IACR News item: 18 November 2024
Andrea Flamini, Eysa Lee, Anna Lysyanskaya
ePrint Report
The eIDAS 2.0 regulation aims to develop interoperable digital identities for European citizens, and it has recently become law. One of its requirements is that credentials be unlinkable. Anonymous credentials (AC) allow holders to prove statements about their identity in a way that does not require to reveal their identity and does not enable linking different usages of the same credential. As a result, they are likely to become the technology that provides digital identity for Europeans.
Any digital credential system, including anonymous credentials, needs to be secured against identity theft and fraud. In this work, we introduce the notion of a multi-holder anonymous credential scheme that allows issuing shares of credentials to different authentication factors (or ``holders''). To present the credential, the user's authentication factors jointly run a threshold presentation protocol. Our definition of security requires that the scheme provide unforgeability: the adversary cannot succeed in presenting a credential with identity attributes that do not correspond to an identity for which the adversary controls at least $t$ shares; this is true even if the adversary can obtain credentials of its choice and cause concurrent executions of the presentation protocol. Further, our definition requires that the presentation protocol provide security with identifiable abort. Finally, presentations generated by all honest holders must be unlinkable and must not reveal the user's secret identity attributes even to an adversary that controls some of the user's authentication factors.
We design and prove the (concurrent) security of a multi-holder version of the BBS anonymous credential scheme. In our construction, each holder is issued a secret share of a BBS credential. Using these shares, the holders jointly compute a credential presentation that is identical to (and therefore compatible with) the traditional, single-holder variant (due to Tessaro and Zhu, Eurocrypt'23) of a BBS credential presentation.
Any digital credential system, including anonymous credentials, needs to be secured against identity theft and fraud. In this work, we introduce the notion of a multi-holder anonymous credential scheme that allows issuing shares of credentials to different authentication factors (or ``holders''). To present the credential, the user's authentication factors jointly run a threshold presentation protocol. Our definition of security requires that the scheme provide unforgeability: the adversary cannot succeed in presenting a credential with identity attributes that do not correspond to an identity for which the adversary controls at least $t$ shares; this is true even if the adversary can obtain credentials of its choice and cause concurrent executions of the presentation protocol. Further, our definition requires that the presentation protocol provide security with identifiable abort. Finally, presentations generated by all honest holders must be unlinkable and must not reveal the user's secret identity attributes even to an adversary that controls some of the user's authentication factors.
We design and prove the (concurrent) security of a multi-holder version of the BBS anonymous credential scheme. In our construction, each holder is issued a secret share of a BBS credential. Using these shares, the holders jointly compute a credential presentation that is identical to (and therefore compatible with) the traditional, single-holder variant (due to Tessaro and Zhu, Eurocrypt'23) of a BBS credential presentation.
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