International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Counting Vampires: From Univariate Sumcheck to Updatable ZK-SNARK

Janno Siim , Simula UiB
Michal Zajac , Nethermind
Helger Lipmaa , Simula UiB
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Presentation: Slides
Conference: ASIACRYPT 2022
Abstract: We propose a univariate sumcheck argument $\mathfrak{Count}$ of essentially optimal communication efficiency of one group element. While the previously most efficient univariate sumcheck argument of Aurora is based on polynomial commitments, $\mathfrak{Count}$ is based on inner-product commitments. We use $\mathfrak{Count}$ to construct a new pairing-based updatable and universal zk-SNARK $\mathfrak{Vampire}$ with the shortest known argument length (four group and two finite field elements) for $\mathsf{NP}$. In addition, $\mathfrak{Vampire}$ uses the aggregated polynomial commitment scheme of Boneh et al.
Video from ASIACRYPT 2022
  title={Counting Vampires: From Univariate Sumcheck to Updatable ZK-SNARK},
  author={Janno Siim and Michal Zajac and Helger Lipmaa},