International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 02 February 2024

Binbin Tu, Min Zhang, Yu Chen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Adaptor signature is a novel cryptographic primitive which ties together the signature and the leakage of a secret value. It has become an important tool for solving the scalability and interoperability problems in the blockchain. Aumayr et al. (Asiacrypt 2021) recently provide the formalization of the adaptor signature and present a provably secure ECDSA-based adaptor signature, which requires zero-knowledge proof in the pre-signing phase to ensure the signer works correctly. However, the number of zero-knowledge proofs is linear with the number of participants.

In this paper, we propose efficient ECDSA-based adaptor signature schemes and give security proofs based on ECDSA. In our schemes, the zero-knowledge proofs in the pre-signing phase can be generated in a batch and offline. Meanwhile, the online pre-signing algorithm is similar to the ECDSA signing algorithm and can enjoy the same efficiency as ECDSA. In particular, considering specific verification scenarios, such as (batched) atomic swaps, our schemes can reduce the number of zero-knowledge proofs in the pre-signing phase to one, independent of the number of participants. Last, we conduct an experimental evaluation, demonstrating that the performance of our ECDSA-based adaptor signature reduces online pre-signing time by about 60% compared with the state-of-the-art ECDSA-based adaptor signature.

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