International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 03 October 2023

Seyoon Ragavan, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We improve the space efficiency of Regev's quantum factoring algorithm [Reg23] while keeping the circuit size the same. Our main result constructs a quantum factoring circuit using $O(n \log n)$ qubits and $O(n^{3/2} \log n)$ gates. In contrast, Regev's circuit requires $O(n^{3/2})$ qubits, while Shor's circuit requires $O(n^2)$ gates. As with Regev, to factor an $n$-bit integer $N$, one runs this circuit independently $\approx \sqrt{n}$ times and apply Regev's classical post-processing procedure.

Our optimization is achieved by implementing efficient and reversible exponentiation with Fibonacci numbers in the exponent, rather than the usual powers of 2.

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