International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Honggang Hu


Attacking ECDSA with Nonce Leakage by Lattice Sieving: Bridging the Gap with Fourier Analysis-based Attacks
The Hidden Number Problem (HNP) has found extensive applications in side-channel attacks against cryptographic schemes, such as ECDSA and Diffie-Hellman. There are two primary algorithmic approaches to solving the HNP: lattice-based attacks and Fourier analysis-based attacks. Lattice-based attacks exhibit better efficiency and require fewer samples when sufficiently long substrings of the nonces are known. However, they face significant challenges when only a small fraction of the nonce is leaked, such as 1-bit leakage, and their performance degrades in the presence of errors. In this paper, we address an open question by introducing an algorithmic tradeoff that significantly bridges the gap between these two approaches. By introducing a parameter $x$ to modify Albrecht and Heninger's lattice, the lattice dimension is reduced by approximately $(\log_2{x})/ l$, where $l$ represents the number of leaked bits. We present a series of new methods, including the interval reduction algorithm, several predicates, and the pre-screening technique. Furthermore, we extend our algorithms to solve the HNP with erroneous input. Our attack outperforms existing state-of-the-art lattice-based attacks against ECDSA. We obtain several records including 1-bit and less than 1-bit leakage on a 160-bit curve, while the best previous lattice-based attack for 1-bit leakage was conducted only on a 112-bit curve.
A Novel Evaluation Metric for Deep Learning-Based Side Channel Analysis and Its Extended Application to Imbalanced Data 📺
Since Kocher (CRYPTO’96) proposed timing attack, side channel analysis (SCA) has shown great potential to break cryptosystems via physical leakage. Recently, deep learning techniques are widely used in SCA and show equivalent and even better performance compared to traditional methods. However, it remains unknown why and when deep learning techniques are effective and efficient for SCA. Masure et al. (IACR TCHES 2020(1):348–375) illustrated that deep learning paradigm is suitable for evaluating implementations against SCA from a worst-case scenario point of view, yet their work is limited to balanced data and a specific loss function. Besides, deep learning metrics are not consistent with side channel metrics. In most cases, they are deceptive in foreseeing the feasibility and complexity of mounting a successful attack, especially for imbalanced data. To mitigate the gap between deep learning metrics and side channel metrics, we propose a novel Cross Entropy Ratio (CER) metric to evaluate the performance of deep learning models for SCA. CER is closely related to traditional side channel metrics Guessing Entropy (GE) and Success Rate (SR) and fits to deep learning scenario. Besides, we show that it works stably while deep learning metrics such as accuracy becomes rather unreliable when the training data tends to be imbalanced. However, estimating CER can be done as easy as natural metrics in deep learning algorithms with low computational complexity. Furthermore, we adapt CER metric to a new kind of loss function, namely CER loss function, designed specifically for deep learning in side channel scenario. In this way, we link directly the SCA objective to deep learning optimization. Our experiments on several datasets show that, for SCA with imbalanced data, CER loss function outperforms Cross Entropy loss function in various conditions.