International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Multi-Input Quadratic Functional Encryption from Pairings

Shweta Agrawal , IIT Madras
Rishab Goyal , MIT
Junichi Tomida , NTT Secure Platform Labs
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-84259-8_8 (login may be required)
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Conference: CRYPTO 2021
Abstract: We construct the first multi-input functional encryption (MIFE) scheme for quadratic functions from pairings. Our construction supports polynomial number of users, where user $i$, for $i \in [n]$, encrypts input $\bfx_i \in \mbZ^m$ to obtain ciphertext $\ct_i$, the key generator provides a key $\sk_\bfc$ for vector $\bfc \in \mbZ^{({mn})^2}$ and decryption, given $\ct_1,\ldots,\ct_n$ and $\sk_\bfc$, recovers $\ip{\bfc}{\bfx \otimes \bfx}$ and nothing else. We achieve indistinguishability-based (selective) security against unbounded collusions under the standard bilateral matrix Diffie-Hellman assumption. All previous MIFE schemes either support only inner products (linear functions) or rely on strong cryptographic assumptions such as indistinguishability obfuscation or multi-linear maps.
Video from CRYPTO 2021
  title={Multi-Input Quadratic Functional Encryption from Pairings},
  author={Shweta Agrawal and Rishab Goyal and Junichi Tomida},