International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 19 February 2024

Evan Laufer, Alex Ozdemir, Dan Boneh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Interactive theorem provers (ITPs), such as Lean and Coq, can express formal proofs for a large category of theorems, from abstract math to software correctness. Consider Alice who has a Lean proof for some public statement $T$. Alice wants to convince the world that she has such a proof, without revealing the actual proof. Perhaps the proof shows that a secret program is correct or safe, but the proof itself might leak information about the program's source code. A natural way for Alice to proceed is to construct a succinct, zero-knowledge, non-interactive argument of knowledge (zkSNARK) to prove that she has a Lean proof for the statement $T$.

In this work we build zkPi, the first zkSNARKfor proofs expressed in Lean, a state of the art interactive theorem prover. With zkPi, a prover can convince a verifier that a Lean theorem is true, while revealing little else. The core problem is building an efficient zkSNARKfor dependent typing. We evaluate zkPion theorems from two core Lean libraries: stdlib and mathlib. zkPisuccessfuly proves 57.9% of the theorems in stdlib, and 14.1% of the theorems in mathlib, within 4.5 minutes per theorem. A zkPiproof is sufficiently short that Fermat could have written one in the margin of his notebook to convince the world, in zero knowledge, that he proved his famous last theorem.

Interactive theorem provers (ITPs) can express virtually all systems of formal reasoning. Thus, an implemented zkSNARKfor ITP theorems generalizes practical zero-knowledge's interface beyond the status quo: circuit satisfiability and program execution.

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