International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Jan Jancar

ORCID: 0000-0002-1864-0183


pyecsca: Reverse engineering black-box elliptic curve cryptography via side-channel analysis
Side-channel attacks on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) often assume a white-box attacker who has detailed knowledge of the implementation choices taken by the target implementation. Due to the complex and layered nature of ECC, there are many choices that a developer makes to obtain a functional and interoperable implementation. These include the curve model, coordinate system, addition formulas, and the scalar multiplier, or lower-level details such as the finite-field multiplication algorithm. This creates a gap between the attack requirements and a real-world attacker that often only has black-box access to the target – i.e., has no access to the source code nor knowledge of specific implementation choices made. Yet, when the gap is closed, even real-world implementations of ECC succumb to side-channel attacks, as evidenced by attacks such as TPM-Fail, Minerva, the Side Journey to Titan, or TPMScan [MSE+20; JSS+20; RLM+21; SDB+24].We study this gap by first analyzing open-source ECC libraries for insight into realworld implementation choices. We then examine the space of all ECC implementations combinatorially. Finally, we present a set of novel methods for automated reverse engineering of black-box ECC implementations and release a documented and usable open-source toolkit for side-channel analysis of ECC called pyecsca.Our methods turn attacks around: instead of attempting to recover the private key, they attempt to recover the implementation configuration given control over the private and public inputs. We evaluate them on two simulation levels and study the effect of noise on their performance. Our methods are able to 1) reverse-engineer the scalar multiplication algorithm completely and 2) infer significant information about the coordinate system and addition formulas used in a target implementation. Furthermore, they can bypass coordinate and curve randomization countermeasures.
A formula for disaster: a unified approach to elliptic curve special-point-based attacks 📺
The Refined Power Analysis, Zero-Value Point, and Exceptional Procedure attacks introduced side-channel techniques against specific cases of elliptic curve cryptography. The three attacks recover bits of a static ECDH key adaptively, collecting information on whether a certain multiple of the input point was computed. We unify and generalize these attacks in a common framework, and solve the corresponding problem for a broader class of inputs. We also introduce a version of the attack against windowed scalar multiplication methods, recovering the full scalar instead of just a part of it. Finally, we systematically analyze elliptic curve point addition formulas from the Explicit-Formulas Database, classify all non-trivial exceptional points, and find them in new formulas. These results indicate the usefulness of our tooling, which we released publicly, for unrolling formulas and finding special points, and potentially for independent future work.
Minerva: The curse of ECDSA nonces Systematic analysis of lattice attacks on noisy leakage of bit-length of ECDSA nonces 📺
We present our discovery of a group of side-channel vulnerabilities in implementations of the ECDSA signature algorithm in a widely used Atmel AT90SC FIPS 140-2 certified smartcard chip and five cryptographic libraries (libgcrypt, wolfSSL, MatrixSSL, SunEC/OpenJDK/Oracle JDK, Crypto++). Vulnerable implementations leak the bit-length of the scalar used in scalar multiplication via timing. Using leaked bit-length, we mount a lattice attack on a 256-bit curve, after observing enough signing operations. We propose two new methods to recover the full private key requiring just 500 signatures for simulated leakage data, 1200 for real cryptographic library data, and 2100 for smartcard data. The number of signatures needed for a successful attack depends on the chosen method and its parameters as well as on the noise profile, influenced by the type of leakage and used computation platform. We use the set of vulnerabilities reported in this paper, together with the recently published TPM-FAIL vulnerability [MSE+20] as a basis for real-world benchmark datasets to systematically compare our newly proposed methods and all previously published applicable lattice-based key recovery methods. The resulting exhaustive comparison highlights the methods’ sensitivity to its proper parametrization and demonstrates that our methods are more efficient in most cases. For the TPM-FAIL dataset, we decreased the number of required signatures from approximately 40 000 to mere 900.