International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Ryota Nakamichi


Iterative Block Ciphers from Tweakable Block Ciphers with Long Tweaks 📺
Ryota Nakamichi Tetsu Iwata
We consider a problem of constructing a secure block cipher from a tweakable block cipher (TBC) with long tweaks. Given a TBC with n-bit blocks and Γn-bit tweaks for Γ ≥ 1, one of the constructions by Minematsu in DCC 2015 shows that a simple iteration of the TBC for 3d rounds yields a block cipher with dn-bit blocks that is secure up to 2dn/2 queries, where d = Γ + 1. In this paper, we show three results.1. Iteration of 3d − 2 rounds is enough for the security up to 2dn/2 queries, i.e., the security remains the same even if we reduce the number of rounds by two.2. When the number of queries is limited to 2n, d+1 rounds are enough, and with d + l rounds for 1 ≤ l ≤ d − 1, the security bound improves as l grows.3. A d-round construction gives a block cipher secure up to 2n/2 queries, i.e., it achieves the classical birthday-bound security. Our results show that a block cipher with beyond-birthday-bound (BBB) security (with respect to n) is obtained as low as d + 1 rounds, and we draw the security spectrum of d + l round version in the range of 1 ≤ l ≤ d−1 and l = 2d−2 for BBB security, and l = 0 for birthday-bound security.
Beyond-Birthday-Bound Secure Cryptographic Permutations from Ideal Ciphers with Long Keys 📺
Ryota Nakamichi Tetsu Iwata
Coron et al. showed a construction of a 3-round 2n-bit cryptographic permutation from three independent n-bit ideal ciphers with n-bit keys (TCC 2010). Guo and Lin showed a construction of a (2d − 1)-round dn-bit cryptographic permutation from 2d − 1 independent n-bit ideal ciphers with kn-bit keys, where d = k + 1 (Cryptography and Communications, 2015). These constructions have an indifferentiability security bound of O(q2/2n) against adversaries that make at most q queries. The bound is commonly referred to as birthday-bound security. In this paper, we show that a 5-round version of Coron et al.’s construction and (2d+1)-round version of Guo and Lin’s construction yield a cryptographic permutation with an indifferentiability security bound of O(q2/22n), i.e., by adding two more rounds, these constructions have beyond-birthday-bound security. Furthermore, under the assumption that q ≤ 2n, we show that Guo and Lin’s construction with 2d+2l−1 rounds yields a cryptographic permutation with a security bound of O(q2/2(l+1)n), where 1 ≤ l ≤ d − 1, i.e., the security bound exponentially improves by adding every two more rounds, up to 4d − 3 rounds. To the best of our knowledge, our result gives the first cryptographic permutation that is built from n-bit ideal ciphers and has a full n-bit indifferentiability security bound.


Tetsu Iwata (2)