International Association for Cryptologic Research

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16 April 2024

Ivan Buchinskiy, Matvei Kotov, Alexander Treier
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we investigate the computational complexity of the problem of solving a one-sided system of equations of degree two of a special form over the max-plus algebra. Also, we consider the asymptotic density of solvable systems of this form. Such systems have appeared during the analysis of some tropical cryptography protocols that were recently suggested. We show how this problem is related to the integer linear programming problem and prove that this problem is NP-complete. We show that the asymptotic density of solvable systems of this form with some restrictions on the coefficients, the number of variables, and the number of equations is 0. As a corollary, we prove that this problem (with some restrictions on the coefficients, the number of variables, and the number of equations) is decidable generically in polynomial time.
Shiping Cai, Kaizhan Lin, Chang-An Zhao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In isogeny-based cryptography, bilinear pairings are regarded as a powerful tool in various applications, including key compression, public-key validation and torsion basis generation. However, in most isogeny-based protocols, the performance of pairing computations is unsatisfactory due to the high computational cost of the Miller function. Reducing the computational expense of the Miller function is crucial for enhancing the overall performance of pairing computations in isogeny-based cryptography.

This paper addresses this efficiency bottleneck. To achieve this, we propose several techniques for a better implementation of pairings in isogeny-based cryptosystems. We use (modified) Jacobian coordinates and present new algorithms for Miller function computations to compute pairings of order $2^\bullet$ and $3^\bullet$. For pairings of arbitrary order, which are crucial for key compression in some SIDH-based schemes (such as M-SIDH and binSIDH), we combine Miller doublings with Miller additions/subtractions, leading to a considerable speedup. Moreover, the optimizations for pairing applications in CSIDH-based protocols are also considered in this paper. In particular, our approach for supersingularity verification in CSIDH is 15.3% faster than Doliskani's test, which is the state-of-the-art.
Jannik Zeitschner, Amir Moradi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Software solutions to address computational challenges are ubiquitous in our daily lives. One specific application area where software is often used is in embedded systems, which, like other digital electronic devices, are vulnerable to side-channel analysis attacks. Although masking is the most common countermeasure and provides a solid theoretical foundation for ensuring security, recent research has revealed a crucial gap between theoretical and real-world security. This shortcoming stems from the micro-architectural effects of the underlying micro-processor. Common security models used to formally verify masking schemes such as the d-probing model fully ignore the micro-architectural leakages that lead to a set of instructions that unintentionally recombine the shares. Manual generation of masked assembly code that remains secure in the presence of such micro-architectural recombinations often involves trial and error, and is non-trivial even for experts. Motivated by this, we present PoMMES, which enables inexperienced software developers to automatically compile masked functions written in a high-level programming language into assembly code, while preserving the theoretically proven security in practice. Compared to the state of the art, based on a general model for microarchitectural effects, our scheme allows the generation of practically secure masked software at arbitrary security orders for in-order processors. The major contribution of PoMMES is its micro-architecture aware register allocation algorithm, which is one of the crucial steps during the compilation process. In addition to simulation-based assessments that we conducted by open-source tools dedicated to evaluating masked software implementations, we confirm the effectiveness of the PoMMES-generated codes through experimental analysis. We present the result of power consumption based leakage assessments of several case studies running on a Cortex M0+ micro-controller, which is commonly deployed in industry.
Arnab Bag, Sikhar Patranabis, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) has opened up an attractive avenue for privacy-preserved processing of outsourced data on the untrusted cloud infrastructure. SSE aims to support efficient Boolean query processing with optimal storage and search overhead over large real databases. However, current constructions in the literature lack the support for multi-client search and dynamic updates to the encrypted databases, which are essential requirements for the widespread deployment of SSE on real cloud infrastructures. Trivially extending a state-of-the-art single client dynamic construction, such as ODXT (Patranabis et al., NDSS’21), incurs significant leakage that renders such extension insecure in practice. Currently, no SSE construction in the literature offers efficient multi-client query processing and search with dynamic updates over large real databases while maintaining a benign leakage profile. This work presents the first dynamic multi-client SSE scheme Nomos supporting efficient multi-client conjunctive Boolean queries over an encrypted database. Precisely, Nomos is a multi-reader-single-writer construction that allows only the gate-keeper (or the data-owner) - a trusted entity in the Nomos framework, to update the encrypted database stored on the adversarial server. Nomos achieves forward and type-II backward privacy of dynamic SSE constructions while incurring lesser leakage than the trivial extension of ODXT to a multi- client setting. Furthermore, our construction is practically efficient and scalable - attaining linear encrypted storage and sublinear search overhead for conjunctive Boolean queries. We provide an experimental evaluation of software implementation over an extensive real dataset containing millions of records. The results show that Nomos performance is comparable to the state-of-the-art static conjunctive SSE schemes in practice.
Alex Ozdemir, Shankara Pailoor, Alp Bassa, Kostas Ferles, Clark Barrett, Işil Dillig
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Satisfiability modulo finite fields enables automated verification for cryptosystems. Unfortunately, previous solvers scale poorly for even some simple systems of field equations, in part because they build a full Gröbner basis (GB) for the system. We propose a new solver that uses multiple, simpler GBs instead of one full GB. Our solver, implemented within the cvc5 SMT solver, admits specialized propagation algorithms, e.g., for understanding bitsums. Experiments show that it solves important bitsum-heavy determinism benchmarks far faster than prior solvers, without introducing much overhead for other benchmarks.
Thomas Locher, Victor Shoup
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We give a new protocol for reliable broadcast with improved communication complexity for long messages. Namely, to reliably broadcast a message a message $m$ over an asynchronous network to a set of $n$ parties, of which fewer than $n/3$ may be corrupt, our protocol achieves a communication complexity of $1.5 |m| n + O( \kappa n^2 \log(n) )$, where $\kappa$ is the output length of a collision-resistant hash function. This result improves on the previously best known bound for long messages of $2 |m| n + O( \kappa n^2 \log(n) )$.
Yunqing Sun, Jonathan Katz, Mariana Raykova, Phillipp Schoppmann, Xiao Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Private set intersection (PSI) allows two parties to compute the intersection of their sets without revealing anything else. In some applications of PSI, a server holds a large set and needs to run PSI with many clients, each with its own small set. In this setting, however, all existing protocols fall short: they either incur too much cost to compute the intersections for many clients or cannot achieve the desired security requirements.

We design a protocol that particularly suits this setting with simulation-based security against malicious adversaries. In our protocol, the server publishes a one-time, linear-size encoding of its set. Then, multiple clients can each perform a cheap interaction with the server of complexity linear in the size of each client's set. A key ingredient of our protocol is an efficient instantiation of an oblivious verifiable unpredictable function, which could be of independent interest. To obtain the intersection, the client can download the encodings directly, which can be accelerated via content distribution networks or peer-to-peer networks since the same encoding is used by all clients; alternatively, clients can fetch only the relevant ones using verifiable private information retrieval.

Our implementation shows very high efficiency. For a server holding $10^8$ elements and each client holding $10^3$ elements, the size of the server's encoding is 800MB; interacting with each client uses 60MB of communication and runs in under 5s in a WAN network with 120Mbps bandwidth. Compared with the state-of-the-art PSI protocol, our scheme requires only 0.017 USD per client on an AWS server, which is 5x lower.

15 April 2024

Award Award
The IACR Fellows Program recognizes outstanding IACR members for technical and professional contributions to the field of cryptology. Today we are pleased to announce eight members that have been elevated to the rank of Fellow for 2024:

  • Anne Canteaut, for influential contributions to symmetric cryptography and Boolean functions, and for exemplary service to the symmetric cryptography community.
  • Joan Feigenbaum, for highly influential contributions to the foundations of trust and secure computation, and for service to the IACR.
  • Alfred Menezes, for fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of elliptic curve cryptography, and for service to the cryptographic community.
  • Kobbi Nissim, for fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of data privacy, and for service to the cryptographic community.
  • Chris Peikert, for fundamental contributions to the functionality, efficiency, and security of lattice-based cryptography, and for service to the IACR.
  • David Pointcheval, for fundamental contributions to the design of public-key cryptosystems and their provable security analysis, for educational leadership, and for outstanding service to the IACR.
  • François-Xavier Standaert, for fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of cryptography in the presence of leakage, and for service to the IACR.
  • Brent Waters, for the development of attribute-based encryption, functional encryption, and other foundational concepts in cryptography, and for service to the cryptographic community.
Congratulations to the new fellows! More information about the IACR Fellows Program can be found at

13 April 2024

University of Bergen, Norway
Job Posting Job Posting
This postdoctoral position is for 3 years (with possible extension to up to 4 years) and is linked with a research effort aiming to apply cryptographic methods for studying the security aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Cryptographic approaches will be tested for attacks on AI and existing protection methods in cryptography will be applied for security of AI. The candidate will have the freedom to explore new related topics and drive the research in the direction of security of AI and cryptographic elements. The postdoc will work with a team at the Selmer Center in Secure Communication, including among others Adj. Prof. Vincent Rijmen, Adj. Prof. Sondre Rønjom and Prof. Lilya Budaghyan. Please apply online via the link where more information is available:

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Budaghyan

More information:


12 April 2024

Johannes Ottenhues
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fuzzy password authenticated key exchange (fuzzy PAKE) protocols enable two parties to securely exchange a session-key for further communication. The parties only need to share a low entropy password. The passwords do not even need to be identical, but can contain some errors. This may be due to typos, or because the passwords were created from noisy biometric readings. In this paper we provide an overview and comparison of existing fuzzy PAKE protocols. Furthermore, we analyze certain security properties of these protocols and argue that the protocols can be expected to be slightly more secure in practice than can be inferred from their theoretical guarantees.
Thomas Attema, Aron van Baarsen, Stefan van den Berg, Pedro Capitão, Vincent Dunning, Lisa Kohl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Despite much progress, general-purpose secure multi-party computation (MPC) with active security may still be prohibitively expensive in settings with large input datasets. This particularly applies to the secure evaluation of graph algorithms, where each party holds a subset of a large graph.

Recently, Araki et al. (ACM CCS '21) showed that dedicated solutions may provide significantly better efficiency if the input graph is sparse. In particular, they provide an efficient protocol for the secure evaluation of "message passing" algorithms, such as the PageRank algorithm. Their protocol's computation and communication complexity are both $\tilde{O}(M\cdot B)$ instead of the $O(M^2)$ complexity achieved by general-purpose MPC protocols, where $M$ denotes the number of nodes and $B$ the (average) number of incoming edges per node. On the downside, their approach achieves only a relatively weak security notion; $1$-out-of-$3$ malicious security with selective abort.

In this work, we show that PageRank can instead be captured efficiently as a restricted multiplication straight-line (RMS) program, and present a new actively secure MPC protocol tailored to handle RMS programs. In particular, we show that the local knowledge of the participants can be leveraged towards the first maliciously-secure protocol with communication complexity linear in $M$, independently of the sparsity of the graph. We present two variants of our protocol. In our communication-optimized protocol, going from semi-honest to malicious security only introduces a small communication overhead, but results in quadratic computation complexity $O(M^2)$. In our balanced protocol, we still achieve a linear communication complexity $O(M)$, although with worse constants, but a significantly better computational complexity scaling with $O(M\cdot B)$. Additionally, our protocols achieve security with identifiable abort and can tolerate up to $n-1$ corruptions.
Aron van Baarsen, Marc Stevens
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Private set intersection (PSI) is a cryptographic functionality for two parties to learn the intersection of their input sets, without leaking any other information. Circuit-PSI is a stronger PSI functionality where the parties learn only a secret-shared form of the desired intersection, thus without revealing the intersection directly. These secret shares can subsequently serve as input to a secure multiparty computation of any function on this intersection.

In this paper we consider several settings in which parties take part in multiple Circuit-PSI executions with the same input set, and aim to amortize communications and computations. To that end, we build up a new framework for Circuit-PSI around generalizations of oblivious (programmable) PRFs that are extended with offline setup phases. We present several efficient instantiations of this framework with new security proofs for this setting. As a side result, we obtain a slight improvement in communication and computation complexity over the state-of-the art Circuit-PSI protocol by Bienstock et al. (USENIX '23). Additionally, we present a novel Circuit-PSI protocol from a PRF with secret-shared outputs, which has linear communication and computation complexity in the parties' input set sizes, and incidentally, it realizes ``almost malicious'' security, making it the first major step in this direction since the protocol by Huang et al. (NDSS '12). Lastly, we derive the potential amortizations over multiple protocol executions, and observe that each of the presented instantiations is favorable in at least one of the multiple-execution settings.
Foo Yee Yeo, Jason H. M. Ying
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Third-party private set intersection (PSI) enables two parties, each holding a private set to compute their intersection and reveal the result only to an inputless third party. In this paper, we present efficient third-party PSI protocols, which significantly lower the computational workload compared to prior work. Our work is motivated by real-world applications such as contact tracing whereby expedition is essential while concurrently preserving privacy. Our construction attains a near-linear computational complexity of $O(n^{1+\varepsilon})$ for large dataset size $n$, where $\varepsilon>0$ is any fixed constant, and achieves post-quantum security. For a quantum-safe third-party PSI protocol, this significantly improves upon the current known best of $O(n^{2.5+o(1)})$. Our improvements stem from algorithmic changes and the incorporation of new techniques along with precise parameter selections to achieve a tight asymptotic bound.
Da Lin, Chunli Yang, Shengyuan Xu, Shizhu Tian, Bing Sun
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The substitution box (S-box) is often used as the only nonlinear component in symmetric-key ciphers, leading to a significant impact on the implementation performance of ciphers in both classical and quantum application scenarios by S-box circuits. Taking the Pauli-X gate, the CNOT gate, and the Toffoli gate (i.e., the NCT gate set) as the underlying logic gates, this work investigates the quantum circuit implementation of S-boxes based on the SAT solver. Firstly, we propose encoding methods of the logic gates and the NCT-based circuit, based on which we construct STP models for implementing S-boxes. By applying the proposed models to the S-boxes of several well-known cryptographic algorithms, we construct optimal implementations with different criteria for the 4-bit S-boxes and provide the implementation bounds of different criteria for the 5-bit S-boxes. Since S-boxes in the same affine equivalence class share most of the important properties, we then build STP models to further investigate optimizing S-box circuits based on affine equivalence. According to the applications, for almost all the tested 4-bit S-boxes, there always exists an equivalent S-box that can be implemented with half the number of logic gates. Besides, we encode some important cryptographic properties and construct STP models to design S-boxes with given criteria configurations on implementation and properties. As an application, we find an S-box with the same cryptographic properties as the S-box of KECCAK that can be implemented with only 5 NCT gates, even though the application of our models indicates that implementing the KECCAK S-box requires more than 9 NCT gates. Notably, the inputs of the proposed models are tweakable, which makes the models possess some functions not currently available in the public tools for constructing optimized NCT-based circuits for S-boxes.
Alexander May, Massimo Ostuzzi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Let $\star: G \times X \rightarrow X$ be the action of a group $G$ of size $N=|G|$ on a set $X$. Let $y = g \star x \in X$ be a group action dlog instance, where our goal is to compute the unknown group element $g \in G$ from the known set elements $x,y \in X$. The Galbraith-Hess-Smart (GHS) collision finding algorithm solves the group action dlog in $N^{\frac 1 2}$ steps with polynomial memory. We show that group action dlogs are suitable for precomputation attacks. More precisely, for any $s,t$ our precomputation algorithm computes within $st$ steps a hint of space complexity $s$, which allows to solve any group action dlog in an online phase within $t$ steps. A typical instantiation is $s=t=N^{\frac 1 3}$, which gives precomputation time $N^{\frac 2 3}$ and space $N^{\frac 1 3}$, and online time only $N^{\frac 1 3}$.

Moreover, we show that solving multiple group action dlog instances $y_1, \ldots , y_m$ allows for speedups. Namely, our collision finding algorithm solves $m$ group action dlogs in $\sqrt{m}N^{\frac 1 2}$ steps, instead of the straight-forward $mN^{\frac 1 2}$ steps required for running $m$ times GHS. Interestingly, our multi instance algorithm (with precomputation) can be seen as a special case of our precomputation algorithm. Our multiple instance approach can be freely combined with our precomputations, allowing for a variety of tradeoffs.

Technically, our precomputation and multiple instance group action dlog attacks are adaptations of the techniques from the standard dlog setting in abelian groups. While such an adaptation seems natural, it is per se unclear which techniques transfer from the dlog to the more restricted group dlog setting, for which $X$ does not offer a group structure.

Our algorithms have direct implications for all group action based cryptosystems, such as CSIDH and its variants. We provide experimental evidence that our techniques work well in the CSIDH setting.
Xavier Bonnetain, Virginie Lallemand
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this short note we review the technique proposed at ToSC 2018 by Sadeghi et al. for attacks built upon several related-tweakey impossible differential trails. We show that the initial encryption queries are improper and lead the authors to misevaluating a filtering value in the key recovery phase. We identified 4 papers (from Eurocrypt, DCC, ToSC and ePrint) that follow on the results of Sadeghi et al., and in three of them the issue was propagated. We thus present a careful analysis of these types of attacks and give generic complexity formulas similar to the ones proposed by Boura et al. at Asiacrypt 2014. We apply these to the aforementioned papers and provide patched versions of their attacks. The main consequence is an increase in the memory complexity. We show that in many cases (a notable exception being quantum impossible differentials) it is possible to recover the numeric estimates of the flawed analysis, and in all cases we were able to build a correct attack reaching the same number of rounds.
Harjasleen Malvai, Gregory Neven, Andrew Miller, Siam Hussain
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work-in-progress, we present a series of protocols to efficiently prove statements about strings in context-free grammars (CFGs). Our main protocol for proving proofs of correct parsing for strings in a CFG flexibly accommodates different instantiations of zero-knowledge proof systems as well as accumulation schemes. While improvements in the modular cryptographic primitives can be carried over for improvements in our protocols, even simpler proof systems, which do not support state-of-the-art techniques such as permutation checks can generate proofs of correct parsing of a string of size $n$ by proving the correctness of a circuit of size $\mathcal{O}(cn)$, where $c$ is the cost of verifying a set membership proof in the chosen accumulation scheme.
Farzin Renan, Péter Kutas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Adaptor signatures can be viewed as a generalized form of the standard digital signature schemes where a secret randomness is hidden within a signature. Adaptor signatures are a recent cryptographic primitive and are becoming an important tool for blockchain applications such as cryptocurrencies to reduce on-chain costs, improve fungibility, and contribute to off-chain forms of payment in payment-channel networks, payment-channel hubs, and atomic swaps. However, currently used adaptor signature constructions are vulnerable to quantum adversaries due to Shor’s algorithm. In this work, we introduce SQIAsignHD, a new quantum-resistant adaptor signature scheme based on isogenies of supersingular elliptic curves, using SQIsignHD - as the underlying signature scheme - and exploiting the idea of the artificial orientation on the supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol, SIDH, as the underlying hard relation. We, furthermore, show that our scheme is secure in the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM).
Robin Berger, Felix Dörre, Alexander Koch
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Running machine learning algorithms on encrypted data is a way forward to marry functionality needs common in industry with the important concerns for privacy when working with potentially sensitive data. While there is already a growing field on this topic and a variety of protocols, mostly employing fully homomorphic encryption or performing secure multiparty computation (MPC), we are the first to propose a protocol that makes use of a specialized encryption scheme that allows to do secure comparisons on ciphertexts and update these ciphertexts to be encryptions of the same plaintexts but under a new key. We call this notion Updatable Order-Revealing Encryption (uORE) and provide a secure construction using a key-homomorphic pseudorandom function. In a second step, we use this scheme to construct an efficient three-round protocol between two parties to compute a decision tree (or forest) on labeled data provided by both parties. The protocol is in the passively-secure setting and has some leakage on the data that arises from the comparison function on the ciphertexts. We motivate how our protocol can be compiled into an actively-secure protocol with less leakage using secure enclaves, in a graceful degradation manner, e.g. falling back to the uORE leakage, if the enclave becomes fully transparent. We also analyze the leakage of this approach, giving an upper bound on the leaked information. Analyzing the performance of our protocol shows that this approach allows us to be much more efficient (especially w.r.t. the number of rounds) than current MPC-based approaches, hence allowing for an interesting trade-off between security and performance.
Axel Mertens, Georgio Nicolas, Sergi Rovira
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a powerful tool that brings privacy and security to all sorts of applications by allowing us to perform additions and multiplications directly on ciphertexts without the need of the secret key. Some applications of FHE that were previously overlooked but have recently been gaining traction are data compression and image processing. Practically, FHE enables applications such as private satellite searching, private object recognition, or even encrypted video editing.

We propose a practical FHE-friendly image compression and processing pipeline where an image can be compressed and encrypted on the client-side, sent to a server which decompresses it homomorphically and then performs image processing in the encrypted domain before returning the encrypted result to the client.

Inspired by JPEG, our pipeline also relies on discrete cosine transforms and quantization to simplify the representation of an image in the frequency domain, making it possible to effectively use a compression algorithm. This pipeline is designed to be compatible with existing image-processing techniques in FHE, such as pixel-wise processing and convolutional filters. Using this technique, a high-definition ($1024\times1024$) image can be homomorphically decompressed, processed with a convolutional filter and re-compressed in under $24.7$s, while using ~8GB memory.
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