International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Hiji-bij-bij: A New Stream Cipher with a Self-Synchronizing Mode of Operation

Palash Sarkar
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Abstract: In this paper, we present a new stream cipher called Hiji-bij-bij (HBB). The basic design principle of HBB is to mix a linear and a nonlinear map. Our innovation is in the design of the linear and the nonlinear maps. The linear map is realised using two 256-bit maximal period 90/150 cellular automata. The nonlinear map is simple and consists of several alternating linear and nonlinear layers. We prove that the mixing achieved by the nonlinear map is complete and the maximum bias in any non-zero linear combination of the input and output bits of the nonlinear map is at most $2^{-13}$. We also identify a self-synchronizing mode ({\bf SS}) of operation for HBB. The performance of HBB is reasonably good in software and is expected to be very fast in hardware. To the best of our knowledge, a generic exhaustive search seems to be the only method of attacking the cipher.
  title={Hiji-bij-bij: A New Stream Cipher with a Self-Synchronizing Mode of Operation},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={secret-key cryptography / stream cipher, nonlinear map, cellular automata},
  note={ 12312 received 23 Jan 2003, last revised 17 Sep 2003},
  author={Palash Sarkar},