysis of this procedure which results in interesting efficiency gains of around 20% on the preimage sizes without affecting security. It can thus be used as a drop-in replacement in every construction resorting to it. We then reconsider the Lyubashevsky-Wichs sampler for Micciancio-Peikert trapdoors which leverages rejection sampling but suffered from strong parameter requirements that hampered performance. We propose an improved analysis which allows to obtain much more compact parameters. This leads to gains of up to 30% compared to the original Micciancio-Peikert sampling technique and opens promising perspectives for the efficiency of advanced lattice-based constructions relying on such mechanisms. As an application of the latter, we give the first lattice-based aggregate signature supporting public aggregation and that achieves relevant compression compared to the concatenation of individual signatures. Our scheme is proven secure in the aggregate chosen-key model coined by Boneh et al. in 2003, based on the well-studied assumptions Module Learning With Errors and Module Short Integer Solution.
Elizabeth Crites, Chelsea Komlo, Mary Maller
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We prove adaptive security of a simple three-round threshold Schnorr signature scheme, which we call Sparkle. The standard notion of security for threshold signatures considers a static adversary – one who must declare which parties are corrupt at the beginning of the protocol. The stronger adaptive adversary can at any time corrupt parties and learn their state. This notion is natural and practical, yet not proven to be met by most schemes in the literature.

In this paper, we demonstrate that Sparkle achieves several levels of security based on different corruption models and assumptions. To begin with, Sparkle is statically secure under minimal assumptions: the discrete logarithm assumption (DL) and the random oracle model (ROM). If an adaptive adversary corrupts fewer than t/2 out of a threshold of t + 1 signers, then Sparkle is adaptively secure under a weaker variant of the one-more discrete logarithm assumption (AOMDL) in the ROM. Finally, we prove that Sparkle achieves full adaptive security, with a corruption threshold of t, under AOMDL in the algebraic group model (AGM) with random oracles. Importantly, we show adaptive security without requiring secure erasures. Ours is the first proof achieving full adaptive security without exponential tightness loss for any threshold Schnorr signature scheme; moreover, the reduction is tight.
Shingo Sato, Junji Shikata
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Bounded-collusion identity-based encryption (BC-IBE) is a variant of identity-based encryption, where an adversary obtains user secrete keys corresponding to at most $d$ identities. From results of existing work, it is proven that BC-IBE can be constructed from public key encryption (PKE) with several properties. In particular, we focus on post-quantum PKE schemes submitted to the NIST PQC competition, as the underlying PKE of BC-IBE schemes. This is because post-quantum cryptography is one of active research areas, due to recent advancement of developing quantum computers. Hence, it is reasonable to consider converting such PKE schemes into encryption schemes with additional functionalities. By using existing generic constructions of BC-IBE, those post-quantum PKE schemes are transformed into BC-IBE with non-compact public parameter. In this paper, we propose generic constructions of BC-IBE whose public parameter-size is more compact, and it is possible to apply many post-quantum PKE schemes secure against chosen plaintext attacks, into our generic constructions. To this end, we construct BC-IBE schemes from a group testing perspective, while existing ones are constructed by employing error-correcting codes or cover-free families. As a result, we can obtain BC-IBE schemes with more compact public parameter, which are constructed from the NIST PQC PKE schemes.
Yuiko Matsubara, Daiki Miyahara, Yohei Watanabe, Mitsugu Iwamoto, Kazuo Sakiyama
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A thread of physical attacks that try to obtain secret information from cryptographic modules has been of academic and practical interest. One of the concerns is determining its efficiency, e.g., the number of attack trials to recover the secret key. However, the accurate estimation of the attack efficiency is generally expensive because of the complexity of the physical attack on a cryptographic algorithm. Based on this background, in this study, we propose a new abstraction model for evaluating the attack efficiency of the probing and DFA attacks. The proposed model includes an abstracted attack target and attacker to determine the amount of leaked information obtained in a single attack trial. We can adapt the model flexibly to various attack scenarios and can get the attack efficiency quickly and precisely. In the probing attack on AES, the difference in the attack efficiency is only approximately 0.3% between the model and experimental values, whereas that of a previous model is approximately 16%. We also apply the probing attack on DES, and the results show that DES has a high resistance to the probing attack. Moreover, the proposed model works accurately also for the DFA attack on AES.
Jingwei Chen, Yong Feng, Yang Liu, Wenyuan Wu, Guanci Yang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we propose a non-interactive privacy-preserving naive Bayes classifier from leveled fully homomorphic encryption schemes. The classifier runs on a server that is also the model’s owner (modeler), whose input is the encrypted data from a client. The classifier produces encrypted classification results, which can only be decrypted by the client, while the modelers model is only accessible to the server. Therefore, the classifier does not leak any privacy on either the servers model or the clients data and results. More importantly, the classifier does not require any interactions between the server and the client during the classification phase. The main technical ingredient is an algorithm that computes the maximum index of an encrypted array homomorphically without any interactions. The proposed classifier is implemented using HElib. Experiments show the accuracy and efficiency of our classifier. For instance, the average cost can achieve about 34ms per sample for a real data set in UCI Machine Learning Repository with the security parameter about 100 and accuracy about 97%.
Boris Ryabko
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider the problem of constructing an unconditionally secure cipher with a short key for the case where the probability distribution of encrypted messages is unknown. Note that unconditional security means that an adversary with no computational constraints can obtain only a negligible amount of information ("leakage") about an encrypted message (without knowing the key). Here we consider the case of a priori (partially) unknown message source statistics. More specifically, the message source probability distribution belongs to a given family of distributions. We propose an unconditionally secure cipher for this case. As an example, one can consider constructing a single cipher for texts written in any of the languages of the European Union. That is, the message to be encrypted could be written in any of these languages.
Hannah Davis, Matthew Green, Nadia Heninger, Keegan Ryan, Adam Suhl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we study both the implications and potential impact of backdoored parameters for two RSA-based pseudorandom number generators: the ISO-standardized Micali-Schnorr generator and a closely related design, the RSA PRG. We observe, contrary to common understanding, that the security of the Micali-Schnorr PRG is not tightly bound to the difficulty of inverting RSA. We show that the Micali-Schnorr construction remains secure even if one replaces RSA with a publicly evaluatable PRG, or a function modeled as an efficiently invertible random permutation. This implies that any cryptographic backdoor must somehow exploit the algebraic structure of RSA, rather than an attacker's ability to invert RSA or the presence of secret keys. We exhibit two such backdoors in related constructions: a family of exploitable parameters for the RSA PRG, and a second vulnerable construction for a finite-field variant of Micali-Schnorr. We also observe that the parameters allowed by the ISO standard are incompletely specified, and allow insecure choices of exponent. Several of our backdoor constructions make use of lattice techniques, in particular multivariate versions of Coppersmith's method for finding small solutions to polynomials modulo integers.
Karim Eldefrawy, Sashidhar Jakkamsetti, Ben Terner, Moti Yung
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The introduction of time-lock puzzles initiated the study of publicly “sending information into the future.” For time-lock puzzles, the underlying security-enabling mechanism is the computational complexity of the operations needed to solve the puzzle, which must be tunable to reveal the solution after a predetermined time, and not before that time. Time-lock puzzles are typically constructed via a commitment to a secret, paired with a reveal algorithm that sequentially iterates a basic function over such commitment. One then shows that short-cutting the iterative process violates cryptographic hardness of an underlying problem.

To date, and for more than twenty-five years, research on time-lock puzzles relied heavily on iteratively applying well-structured algebraic functions. However, despite the tradition of cryptography to reason about primitives in a realistic model with standard hardness assumptions (often after initial idealized assumptions), most analysis of time-lock puzzles to date still relies on cryptography modeled (in an ideal manner) as a random oracle function or a generic group function. Moreover, Mahmoody et al. showed that time-lock puzzles with superpolynomial gap cannot be constructed from random-oracles; yet still, current treatments generally use an algebraic trapdoor to efficiently construct a puzzle with a large time gap, and then apply the inconsistent (with respect to Mahmoody et al.) random-oracle idealizations to analyze the solving process. Finally, little attention has been paid to the nuances of composing multi-party computation with timed puzzles that are solved as part of the protocol.

In this work, we initiate a study of time-lock puzzles in a model built upon a realistic (and falsifiable) computational framework. We present a new formal definition of residual complexity to characterize a realistic, gradual time-release for time-lock puzzles. We also present a general definition of timed multi-party computation (MPC) and both sequential and concurrent composition theorems for MPC in our model.
René Rodríguez, Enes Pasalic, Fengrong Zhang, Yongzhuang Wei
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this article, we propose generalizations to the non-binary scenario of the methods employed in [44] for constructing minimal linear codes. Specifically, we provide three constructions of minimal codes over $\mathbb{F}_p$. The first construction uses the method of direct sum of an arbitrary function $f:\mathbb{F}_{p^r}\to \mathbb{F}_{p}$ and a bent function $g:\mathbb{F}_{p^s}\to \mathbb{F}_p$ to induce minimal codes with parameters $[p^{r+s}-1,r+s+1]$ and minimum distance larger than $p^r(p-1)(p^{s-1}-p^{s/2-1})$. For the first time, we provide a general construction of linear codes from a subclass of non-weakly regular plateaued functions. The second construction deals with a bent function $g:\mathbb{F}_{p^m}\to \mathbb{F}_p$ and a subspace of suitable derivatives $U$ of $g$, i.e., functions of the form $g(y+a)-g(y)$ for some $a\in \mathbb{F}_{p^m}^*.$ We also provide a generalization of the recently introduced concept of non-covering permutations [44] and prove important properties of this class of permutations. The most notable observation is that the class of non-covering permutations contains the class of APN power permutations (characterized by having two-to-one derivatives). Finally, the last construction combines the previous two methods (direct sum, non-covering permutations and subspaces of derivatives) to construct minimal codes with a larger dimension. This method proves to be quite flexible since it can lead to several non-equivalent codes, depending exclusively on the choice of the underlying non-covering permutation.
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