International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Paul Huynh

NOTE: imports for ToSC and TCHES are no longer functioning.


On the Feistel Counterpart of the Boomerang Connectivity Table: Introduction and Analysis of the FBCT 📺
At Eurocrypt 2018, Cid et al. introduced the Boomerang Connectivity Table (BCT), a tool to compute the probability of the middle round of a boomerang distinguisher from the description of the cipher’s Sbox(es). Their new table and the following works led to a refined understanding of boomerangs, and resulted in a series of improved attacks. Still, these works only addressed the case of Substitution Permutation Networks, and completely left out the case of ciphers following a Feistel construction. In this article, we address this lack by introducing the FBCT, the Feistel counterpart of the BCT. We show that the coefficient at row Δi, ∇o corresponds to the number of times the second order derivative at points Δi, ∇o) cancels out. We explore the properties of the FBCT and compare it to what is known on the BCT. Taking matters further, we show how to compute the probability of a boomerang switch over multiple rounds with a generic formula.
Cryptanalysis Results on Spook: Bringing Full-round Shadow-512 to the Light 📺
Spook is one of the 32 candidates that has made it to the second round of the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization process, and is particularly interesting since it proposes differential side channel resistance. In this paper, we present practical distinguishers of the full 6-step version of the underlying permutations of Spook, namely Shadow-512 and Shadow-384, solving challenges proposed by the designers on the permutation. We also propose practical forgeries with 4-step Shadow for the S1P mode of operation in the nonce misuse scenario, which is allowed by the CIML2 security game considered by the authors. All the results presented in this paper have been implemented.