International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Archita Agarwal


Concurrent Encrypted Multimaps
Archita Agarwal Seny Kamara Tarik Moataz
Encrypted data structures have received a lot of attention due to their use as building blocks in the design of fast encrypted search algorithms and encrypted databases. An important design aspect that, as far as we know, has not been considered is that modern server architectures are concurrent in the sense that they support the execution of multiple operations simultaneously. In this work, we initiate the study of concurrent encrypted data structures. We identify new definitional and technical challenges posed by concurrency in the setting of encrypted search. In order to formalize the security of these schemes, we extend the standard framework of structured encryption to capture, among other things, fine-grained leakage which occurs at the instruction level as well as schedule-dependent leakage which changes as a function of the order in which instructions are executed. The latter is particularly challenging to handle when the scheduler is adversarial and adaptive. We provide security definitions in the ideal/real-world model which allows us to capture both security and consistency together. We combine techniques from structured encryption and concurrent data structures to design the first concurrent encrypted multi-map. We show that it is not only secure and efficient, but also satisfies a strong consistency guarantee called linearizability while supporting lock-free append operations and requiring no inter-client communication.


Archita Agarwal (1)
Seny Kamara (1)
Tarik Moataz (1)