International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Bruno Cavalar


A Meta-complexity Characterization of Quantum Cryptography
We prove the first meta-complexity characterization of a quantum cryptographic primitive. We show that one-way puzzles exist if and only if there is some quantum samplable distribution of binary strings over which it is hard to approximate Kolmogorov complexity. Therefore, we characterize one-way puzzles by the average-case hardness of a *uncomputable* problem. This brings to the quantum setting a recent line of work that characterizes classical cryptography with the average-case hardness of a meta-complexity problem (Liu-Pass (FOCS 2020), Ilango-Ren-Santhanam (STOC 2022) and others). Moreover, since the average-case hardness of Kolmogorov complexity over *classically* polynomial-time samplable distributions characterizes one-way functions, this result poses one-way puzzles as a natural generalization of one-way functions to the quantum setting. Furthermore, our equivalence goes through probability estimation, giving us the additional equivalence that one-way puzzles exist if and only if there is a quantum samplable distribution over which probability estimation is hard. We also observe that the oracle worlds of Kretschmer (TQC 2021) and Kretschmer, Qian, Sinha and Tal rule out any relativizing characterization of one-way puzzles by the hardness of a problem in NP or QMA, which means that it may not be possible with current techniques to characterize one-way puzzles with another meta-complexity problem.


Bruno Cavalar (1)
Matthew Gray (1)
Eli Goldin (1)
Peter Hall (1)