International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


I want to encrypt 2^64 bytes with AES-GCM using a single key

Shay Gueron
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Presentation: Slides
Abstract: This talk will discuss a simple approach to “encrypt forever” with a single AES-GCM key. It is called Double-Nonce-Derive-Key AES-GCM (DNDK-GCM) and is based on extending the 96-bit nonce length to any s-bit nonce length for s < 256 (e.g., 192). The security of the resulting AEAD can be proven under the same assumptions that base the security of AES-GCM because no additional cryptographic primitive is involved. The talk will discuss these security margins and explain why it is possible to use DNDK-GCM for processing even a total of 264 bytes under one key and remain withing the NIST specified 2^(-32) margins. This implies that the cryptoperiod of a key is not limited by the cryptographic bounds that indicate key wear-out. As a bonus, we will also toss in a key commitment string. By now, DNDK-GCM has become the default encryption mode on Meta infrastructure. The talk will provide a detailed performance analysis to show the cost of DNDK-GCM, relative to AES-GCM, and to some other AEADs that are being used at Meta. It will explain some considerations and challenges associated with defining and migrating to a new default on live cloud systems, discuss the standards compliance aspect, and provide some numbers on the scale at which this mode operates.
  title={I want to encrypt 2^64 bytes with AES-GCM using a single key},
  note={Video at \url{}},
  howpublished={Talk given at RWC 2024},
  author={Shay Gueron},