International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 02 July 2024

Daniel Dore
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present TaSSLE, a new lookup argument for decomposable tables with minimal commitment costs. The construction generalizes techniques introduced in Lasso (Eurocrypt '24) which take advantage of the internal structure present in such tables to avoid the need for any party to need to commit to, or even construct, the entire table. This allows the use of lookups against very large tables, with applications including new design strategies for "zero-knowledge virtual machines". We show that these techniques may be combined in a generic way with any existing lookup argument to achieve similar results. We then give a construction of TaSSLE by applying this observation to a recent lookup argument, introduced in [Papini-Haböck '23], which combines logarithmic derivatives with the GKR protocol to achieve a lookup argument with minimal commitment costs.

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