International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Slalom at the Carnival: Privacy-preserving Inference with Masks from Public Knowledge

Ida Bruhns , Universität zu Lübeck
Sebastian Berndt , Technical University of Applied Sciences Lübeck
Jonas Sander , Universität zu Lübeck
Thomas Eisenbarth , Universität zu Lübeck
DOI: 10.62056/akp-49qgxq
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Machine learning applications gain more and more access to highly sensitive information while simultaneously requiring more and more computation resources. Hence, the need for outsourcing these computational expensive tasks while still ensuring security and confidentiality of the data is imminent. In their seminal work, Tramer and Boneh presented the Slalom protocol for privacy-preserving inference by splitting the computation into a data-independent preprocessing phase and a very efficient online phase. In this work, we present a new method to significantly speed up the preprocessing phase by introducing the Carnival protocol. Carnival leverages the pseudo-randomness of the Subset sum problem to also enable efficient outsourcing during the preprocessing phase. In addition to a security proof we also include an empirical study analyzing the landscape of the uniformity of the output of the Subset sum function for smaller parameters. Our findings show that Carnival is a great candidate for real-world implementations.

  title={Slalom at the Carnival: Privacy-preserving Inference with Masks from Public Knowledge},
  publisher={International Association for Cryptologic Research},
  volume={1, Issue 3},
  author={Ida Bruhns and Sebastian Berndt and Jonas Sander and Thomas Eisenbarth},