International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Multi-theorem Designated-Verifier NIZK for QMA

Omri Shmueli , Tel Aviv University
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-84242-0_14 (login may be required)
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Conference: CRYPTO 2021
Abstract: Abstract. We present a designated-verifier non-interactive zero-knowledge argument system for QMA with multi-theorem security under the Learning with Errors Assumption. All previous such protocols for QMA are only single-theorem secure. We also relax the setup assumption required in previous works. We prove security in the malicious designated-verifier (MDV-NIZK) model (Quach, Rothblum, and Wichs, EUROCRYPT 2019), where the setup consists of a mutually trusted random string and an untrusted verifier public key. Our main technical contribution is a general compiler that given a NIZK for NP and a quantum sigma protocol for QMA generates an MDV-NIZK protocol for QMA.
Video from CRYPTO 2021
  title={Multi-theorem Designated-Verifier NIZK for QMA},
  author={Omri Shmueli},