Fangguo Zhang
Deny Whatever You Want: Dual-Deniable Public-Key Encryption
We introduce an enhanced requirement of deniable public key encryption that we call dual-deniability. It asks that a sender who is coerced should be able to produce fake randomness, which can explain the target ciphertext as the encryption of any alternative message under any valid key she/he desires to deny. Compared with the original notion of deniability (Canetti et al. in CRYPTO ’97, hereafter named message-deniability), this term further provides a shield for the anonymity of the receiver against coercion attacks.
We first give a formal definition of dual-deniability, along with its weak-mode variant. For conceptual understanding, we then show dual-deniability implies semantic security and anonymity against CPA, separates full robustness, and even contradicts key-less or mixed robustness, while is (constructively) implied by key-deniability and full robustness with a minor assumption for bits encryption. As for the availability of dual-deniability, our main scheme is a generic approach from ciphertext-simulatable PKE, where we devise a subtle multi-encryption schema to hide the true message within random masking ciphertexts under plan-ahead setting. Further, we leverage the weak model to present a more efficient scheme having negligible detection probability and constant ciphertext size. Besides, we revisit the notable scheme (Sahai and Waters in STOC ’14) and show it is inherently dual-deniable. Finally, we extend the Boneh-Katz transform to capture CCA security, deriving dual-deniable and CCA-secure PKE from any selectively dual-deniable IBE under multi-TA setting. Overall our work mounts the feasibility of anonymous messaging against coercion attacks.
Don’t Forget Pairing-Friendly Curves with Odd Prime Embedding Degrees
Pairing-friendly curves with odd prime embedding degrees at the 128-bit security level, such as BW13-310 and BW19-286, sparked interest in the field of public-key cryptography as small sizes of the prime fields. However, compared to mainstream pairing-friendly curves at the same security level, i.e., BN446 and BLS12-446, the performance of pairing computations on BW13-310 and BW19-286 is usually considered inefficient. In this paper we investigate high performance software implementations of pairing computation on BW13-310 and corresponding building blocks used in pairing-based protocols, including hashing, group exponentiations and membership testings. Firstly, we propose efficient explicit formulas for pairing computation on this curve. Moreover, we also exploit the state-of-art techniques to implement hashing in G1 and G2, group exponentiations and membership testings. In particular, for exponentiations in G2 and GT , we present new optimizations to speed up computational efficiency. Our implementation results on a 64-bit processor show that the gap in the performance of pairing computation between BW13-310 and BN446 (resp. BLS12-446) is only up to 4.9% (resp. 26%). More importantly, compared to BN446 and BLS12-446, BW13-310 is about 109.1% − 227.3%, 100% − 192.6%, 24.5%−108.5% and 68.2%−145.5% faster in terms of hashing to G1, exponentiations in G1 and GT , and membership testing for GT , respectively. These results reveal that BW13-310 would be an interesting candidate in pairing-based cryptographic protocols.
Lattice-Based Group Encryption with Full Dynamicity and Message Filtering Policy
Group encryption (GE) is a fundamental privacy-preserving primitive analog of group signatures, which allows users to decrypt specific ciphertexts while hiding themselves within a crowd. Since its first birth, numerous constructions have been proposed, among which the schemes separately constructed by Libert et al. (Asiacrypt 2016) over lattices and by Nguyen et al. (PKC 2021) over coding theory are postquantum secure. Though the last scheme, at the first time, achieved the full dynamicity (allowing group users to join or leave the group in their ease) and message filtering policy, which greatly improved the state-of-affairs of GE systems, its practical applications are still limited due to the rather complicated design, inefficiency and the weaker security (secure in the random oracles). In return, the Libert et al.’s scheme possesses a solid security (secure in the standard model), but it lacks the previous functions and still suffers from inefficiency because of extremely using lattice trapdoors. In this work, we re-formalize the model and security definitions of fully dynamic group encryption (FDGE) that are essentially equivalent to but more succinct than Nguyen et al.’s; Then, we provide a generic and efficient zero-knowledge proof method for proving that a binary vector is non-zero over lattices, on which a proof for the Prohibitive message filtering policy in the lattice setting is first achieved (yet in a simple manner); Finally, by combining appropriate cryptographic materials and our presented zero-knowledge proofs, we achieve the first latticebased FDGE schemes in a simpler manner, which needs no any lattice trapdoor and is proved secure in the standard model (assuming interaction during the proof phase), outweighing the existing post-quantum secure GE systems in terms of functions, efficiency and security.
- Asiacrypt 2019 Program committee
- Zhiyuan An (1)
- Xiaofeng Chen (1)
- Yu Dai (1)
- Kwangjo Kim (1)
- Jiaxin Pan (1)
- Reihaneh Safavi-Naini (1)
- Willy Susilo (2)
- Fangguo Zhang (5)
- Chang-An Zhao (1)