International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 28 August 2023

Shahar Papini, Ulrich Haböck
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this informal note, we instantiate the Goldwasser-Kalai-Rothblum (GKR) protocol to prove fractional sumchecks as present in lookup arguments based on logarithmic derivatives, with the following impact on the prover cost of logUp (IACR eprint 2022/1530): When looking up $M\geq 1$ columns in a (for the sake of simplicity) single column table, the prover has to commit only to a single extra column, i.e. the multiplicities of the table entries. In order to carry over the GKR fractional sumcheck to the univariate setting, we furthermore introduce a simple, yet (as far as we now) novel transformation for turning a univariate polynomial commitment scheme into a multilinear one. The transformation complements existing approaches and might be of independent interest for its elegant way to prove arbitrary powers of the lexicographic shift over the Boolean hypercube.

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